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Gaile Gray, where are you?

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"AnClar.1304" said:

> > > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > > @"AnClar.1304" said:

> > > > https://gamedaily.biz/article/623/arenanet-eas-firemonkeys-face-significant-layoffs

> > > > All promises to the contrary, this article is really a cause for grave doubts about the future of the MMORPG universe. I'm thoroughly depressed now.

> > >

> > > I think it's impossible to predict what will happen, especially from reading a _game daily_ article. There are companies that struggle to adapt to minor changes in their funding stream and others that bounce back from near disaster. With the news of the specific names leaving ANet (and the amount of institutional knowledge that will be lost), this is a big upheaval. But what it means for ANet or even GW2 ... still too soon to say.

> > >

> > > I expect to see some business-speak from management, which I'll also ignore. I'll wait to see what the company actually delivers in 8-9 months. The next six months or more is close enough to delivery that it _probably_ won't be affected much; it's what happens after that interests me.

> >

> > When employees are laid off in such large numbers, the hit to morale aside, I strongly suspect that there will be overall qualitative product declines as well. You just can't remove that much institutional knowledge without negative effects. In games like GW2, with it's traditional approach to community development, it's inevitable that there will be less time to devote to community development. People will be expected to do twice the work they'd been doing before. I've seen this in too many other industries to believe it will be any different in the gaming word. I hope for the best, but frankly, I'm expecting the worst.


> The difference between our posts is that you're expecting something and I'm not. Yes, these layoffs are substantial; the company will never be the same. That could be bad, for all the reasons that you (and I) mentioned. Or it could end up forcing ANet to rethink things entirely, to good effect. Since I have absolutely no control over that, I choose to wait to see how it actually turns out.




Let's hope there is a Phoenix effect in the making... this is a bad day for all concerned and for the foreseeable future, things wont be the same.

All we can do is keep logging in, having fun and hold those affected in high reverence for all their efforts.




BTW - Gaile Gray for President 2020... the ultimate peacekeeper

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Goodbye, beloved Guild Wars 2 Community. I love you all and wish you well in the future.


Gaile, I'll never forget how happy you made us in the original Guild Wars. The "Gaile &The Frog" conversations in Lion's Arch Int D1 were something I had never seen nor ever saw again: not a flashy reveal or pompous announcement, rather a small, unexpected and happy talk between a community manager and the community itself. Those were very joyous occasions that really brought everyone together and were a lot of fun. The closing conga lines were amazing, and became your signature for us.


Thank you for everything, I hope that happiness will forever follow you.

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Gaile you will be missed by so many. I remember the Beta days in Guild Wars when I first met you and then always ran to L.A. to hear game and community updates. Those were special days. Thank you again for all the great work with the community. You never had anything bad to say about anyone or anything. Thank you for being so good to all of us thru the years. We LOVE you and you will be MISSED!!!!

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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> I don't know why you people seem surprised. She is not a dev and ofc they'd cut community people. I wouldn't be surprised if they did the same to Rubi.


Here is what we know so far as to who is staying:

Staying at Anet: Chris Cleary, Jennifer Scheurle, Rubi Bayer, Stephane Lo Presti, Connor Fallon, Samantha Wallschlaeger.

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This whole fiasco is just a huge blow to my desire to continue to play GW2 (and by extension, support ANet/NCSoft). As someone with nearly 12,000 hours played in game since launch (holy kitten!) and consistent yearly financial support since GW1 it would be a big loss to me personally, and I know that the plural of anecdote is not data, but I have to believe there are many others like me out there.


I had been considering purchasing the GW1 complete pack and chasing the rest of the HoM points but I just feel... so bummed. As someone who has been through a number of corporate restructurings this seems like the absolute worst way to have handled this, especially with such a consumer-facing company. A huge mass layoff announcement just sends all the worst signals and sends every interested party focusing on the fallout. They really should have done this gradually, with behind-the-scenes strategic buyouts, slow team reorganizing over time, and natural attrition. Assuming there wasn't some huge going-concern issue, this is a crazy dramatic thing that makes everyone question the future of a product that depends on a stable outlook for players to feel comfortable spending in the gem store.


There's the part of me that hopes well, if I continue to support the game that I still enjoy playing, the studio will come out the other side with a decent future roadmap and hopefully rebuild the trust and organization to healthy place. Then there's the other part of me that doesn't want to support a company that treats people this way. I always appreciated that Gaile was an accountable voice front and center on most community issues delivering as straightforward a message as was possible. That transparency will be sorely missed, even if I didn't always agree with her/ANet's position. Best of luck, Gaile!


Finally, game developers, unionize!

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Got to love when big corporations make reductions to veteran staff. They are losing more than just a warm body and your wage. People who have been around the block with a company such as this knows a lot of inner workings of how things are and have been in the past. You can not replace that. I wouldn't be surprised if you get a call back later on down the road begging you to come back. I hope and pray that you have moved on to something better so you can tell them NO.


Of course you have friends/family there and it would not be a simple decision but I would hope you make them pay quite literally for their mistake.


Take care of yourself and whatever loved ones you have. It will get better just always keep positive and know that something better is coming your way. The old saying when one door closes another one opens. I believe a lot more than just one will be opened for you.


Take Care.

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> @"AnClar.1304" said:

> > @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> > I don't know why you people seem surprised. She is not a dev and ofc they'd cut community people. I wouldn't be surprised if they did the same to Rubi.


> Here is what we know so far as to who is staying:

> Staying at Anet: Chris Cleary, Jennifer Scheurle, Rubi Bayer, Stephane Lo Presti, Connor Fallon, Samantha Wallschlaeger.


Don't see Mo on that list. That is a good thing.


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> @"MetalGirl.2370" said:

> I don't know why you people seem surprised. She is not a dev and ofc they'd cut community people. I wouldn't be surprised if they did the same to Rubi.


It seems they really wanted to lay off as many people as they could afford to. Hopefully the core staff that actually work on the game are safe.


Even though for all of us the forums and the communication between players and ANet is very important, I can't help but feel forum goers are a minority of the game's population: they could ban every forum poster from the game and it wouldn't be felt.


Thus, we could state that all of us forum goers are expendable from NCsoft's view.

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