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Say one thing you love about GW2.


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The freedom of the game to do whatever, whenever, however.


Of all the MMOs on the market, I keep returning to Guild Wars 2. Most MMOs that I have tried have insane gear grinds to do anything fun, enforced group content to see any of the story, microtransaction hell to compete against anyone, or toxic communities that expect everyone to throw fun to wind in order to min/max to the extreme.


GW2, however, is not like that. No matter how old this game gets, like it's predecessor I just keep coming back because it always fills the niche of giving me freedom to play how I want to. I enjoy that. As long as the game is alive and kicking, I'll keep returning. There's nothing else out there quite like it.

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There are so many things that I love that it's hard to list just 1. But I'll try to leave it short.


The endless gear grind as mentioned above is definitely 1.


The art in this game is another. Although I think the armor and weapons are a bit uninspired at times, the maps have always been truly breathtaking and immersive for me. I'm the type of person that loves exploring, and have probably spent a good 200 hours just exploring the guild halls and making them my own with decorations. I also absolutely love breaking out of maps and seeing the bones of them or finding new vantage points just to take in the beauty of them. I sincerely hope the layoffs didn't affect too many people associated with this. I think the people responsible for creating many of these maps are highly professional, detail oriented, and extremely talented. It would be a shame to see any of them go, and have it reflect in one of the most major ways I enjoy the game.


The innovation is another. The minds that program some of this tech have to be pretty top notch. Although I think this game is bad in general about creating new things and never letting them grow into their full potential, I feel like this game has always been really creative in terms of putting a new spin on classic features. Mounts for example, are a huge boost for the game an exciting new way to not only enjoy existing or older content, but to give developers new and fun challenges when creating new content. Sure, mounts aren't unique to this game, but I think they introduced them wonderfully and to a game you wouldn't naturally expect to have them. The same with gliding. The combat system in general and the many ways they find to keep pushing the physics in the game.


The other is the method of storytelling. Though I highly disagree with some of their story-decisions, I think the delivery is quite effective and very immersive. A little quick at times, and short-lived, but I certainly never got as involved or invested with any characters in WoW when I played it... and I even read a majority of the novels...


There are plenty more things to list, and I hope as time goes on, I'm able to add even more. But the map design and innovation are probably the key things that I like and find unique about this game.


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I would have liked to say "level scaling, so that content never becomes trivial". Sadly, it isn't that great... core Tyria maps do feel too easy, and the majority of events have awful scaling so that if a zerg arrives (hi daily), the place becomes anything but fun.


So, instead I'll state that what I like the most is the level cap being set to 80 and having tons of content for it. Everything added after orr (which is two expansions and three living story seasons) is pretty much on a similar level of challenge, so I get tons of stuff to do.


I totally hate how the levelling experience is such a "trek on rails" for the majority of games, and how once you are done with an area, you either never need to return, or if you do, most of the content has become trivial to overcome.


Now, if only I could figure out more reasons to return to some of those LS maps I haven't visited in forever... I could use more dailies that would send me to maps like draconic Mons or lake Doric. :D

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