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Thief hate

Jack Redline.5379

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Redline u create a thread about getting hate as a thief player,go on and on arguing with other players and say ur band because people get offended by soposed bs,u kno how that looks right? Maybe it’s not so much thief hate but ur toxicity, just saying. U like Condi thief great,others don’t who cares seriously it’s a mmo video game.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> Redline u create a thread about getting hate as a thief player,go on and on arguing with other players and say ur band because people get offended by soposed bs,u kno how that looks right? Maybe it’s not so much thief hate but ur toxicity, just saying. U like Condi thief great,others don’t who cares seriously it’s a mmo video game.


you havent read it all again. I didnt make it for myself i made it for all theives. and because i hear them quite often complain they are getting salted.

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > @"bluri.2653" said:


> > Theres a reason both you and rowdy are silver/gold cus you play something that requires no skill and is easy to counter when you play vs someone who isnt a bot.

> >

> > Condi thief = low skillcap and a bad build nothing else


> And what are the reasons for you assuming we are silver or gold or that condi builds actually are bad?

> Where is any proof of that? You make videos how about making one of condi build? HMM? to show us how BAD it is. So far all I hear is a [Vial of Salt] dropping out of your mouth/fingers.

> This season I ran twice up to plat 2 with my build. Only reason why i dropped back is bans because kids here are offended a lot by BS.

> I told you moreover to come and prove that your build is so supperior.

> But you will not since you wont be able to counter me. Tic toc is a breakfast for any condi thief. And you know it.

> So you should better stay quiet if you dont have enough *insert eggplant* to prove you are srsly so much superior with your tic toc build. You are +1 thief we are 1v1 theives and we both can do our jobs but you are so entinteled to the belief that you are better ( i used disgusting American word i need a holly water now) that you wil simply keep on salting anyone and stamping them with silver and gold stamps as if they were less than you. And not only you all the tic toc theives that either caught that up from you since you are ''cElEBrItY'' among thieves or they do it because ''It's what the COOL KIDS do.''

> You are such astonishingly enormous hypocrite you wont even try to learn or see what a condi thief could do and you will just keep salting and stamping. Well good for you. I wont be around until April but I guess it will be alraedy off season time. So if you by any chance will be able or willing to step down from your godlike post up in the legendary spot (#buyyourlegehere) and come down to us MERE silvers and golds (as you falsely call us) to prove you are not just a sellout, you are more than welcome to text me and I will come and show you what a good Condi thief can do to Tic Toc thieves like you.

> Until then please try to put some work into that not stamping ppl please, not only because it is discriminative but also it makes you look like a very mean person (i cant be very creative on these forums this must suffice)

> Good day


You both are right at some point. Condi thief can be good enough to rank up to high gold/low plat because there is a large part of players that do not know how to play against condition builds. It's arguably the same with scourge or mirage, probably even a beginner playing these can reach 1300 rating with no effort and no understandings. Bluri doesn't understand this because he only plays at plat 3+, if he did get some matchs at lower rating he'd get the point.


The build can look good because you win thanks to it, but it's more likely because of " poor " opponents, not because of the build. It was pretty much the same regarding DH or turret engis back in time. If you play against serious setup or serious players, a condi thief isn't able to do much unfortunately. That's what he also tried to tell you.

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I’ve mentioned this before but it’s worth reiterating:


Cleanse is present enough in the current game (and going forward) that you can’t rely only on condition damage outside of a few specialists like Mirage or Scourge.


Condi Thief suffers from an over abundance of cleanse due to few cover conditions available and heavy focus on bleed with a lower damage per second than is needed in the current meta.


That is why I went hybrid. I have damage and condi so I’m not useless against builds with strong cleanse or in cleanse heavy team fights.


Condi should be more viable than it is. Sadly, as it stands only certain condi builds can be viable.

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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> Probably because whenever most of the team wipes at mid, the Thief is the only one who is able to disengage and stay alive. Most players don't look at the mini-map until after they are dead and create irrational conclusions based on what they see as they are re-spawning, which in this case, is a thief running in between nodes, which would appear, at that very moment, to be useless.


> In other words, because most players tunnel vision and have terrible map awareness - myself included, I aint pointing fingers here (but I never blame the thief :D ).


soo true.

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