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Suggestion: let people buy 2nd+ gen legendaries off the trading post, please.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Neural.1824" said:

> > I offer the same compromise that I have before.

> > Make them all something that can be purchased, but award a title to those who have crafted them. One title for each one crafted.

> ANet tried unbound legendaries; a lot of people hate that. For the second generation, they catered to that group and there's no "compromise" which is going to be acceptable to those who want prestige items to be bound, especially those who already have obtained them.


> Besides which, all but four of the Gen 2 weapons include only a minimal amount of items that can't be purchased with gold.


> Personally, I'd prefer a game where nothing is bound by time or by map and everything can be sold... for those willing to pay the price. But GW2 isn't that game and I like the other parts of it enough that I'm willing to accept that my views on this are in the minority.


> My guess: if there's a Gen3, those will be account bound, too, for the same reasons.


You may not know/remember where I'm coming from on this. I think making the gen 1 legendary weapons non-bound was a horrible mistake. :) (I know, this may appear to run contrary to my signature, but please not the signature is in regards to soul-binding :))


Leaving the system as it is would, of course, be the easiest option. Though I personally would like to see titles involved with the precursor crafting if not the legendary crafting.

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To be honest, I think that you should not be able to buy any legendary items at all. They are supposed to be rare and "hard to get". Now, every time I see somebody with a "2nd" gen legendary, I know that this person worked hard in order to get it.

I've been playing GW2 since day one, but I am a casual player. I don't have tons of gold or resources, but after Nevermore got released, I made a full commitment. I started grinding crafting professions, gathering loot, farming achievs etc. It took me a while yes, but I did it (and it felt good), and so can everybody else.

Buying stuff is just so easy and kills all the effort people have put into their legendaries.

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> @"mauried.5608" said:

> If buying stuff is so easy, why doesnt every player have a Gen1 legendary?



You have to remember a lot of players just aren't terribly interested in legendary gear. They are marginally more useful now that we can do sigil swaps, but there's a reason they're called vanity items . . .

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"sostronk.8167" said:

> > /bow in front of some statues in a video game is prestige to some people.


> and yet it's too hard for others to do...


> See how that works ?

> Stop trying to be entitled and go get what you want instead of trying to force the system to work for you.


I don't want them. Account bound legendaries derived from demands from individuals who wanted to be special snowflakes. I have a life and don't really care about being a special snowflake in a video game. I play video games for a break from real life from time to time. I don't find /bow in front of a statue to be mentally stimulating or legendary in any way. But some people are in a place in life where they do find that.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> (it is crucial for Anet to drain as much money from the trading post)


> Accept it or not, it's likely going to happen with Anet direction of turning the game into a cash grab game. They will do anything to make money in their end; like it or not.


> Good Luck!


They have been fine in draining gold so far for 6 years (and yes, that is healthy for the games economy). I'm pretty sure they will be fine in draining gold without making legendaries past T1 sell-able. Given how EVERY single legendary since T1 (and not limited to only weapons) has been heavy account bound, so far the developers seem to agree.

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> @"ybintell.1984" said:

> Hi,


> Here's an idea to increase revenue and help the company:


> As a pvp player, I don't care enough about playing pve to want to farm. I want to be able to buy any legendary I want with my wallet.


> Also as somebody who has a very busy life, spanning multiple commitments I don't want to grind and farm. I want the prestige and the glamour of having any legendary I want without having to spend weeks or months.


> I imagine that there are many, many people like me who don't care about pve or have busy lives who want the legendaries for cosmetic purposes.


> I don't see the value in having to farm lots of things and craft all kinds of things when I just want a fancy weapon. I don't care about pve.


> Please let people like me buy the legendaries we want with our wallets?


Legendaries feel like prestige items because they are exclusive, not just because they have glitery skins. There are plenty of impressive skins in the gemstore, the difference is that everyone can get them. If everyone could get a legendary without having to do anything, legendaries would lose their prestige, and then even if you had one you wouldn't have the feeling you're looking for. So this is a bad idea.

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Legendaries provide an optional long-term goal for players interested in doing them. I don't see any reason you should be able to buy them. Instead, how about just requesting more cool skins, especially since that seems to be your aim in wanting to buy these. Lots of skins look great - better than legendaries in many cases. If you haven't found any you like, asking for more is sound.

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I am for it.


All I keep reading when this topic comes up is the whole I had to so you have to argument. Its about the journey to get the elite prestige item that is hard to get. I could care less if it happens or not but if they want the cash they will do it regardless to what anyone says. In light of recent events we may not be to far removed from this actually happening.


If they don't want to hurt the feelings of the elite players then just offer me something in the gem store that allows me to give the ability to stat change to my ascended items without having to mystic forge it. I would be fine with that. You can keep your precious shinnies just give me the functionality.


I know my opinion is not one of the typical forum goers but trust me there are a bunch of people out there that would love to see something like this implemented.


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> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> I am for it.


> All I keep reading when this topic comes up is the whole I had to so you have to argument. Its about the journey to get the elite prestige item that is hard to get. I could care less if it happens or not but if they want the cash they will do it regardless to what anyone says. In light of recent events we may not be to far removed from this actually happening.


> If they don't want to hurt the feelings of the elite players then just offer me something in the gem store that allows me to give the ability to stat change to my ascended items without having to mystic forge it. I would be fine with that. You can keep your precious shinnies just give me the functionality.


> I know my opinion is not one of the typical forum goers but trust me there are a bunch of people out there that would love to see something like this implemented.



Elite players? Seriously?

I'm no elite I'm just another GW2 player just like you.

The fact is that I'm more motivated to obtain legendaries does not gives me superiority over others.

I'm a noob and proud to be one as well.


As for the Ascended

Part of the reward of legendaries is the ability to freely swap stats in your gear and it wouldn't be fair for all our hard work to be only for cosmetics .

Its been like that for years and shouldn't change, Ascended gear is cheap to make so if you're running with multiple builds craft more of that sexy pink marked gear and stop trying to change how the whole system works.

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People craft the gen 2+ lege's because they like the skin/effects etc.


There is a process and a result; this is open to anyone who has the relevant expac's.


I prefer Warbringer to the other lege backpacks but i don't wvw unless i have to for gift of battle, and i don't pvp because it's not my scene. Would you be happy if i could just buy the pvp backpack without doing any pvp at all? Bearing in mind i'll be farming gold to buy it and not using RL money...


I'm working on my 6th lege; 2 are gen1 (dropped The Legend from an exalted chest in Tarir and bought the moot precursor from tp and crafted the rest of it) and the other 3 are gen2/2.5. It's safe to say that i earned all of them, and they mean more to me than just fancy skin/effects/stat-swapping because it took time, effort and gold to make them. If you just buy it, it loses all meaning; the only 'legendary' thing about it is the gold you spent to get it.


Stop feeling so entitled and do what it takes to get the gen2+ lege's, otherwise u can flash ur cash and get a gen1 anytime you want.

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