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Is it okay to be casual?


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Is Anet fault to give the idea that there is any kind of competition on this game, wich makes ppl toxic. This game is casual.

This is fixed easely....

Two queues, one for 3+ man team other for duo or solo (you can even join trio + duo vs 5 man).

Put everybody on same pool.. shake it and make it random, layoff that useless matchmaker (you are overthinking), let nature do the rest.

Admit that ESL is gone with no chance to come back and let ppl have fun without pseudo-competition.


And worst! Matchmaker is rigged. They are keeping the game fun for those spoiled kids that spend small fortunes on gems.... imagine if those (no skilled (spoiled (money spending))) brats give up the game just because they can't win at pvp!


Think what you want.


And yes, I know I'll probably recieve another warning message from you!

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> @"Yannir.4132" said:

> Can we get some sort of PvP Happy Hour?

> Double gold rewards, or an extra karma reward, or something. Just something that brings the existing PvP Community to play at the same time instead of being spread out through the day/night.


Yeah, but that's not the point of competitivity though. Double gold/karma/reward track is only going to attract more players to play pvp, not play pvp competitively.

Events should be for both sides, like double automated tournaments rewards too.

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Ranked will place you in a proper rank sooner or later, what means if you playing a lot of games or 2 games a week doesnt matter you all at the same level. Ppl will always flame you no matter what. If a guy play more games in a day than you play weekly he's actually worst than you and just keep doing the same mistakes over and over, so yes, it's ok to be casual.

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> @"greenlights.7960" said:

> I've only been playing for 2 days, so I can't even play ranked arena, but so far it's been nice, and people have been helpful.


wait til you start doing ranked, and your experience will go off a cliff :lol:


afker, feeders, bots, hacks, name calling, swearing, etc...


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> @"Swagg.9236" said:

> No problem with being a casual, but in GW2, just know that if you ever want to start competing or progressing, you will end up playing in the exact same manner as everyone else.


Yeah, I'm starting to see this. This makes the game very one dimensional. I was hoping you could experiment with non meta toons and just end up playing with lower ranked players and just have fun. What I find however is there is always some highly ranked players put in the mix and when you cross them they will wipe you. You can learn to avoid certain classes, but at the lower ranked games this becomes problematic.


What is interesting is I was playing unranked and it was there that I found the epic players creating the most havoc. In ranked it was a little better, but not enough to make me want to keep on.


I just don't want to play with anyone platinum or above. I'm one of those players who hates really good players, not really bad players. I play squash and golf at different clubs and I find the same thing happens. You have really really good players always looking for a "game", and it just makes it awkward for we mortals when we end up with them. I'm not in awe, I'm just annoyed. Even with a handicap it's no fun playing against a scratch golfer if you are anything over an 8. Here in GW2 pvp there is no handicap at all. Again I don't mind losing, I just don't like turkey shoots. Uggg, so disappointed!!

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> I just don't want to play with anyone platinum or above. I'm one of those players who hates really good players, not really bad players. I play squash and golf at different clubs and I find the same thing happens. You have really really good players always looking for a "game", and it just makes it awkward for we mortals when we end up with them. I'm not in awe, I'm just annoyed. Even with a handicap it's no fun playing against a scratch golfer if you are anything over an 8. Here in GW2 pvp there is no handicap at all. Again I don't mind losing, I just don't like turkey shoots. Uggg, so disappointed!!


To be fair, it also anoy them to play with less "skilled" players. Keep in mind that really good and competitive players like a good challenge. A fight they win in seconds is not a good fight for them, it's like they are in PvE. Few of them like PvE.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:


> Best option is to right-click these players and select the option 'block' to restore tranquility again. Good luck.



Holy skritt. And this whole time I've been going underground to channel it. This advice will make temple games much easier for me.

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> @"Manakel Angel.1047" said:



> To be fair, it also anoy them to play with less "skilled" players. Keep in mind that really good and competitive players like a good challenge. A fight they win in seconds is not a good fight for them, it's like they are in PvE. Few of them like PvE.


This is exactly it. It's a matchmaking problem. It would be as if you and I got teamed up to take on Lebron James and Steph Curry in a two on two. This is no fun for anyone. But what's more interesting, and more like what is happening in GW@ is that it's also not fun if it's you and Lebron and me and Steph.

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> @"tacoclaw.8251" said:


> Yeah, I'm starting to see this. This makes the game very one dimensional. I was hoping you could experiment with non meta toons and just end up playing with lower ranked players and just have fun. What I find however is there is always some highly ranked players put in the mix and when you cross them they will wipe you. You can learn to avoid certain classes, but at the lower ranked games this becomes problematic.


The worst is when you show even moderate competence, get ranked accordingly, and then decide to try out something completely new. You'll get matched based on your previous character/build, not whatever janky thing you're trying out.

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