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Names of the developers who are leaving ArenaNet.


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Can we have the full list of the developers leaving the studio? We would like to pay our respect to them. These are dark and difficult times for the developers and for the community. Lets show them our support.


The list so far:


Aaron Linde - Narrative Systems Lead


AJ Badarni - Tools Programmer/Programmer At Large (ArenaNet LLC)

Dates Employed Jun 2018 – Feb 2019



Benjamin Arnold - Content Programmer (Fractal/Raid)


Cal Cohen - PvP/Balance



Cameron Rich - Game Designer (Fractal/Raid)


Casey Benson - Tools Programmer


Connie Griffith - Senior Game Designer


Damian Kastbauer - Technical Sound Design


David Ryan Paul - Former Art Director (ArenaNet)




Drew Cady - Audio Director


Elan Stimmel - Narrative Writer

https://twitter.com/LanielanLand https://twitter.com/LanielanLand/status/1100166630892392449

Evan Teicheira - Customer Service Lead

https://twitter.com/EvangeIos https://twitter.com/EvangeIos/status/1100145650396590080

Gaile Gray - Forum Communications Team Lead

https://twitter.com/GaileGray https://twitter.com/GaileGray/status/1100145809914392576

Grant Gertz - Producer (WvW, PvP, Fractal)

https://twitter.com/ggspeaksfree https://twitter.com/ggspeaksfree/status/1100136498639253504

Joshua Foreman - Environmental Artist & Art Lead (Jumping Puzzle, SAB)

https://twitter.com/JoshuaForeman https://twitter.com/JoshuaForeman/status/1100125815734394880

Kayl Myers - Former Senior Environment / Tech Artist at ArenaNet LLC



Kelsey Pickinpaugh - UI/UX Designer

https://twitter.com/SpacedCadette https://twitter.com/SpacedCadette/status/1100122657180119040

Lena Raine - Composer & Producer

https://twitter.com/kuraine https://twitter.com/kuraine/status/1100142597874495488

Kriss Watt - Senior Web Programmer (ArenaNet LLC)

Dates Employed Oct 2015 – Feb 2019



Lily Yu - Writer


McKenna Berdrow - Game Designer (WvW Game Designer, World Linking)



Matthew Medina - Content Designer

https://twitter.com/barefootmatthew https://twitter.com/barefootmatthew/status/1100124443727122432

Myranda Byrne - Senior Embedded QA

https://twitter.com/MistresMalice https://twitter.com/MistresMalice/status/1100216199240069120

Paul Ella - Game Designer (Raids, Legendary Armor)



Added Scott Mayhew - former Character Animator at ArenaNet



Shuai Liu - Technical Director and Lead Server Programmer

https://twitter.com/shuailiu https://twitter.com/shuailiu/status/1100151216649072640

Tyler Bearce - Game Designer



Zach Lute - Tools Programmer

https://twitter.com/zowch https://twitter.com/zowch/status/1100196114676903936



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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> Can we have the full list of the developers leaving the studio? We would like to pay our respect to them. These are dark and difficult times for the developers and for the community. Lets show them our support.




Please rename this thread to something more positive.


Whilst saddening, from reading the love in the tweets, it is clear that Anet emplooyees truly care about us and the future of the game and company.


It is the most positive thing I've seen about the future of the game and gives me hope going forward.


We are the future of the game, lets show our support and we can make it even better!

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> @"tippolit.3591" said:

> Each and every one a class act … no bitterness noted in their tweets … only love and appreciation for the company and their coworkers.


Agree, they came with heads held high full of heart and passion for the job, the game, the studio and us... they leave with twice the admiration and respect from me.

I wish them all good fortune on the road ahead, may their next adventures see that same passion and professionalism light up another community the same way it has within Guild Wars.


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Some choices on who to remove confuse me, maybe they were the higher paid members? Who knows but it kills me to know that developers who have been at a company for 16 years can be removed in a day. I honestly can't imagine putting the best part of my life into a place and just being thrown out.


Why do we fund this industry again?


It's sad but I can honestly say that this whole situation makes it extremely hard to want to bother logging in let alone buying gems.


I know it wasn't an Arenanet choice and came from those kittens at NCSOFT but my disdain for NC continues to grow every day. From screwing up Aion, to closing Heroes and now this.

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> @"tippolit.3591" said:

> Each and every one a class act … no bitterness noted in their tweets … only love and appreciation for the company and their coworkers.


Yeah very classy, but that’s always been the impressive thing about them - they are a very tight knit team.


When I was made redundant I had a 2 month period to finish leading a project. I was uninhibited in my talking to upper management. I wouldn’t have blamed them for being the same.

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> @"Neoryudo.2914" said:

> Some choices on who to remove confuse me, maybe they were the higher paid members? Who knows but it kills me to know that developers who have been at a company for 16 years can be removed in a day. I honestly can't imagine putting the best part of my life into a place and just being thrown out.

Some of the comments of the developers indicate they had a choice to make. So I suspect they were told that 100 people needed to be let go but that first of all people could choose voluntarily to leave with a bonus in their severance package and that after that the remaining numbers would be decided by the company. So I'm not sure how many of the people we know of decided to choose to leave themselves. Mind you, I say choose but of course it's a limited choice when you know a quarter of your group has to go regardless.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"Neoryudo.2914" said:

> > Some choices on who to remove confuse me, maybe they were the higher paid members? Who knows but it kills me to know that developers who have been at a company for 16 years can be removed in a day. I honestly can't imagine putting the best part of my life into a place and just being thrown out.

> Some of the comments of the developers indicate they had a choice to make. So I suspect they were told that 100 people needed to be let go but that first of all people could choose voluntarily to leave with a bonus in their severance package and that after that the remaining numbers would be decided by the company. So I'm not sure how many of the people we know of decided to choose to leave themselves. Mind you, I see choose but of course it's a limited choice when you know a quarter of your group has to go regardless.


Yeah probably T.T

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One thing I would like to add to this thread.. it is of course not just Devs that have met with ill fortune within all this.

I know it is predominately the Dev teams that we see as the face of the game and are held in high respect by the community, but there are most likely many other unsung heroes within the company displaced as well that helped make a difference everyday they turned in for work and I would like to shout out to them and say Good Luck for the future.

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> @"sigur.9453" said:

> Is due to Anet aperently mismanagment that they had to let people go.


Are you sure that's the case? Don't you think those new, cancelled projects were commissioned by NCsoft?


P.S. As we will probably never learn the truth, everything on my or your end is mere speculation - I agree on that.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"sigur.9453" said:

> > Is due to Anet aperently mismanagment that they had to let people go.


> Are you sure that's the case? Don't you think those new, cancelled projects were commissioned by NCsoft?


As i said, speculation...and to spin it further...if they comissioned it, they fundet it and actually MADE those jobs available. now people are crying that they put those jobs away and blame ncsoft fort it. don´t get me wrong here, im not a fan of this shallow company myself, but to blame everything on them is the easy way out. get out of your confort zone (anet forums, where every criticism gets shut down)

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Was not nsoft but arena net that decided to move resources and man power from the game u love slowing its growth and development over last few yrs, was very apparent the community noticed this. Wasn’t nsoft but arenanet that ok’d said side projects and was arenanet managing the development of these projects that yielded unproductive results for the company. Nsoft was just the parent company that funded arenanet so regardless of ur views on nsofts past business descision they cant be blamed if arenets descisions have led to a unsustainable situation and this is a result of arenets management within arenet not nsoft. If nsoft didn’t protect itself as a company smaller studios like arenanet probably wouldn’t exist so...

with that said it is always sad to hear about lay offs,as I’m sure we as adults have all been effected by them at one time or another as such is life. I hope the lost members find another studio and continued success within the gaming industry or their chosen fields.

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> @"sigur.9453" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > Are you sure that's the case? Don't you think those new, cancelled projects were commissioned by NCsoft?

> As i said


As I did, too...


> speculation




> they fundet it and actually MADE those jobs available.


Since people were moved from GW2 to those projects, those weren't new jobs per se as the people working on them had been "old resources."


> get out of your confort zone (anet forums, where every criticism gets shut down)


I am not in a comfort zone and I am not blaming _everything_ on NCsoft. As I mentioned elsewhere, I believe the heads of ANet just as much to be blamed in certain regards. (And I wish someone would replace Mike O'Brien as I don't like where he has taken the game, but that's a different story.)

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> @"tippolit.3591" said:

> Each and every one a class act … no bitterness noted in their tweets … only love and appreciation for the company and their coworkers.


While that is of course nice to see, one thing to keep in mind is that you can't read too much into that (in terms of the separation being amicable or the individual actually having good feelings about the company). It's simply the professional thing to do, because unless you don't intend to work in that field anymore or are in such crazy demand for what you do that it doesn't matter, you still need references from your old job. Especially in an industry as insular and competitive as game development, who you know and your reputation as a "team player" is probably *the* most important thing to having a long career. I'd bet many if not most of these folks would like to blow the doors out about what went down over the years but they simply can't regardless of how they were treated, because they don't want the rep as a complainer or someone who talks "inside baseball."

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