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THE WARCLAW - Announcement


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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> One thing is certain. WvW players will cry about any change.


absolutely WHAT changes have been made to wvw?

Ogrewatch moving/Desert BL/OS/eotm (ded rip)/seasons/superior sieges/links/legendary armor/asc trinkets available/pips/participation

thats it

thats honestly it

what else do we get thats ANY GOOD



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> @"Zolazie Grengche.3051" said:

> > @"timetopat.7921" said:

> > > @"javascript.7924" said:

> > > i don't think anet understand what WvW needs right now... instead they are spending their time on something that is going to disappoint a lot of the people that play WvW

> >

> > What content do you think anet should prioritize for wvw in your opinion ?

> >

> >


> Alliance? NOT more PVE content for sure........


How is it pve content? It’s only for wvw and can play a role in siege. I agree that I would prefer the alliance system, and this update certainly isn’t a game changer. At the same time I like the gliding feature, so this could work?

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> @"kash.9213" said:

> It would be fun to shoot people off mounts but EB can feel like a the universe is collapsing in on itself from lag sometimes, hope they figure all that out.


Gonna mount scorpion wire you guys next time we against yous ;) if it works on people before reducing my wvw game time more ;P



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Funny thing... I see some comments that it would kill roaming, yet the top complaints against roamers is stuff like stealth backstabs or burst mirages you dont see approach.


Unless this cat can make clones, dualwield daggers and stealth at the same time - presumably while moonwalking too - it makes literally all engagements blatantly obvious by a huge black blob running toward you.


That said, I still think its pointless and a waste of time, but if they already wasted the time on it whaddayagonnado.

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Ok, look, I fully understand why a lot of people are unhappy. But look at it from ANet's standpoint. Massive changes to either class balance, maps or game mode in general are extremely time/workload intensive. Mounts are already there. Furthermore, WvW mount will temporarily increase the influx of people to WvW, keeping the game mode going for at least a few more months. And finally it will generate more revenue from the skins. Its a low hanging fruit with pretty amazing cost-return ratio. And the fact that it might screw up the balance a bit...well I am sure they think they can sort it out (eventually). Besides, not like things were perfectly balanced to begin with. So I'll roll with it and see how bad are things going to be.

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I have my doubts but will wait until it comes out to pass judgement. Only big issue i can see for certain is the Lag/fps drops with 100+ of these all in combat. Im assuming other people got horrible performance drops when 50+ people were all doing the roller beetle race. Skill lag is already a huge issue when 3 blobs are all fighting. I dont want to see skill lag become even worse.

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> @"LINKAZZATORE.8135" said:

> rememeber those THOUSANDS OF kitten PEOPLE asking for GVG in a game called "guild wars" since 6 years? give them a mount



I get what you mean and it sure would have been nice but, to go a bit off topic: once again, the name of this game doesn't really have anything to do with the GvG game mode ;)


> @"Luranni.9470" said:

> Just wondering why there is a Public version:



> And an unlisted version?:


One with NA ratings, the other one with EU ratings - though I don't know why both weren't added on the same video


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> @"Zania.8461" said:

> Massive changes to either class balance, maps or game mode in general are extremely time/workload intensive. And the fact that it might screw up the balance a bit...well I am sure they think they can sort it out (eventually). Besides, not like things were perfectly balanced to begin with.


That statement is kind of conflicting. If they can "sort it out eventually" with mount balance, then they should just do it with class balance before anything as you say it is extremely time/workload intensive.



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> > @"LINKAZZATORE.8135" said:

> > rememeber those THOUSANDS OF kitten PEOPLE asking for GVG in a game called "guild wars" since 6 years? give them a mount


Yeah. I remember. And they got Obsidian Sanctum for GvG and the guild hall arena. And still people GvG in the borderlands on a regular basis.

If people wanted to fight other guilds there a plenty of ways.



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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > @"Zania.8461" said:

> > Massive changes to either class balance, maps or game mode in general are extremely time/workload intensive. And the fact that it might screw up the balance a bit...well I am sure they think they can sort it out (eventually). Besides, not like things were perfectly balanced to begin with.


> That statement is kind of conflicting. If they can "sort it out eventually" with mount balance, then they should just do it with class balance before anything as you say it is extremely time/workload intensive.




Nah, its kicking the can down the road. Balance is a mess, ergo adding mounts will not screw up the balance. We can then re-balance with mounts in mind. Bottom line is that I have no idea whats going through their heads. But mounts are easy to add, will generate revenue and they are doing it. We'll just have to wait and see how bad the fallout will be.

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1. They need a new avenue for mount money, you don't think that will be the only skin right?

2. It says "A true catmander’s trusted battle companion." as the tagline, will we need catmander tags as a pre to buy it?

3. It can be used as siege, so I think it might be obvious it can be used in combat and doesn't break while in combat, whether or not you can mount up or not in combat is another question.

4. Are guilds now going to take elitism to the next level and require players to have this mount, any of you hold outs better get the creditcard ready and buy path of fire and the mount.

5. Wvw will get no maps because that time is spent on expansion and living story. Will not get proper balance because pve rules the game. Alliance system seems to have the least amount of dev power pushed to it.

6. Wvw population is now down to the dumps, with even the "biggest server" struggling to get 1 queue in prime time, another tier looks like it needs to be axed.

7. Enjoy your glider and mount skins.

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1- The Warclaw comes with three special abilities that will enhance your WvW gameplay. The first is Battle Maul. When you jump into battle while mounted your Warclaw will maul your enemy before it disappears. This is your standard attack and dismount move.


2- The second ability is Chain Pull and from a WvWer’s standpoint possibly the most exciting of the three abilities. Those on Warclaws will be able to help pull down gates to gain entrance to whatever structure the zerg is currently focused on. This is an advanced ability which almost certainly means that it will have to be unlocked. As of writing this, pre-embargo we don’t yet have that information.


3- The final ability is Evade. Get a quick burst of speed and evade attacks allowing you to break through enemy lines. This will be especially useful in Castle sieges where getting a team through the hall quickly to attack from behind will add a very interesting new element to the event.


Rip roaming, its been fun

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> @"Etterwyn.5263" said:

> > @"Colly.4073" said:

> > And to think i just came back after a 6 months break and was kinda getting back into roaming (or what's left of it) well now i guess it's time to really shelf my account.


> Serious question, because I see this position from many roamers. If you have the same mount and same mount abilities as the enemy roamers, what advantage are you losing?


> Now on my second account with no expansions, I'm going to look silly with no mount, but I bought that account to make gold.


In pve you cannot mount when in combat. If mounts in wvw work the same way that means that being in aggro range of an npc, accidently hitting an ambient, randomly getting in combat from the buggy ground or already fighting another people, you are shit out of luck when the mounted zerg comes over the horizon and all tail swipe you. At the very least get rid of watchtowers so people can at least try going stealth to get away D:

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