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Disengagement wish for necro


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Necro has always had gbage mobility. Whether it’s reapers slow gs attacks or its sustain(lack of blocks or invulnerability)nor damage being any higher than most classes I think necro deserves atleast one reliable disengagement ability so it isn’t the sitting duck to kiting etc. Is that asking too much and if not what disengagement skill would u think would suit necro?

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I've been slowly working on an elite spec concept for Necro that's inspired by Daredevil.


Daredevil's 3 grandmaster traits change how their dodge works. For Necro, I'd have it so that those 3 traits change how Shroud works. 1 for Power, 1 for Condition and 1 for Mobility.


For the Shroud focused on Mobility, I'd like it to have a ground targeted teleport, a target required teleport and a "rush" type skill like Warrior GS 5. This Shroud would be kind of a... "Monster" theme that would be melee oriented and would attack with fists.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Necrotic_Traversal

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spectral_Walk

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sand_Swell


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Become_the_Snow_Leopard


Those are not reliable in any way as a disengage ability the wurm cast than spawn than tele takes far to long,ur dead by time cast times over. Spectral walk u tele to starting point so yeah not a great disengagement skill and shroud 3 is locked out cuz shroud CD most times u need it.they may be decent if mobility wasn’t so high on almost all other classes these days.

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Necrotic_Traversal

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spectral_Walk

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sand_Swell

> >

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Become_the_Snow_Leopard


> Those are not reliable in any way as a disengage ability the wurm cast than spawn than tele takes far to long,ur dead by time cast times over. Spectral walk u tele to starting point so yeah not a great disengagement skill and shroud 3 is locked out cuz shroud CD most times u need it.they may be decent if mobility wasn’t so high on almost all other classes these days.


I am not necessarily arguing the point that Necro has poor mobility/options to disengage, but perhaps some time tonight or this week I'll make a short video to showcase creative usage of Wurm and Spectral Walk.


In WvW I like to poke at zergs either by myself or with a few friends, and often me being on Necro. Besides the times there are Thieves targeting me, I can manage to get in melee range, sometimes right inside of zergs, and still escape alive while playing a Marauder/Berserker Reaper. Wurm and SWalk can actually provide very effective means of disengagement if you have a terrain advantage or have pre-cast before the fight.


As I'd said however, I'm not arguing your point. These options aren't great in a 1v1 or when you're outnumbered due to their cast times and predictability. Still, I think Necro has more tricks up it's sleeve than some people give it credit for. I'm really hoping WvW will have enough action to record some proper clips because I would love to provide examples of this gameplay.

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> @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Become_the_Snow_Leopard

> i knew someone (he quit by now tho) who used to play only norn regardless of profession just for this.



A lot of my characters are norn because of having the option to slot that skill was too good. Necromancer and warrior are good candidates for that as the elite if solo roaming.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Don't understand the desire to 'disengage' all the time. Rather have some tools to kick someone's kitten instead of running away like a loser.


Having some decent blocks or invulnerability skills would definitely be welcome seeing as how shroud doesn’t add to sustain like I think they intended but I’d be nice if seeing a small group coming in to gank u if necro had anything other than just hopelessly fight or just go get a drink while they kill u. Or if a Zerg etc pushes and when u fall back ur left behind to eat aoe’s by time u cast wurm and tele

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Don't understand the desire to 'disengage' all the time. Rather have some tools to kick someone's kitten instead of running away like a loser.


Because if you kick someone's *** without showing some ability to move around a lot, people deem you OP and ask for nerfs. I'm exagerating a bit but it's not far from the truth, one of the primary reasons some players think that the necromancer is a noob profession is due to the necromancer eating damages without avoiding them.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > Don't understand the desire to 'disengage' all the time. Rather have some tools to kick someone's kitten instead of running away like a loser.


> Because if you kick someone's *** without showing some ability to move around a lot, people deem you OP and ask for nerfs. I'm exagerating a bit but it's not far from the truth, one of the primary reasons some players think that the necromancer is a noob profession is due to the necromancer eating damages without avoiding them.


Really? So in your POV, you just want to run away all the time because you think you're a nerf target if you don't? That's ... interesting.


No one is asking for an IWIN button here ... I'm saying that if you focus on disengagement tools, you ain't gonna get no kill tools. Either choice has it's negatives, but at least with better options to stand and fight, you can stand and fight. /shrug. Don't think that better disengagement doesn't get you nerfs either.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Don't understand the desire to 'disengage' all the time. Rather have some tools to kick someone's kitten instead of running away like a loser.



"kick someone's kitten instead of running away like a loser"

if you play PvP with that "idea" in your mind , and you will be on my opponent team do you know what i will do

i ll beg for one of my teammate to AFK at spawn so we can have a fair game

also so i can make a video called how to farm genius necro in PvP (4 VS 5 edition )

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In my opinion the only way easy enough for anet standards to improve necromancer mobility is to make wurm casting instant, so with a double tap you actually have a reliable teleport. Other ways are: for scourge to improve sand swell range from 900 to 1200, for reaper to increase Death's Charge range from 600 to 900 and for core necromancer to transform shroud 2 Dark Path into a ground target teleport.

Even with these few changes you would have better mobility on necromancer and it's only a matter of making wurm instant and increase range on other mobility skills, the trick one to implement might be dark path.

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> @"NecroSummonsMors.7816" said:

> In my opinion the only way easy enough for anet standards to improve necromancer mobility is to make wurm casting instant, so with a double tap you actually have a reliable teleport. Other ways are: for scourge to improve sand swell range from 900 to 1200, for reaper to increase Death's Charge range from 600 to 900 and for core necromancer to transform shroud 2 Dark Path into a ground target teleport.

> Even with these few changes you would have better mobility on necromancer and it's only a matter of making wurm instant and increase range on other mobility skills, the trick one to implement might be dark path.


Instant tele on wurm would be a great change

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From your post I tried the snow leopard (and made a Norn just to test it)


Lord what an amazing skill. This should be BIS over any other skill for roaming.


I think the bigger thing here other than the long range dash, is the on demand stealth...4-5 seconds of stealth every 10 seconds is the best disengage a necro could ask for.

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> @"DragonFury.6243" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > Don't understand the desire to 'disengage' all the time. Rather have some tools to kick someone's kitten instead of running away like a loser.



> "kick someone's kitten instead of running away like a loser"

> if you play PvP with that "idea" in your mind , and you will be on my opponent team do you know what i will do

> i ll beg for one of my teammate to AFK at spawn so we can have a fair game

> also so i can make a video called how to farm genius necro in PvP (4 VS 5 edition )


Right ... the joke is on me because I would rather be better at sticking out a fight than just running away all the time. You certainly showed me ... :wink:

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> @"Conqueror.3682" said:

> Sand swell is one of the best skills to move in Necro, you can troll so much with this skill, if i were to ask for something, it would be to make it break stuns and increase the portal duration to 15 seconds.


Stun break with 1s stab, that they give other stun break skills with a cast time. That would make it perfect in my eyes..

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Necrotic_Traversal

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Spectral_Walk

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sand_Swell


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Become_the_Snow_Leopard


Necrotic traversal requires you to have your flesh worm summoned -> long casttime and even if you summon it before the fight starts, most opponents right know just kill the worm with one or two autoattacks from range

Sand swell-> very long casttime as well, at least can be used multiple times but is locked behind scourge

Spectral walk-> taking that one for mobility only, will set you at a huge disadvantage most times, as you might be missing the good condition clear and lf generation. (I use this one a lot).

Especially because you can use the recall midair right now (I think that's a bug that might be addressed tomorrow, because before the rework you couldn't recall midair)


Snow leopard isn't a class elite. You could then also say: play sylvary, then you get a invuln



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> @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > @"Conqueror.3682" said:

> > Sand swell is one of the best skills to move in Necro, you can troll so much with this skill, if i were to ask for something, it would be to make it break stuns and increase the portal duration to 15 seconds.


> Stun break with 1s stab, that they give other stun break skills with a cast time. That would make it perfect in my eyes..


Hell yes!!

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Don't understand the desire to 'disengage' all the time. Rather have some tools to kick someone's kitten instead of running away like a loser.


Necro has the tools to kick butt actually on just about all specs

What it does not have is the ability to do it 3-5 times consistently in an extended fight in some cases *cough* mesmer..... who will get 5-6 attempts to burst you dead before they run out of defensive tools they chain together and become vulnerable. In those situations you need to run because if you fight and the person knows what they are doing you cannot win that fight alone and if you try its a sever uphill battle.


Its not impossible but some times its better to cut your losses and run. Not to mention necro excels in team damage / offensive pressure with low mobility and cc resistance thus its often targeted first a good team will call target on the necro to get it killed asap and as a necro player i almost always know when some one has a player on the enemy team smart enough to do it. Everyone suddenly goes for you like they are about to win a 1600 gem gift card if they down you. In those moments you need to be able to get away.


That said.... for me its usually speed of shadows + relentless pursuit + rune of speed. This does the job in most cases. You would be surprised how many people don't use rune of speed and it does make a massive difference when people are trying to chase you down. Even mesmers will often have a tough time catching me if they don't have blink off cool down.


Spectral walk is optional but you have to be clever with it to make it work even then it dose not always work.

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I think this goes to a deeper question: If necro does have the tools on all specs to kick people's butts, then why should it get a good disengage toolset as well? I mean, let's be honest here, deficiencies exist on the classes, and for good reason. I'm thinking that if the kick butt toolset is that good, then other aspects of Necro should provide fair matchups for opponents; mobility and sustain are clearly two areas where that could happen. In otherwords, if your tools excel at committing you in a fight with good chance of success, other things need not be that good to balance this out.


Personally, I think I would prefer necro to have strong offensive capability and I believe that should be it's focus. I can only think that adding 'fringe' abilities only makes the case weaker for maintaining the class identity.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I think this goes to a deeper question: If necro does have the tools on all specs to kick people's butts, then why should it get a good disengage toolset as well? I mean, let's be honest here, deficiencies exist on the classes, and for good reason. I'm thinking that if the kick butt toolset is that good, then other aspects of Necro should provide fair matchups for opponents; mobility and sustain are clearly two areas where that could happen. In otherwords, if your tools excel at committing you in a fight with good chance of success, other things need not be that good to balance this out.


> Personally, I think I would prefer necro to have strong offensive capability and I believe that should be it's focus. I can only think that adding 'fringe' abilities only makes the case weaker for maintaining the class identity.


I agree to a point. I’d just be nice to be able to disengage in scanario’s that are often unavoidable and unsinkable like 3 opponents trying to gank u lol or if a zergs turn and starts rolling ur way and ranged attacks eat u fast because it takes so long to wurm tele and even if u can u have nothing unless u want to use shroud 3 and have shroud now on CD. For how bad shroud is for sustain these days and high ho not serving much protection s disengagement skill wouldn’t make necro op,especially if arena net wants to continue to leave them out of the multiple block/invulnerability party lol

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