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WvW solo roaming will come to an end next week.


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If you enjoy roaming alone, you will not enjoy it anymore unless you encounter a 1 vs 1 scenario. If you find yourself on an outnumber fight, then:

* You will not be able to escape even if you are a super fast class like thief, mesmer or ranger.

* You wont escape because the slow classes who are left behind will exit combat first and chase you with a mount while you are still in combat and unable to use your mount.


This is official the end of solo roaming!

This will force all solo roamers to play stealth only classes, no more warrior, no more ranger, no more, guardian,.... its over!

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it will only change fights in wich you are facing more opponents than you did asume on engage, wich should not happen too often if you can read the map and remember who is on it/where. and of those you already can only escape with stealth or you have to assume your opponents (wich you dont even know will be facing you) to be slow.

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I'm wondering if these mounts have some really loud audio as well. Can you imagine a bunch of mounts using cloaking water/blast smoke/veil? I hope they make sounds like vuvuzela's so we can hear them coming en masse. I can see it now, wherever you look in the distance it's just a bunch of mounts waiting to pounce you and the ground will be littered even more with those Pitcher of Desert-Spiced Coffee. Pretty much everywhere will be a danger zone to roam in with people on mounts, as well as being marked, the only option would just be not to bother and wp cos they'll bring the town on you most likely.

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From what I've seen the last weeks/months most people duo roam anyway.


And I'll just repeat the same I said in all those other threads but:


Gliding killed roaming

Balance changes killed roaming

Marked killed roaming


Yet it's still alive. Useless to complain about something we know literally nothing about, especially this doomsaying that is super common in this community, only to be surprised that it actually is a very welcome addition.

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Unless you have very, very low standards and consider "fighting" guys in zerg builds, PvE'ers doing a daily or PPT heroes who mostly sit in towers as "roaming" then roaming died years ago. The number of decent fights you get is normally pitiful (even finding fights can be painful), which is why most roamers quit the game, switched to zergs/guild raids or went to PvP.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> I'm wondering if these mounts have some really loud audio as well. Can you imagine a bunch of mounts using cloaking water/blast smoke/veil? I hope they make sounds like vuvuzela's so we can hear them coming en masse. I can see it now, wherever you look in the distance it's just a bunch of mounts waiting to pounce you and the ground will be littered even more with those Pitcher of Desert-Spiced Coffee. Pretty much everywhere will be a danger zone to roam in with people on mounts, as well as being marked, the only option would just be not to bother and wp cos they'll bring the town on you most likely.


Only a matter of time before someone on youtube makes a video giving warclaw feet for a whole blob the squeaky clown shoes noise.

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> @"Iozeph.5617" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > I'm wondering if these mounts have some really loud audio as well. Can you imagine a bunch of mounts using cloaking water/blast smoke/veil? I hope they make sounds like vuvuzela's so we can hear them coming en masse. I can see it now, wherever you look in the distance it's just a bunch of mounts waiting to pounce you and the ground will be littered even more with those Pitcher of Desert-Spiced Coffee. Pretty much everywhere will be a danger zone to roam in with people on mounts, as well as being marked, the only option would just be not to bother and wp cos they'll bring the town on you most likely.


> Only a matter of time before someone on youtube makes a video giving warclaw feet for a whole blob the squeaky clown shoes noise.


"Enough with the squeaky shoes!" - Kung pow

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> From what I've seen the last weeks/months most people duo roam anyway.


> And I'll just repeat the same I said in all those other threads but:


> Gliding killed roaming

> Balance changes killed roaming

> Marked killed roaming


> Yet it's still alive. Useless to complain about something we know literally nothing about, especially this doomsaying that is super common in this community, only to be surprised that it actually is a very welcome addition.

Also dont forget that condi mirages killed roaming. There are no other classes, its only condi mirages. Just join WvW, step out of spawn and a permastealth, permaevade, 6 clone condi mirage will kill you instantly with its 25k also power burst. It may *look* like there is only soulbeasts, spellbreakers, holos etc running around but its all an illusion.


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Every solo roamer just needs to play permastealth deadeye. Problem solved.


Okay for real, we don't have much information right now, since the livestream got canceled. I wouldn't be surpised if they even delay the mount patch. This company is clearly in serious trouble and that super standard corporate statement they posted, was probably mostly bs. Wouldn't be the first time Anet lied to us.

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