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Hot Daily with only Pof xpack?


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Hello i just came back after a few year break I am still trying to relearn everything but it seems like i have a Hot xpack Daily but i am not sure. It is called maguuma wastes forager. I googled it and to the best of my knowledge you have to have Hot to access this area. Is this correct or is there a way for me to get there with just the POF xpack? Thanks for your help

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It's a little confusing because of the similarity of names:

* Maguuma Jungle: original core maps (mostly) near Rata Sum and the Grove

* Maguuma Wastes: two maps (Dry Top & Silverwastes) introduced in LS2, now considered 'core'

* Heart of Maguuma: four maps (Verdant Brink, Auric Basin, Tangled Depths, Dragons Stand) released with HoT



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The best part of all of this is that none of the core maps are even in the Maguuma Jungle. Lorewise, does it technically not exist anymore ? Since it became Heart of Maguuma and Maguuma Wastes (the parts that died out for some reason)..


The only hints of Maguuma we see in Central Tyria are in Brisban Wildlands, with the Druids.

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> The best part of all of this is that none of the core maps are even in the Maguuma Jungle. Lorewise, does it technically not exist anymore ? Since it became Heart of Maguuma and Maguuma Wastes (the parts that died out for some reason)..


> The only hints of Maguuma we see in Central Tyria are in Brisban Wildlands, with the Druids.


The Maguuma Jungle definitely does still exist, it's just that there's now several different names for different parts of it. Some related to geography, some to social conditions and some to game mechanics, or a mix of all 3.


Maguuma Jungle is the lore name for the entire geographical region - similar to the Alps or the Amazon rainforest in real life, which both span multiple countries and even different geographical conditions. It covers everything west of Kessex Hills. Parts of it were always dry - in GW1 it was mainly related to elevation with jungle lower down and desert higher up. Dry Top in particular was always desert and the Sage Lands, which is roughly where Silverwastes is now only had a few pockets of actual jungle. The name Maguuma Wastes may be related to the fact that humans, and probably other races, used to live there and now consider it a dangerous area to be avoided, as much as to the terrain, although it definitely has dried up more since GW1.


The Tarnished Coast, also called simply Maguuma (Rata Sum, Metrica Province, Caledon Forest, The Grove and Brisban Wildlands) has gone through almost the opposite - throughout most of GW1 it was just the edge of the jungle (they actually had to expand the area on the map when they included it in EOTN) but since the asura moved in and the sylvari appeared it's become a lot more cosmopolitan. I suspect for most people in Tyria if they talk about the Maguuma Jungle - especially before the events of HoT - this is the area they'd mean. Add on the fact that until Season 2 this was the only area of the jungle which was accessible and it makes sense that it got the name Maguuma.


Which is also how the 'Heart of Maguuma' got its name - it's the bit right in the middle (or possible near the far side) of the jungle - further than we'd ever been before and seemingly further than anyone we have records from had gone before. I suspect the name is also intended to imply that it's more exotic and more dangerous than the 'normal' Maguuma, since that's what they were aiming for when they made HoT.


I think including Sparkfly Fen and Mount Maelstrom in the Maguuma region is purely down to game mechanics and keeping things simple. In GW1 each EOTN faction gave you a passive bonus in their region, and since you went to Sparkfly Fen as part of the asuran story you got the asuran bonus there. I think they kept that in GW2 for familiarity, and because again they'd either have to lump that area in with other jungle maps or create a new region for just two maps for dailies and things. (According to the wiki each region has an internal name - for example Maguuma Wastes is Arid - so I suspect each map has to be assigned to a region and that may determine things like drop tables, plant types for harvesting nodes and other stuff that's common across a region, so making a new one might actually be a lot of work.)

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> Maguuma Jungle is the lore name for the entire geographical region - similar to the Alps or the Amazon rainforest in real life, which both span multiple countries and even different geographical conditions. It covers everything west of Kessex Hills. Parts of it were always dry - in GW1 it was mainly related to elevation with jungle lower down and desert higher up. Dry Top in particular was always desert and the Sage Lands, which is roughly where Silverwastes is now only had a few pockets of actual jungle. The name Maguuma Wastes may be related to the fact that humans, and probably other races, used to live there and now consider it a dangerous area to be avoided, as much as to the terrain, although it definitely has dried up more since GW1.



The weirdest part about Maguuma Jungle is the fact that it includes Sparkfly Fen and Mount Maelstrom. It would be like part of west Africa is considered to be part of the Amazon.

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The Maguuma Wastes refers to The Silverwastes and Dry Top, which are both considered general expansions to Core Tyria and can be accessed without an expansion. To go further from the Silverwastes, however, will cause you to enter Heart of Maguuma and you will need Heart of Thorns to access that area. Sorry for the confusion!


_Canned response:_ **Not a bug.**

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