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Is your reaction to the "Tame The Warclaw" teaser trailer positive or negative?

The Night Fox.6018

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> @"Booey Bubblehead.4890" said:

> > @"dezkreet.3472" said:

> > I don't see an apathetic option being need. just splits up the no vote more. Whether you are mad about the mounts themselves or the misuse of valuable dev time for wvw, it's still negative regardless.


> They wasted dev time because his is just another cash grab situation--warclaw mount skins coming to a gem store near you.


The mount was probably designed by a completely different team then WvW.

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> @"Oldyoung.6109" said:

> I'm looking forward to the Warclaw i think it will add alot to WvW; but i'm not gonna pretend announcing it before even a current status update on alliances was in any way a good idea.


Yeah I too feel this mount would have been a far better feature to save until after the WvW revamp.

It will more than likely flood WvW with players when the patch drops but they'll drop out once they have it (providing it's ridable in PvE)..

If they saved this for the revamp or after it would have been a much better to keep players in WvW.

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> @"Teon.5168" said:

> > @"Grohiik.1852" said:

> > I am pretty sure that you will only mount up in your territory which makes sense. Will wait and see for a full opinion but I don't dislike the idea.


> I believe it will be across the map, and not just in your own territories like gliding.


Could be that you can ride anywhere, but only mount up in controlled areas.


Which would give some counterplay to Chain Pull skill, as mounts have a lot less health than players. They could easily be spiked down by defenders.


Towers with no scouts now, those might be kittened over, pun intended.

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I am tired of players complaining anytime new features are added to WvW.


What WvW needs is more new features, more variety, quicker balance patches, and better rewards. That’s it. Yes, I would like to have certain elite specs and combat skills addressed, but I anticipate having lots of fun with the new mount until some of the other deficiencies in this game mode are fixed.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Ni In.6578" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > All for more mounts and this one definitely seems interesting.

> > >

> > > What i'm interested in knowing is whether this mount will be usable outside of WvW or whether it will be exclusively obtained and used only in WvW.

> > > I'm more than happy to **play some WvW** to get the mount even if it has little to no use in PvE but if it's only useable in WvW I won't bother.

> >

> > And what you stated is the entire issue. It sounds like you PvE for the most part, which is fine. Yet instead of getting things that people who are more or less dedicated to WvW have been asking for, we get PvE content. Nothing that advances this PvP game mode.

> >

> Purely PvE, I don't like WvW in all honesty for several reasons.. the biggest being that the game mode is a hollow shell of what it was originally designed and promoted to be.

> Large battles between huge numbers of players.. defending forts and keeps against the hordes of players!!


> In all the years I played this game.. I never once had that genuine WvW experience... all i've ever seen in WvW is a glorified game of ring around the rosies.. just groups of people running in a very big circle capturing abandoned forts then moving onto the next while an enemy group does the same thing.. I cannot stress how unbelievably tedius and boring that is and that is pretty much the entire WvW experience as far as I've seen.

> It's the main reason I am eagerly hoping that the WvW revamp will finally make WvW an actual World vs World experience like it was always supposed to be.. then i'll gladly play it more so.. maybe even regularly ^^


> > What this comes down to is that you will begrudgingly play a game mode like those going after Gift of Battle or Catmander tag to take whatever the end result is outside of WvW. This doesn't _improve_ WvW at all.


> Pretty much.. I already have to play the mode when I want to make a legendary, and years back I had to play when I wanted map completion too.

> I do agree with you, the mount alone is absolutely not going to improve WvW although personally I do like the idea of mounts in WvW and I do like the look of this one so far.


> The biggest problem with WvW imo is the fact that WvW is just a very badly designed game mode in general that was greatly oversold as a feature for Gw2.

> It's population declined so much over the years being one of the main reasons why it stagnated and neglected by the devs.

> Why bother with a game mode hardly anyone plays right?


> I think the mount is going to bring a lot of people to WvW.. specially if it can be used in PvE.. and thats something WvW does desperately need to even warrant it's continnued existence.. but in it's current state I doubt they will stick around after they got their Warclaw.. which overall will make the mount kinda wasted.

> I think this mount would have been a far better addition to hold back until the big WvW revamp had already dropped because if WvW does get significantly better from that Revamp (which I really hope it does) then a lot more players who played it for the mount.. would likely stick around afterwards because they found the content enjoyable.. I'd certainly be one of them.


Mounts will literally amplify all of the things you just cited as problems with WvW. Not help them. Actual active WvW players have said as much time and time again, yet Anet is only listening to PvE players apparently.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> I love to finally be able to use mounts in WvW. I hope I can use my current mounts. My char looks better on a cute springer or a noble griffon than these armored war machines.


Oh yeah, then we can completely invalidate the reason to have walls on a keep when everyone can springer over them walls. Yup. Great idea. I really hope you were joking. Like, reeeeeeally hope.

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > @"Booey Bubblehead.4890" said:

> > > @"dezkreet.3472" said:

> > > I don't see an apathetic option being need. just splits up the no vote more. Whether you are mad about the mounts themselves or the misuse of valuable dev time for wvw, it's still negative regardless.

> >

> > They wasted dev time because his is just another cash grab situation--warclaw mount skins coming to a gem store near you.


> The mount was probably designed by a completely different team then WvW.


Even worse. That means someone who is unfamiliar with the game type designed something for it that will not work in it. A+

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If this gets payers to fights faster, then thats great.


I can see they could use the regions to allow/disallow riding it, but I rather have it available everywhere.


And while many Wvwers probably dont care for it, I personally think the game mode could do with a speed boost and more action in general. If I dont have to walk through dreadfuly deserted WvW maps, I might coside it.

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> @"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > @"Ni In.6578" said:

> > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > All for more mounts and this one definitely seems interesting.

> > > >

> > > > What i'm interested in knowing is whether this mount will be usable outside of WvW or whether it will be exclusively obtained and used only in WvW.

> > > > I'm more than happy to **play some WvW** to get the mount even if it has little to no use in PvE but if it's only useable in WvW I won't bother.

> > >

> > > And what you stated is the entire issue. It sounds like you PvE for the most part, which is fine. Yet instead of getting things that people who are more or less dedicated to WvW have been asking for, we get PvE content. Nothing that advances this PvP game mode.

> > >

> > Purely PvE, I don't like WvW in all honesty for several reasons.. the biggest being that the game mode is a hollow shell of what it was originally designed and promoted to be.

> > Large battles between huge numbers of players.. defending forts and keeps against the hordes of players!!

> >

> > In all the years I played this game.. I never once had that genuine WvW experience... all i've ever seen in WvW is a glorified game of ring around the rosies.. just groups of people running in a very big circle capturing abandoned forts then moving onto the next while an enemy group does the same thing.. I cannot stress how unbelievably tedius and boring that is and that is pretty much the entire WvW experience as far as I've seen.

> > It's the main reason I am eagerly hoping that the WvW revamp will finally make WvW an actual World vs World experience like it was always supposed to be.. then i'll gladly play it more so.. maybe even regularly ^^

> >

> > > What this comes down to is that you will begrudgingly play a game mode like those going after Gift of Battle or Catmander tag to take whatever the end result is outside of WvW. This doesn't _improve_ WvW at all.

> >

> > Pretty much.. I already have to play the mode when I want to make a legendary, and years back I had to play when I wanted map completion too.

> > I do agree with you, the mount alone is absolutely not going to improve WvW although personally I do like the idea of mounts in WvW and I do like the look of this one so far.

> >

> > The biggest problem with WvW imo is the fact that WvW is just a very badly designed game mode in general that was greatly oversold as a feature for Gw2.

> > It's population declined so much over the years being one of the main reasons why it stagnated and neglected by the devs.

> > Why bother with a game mode hardly anyone plays right?

> >

> > I think the mount is going to bring a lot of people to WvW.. specially if it can be used in PvE.. and thats something WvW does desperately need to even warrant it's continnued existence.. but in it's current state I doubt they will stick around after they got their Warclaw.. which overall will make the mount kinda wasted.

> > I think this mount would have been a far better addition to hold back until the big WvW revamp had already dropped because if WvW does get significantly better from that Revamp (which I really hope it does) then a lot more players who played it for the mount.. would likely stick around afterwards because they found the content enjoyable.. I'd certainly be one of them.


> Mounts will literally amplify all of the things you just cited as problems with WvW. Not help them. Actual active WvW players have said as much time and time again, yet Anet is only listening to PvE players apparently.


The only problems I cited is that WvW is underpopulated and was oversold as something it never lived upto.


Those problems are not going to be fixed or made worse by the addition of a mount imo.. if anything the mount will bring more people to WvW but due to WvW just not being a good game mode they won't stick around for long... nothing short of a total revamp to WvW is actually going to fix that problem since the core problems with WvW are because WvW in it's current form simply sucks and isn't enjoyable to the majority of Gw2 players.


I know a lot of WvW fans are not going to like hearing that but it's the truth.. WvW has a low population because it's just not fun.

You need this population boom to WvW for WvW to justify both it's continued existence and to justify that this big WvW revamp is worth all the time and money Anet is investing into making it happen.

I still think the mount itself is a feature they should have saved until or after the Revamp since the people it will bring into WvW are more likely to stick around after the revamp than they are now.. but they saw fit to announce the mount now.. and I can't speak for their reasons until they've given them which I assume they will do on Friday's livestream.


I agree a lot of concerns are valid such as how the mount will effect the game mode but until Anet actually give us those details it's really all based in speculation on how the PvE mounts function.. and this one is unique since it's designed primarily as a WvW mount.

Those calling for it to outright be removed before even knowing how it will work are really overreacting imo.. at least give Anet a chance to justify this decision first.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:


> The only problems I cited is that WvW is underpopulated and was oversold as something it never lived upto.


> Those problems are not going to be fixed or made worse by the addition of a mount imo.. if anything the mount will bring more people to WvW but due to WvW just not being a good game mode they won't stick around for long... nothing short of a total revamp to WvW is actually going to fix that problem since the core problems with WvW are because WvW in it's current form simply sucks and isn't enjoyable to the majority of Gw2 players.


> I know a lot of WvW fans are not going to like hearing that but it's the truth.. WvW has a low population because it's just not fun.

> You need this population boom to WvW for WvW to justify both it's continued existence and to justify that this big WvW revamp is worth all the time and money Anet is investing into making it happen.

> I still think the mount itself is a feature they should have saved until or after the Revamp since the people it will bring into WvW are more likely to stick around after the revamp than they are now.. but they saw fit to announce the mount now.. and I can't speak for their reasons until they've given them which I assume they will do on Friday's livestream.


> I agree a lot of concerns are valid such as how the mount will effect the game mode but until Anet actually give us those details it's really all based in speculation on how the PvE mounts function.. and this one is unique since it's designed primarily as a WvW mount.

> Those calling for it to outright be removed before even knowing how it will work are really overreacting imo.. at least give Anet a chance to justify this decision first.


"In all the years I played this game.. I never once had that genuine WvW experience... all i've ever seen in WvW is a glorified game of ring around the rosies.. just groups of people running in a very big circle capturing abandoned forts then moving onto the next while an enemy group does the same thing.. I cannot stress how unbelievably tedius and boring that is and that is pretty much the entire WvW experience as far as I've seen."


If you think that mounts won't be amplifying this very real problem of WvW that you stated, then I have a lovely bridge to sell you as well.

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I didn't like the trailer. The difference between the art on the mount versus EBG as the background is staggering, and it also felt empty. **There was no feeling of World versus World**, just one solo rider fighting npcs+gates. I don't know about the actual gameplay. So even if the game play might be amazing, then the new players could see the trailer and think WvW is an empty mode...



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> @"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:

> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > > @"Booey Bubblehead.4890" said:

> > > > @"dezkreet.3472" said:

> > > > I don't see an apathetic option being need. just splits up the no vote more. Whether you are mad about the mounts themselves or the misuse of valuable dev time for wvw, it's still negative regardless.

> > >

> > > They wasted dev time because his is just another cash grab situation--warclaw mount skins coming to a gem store near you.

> >

> > The mount was probably designed by a completely different team then WvW.


> Even worse. That means someone who is unfamiliar with the game type designed something for it that will not work in it. A+


I imagine it was the team that developed mounts as well as the art team. Much like how when new Armor & weapons are added to the game. I’m pretty sure these teams weren’t the ones making the decision to put mounts into WvW...

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in any case this "content" will improve combat meta, (fight) and objectives (goal) in this massive pvp gamemode.


This is just carrot for donkey, it will just hide the real issue that regular wvw are still leaving and it will only bring just more casual player that doesnt care about WvW gamemode for few weeks until their got bored.


This gamemode needs to be rework on goal and objectives (why are we fighting each other if there is nothing to win? you cant say fun because the current meta is completly broken and boring. there's no more fun.

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