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THE WARCLAW - Announcement


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> @"StrawHat.2639" said:

> > @"kash.9213" said:

> > It would be fun to shoot people off mounts but EB can feel like a the universe is collapsing in on itself from lag sometimes, hope they figure all that out.


> Gonna mount scorpion wire you guys next time we against yous ;) if it works on people before reducing my wvw game time more ;P




You know how stupid we're all going to get if allowed, sometimes you can feel it when like four different people are even thinking about snatching you up to feed their squad, gotta hope this mount is specialized and focused and cant do stuff like take ports or whatever. Our matchups are kind of like ongoing Mad Max chase scenes and we all mostly try to blow stuff up or look cool so unless the mounts are focused it's going to be messy, but we'll get some epic looking 3 way standoffs on the horizons around SMC for sure so that would be a bonus.

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> @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > @"Helicity.3416" said:

> > This is absolutely not what I wanted, and judging by discord, _nobody_ wanted. Bravo Anet. Bravo.


> Nobody wanted gliding and yet it 100% improved DBL and is rather unimpactful if not slightly positive in other BLs.


Then DBL is the problem if it requires gliding to improve it. And gliding is highly impactful in BLs (NET, SET, NWT) and was impactful to OW, so much so they moved it but failed to address the BLs.

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At last...now anet will get more money and can pay "WvW dev team".......Oh, wait! There is a "WvW dev Team"???????




Remove Mounts, Remove Gliding. We no need it. We dont ask it.


We need a lot other stuff...like:

merge server without linking

balancing class

revamp alpine bl

revamp eb (like Anzalias Pass tower, its too hard to defend comparated with other towers)

remove eotm or make it available only if we have queues (because at the beginning anet implemented it for resolve the problems with queues or not?????)

obsidian sanctum is empty, should be like megaserver with good reward at the end of jumping puzzle

etcetera etcetera etcetera etcetera etcetera


but who take care about wvw...its dont exist...

...and in the next patch we will see: "if u are afk in lion arch u will be moved to wvw maps".

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> just wait for what that mount does.

> the good thing is, it is a mount specifically designed for WvW and not a PvE mount.


Mount skill #1: fixes WvW population imbalance

Mount skill #2: adds meaningful glory rewards to WvW

Mount skill #3: creates prof balance patches for WvW separate from PvE

Mount skill #4: eliminates server lag in WvW


Can't wait...


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I love this! And I also am irritated at all those telling me how I feel about it and wvw like I don't wvw too and have a valid opinion about 'what wvw needs'. I LOVE THIS AND CAN'T WAIT and yes I posted in two other threads that I am excited about this, but three is the limit.


Can't wait!!!!

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> @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > @"Helicity.3416" said:

> > This is absolutely not what I wanted, and judging by discord, _nobody_ wanted. Bravo Anet. Bravo.


> Nobody wanted gliding and yet it 100% improved DBL and is rather unimpactful if not slightly positive in other BLs.


but nobody wanted DBL either.. i still avoid "red" bl like a plague nowadays.. So does every1 else just look up any server K/D ratio ull see red bl always has lowest K/D total no1 wants to be in this shit map..


DBL is like HoT maps and HoT maps are like these "mmorpgs" where u constantly run into a hill, and only way to get around hill is by following the god damn madafaking road. i dont wanna follow a road i dont wanna run cus they designed a map with hills/mountains on both sides so im forced to take freaking path they created for me.

and thats why i prefer Blue and green borderland or even EB im not forced 90% of the time to run a certain way cus there is no other way beside fucking 5 min walk around god damn hills.


as for mount all wvw players where like oooh we get something nice and then its like u throw shit in people face.

anet is like these monkeys in the zoo who poo in their own hands then throw it at the visitors.

congratz we as WvW community are so happy u have given us DBL's Gliding and now the amazing mounts, and that u have never touched the rest of wvw objectives/layout/new things to cap


ty we love anet, hopefully i can buy some baller shiny skin from blacklion(? or w/e name store) i still have to buy glider aswell since im still using stock glider but im so happy now ima buy a glider right away also just to be with em cool guys with all these fancy useless skins!

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Been here since week 1 off and on through the years. I completely understand the necessity to sell, I own a business myself obviously not as large as EA but that is not the point. GW2 is not the only game that your consumers are complaining about. The first thing I learned when I opened my business was to put myself in the consumer position and then work my product to the best of their views in order to sell. From what I have seen is gw2 has a very narrow view point and continually makes decisions from basically their employees. I mean the head of WVW a few years ago was a huge pve fan.


Now I'm not trying to be biased i do pve in this game minimally (maybe a piece of gear i want and can't get in wvw.) You have more than one game mode in this game and you still ignore the players that actually play wvw (I am speaking of the daily wvw players not pve that continually post like they are wvw only.)


I have an idea for you. Since you want to keep incorporating useless pve mechanics. Why not open up the pve maps for wvw. Say each week whoever you play against you can port into their pve maps and fight it out on all maps. I mean that is your goal correct? To eliminate wvw all together?


I believe this was the last straw for me and I know alot that have stuck it out to see "What" might have been feel the same way.

Good luck,


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Oh, forgot to add something: I've been reading a few "I hope you don't have to own POF to use them!" well, guys, I sincerely hope you do. One of the things we keep hearing is that wvw doesn't get anet support because the wvw community doesn't spend real dollars like the pve community does, and this is one way to demonstrate that we DO. I mean, seriously, anyone who wanted /any/ improvements in wvw and expected anet to devote resources had /better/ have already purchased the expansions.


How can you possibly expect resources to be devoted if the resources aren't provided. "But this is just a money grab" I hear on the forums and discord and elsewhere. Well? Yes? I HOPE IT IS. I am tired of waiting a year for alliances. I am tired of this game type not getting any love. If selling a few more editions of POF and a lot of mount skins will GET MY BELOVED WVW some resources? I am all about it.

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The queue's will be insane during the week all the people wanting to come out and insta grab the new mount. Please I hope they've gated it behind some rank at least 1.5k+. But still overall I feel Anet is out of touch with its WvW community. A mount is nothing we wanted. We want proper balance for our individual game mode not just whatever you decide to give us the PvP or PvE balance. We were promised a new map a couple years back. Would be great if 1st,2nd, and 3rd place in each tier had its own map. Events during the weeks/weekends for the players. None of that equates to a mount. Gliding already makes navigating most maps a cake walk, most roamers already use faster classes, and zerg play has constant swiftness rolling. Mounts are entirely unneeded.

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> @"reddie.5861" said:

> > @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> > > @"Helicity.3416" said:

> > > This is absolutely not what I wanted, and judging by discord, _nobody_ wanted. Bravo Anet. Bravo.

> >

> > Nobody wanted gliding and yet it 100% improved DBL and is rather unimpactful if not slightly positive in other BLs.


> but nobody wanted DBL either.. i still avoid "red" bl like a plague nowadays.. So does every1 else just look up any server K/D ratio ull see red bl always has lowest K/D total no1 wants to be in this kitten map..


> DBL is like HoT maps and HoT maps are like these "mmorpgs" where u constantly run into a hill, and only way to get around hill is by following the god kitten madafaking road. i dont wanna follow a road i dont wanna run cus they designed a map with hills/mountains on both sides so im forced to take freaking path they created for me.

> and thats why i prefer Blue and green borderland or even EB im not forced 90% of the time to run a certain way cus there is no other way beside kitten 5 min walk around god kitten hills.


> as for mount all wvw players where like oooh we get something nice and then its like u throw kitten in people face.

> anet is like these monkeys in the zoo who poo in their own hands then throw it at the visitors.

> congratz we as WvW community are so happy u have given us DBL's Gliding and now the amazing mounts, and that u have never touched the rest of wvw objectives/layout/new things to cap


> ty we love anet, hopefully i can buy some baller shiny skin from blacklion(? or w/e name store) i still have to buy glider aswell since im still using stock glider but im so happy now ima buy a glider right away also just to be with em cool guys with all these fancy useless skins!


Totally disagree with that. It's not that people didn't want DBL. People were excited about it during the previews. What ended up happening is the map ended up being very bad for encouraging fights due to its size, that stupid oasis event in the center, falling damage (which killed more people than people killed people), and how confusing it was to navigate the map. For these reasons, people stopped playing there and very quickly. Anet fixed a lot of these things and unfortunately the damage has been done. People don't play there now, not because it's bad but because of PTSD, and other people who don't have this PTSD don't play there because no one else does.


Mounts on the other hand are not necessarily a bad thing for wvw. What would have been bad is if any of the current 6 mounts in their pve-states were included in wvw. The main reason people don't want mounts in wvw is the mobility (which was the whole reason behind mounts in pve). Too much mobility means that a group of players already mounted could NOT be engaged/taken down by another group of players if the mounted players so felt like escaping.


This is something that could be controlled or balanced for in a wvw-only mount. Imagine if the wvw mount had very little health (6-10k), was susceptible to CC and conditions (unlike pve counterparts), had no mobility skills, save for maybe a 600-range leap engage attack (no CC attached, just mediocre damage), and base run speed was equivalent to out of combat + swiftness (which is the current cap of movement speed that a player can achieve in either pvp or wvw). If the mount worked like this, would that really be such a bad thing? If so, why?



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There is no need for mounts in WvW. The only map this makes any sense for is the Desert Borderlands map. If ANET really wanted this to be a WOW moment they should have replaced the eastern Alpine borderlands map with a new map designed for mounts.


YAY for all the lag and frame rate suckage that is about to come to WvW.


I can only hope this is gated behind rank, reward tracks, and WvW currency to make PVErs stay and earn that mount.


The mount does look really cool! I hope they have plans for a PVP, Fractal, and RAID mount.

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I want to thank Arenanet for caring about my personal life and well-being.

After dedicating all my time playing GW2 and WvW exclusively,

I got the message that this game doesn't want me a wvw player to be a part in its welcoming community, after the edge of the mist, wargliding implementation, desert borderlands, I didn't get that message, Pips and Participation system, alliancesystem announcement- Yea oh maybe there is hope... but now with the warclaw it finally clicked, that I shouldn't waste my time anymore.


I rate this new feature 9 shish kebap crystal dragons daughters out of 10, 3 greenitems 100 karma and an arrowcart blueprint for how out of touch you are with the everyday WvW player!


I still love you, even if you don't love me back <3


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> @"Arcaedus.7290" said:

> Totally disagree with that. It's not that people didn't want DBL. People were excited about it during the previews. What ended up happening is the map ended up being very bad for encouraging fights due to its size, that stupid oasis event in the center, falling damage (which killed more people than people killed people), and how confusing it was to navigate the map. For these reasons, people stopped playing there and very quickly. Anet fixed a lot of these things and unfortunately the damage has been done. People don't play there now, not because it's bad but because of PTSD, and other people who don't have this PTSD don't play there because no one else does.

Or, to put it somewhat more bluntly: instead of actually adapting to the DBL, the playerbase threw a tantrum and stubbornly refused to do so. It's not even that complicated or difficult to navigate if you have the slightest sense of direction.

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