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Discussion Thread: ArenaNet News of 21 February 2019 [Merged]

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With Gaile Grey and Ben Arnold gone, it feels like the game lost its face. With face i mean everyone who gave me and alot of people the feeling about the devs are talking with us and care about us. And on top of that there is Jessica Price talking about people got shifted away from GW2 to other projects. I feel like we, the community, are left alone with no real informations what is really going on. We need more then "we are still working to add great new content to the game", its time to give us some good news about the actual state of things going on. Is there a expension after another season of living world? what is going on with the world vs world restructuring? what are the plans for raids and fractals, especially challenge mote content? Are there any plans for sPvP?

Take your time to finish everything, noone wants stuff rushed out!! But please give us more information what is comeing, a roadmap would be awesome.


It is time to change the way of communication with us, the community! Dont make us loose the trust in a game and company we all love!


PS: Just two comments from friends to show that its NOW time for some official answears before you even loose your veterans:

"Tfw you wasted all that time on frog god only for anet to kill the game before you got it"

"it's sad it had to end this way, especially since I played for 15k hours"





(btw worst decision ever to let them go, even worse then no build templates until now!)

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"psyt.9415" said:

> > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > @"psyt.9415" said:

> > > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > > OP.. I have already posted comments to the kind of posts like yours that appeared in other threads, but I will give it another go..

> > > > > Set up your own business launch a product and sit back and hope that product keeps you afloat and moving forward forever.. maybe then you will realise ANET have a responsibility to their business, their employees, shareholders and maybe even a little to us players to ensure that the business remains viable. That means new projects need to be identified, new ideas tried out. Some will work and many wont, that is how it works. Do you think GW2 was just bank rolled by ANET off the back of a previous product that was beginning to show signs it had seen to many winters, what do you think should happen when blips occur in revenue do you allow it to become not just a blip but potentially a growing trend..

> > > > > Do you -

> > > > > A - Go bury your head in the sand and hope by tomorrow all will be good again in the world, business as usual.

> > > > > B - Ask anyone and everyone to offer you charity in the hope it plugs the deepening hole that the revenue stream is pouring down.

> > > > > or maybe

> > > > > C - Plan ahead, take action, look into other ideas and new products that the company can add to its portfolio that might generate new additional revenue streams so as to not to continue to place so much reliance on a 6yr old product that is inevitably going to be faced with decline if it hasn't already.

> > > > > Sorry but the worst thing any business can do is stand still imo and trust to luck.

> > > > >

> > > > > As for your hard earned dollars.. yep they are hard earned, but you chose to use them to buy something which you deemed of value to you.. that hard earned dollar isn't yours any longer it is ANET's.. cos you know they also worked hard to earn it... believe it or not ANET is a business with overheads, as is NC Soft, they are not charities set up to provide you with your fun fix and from the point you agreed to buy anything from them that is the last time you have any say in what the business does with that dollar.

> > > > > You may not like any particular facet of the business, whether that be NC Soft, ANET, Blizzard, Activision, Turbine or whatever/whoever, they may not like you but you choose to put money into the coffers, it is up to ANET/NC Soft as to how it gets spent, what it is spent on and that includes GW2 related content or other potential projects.. you are supporting the business that provides you access to GW2. without revenue you don't get to play GW2 period. Similarly if the business cant remain viable cos a 6yr old product is beginning to show signs of decline those other projects might just of been a lifeline to many employees throughout ANET/NC Soft and vice vera.. some of them proved to not be viable, others may still be in the pipeline.. we have no idea how or what effects they may or may not of had on GW2 other than the fact that if new products were never to be looked into there wont be a GW2 anyway cos they all have relevance to the business viability as a whole.

> > > >

> > > > I disagree. Lately and its an increasing trend, companies in the gaming industry are chasing new markets ie. Mobile, Battle Royale, Card games and that's their prerogative it needs to be done to secure new revenue streams. But they need realize that if they are not re-investing in their core market they may lose that market while trying to chase the bird in the trees... pretty simple but you see it with EA, Activision/ Blizz and Square and I would say most likely Anet as well with this news. You can defend it all you want but the proof is in reality of the current layoffs in the game industry. If your just doing the bare minimum ie. sliding in a LS every 3 months and releasing new cash shop items while funnelling most of your resources some where else.... you may not be doing enough to keep the customers you do have happy. Gaming companies have been failing miserably at striking a balance in new projects and keeping their core market happy for the last couple of years and the result has been layoffs across the gaming sector. I'm not telling them how to spend their money... i'm telling them how to keep me and others like me and this content cadence is not enough sadly for me. The fact they have those resources available but aren't allocating them to keep their current player base happy is a shame. They can do what they want I don't really care and if its good enough for you that's great but I go where i'm having fun and that may not be this game the way things are going. They can care or not but that's my honest feedback.

> > >

> > > But that's just it.. you or I have no idea what is being re-invested into the core product, we don't know what is/was/will be planned in for the future of the product beyond what we have already been told.

> > > The gaming industry is not immune to all the pressures that affect any other business in any other industry. Placing heavy reliance on a single product that is reaching a 6-7yr lifespan will always mean requiring to seek new opportunity in order to maintain the company's viability.

> > > Unfortunately for ANET they are also part of a larger entity, that must also push those same objectives to identify new areas of revenue if they and by association ANET are to remain viable going forward - if they don't all stand the chance of falling by the way side and we the players don't get those nice things to throw our time into either.

> > > The unfortunate thing is that sometimes those projects, those ideas don't pan out, get shelved and look to be a waste of resource, but the alternative would be to do nothing and sit back and watch the business recede just the same maybe quicker, because as I have said time is the killer of all things and GW2 is not immune to it.

> >

> > We do know in so far as we see the living story episode every 3 months and its not enough. We see what they are working on because that is all that is being released. If they come out tomorrow and say hey we have an expac coming out to combat Shadowbringers and Elswyr than great they need to be transparent on that. But if they think season 5 one episode every 3 months is going to tide players over then they need to tell us where they are at with that and give us a proper road map. Its my favourite game and ive sunk more hours into it than EQ and WoW combined now but i'm running out of things to do unless I want to start raiding. I consider myself a casual I can imagine if I was a hard core player. As I said that's great and all power to them exploring alternate revenue but no content for your core business is also a killer.


> Gees some people are never satisfied.. how much do you think can be developed and pushed out every three months... LS was content "free content" to all those that logged prior to the next chapter... add to that the balance passes, the bug fixing, the QoL stuff oh and the gemstore fluff required to maintain a revenue stream. do you not understand to push out content costs money and takes time…. do you think it would be possible to push out a full expac every three months instead. C'mon get real.

> LS is a gap fill in between expacs and a chance for ANET to generate necessary revenue in which to plough into new content pay bills, keep employees paid. It also sets to further the game from a story and events perspective, but seriously, start up a business and run it your way, try to push out the same level of content on the same cadence whilst maintaining the business and trying to expand your portfolio.. then maybe you will begin to open your eyes to just how unrealistic your notions are, cos honestly I don't think your playing in the real world.

> Then again it wouldn't matter if ANET did push out an expac every three months, that would not be enough to satisfy the "it's not enuff self entitled crowds" anyway and you will soon revert back to your above poorly thought out "its not enough content" ideology again no doubt.


> EDIT - BTW II personally find a LS update plus some bug fixes, QoL and balance passes every three months enough to keep me happy and occasionally I might see something in the gemstore I like as well... .. guess we all have differing views and opinions on that kind of stuff, much like whether you or I might differ in the quality of any such content. Don't get me wrong though, I have not been overly impressed with ANET this past 6 months, but I do appreciate content does not materialise out of thin air and cost nothing to produce.


Nobody said an expac every 3 months show me where anyone said that???? but its quite clear the content cadence is less than their peers. You can debate all you want but their peers are putting out more content in patches and its pretty obvious that means people will start to gravitate towards games that have stuff for them to do. If this cadence is good enough for you, great. I hope its good enough for everyone else as well to keep this game a float but imo we really need an expac to be in the works to keep the core audience engaged with other entertainment products in the MMO sector set to release their own expacs. I'm a manager for a crown corporation I am well aware of economics. Lets stick to the facts, competitors all have expacs on the horizon, expacs spell excitement and increased revenue which means people keep their jobs.... as far as we know Anet doesn't have one coming at least until after LS5.... nothing wrong with that but lets hope they have something more for us as i'm going to bet LS5 isn't going to tide most people over and less interest spells less revenue which means more layoffs. For the sake of the health of the game they need to keep up with their competitors. I wish these 100 people could keep their jobs and work on content updates for GW2. I would pay for them just like I do in ESO if they had more meat to them like a justice system or player housing etc. It doesn't make sense to lay people off and labour along at a slower content pace than your peers.

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Truly a sad day.

Many Thanks to the Devs for building this wonderful world and all the hard work you've put in, it was truly of the best gaming experiences I've had.


Thank you Gaile Gray for being one of the best liaisons between the community and the Devs.

I still remember the Congo lines you used to organise in GW1 with your frog companion.


Wishing you All the best for the many doors that will opening for you.


Edit: corrected my silly mistake of 25/9 :anguished:

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> > @"Elric.4713" said:

> > This is Wildstar all over again.


> WildStar was failing from the start. ArenaNet has hired over 100 employees since launch and has talked about having several unannounced projects over the years, but has had nothing to show for it. It's really no surprise that NCSoft finally told them to stop, and thus they're expected to lose at least 33% of their workforce. ArenaNet should theoretically be back to normal after this, but the problem is, the news alone could kill the game as people bail on it.


Just remember what NCSoft did to City of Heroes and Paragons studios. The out of no where game shut down, and studio closing. Or what happened with Tabula Rasa. That publisher is notorious for killing their own games.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> gees.. common the dust hasn't even had a chance to settle and here you are making demands of the business.. show a little respect for god sake !


To be realistic it’s nothing like a comet fall from the sky the issues must been known for quite some time what I read from former employees. Especially those side projects who never saw the light of a day.


And some costumer invested a lot of their money in the game and planing to invest more in the future. It would have been an professional move to not delay content.


It’s a shame people loosing their jobs because of mismanagement over the years

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> @"psyt.9415" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"psyt.9415" said:

> > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > > @"psyt.9415" said:

> > > > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > > > OP.. I have already posted comments to the kind of posts like yours that appeared in other threads, but I will give it another go..

> > > > > > Set up your own business launch a product and sit back and hope that product keeps you afloat and moving forward forever.. maybe then you will realise ANET have a responsibility to their business, their employees, shareholders and maybe even a little to us players to ensure that the business remains viable. That means new projects need to be identified, new ideas tried out. Some will work and many wont, that is how it works. Do you think GW2 was just bank rolled by ANET off the back of a previous product that was beginning to show signs it had seen to many winters, what do you think should happen when blips occur in revenue do you allow it to become not just a blip but potentially a growing trend..

> > > > > > Do you -

> > > > > > A - Go bury your head in the sand and hope by tomorrow all will be good again in the world, business as usual.

> > > > > > B - Ask anyone and everyone to offer you charity in the hope it plugs the deepening hole that the revenue stream is pouring down.

> > > > > > or maybe

> > > > > > C - Plan ahead, take action, look into other ideas and new products that the company can add to its portfolio that might generate new additional revenue streams so as to not to continue to place so much reliance on a 6yr old product that is inevitably going to be faced with decline if it hasn't already.

> > > > > > Sorry but the worst thing any business can do is stand still imo and trust to luck.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > As for your hard earned dollars.. yep they are hard earned, but you chose to use them to buy something which you deemed of value to you.. that hard earned dollar isn't yours any longer it is ANET's.. cos you know they also worked hard to earn it... believe it or not ANET is a business with overheads, as is NC Soft, they are not charities set up to provide you with your fun fix and from the point you agreed to buy anything from them that is the last time you have any say in what the business does with that dollar.

> > > > > > You may not like any particular facet of the business, whether that be NC Soft, ANET, Blizzard, Activision, Turbine or whatever/whoever, they may not like you but you choose to put money into the coffers, it is up to ANET/NC Soft as to how it gets spent, what it is spent on and that includes GW2 related content or other potential projects.. you are supporting the business that provides you access to GW2. without revenue you don't get to play GW2 period. Similarly if the business cant remain viable cos a 6yr old product is beginning to show signs of decline those other projects might just of been a lifeline to many employees throughout ANET/NC Soft and vice vera.. some of them proved to not be viable, others may still be in the pipeline.. we have no idea how or what effects they may or may not of had on GW2 other than the fact that if new products were never to be looked into there wont be a GW2 anyway cos they all have relevance to the business viability as a whole.

> > > > >

> > > > > I disagree. Lately and its an increasing trend, companies in the gaming industry are chasing new markets ie. Mobile, Battle Royale, Card games and that's their prerogative it needs to be done to secure new revenue streams. But they need realize that if they are not re-investing in their core market they may lose that market while trying to chase the bird in the trees... pretty simple but you see it with EA, Activision/ Blizz and Square and I would say most likely Anet as well with this news. You can defend it all you want but the proof is in reality of the current layoffs in the game industry. If your just doing the bare minimum ie. sliding in a LS every 3 months and releasing new cash shop items while funnelling most of your resources some where else.... you may not be doing enough to keep the customers you do have happy. Gaming companies have been failing miserably at striking a balance in new projects and keeping their core market happy for the last couple of years and the result has been layoffs across the gaming sector. I'm not telling them how to spend their money... i'm telling them how to keep me and others like me and this content cadence is not enough sadly for me. The fact they have those resources available but aren't allocating them to keep their current player base happy is a shame. They can do what they want I don't really care and if its good enough for you that's great but I go where i'm having fun and that may not be this game the way things are going. They can care or not but that's my honest feedback.

> > > >

> > > > But that's just it.. you or I have no idea what is being re-invested into the core product, we don't know what is/was/will be planned in for the future of the product beyond what we have already been told.

> > > > The gaming industry is not immune to all the pressures that affect any other business in any other industry. Placing heavy reliance on a single product that is reaching a 6-7yr lifespan will always mean requiring to seek new opportunity in order to maintain the company's viability.

> > > > Unfortunately for ANET they are also part of a larger entity, that must also push those same objectives to identify new areas of revenue if they and by association ANET are to remain viable going forward - if they don't all stand the chance of falling by the way side and we the players don't get those nice things to throw our time into either.

> > > > The unfortunate thing is that sometimes those projects, those ideas don't pan out, get shelved and look to be a waste of resource, but the alternative would be to do nothing and sit back and watch the business recede just the same maybe quicker, because as I have said time is the killer of all things and GW2 is not immune to it.

> > >

> > > We do know in so far as we see the living story episode every 3 months and its not enough. We see what they are working on because that is all that is being released. If they come out tomorrow and say hey we have an expac coming out to combat Shadowbringers and Elswyr than great they need to be transparent on that. But if they think season 5 one episode every 3 months is going to tide players over then they need to tell us where they are at with that and give us a proper road map. Its my favourite game and ive sunk more hours into it than EQ and WoW combined now but i'm running out of things to do unless I want to start raiding. I consider myself a casual I can imagine if I was a hard core player. As I said that's great and all power to them exploring alternate revenue but no content for your core business is also a killer.

> >

> > Gees some people are never satisfied.. how much do you think can be developed and pushed out every three months... LS was content "free content" to all those that logged prior to the next chapter... add to that the balance passes, the bug fixing, the QoL stuff oh and the gemstore fluff required to maintain a revenue stream. do you not understand to push out content costs money and takes time…. do you think it would be possible to push out a full expac every three months instead. C'mon get real.

> > LS is a gap fill in between expacs and a chance for ANET to generate necessary revenue in which to plough into new content pay bills, keep employees paid. It also sets to further the game from a story and events perspective, but seriously, start up a business and run it your way, try to push out the same level of content on the same cadence whilst maintaining the business and trying to expand your portfolio.. then maybe you will begin to open your eyes to just how unrealistic your notions are, cos honestly I don't think your playing in the real world.

> > Then again it wouldn't matter if ANET did push out an expac every three months, that would not be enough to satisfy the "it's not enuff self entitled crowds" anyway and you will soon revert back to your above poorly thought out "its not enough content" ideology again no doubt.

> >

> > EDIT - BTW II personally find a LS update plus some bug fixes, QoL and balance passes every three months enough to keep me happy and occasionally I might see something in the gemstore I like as well... .. guess we all have differing views and opinions on that kind of stuff, much like whether you or I might differ in the quality of any such content. Don't get me wrong though, I have not been overly impressed with ANET this past 6 months, but I do appreciate content does not materialise out of thin air and cost nothing to produce.


> Nobody said an expac every 3 months show me where anyone said that???? but its quite clear the content cadence is less than their peers. You can debate all you want but their peers are putting out more content in patches and its pretty obvious that means people will start to gravitate towards games that have stuff for them to do. If this cadence is good enough for you, great. I hope its good enough for everyone else as well to keep this game a float but imo we really need an expac to be in the works to keep the core audience engaged with other entertainment products in the MMO sector set to release their own expacs. I'm a manager for a crown corporation I am well aware of economics. Lets stick to the facts, competitors all have expacs on the horizon, expacs spell excitement and increased revenue which mean people keep their jobs.... as far as we know Anet doesn't have one coming at least until after LS5.... nothing wrong with that but lets hope they have something more for us as i'm going to bet LS5 isn't going to tide most people over and less interest spells less revenue which means more layoffs. For the sake of the health of the game they need to keep up with their competitors.


You are missing the point.. ANET is by definition inside an expansion cycle.. even if we know of an expac or not.. therefore content is cadenced through that period.. and its free. in order to 1- set the direction of the content as a whole, 2 to provide enough time to actually develop an expac.

Those titles may very well be at the point of their exacs, that is their business and beyond the control of anything ANET can do.. you cant just magic up an expansion just because Joe Bloggs has announced theirs is coming. If you can't understand that then perhaps you never will.

Add to that GW2 is B2P, there is no other costs forced upon anyone beyond that.. not many other titles offer that same deal with the same amount of free content on top.. so it's imperative ANET source additional ways to fund itself outside of an aging product..


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> @"wetwillyhip.7254" said:

> > @"Rabbi Rick.3194" said:

> > > @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> > > Josh Foreman is leaving Anet. :(

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Yep, and with that, Anet will not receive another dime from me. ESO looks like it has some great content coming out this year.


> It's not ArenaNet's fault! It's NCSOFT's fault for all of this.


Assuming these projects were someone's idea at ArenaNet and not some delegated tasks by NCSoft, it is "ArenaNet's" fault. And to an extent, it's the teams working on those other projects not being able to complete them with the resources or staff they were given, or a lack of direction, that are also to blame. Perhaps the projects were too ambitious to begin with?


I think this is a case of mismanagement just as much as it is corporate greed.


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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"psyt.9415" said:

> > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > @"psyt.9415" said:

> > > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > > > @"psyt.9415" said:

> > > > > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > > > > OP.. I have already posted comments to the kind of posts like yours that appeared in other threads, but I will give it another go..

> > > > > > > Set up your own business launch a product and sit back and hope that product keeps you afloat and moving forward forever.. maybe then you will realise ANET have a responsibility to their business, their employees, shareholders and maybe even a little to us players to ensure that the business remains viable. That means new projects need to be identified, new ideas tried out. Some will work and many wont, that is how it works. Do you think GW2 was just bank rolled by ANET off the back of a previous product that was beginning to show signs it had seen to many winters, what do you think should happen when blips occur in revenue do you allow it to become not just a blip but potentially a growing trend..

> > > > > > > Do you -

> > > > > > > A - Go bury your head in the sand and hope by tomorrow all will be good again in the world, business as usual.

> > > > > > > B - Ask anyone and everyone to offer you charity in the hope it plugs the deepening hole that the revenue stream is pouring down.

> > > > > > > or maybe

> > > > > > > C - Plan ahead, take action, look into other ideas and new products that the company can add to its portfolio that might generate new additional revenue streams so as to not to continue to place so much reliance on a 6yr old product that is inevitably going to be faced with decline if it hasn't already.

> > > > > > > Sorry but the worst thing any business can do is stand still imo and trust to luck.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > As for your hard earned dollars.. yep they are hard earned, but you chose to use them to buy something which you deemed of value to you.. that hard earned dollar isn't yours any longer it is ANET's.. cos you know they also worked hard to earn it... believe it or not ANET is a business with overheads, as is NC Soft, they are not charities set up to provide you with your fun fix and from the point you agreed to buy anything from them that is the last time you have any say in what the business does with that dollar.

> > > > > > > You may not like any particular facet of the business, whether that be NC Soft, ANET, Blizzard, Activision, Turbine or whatever/whoever, they may not like you but you choose to put money into the coffers, it is up to ANET/NC Soft as to how it gets spent, what it is spent on and that includes GW2 related content or other potential projects.. you are supporting the business that provides you access to GW2. without revenue you don't get to play GW2 period. Similarly if the business cant remain viable cos a 6yr old product is beginning to show signs of decline those other projects might just of been a lifeline to many employees throughout ANET/NC Soft and vice vera.. some of them proved to not be viable, others may still be in the pipeline.. we have no idea how or what effects they may or may not of had on GW2 other than the fact that if new products were never to be looked into there wont be a GW2 anyway cos they all have relevance to the business viability as a whole.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I disagree. Lately and its an increasing trend, companies in the gaming industry are chasing new markets ie. Mobile, Battle Royale, Card games and that's their prerogative it needs to be done to secure new revenue streams. But they need realize that if they are not re-investing in their core market they may lose that market while trying to chase the bird in the trees... pretty simple but you see it with EA, Activision/ Blizz and Square and I would say most likely Anet as well with this news. You can defend it all you want but the proof is in reality of the current layoffs in the game industry. If your just doing the bare minimum ie. sliding in a LS every 3 months and releasing new cash shop items while funnelling most of your resources some where else.... you may not be doing enough to keep the customers you do have happy. Gaming companies have been failing miserably at striking a balance in new projects and keeping their core market happy for the last couple of years and the result has been layoffs across the gaming sector. I'm not telling them how to spend their money... i'm telling them how to keep me and others like me and this content cadence is not enough sadly for me. The fact they have those resources available but aren't allocating them to keep their current player base happy is a shame. They can do what they want I don't really care and if its good enough for you that's great but I go where i'm having fun and that may not be this game the way things are going. They can care or not but that's my honest feedback.

> > > > >

> > > > > But that's just it.. you or I have no idea what is being re-invested into the core product, we don't know what is/was/will be planned in for the future of the product beyond what we have already been told.

> > > > > The gaming industry is not immune to all the pressures that affect any other business in any other industry. Placing heavy reliance on a single product that is reaching a 6-7yr lifespan will always mean requiring to seek new opportunity in order to maintain the company's viability.

> > > > > Unfortunately for ANET they are also part of a larger entity, that must also push those same objectives to identify new areas of revenue if they and by association ANET are to remain viable going forward - if they don't all stand the chance of falling by the way side and we the players don't get those nice things to throw our time into either.

> > > > > The unfortunate thing is that sometimes those projects, those ideas don't pan out, get shelved and look to be a waste of resource, but the alternative would be to do nothing and sit back and watch the business recede just the same maybe quicker, because as I have said time is the killer of all things and GW2 is not immune to it.

> > > >

> > > > We do know in so far as we see the living story episode every 3 months and its not enough. We see what they are working on because that is all that is being released. If they come out tomorrow and say hey we have an expac coming out to combat Shadowbringers and Elswyr than great they need to be transparent on that. But if they think season 5 one episode every 3 months is going to tide players over then they need to tell us where they are at with that and give us a proper road map. Its my favourite game and ive sunk more hours into it than EQ and WoW combined now but i'm running out of things to do unless I want to start raiding. I consider myself a casual I can imagine if I was a hard core player. As I said that's great and all power to them exploring alternate revenue but no content for your core business is also a killer.

> > >

> > > Gees some people are never satisfied.. how much do you think can be developed and pushed out every three months... LS was content "free content" to all those that logged prior to the next chapter... add to that the balance passes, the bug fixing, the QoL stuff oh and the gemstore fluff required to maintain a revenue stream. do you not understand to push out content costs money and takes time…. do you think it would be possible to push out a full expac every three months instead. C'mon get real.

> > > LS is a gap fill in between expacs and a chance for ANET to generate necessary revenue in which to plough into new content pay bills, keep employees paid. It also sets to further the game from a story and events perspective, but seriously, start up a business and run it your way, try to push out the same level of content on the same cadence whilst maintaining the business and trying to expand your portfolio.. then maybe you will begin to open your eyes to just how unrealistic your notions are, cos honestly I don't think your playing in the real world.

> > > Then again it wouldn't matter if ANET did push out an expac every three months, that would not be enough to satisfy the "it's not enuff self entitled crowds" anyway and you will soon revert back to your above poorly thought out "its not enough content" ideology again no doubt.

> > >

> > > EDIT - BTW II personally find a LS update plus some bug fixes, QoL and balance passes every three months enough to keep me happy and occasionally I might see something in the gemstore I like as well... .. guess we all have differing views and opinions on that kind of stuff, much like whether you or I might differ in the quality of any such content. Don't get me wrong though, I have not been overly impressed with ANET this past 6 months, but I do appreciate content does not materialise out of thin air and cost nothing to produce.

> >

> > Nobody said an expac every 3 months show me where anyone said that???? but its quite clear the content cadence is less than their peers. You can debate all you want but their peers are putting out more content in patches and its pretty obvious that means people will start to gravitate towards games that have stuff for them to do. If this cadence is good enough for you, great. I hope its good enough for everyone else as well to keep this game a float but imo we really need an expac to be in the works to keep the core audience engaged with other entertainment products in the MMO sector set to release their own expacs. I'm a manager for a crown corporation I am well aware of economics. Lets stick to the facts, competitors all have expacs on the horizon, expacs spell excitement and increased revenue which mean people keep their jobs.... as far as we know Anet doesn't have one coming at least until after LS5.... nothing wrong with that but lets hope they have something more for us as i'm going to bet LS5 isn't going to tide most people over and less interest spells less revenue which means more layoffs. For the sake of the health of the game they need to keep up with their competitors.


> You are missing the point.. ANET is by definition inside an expansion cycle.. even if we know of an expac or not.. therefore content is cadenced through that period.. and its free. in order to 1- set the direction of the content as a whole, 2 to provide enough time to actually develop an expac.

> Those titles may very well be at the point of their exacs, that is their business and beyond the control of anything ANET can do.. you cant just magic up an expansion just because Joe Bloggs has announced theirs is coming. If you can't understand that then perhaps you never will.

> Add to that GW2 is B2P, there is no other costs forced upon anyone beyond that.. not many other titles offer that same deal with the same amount of free content on top.. so it's imperative ANET source additional ways to fund itself outside of an aging product..



You're either missing my point or just straw maning badly through out the whole debate but agree to disagree.

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It has been a rough week so far. The lay off has affected way too many people both Anet employees and Gw2 Players. To me, all the employees from Anet is my heroes because they provide a game that I enjoy playing after a hard working day. As everyone can see, we have a title "Leaves no Heroes Behind" in-game but unfortunately, in the past couples days I have seen too many of my heroes leave the studio and I have no power to stop it. That makes me really really sad. To all who got laid off, I wish you all the best and to those who remain, I wish you guys could get through this tough time, keep your heads up and be positive. Thank you for everything. Goodbye! My heroes.



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> @"cptaylor.2670" said:

> > @"wetwillyhip.7254" said:

> > > @"Rabbi Rick.3194" said:

> > > > @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> > > > Josh Foreman is leaving Anet. :(

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Yep, and with that, Anet will not receive another dime from me. ESO looks like it has some great content coming out this year.

> >

> > It's not ArenaNet's fault! It's NCSOFT's fault for all of this.


> Assuming these projects were someone's idea at ArenaNet and not some delegated tasks by NCSoft, it is "ArenaNet's" fault. And to an extent, it's the teams working on those other projects not being able to complete them with the resources or staff they were given, or a lack of direction, that are also to blame. Perhaps the projects were too ambitious to begin with?


> I think this is a case of mismanagement just as much as it is corporate greed.



Though there is belief that these "unannounced projects" (possibly mobile game) could have been at the request of NCSoft. Though, no one knows.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I can't imagine what it must be like over there. I thought I'd been through things like this myself, but that was always in the UK where people get weeks or even months to prepare before they leave, I imagine it's very different when you only find out on the day you're leaving.


Being told at the last moment is horrible. For me, back then, it was literally the company I was working for telling me, without any prior warning or any kind of explanation, come in the next day in the afternoon. The fact that the people they asked to come in the next day in the afternoon were all veterans that were the highest paid in their positions, was a big give away.


My heart goes out to all Anet staff who are affected by this, regardless of what project they were working on. Hope they can find new and exciting positions in other companies in the near future.


As for the future of GW2, I won’t go into long details as I don’t think this is the right time or place, but I hope the new people in charge (if there are changes in decision making for GW2) are more active about tackling player concerns for existing contents than in the past. IMO, Anet has a tendency to release and forget.

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> @"wetwillyhip.7254" said:

> > @"Rabbi Rick.3194" said:

> > > @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> > > Josh Foreman is leaving Anet. :(

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Yep, and with that, Anet will not receive another dime from me. ESO looks like it has some great content coming out this year.


> It's not ArenaNet's fault! It's NCSOFT's fault for all of this.


Agreed; however, any money given to Anet goes into NCSoft's coffers, even more so now as they "restructure" Anet into NCSoft west.


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Now, what do we make from Joshua Foreman leaving? If they actually fired him, what does this mean? When you fire your lead level designer/artist, that really sounds like you don't plan to put a lot of emphasis on level design from now on. Like, no more huge DLCs with bunch of exceptionally designed environment, just a simple LWS map once in a while? I don't get it, that's kind of an employee you normally want to keep if you plan to keep growing your project.

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