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The Warclaw

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > > I’m going to guess it can be used in PvE. It doesn’t say it can’t and people using it in PvE would be a big draw to WvW to players who see it in PvE. However any special actions might be WvW only.

> > > >

> > > You may be right. I just thought that the line "available exclusively through WvW" meant more than players have to go there to get it.

> > >

> >

> > I read that as how you can get it (WvW only, not gemstore or a new pve map) rather than how it can be used.


> Yeah, I can see that, too. Just didn't make a lot of sense to me as this WvW mount doesn't (at first glance) appear to do anything that the current PvE mounts could accomplish whereas with no mounts in WvW this one would be more useful.


> Guess we'll find out next week.


> /me shrugs


I see what you mean. I think it has abilities that pve mounts already have also. However I don’t think special WvW abilities are the point. It’s the cosmetics (and the speed boost in WvW). Like the WvW backpack, you can use a WvW backpack in PvE but if you want it you have to WvW.


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So...wow. Its been a while. Most of the time I've just stayed silent because well, I'd just given up. But this one. Wow. I get it, WvW is bleeding active players for some time now and mounts are the new hotness. I get it. I also know that those maps are already small enough that mounts were always unnecessary except for perhaps the Desert map. And even then, it forced players to account for speed buffs which added to havoc strategies. Here is the problem I see with this mount though (and no it has nothing to do with PvE players flooding WvW since that is probably the only good thing).


* Veteran players will have a severe leg up on new players, which means they will get and master the mount first and might turn off the potential new players to the game mode.

* New players will focus solely on trying to get the mount to catch up to the vet players just to feel like they are on "even footing" and therefore not learn the game mode or just leave in frustration.

* Vets will be using this as a slaughter bag fest if/when they get onto a map.

* On 3 of the 4 maps the mount is completely useless, or rather it makes those maps trivial. single havoc runners will make even quicker work of camps before defenses can get there and small havoc groups will flip assets even faster turning the whole defense of a map into even more of a joke than it has been since launch.


I guess in the long run WvW as a game mode is just another way to fast track some loot through the play and wait for your reward track and pips to accumulate, and nothing to do with actually having good battles over assets, but still. I just think some of us were hoping that something would be done to help WvW other than dangling a carrot in front of PvE player faces and hoping they stick around for the loot bars to fill up.

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Many people in the WvW section are already worried and filled with anxiety that the mount will cause the end of WvW, the demise of their beloved game mode. The thing is, when I sit there and read all of this, I can't help but think of the time, not too long ago, about how the majority of people thought the Pharus legendary longbow was utter trash purely based off of the trailer. Then, once released, many people (as far as I know) changed their mind and actually _liked_ the longbow! I know I know, a legendary isn't, whatsoever, anything close to a mount being introduced into a game mode. But look, it's the same idea, same concept, isn't it? I don't know what'll happen, all I know is that gliders turned out fine and people might need to relax a little and just see what happens.

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This isn’t going to attract PvEers to WvW. sure, loads will come check it out. Then they’ll discover the grindind required to get it while being killed by vets who will likely be able to get it way faster than any newbie, since most of the vets have plenty of badges/tickets/rank pointx available. It’ll also be likely gated behind PoF, creaing an extra barrier to participation.

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> @"Pretty Pixie.8603" said:

>It’ll also be likely gated behind PoF, creaing an extra barrier to participation.


That is my major concern. If acquiring the mount is time gated, then those who have it will have an advantage (?) over those who don't.


If I had to guess, use of the mount will be limited to a tactics or something, similar to a Charr Car, so only 1 or 2 (etc) will be able to mount at a time, while everyone can use the mount everywhere out in PvE.


As for how they acquire it, to get a Legendary backpack all you needed was a certain WvW rank, a certain amount of tickets, and to shell out 300g for the Commander's title. I doubt ANET wants people to just be able to purchase this on the 26th of Feb with materials/currency already accumulated, but I highly doubt they would hype a mount and then say "sorry, requires WvW rank 2000 to purchase". Or maybe they will..../shrug

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Pretty Pixie.8603" said:

> >It’ll also be likely gated behind PoF, creaing an extra barrier to participation.


> That is my major concern. If acquiring the mount is time gated, then those who have it will have an advantage (?) over those who don't.


> If I had to guess, use of the mount will be limited to a tactics or something, similar to a Charr Car, so only 1 or 2 (etc) will be able to mount at a time, while everyone can use the mount everywhere out in PvE.


> As for how they acquire it, to get a Legendary backpack all you needed was a certain WvW rank, a certain amount of tickets, and to shell out 300g for the Commander's title. I doubt ANET wants people to just be able to purchase this on the 26th of Feb with materials/currency already accumulated, but I highly doubt they would hype a mount and then say "sorry, requires WvW rank 2000 to purchase". Or maybe they will..../shrug


If we look at gliding the it will be unlocked with WvW ability points.



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> @"Pretty Pixie.8603" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Pretty Pixie.8603" said:

> > >It’ll also be likely gated behind PoF, creaing an extra barrier to participation.

> >

> > That is my major concern. If acquiring the mount is time gated, then those who have it will have an advantage (?) over those who don't.

> >

> > If I had to guess, use of the mount will be limited to a tactics or something, similar to a Charr Car, so only 1 or 2 (etc) will be able to mount at a time, while everyone can use the mount everywhere out in PvE.

> >

> > As for how they acquire it, to get a Legendary backpack all you needed was a certain WvW rank, a certain amount of tickets, and to shell out 300g for the Commander's title. I doubt ANET wants people to just be able to purchase this on the 26th of Feb with materials/currency already accumulated, but I highly doubt they would hype a mount and then say "sorry, requires WvW rank 2000 to purchase". Or maybe they will..../shrug


> If we look at gliding the it will be unlocked with WvW ability points.




Are those ability points account bound?

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> @"Pretty Pixie.8603" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > Are those ability points account bound?


> They are, yes. If you already have some you can also reset thrm through a vendor at spawn.



I thought as much. If this is the case, then I don't see ability points being the "currency" to obtain the mount. I could see it for mount abilities, though.


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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> Would prefer a charrpanzer


Charr Car!!!!


It does make sense for the mount's abilities to be unlocked by WvW points rather than Mastery Points, but would they really just give everyone a mount for spending WXP points? Seems too easy...


Part of me also wonders if you have to build the mount each time you want to ride it, similar to a Golem, rather than just summoning it and using it like in PvE. Guess we'll all have to wait a week to find out lol

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> @"Ssenkra Bloodroot.1028" said:

> If I could be _That Guy_ for a moment; I really don't think that segregation of mounts via content is the right course to take. Like the Glider, I feel that mounts should be something that's universally available regardless of what you're doing. (baring the few obvious locations where they inherently break the activity)


> On a side note, judging by the trailer the Warclaw seems to have the inherent ability to effectively bust open gates. Doesn't this completely invalidate the Battering Ram as a siege option? Why would i waste construction time and valuable resources to build something to deal with gates when I can simply pop out a ram from the infinite nether that is Mount storage?

> Is this what Siege in WvW will look like going forward? Eventually all of the things requiring resources to build will be replaced with Mounts?


I'm going to guess that the damage is about the same as a base ram without points invested. So if you are in a rush, you'll get through the gate much faster with a couple of superior rams. However, if you're alone, and there's not enough people to build a ram, I suspect this will be an alternative for that.


I doubt they will balance it such that big guilds will show up and just mount down the doors. They will still build, but this might also lessen the impact of siege disabling, which is too strong right now imo.


Time will tell.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Pretty Pixie.8603" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > Are those ability points account bound?

> >

> > They are, yes. If you already have some you can also reset thrm through a vendor at spawn.

> >

> >

> I thought as much. If this is the case, then I don't see ability points being the "currency" to obtain the mount. I could see it for mount abilities, though.



300 - 500 ranks would be all the time gating you’d need for the average player.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Pretty Pixie.8603" said:

> > > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > Are those ability points account bound?

> >

> > They are, yes. If you already have some you can also reset thrm through a vendor at spawn.

> >

> >

> I thought as much. If this is the case, then I don't see ability points being the "currency" to obtain the mount. I could see it for mount abilities, though.



It will release with the Greatsword legendary. To obtain the mount, you need to get the Legendary, stand in front of Stonemist Castle near a juvenile tiger and shout....


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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Dragongal.6390" said:

> > Will we be able to use the Warclaw outside of WvW?


> Did you read the article before writing this post?


If you mean the post under the news section then yes. It didn't specify so that's why I'm asking.

> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Dragongal.6390" said:

> > Will we be able to use the Warclaw outside of WvW?


> Yes it will be usable in Open World


> Yes it will require Path of Fire


Where did you see this information? If that's true then awesome!

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> @"Dragongal.6390" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > @"Dragongal.6390" said:

> > > Will we be able to use the Warclaw outside of WvW?

> >

> > Did you read the article before writing this post?


> If you mean the post under the news section then yes. It didn't specify so that's why I'm asking.

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Dragongal.6390" said:

> > > Will we be able to use the Warclaw outside of WvW?

> >

> > Yes it will be usable in Open World

> >

> > Yes it will require Path of Fire


> Where did you see this information? If that's true then awesome!




Sadly they chose not to put the details in official announcement

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> @"Dragongal.6390" said:

> > https://www.mmogames.com/gamenews/guild-wars-2-wvw-mount-warclaw-announced/

> >

> > Sadly they chose not to put the details in official announcement


> Sweet! I know it's not going to have much use outside WvW but I'm just glad that I can run around on a battle cat :)



Oh I agree, depending on how difficult it will be to get (oh who am I kidding, ill be getting it regardless)

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Oh that looks cool! Has there been any info on what we need to do to unlock it?


I'm also happy about the WvW bonuses. I've been meaning to get back into WvW, especially since I realised the skin I like is the Triumphant Hero's Brigandine and not just the Hero's one, so I need 300 more skirmish tickets.


I take it I'm not the only one planning to dye it green with red armour (which will have to wait until we have skins for it, but I doubt that will take long).

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > Would prefer a charrpanzer


> Charr Car!!!!


> It does make sense for the mount's abilities to be unlocked by WvW points rather than Mastery Points, but would they really just give everyone a mount for spending WXP points? Seems too easy...


> Part of me also wonders if you have to build the mount each time you want to ride it, similar to a Golem, rather than just summoning it and using it like in PvE. Guess we'll all have to wait a week to find out lol


Golems are in fact a mount that players need to built, not every mount must ment "race car". :}


I hope Claw comes with restriction like for the commander only for example.

Issue is will would see a sea of tags just for people to use and find a gimmick way to abuse...


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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> Golems are in fact a mount that players need to built, not every mount must ment "race car". :}


> I hope Claw comes with restriction like for the commander only for example.

> Issue is will would see a sea of tags just for people to use and find a gimmick way to abuse...



You don't need that to see a sea of tags. Just have a group of people looking to goof off for a while and start a parade in WvW and say to put up your tag as part of it.


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