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Anet's Mobile Game


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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> Thanks, but no thanks.


> If i want to re-play GW1 i have it for PC. I don't need to take it with me nor have i really understood why people feel compelled to game everywhere.


I'd say, it's not about gaming everywhere (although that is an option for such games). It's more the prospect that all they have to do to play is dig in their pocket or pull their phone off the charger and with a swipe have the game ready to play. Not being confined to a specific location is just icing on the cake. Showing other people the game you're playing is another appeal since you don't have to lure someone into your dungeon to show the gameplay and another person can likely download the game themselves on their own device.


I honestly don't understand everyone's disdain for the medium itself (you can even play a mobile game on a PC *gasp*). It's this how people see laptop users? Is this the same attitude thrown at VR tech? I mean wow, we likely wouldn't have smartphones and tablets with as advanced of specs as we have if no one tried to put good looking games on them.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > Thanks, but no thanks.

> >

> > If i want to re-play GW1 i have it for PC. I don't need to take it with me nor have i really understood why people feel compelled to game everywhere.


> I'd say, it's not about gaming everywhere (although that is an option for such games). It's more the prospect that all they have to do to play is dig in their pocket or pull their phone off the charger and with a swipe have the game ready to play. Not being confined to a specific location is just icing on the cake. Showing other people the game you're playing is another appeal since you don't have to lure someone into your dungeon to show the gameplay and another person can likely download the game themselves on their own device.


> I honestly don't understand everyone's disdain for the medium itself (you can even play a mobile game on a PC *gasp*). It's this how people see laptop users? Is this the same attitude thrown at VR tech? I mean wow, we likely wouldn't have smartphones and tablets with as advanced of specs as we have if no one tried to put good looking games on them.


I don't need to be on a mobile device to showcase any product. Streams exist and have for well over a decade now.


The disdain for the medium comes because of what it's done to the industry, case in point NcSoft, Blizzard and EA have all been attempting to maximize profit over quality products because their CFO's see mobile as some great saviour. Just because phones have the highest market penatration of all electronic devices does not make them good for games. To argue such a thing would be akin to arguing that Mircorwaves are the only device you need to cook with, it's absurd.


Tech has grown not because of "mobile games" advancement, but because of the bright men and women who have a desire to push the envelope of what is possible, and while it is possible to game on a phone that doesn't mean that we as a people have to like it, nor accept it. In addition your premise that mobile gaming is what pushed the bounds of technology is baseless, the industry with the single greatest push of technology has always been the Adult Entertainment Industry.

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Mobile apps are on the rise in the industry for gaming. Various studies, financial groups/analysts all show this. As PC gamers we all must choose are you in that or not.The appeal to mobile developers is that vast market size and the fact that people are willing to pay a PC's price for a device they can carry around and then they don't think twice about spending 1-5 dollars on an app they may spend 10 minutes on. Micro transactions work because people will accept this, oh its the cost of one fast food sandwich, I can do that. So gaming devolves into this because that 2 dollars times a million users....equal profit. That's why it can be frustrating to see people complain they haven't upgraded their PC in ten years and they wonder why their game runs slow, even though they replaced their smartphone a number of times in the same period. It's a self inflicted wound that gamers need to owe up to. So to the OP question, if they were to release a mobile app, as I have seen others do in the past, no not interested. Pass. I am looking for more than a ten minute encounter with a game. I support a lot of gaming and back a number of kickstarters, but I don't back phone apps for gaming and I don't back companies that dumb down their games so that they can become tablet/phone apps. It's up to each player to decide how they spend their own money, that's just my 2 cents and how I will choose to spend mine.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > Thanks, but no thanks.

> > >

> > > If i want to re-play GW1 i have it for PC. I don't need to take it with me nor have i really understood why people feel compelled to game everywhere.

> >

> > I'd say, it's not about gaming everywhere (although that is an option for such games). It's more the prospect that all they have to do to play is dig in their pocket or pull their phone off the charger and with a swipe have the game ready to play. Not being confined to a specific location is just icing on the cake. Showing other people the game you're playing is another appeal since you don't have to lure someone into your dungeon to show the gameplay and another person can likely download the game themselves on their own device.

> >

> > I honestly don't understand everyone's disdain for the medium itself (you can even play a mobile game on a PC *gasp*). It's this how people see laptop users? Is this the same attitude thrown at VR tech? I mean wow, we likely wouldn't have smartphones and tablets with as advanced of specs as we have if no one tried to put good looking games on them.


> I don't need to be on a mobile device to showcase any product. Streams exist and have for well over a decade now.


> The disdain for the medium comes because of what it's done to the industry, case in point NcSoft, Blizzard and EA have all been attempting to maximize profit over quality products because their CFO's see mobile as some great saviour. Just because phones have the highest market penatration of all electronic devices does not make them good for games. To argue such a thing would be akin to arguing that Mircorwaves are the only device you need to cook with, it's absurd.



Who even said that? Don't present a strawman and label it absurd unless you have no actual counter. But it's hilarious you think phones aren't good for games... Unless you were specifically speaking on the penetration factor which is also a laughable argument to make.


No where did I imply if you have a "microwave" you need no other tools to cook. I actually argue the opposite, that having a microwave doesn't preclude ovens, grills, stoves, etc... You just give people without those things an easier option with a microwave.


> Tech has grown not because of "mobile games" advancement, but because of the bright men and women who have a desire to push the envelope of what is possible, and while it is possible to game on a phone that doesn't mean that we as a people have to like it, nor accept it. In addition your premise that mobile gaming is what pushed the bounds of technology is baseless, the industry with the single greatest push of technology has always been the Adult Entertainment Industry.


Porn pushing phone graphics is just as, if not more baseless than my assertion.

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> @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> Just focus on GW2, its expansions and maybe GW3 in the future plz. The last thing we need is another side project.

> I hope you have seen about the Diablo Immortal debacle? Mobile games may not be the best option for a community of PC gamers.


> In Dutch, we have a saying: _"Shoenmaker blijf bij je leest"_ which translates to _"Cobbler/Shoemaker stick to your last"_ to warn people to not deviate too much from their core business.


FUNFACT: The mobile game wasn't what was draining so much resources and required hundred of developers.

I'm not sure how people can expect them to work on a GW3 without it being a "unannounced project" until they get enough progress to show something and announce it.

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > > Thanks, but no thanks.

> > > >

> > > > If i want to re-play GW1 i have it for PC. I don't need to take it with me nor have i really understood why people feel compelled to game everywhere.

> > >

> > > I'd say, it's not about gaming everywhere (although that is an option for such games). It's more the prospect that all they have to do to play is dig in their pocket or pull their phone off the charger and with a swipe have the game ready to play. Not being confined to a specific location is just icing on the cake. Showing other people the game you're playing is another appeal since you don't have to lure someone into your dungeon to show the gameplay and another person can likely download the game themselves on their own device.

> > >

> > > I honestly don't understand everyone's disdain for the medium itself (you can even play a mobile game on a PC *gasp*). It's this how people see laptop users? Is this the same attitude thrown at VR tech? I mean wow, we likely wouldn't have smartphones and tablets with as advanced of specs as we have if no one tried to put good looking games on them.

> >

> > I don't need to be on a mobile device to showcase any product. Streams exist and have for well over a decade now.

> >

> > The disdain for the medium comes because of what it's done to the industry, case in point NcSoft, Blizzard and EA have all been attempting to maximize profit over quality products because their CFO's see mobile as some great saviour. Just because phones have the highest market penatration of all electronic devices does not make them good for games. To argue such a thing would be akin to arguing that Mircorwaves are the only device you need to cook with, it's absurd.

> >


> Who even said that? Don't present a strawman and label it absurd unless you have no actual counter. But it's hilarious you think phones aren't good for games... Unless you were specifically speaking on the penetration factor which is also a laughable argument to make.


> No where did I imply if you have a "microwave" you need no other tools to cook. I actually argue the opposite, that having a microwave doesn't preclude ovens, grills, stoves, etc... You just give people without those things an easier option with a microwave.


> > Tech has grown not because of "mobile games" advancement, but because of the bright men and women who have a desire to push the envelope of what is possible, and while it is possible to game on a phone that doesn't mean that we as a people have to like it, nor accept it. In addition your premise that mobile gaming is what pushed the bounds of technology is baseless, the industry with the single greatest push of technology has always been the Adult Entertainment Industry.


> kitten pushing phone graphics is just as, if not more baseless than my assertion.


Fine i won't present the strawman, instead since you believe phones to be so substaintal on games name me one decent phone game that is a unique IP and didn't outright steal an existing one and rebrand it.


I believe you wont be able to, because phones have not done anything for games aside from recycle existing IP and plague the games industry with lower quality products as a whole.

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> @"Shylo.1426" said:

> I suppose you're right when it comes to having to face another backlash from the community, but would you give it a chance?

> Ive tried Runescape, Ragnarok, Conquer Online and even seen PUBG and Fortnite on mobile.

> not to mention the LoL and WoW clones that dont completely charge you an arm and a leg to play.

> You didn't say it couldn't be done or even if it shouldn't be done; I think you're simply implying as to why it isn't being done.


> Maybe OG-GW on the go isn't in the foreseeable future but the idea of it is possibly exciting.

> I would think tap control interfacing and targeting would be easier in GW than in say something like Fortnite or LoL ( and the FN & LoL clones are successful ).



I recognize that game companies and game making must inevitably evolve with technology or perish. This is something that was keeping Nintendo simultaneously ahead and behind in their technology, until they finally merged their console and portable devices into the Switch. I am resigned to the fact that "convenience is king" mobile gaming will eventually replace "station" gaming. I don't like its current direction, taking gaming all the way back to its quarter-munching slots-arcade roots, nor do I have faith that mobile gaming will adequately replace PC's and consoles in my lifetime.


However, if they were to move into the mobile sector, I believe that they should take the same route Mojang took with Minecraft, or GameFreak with Pokemon: make a new, different game reminiscent of, but not identical to, the original. That way, there is a clear distinction between Guild Wars Mobile and Guild Wars (even if the two were somehow crossplay compatible like Fortnite supposedly is) . This way, the game can be dissected into even smaller "bites", encouraging the drop-in, drop-out play necessary for the mobile market, and keep the brand as a whole insulated by creating a separate, parallel brand. I can't speak for everyone, but I might at least look at that.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> > @"Shylo.1426" said:

> > I suppose you're right when it comes to having to face another backlash from the community, but would you give it a chance?

> > Ive tried Runescape, Ragnarok, Conquer Online and even seen PUBG and Fortnite on mobile.

> > not to mention the LoL and WoW clones that dont completely charge you an arm and a leg to play.

> > You didn't say it couldn't be done or even if it shouldn't be done; I think you're simply implying as to why it isn't being done.

> >

> > Maybe OG-GW on the go isn't in the foreseeable future but the idea of it is possibly exciting.

> > I would think tap control interfacing and targeting would be easier in GW than in say something like Fortnite or LoL ( and the FN & LoL clones are successful ).

> >


> I recognize that game companies and game making must inevitably evolve with technology or perish. This is something that was keeping Nintendo simultaneously ahead and behind in their technology, until they finally merged their console and portable devices into the Switch. I am resigned to the fact that "convenience is king" mobile gaming will eventually replace "station" gaming. I don't like its current direction, taking gaming all the way back to its quarter-munching slots-arcade roots, nor do I have faith that mobile gaming will adequately replace PC's and consoles in my lifetime.


> However, if they were to move into the mobile sector, I believe that they should take the same route Mojang took with Minecraft, or GameFreak with Pokemon: make a new, different game reminiscent of, but not identical to, the original. That way, there is a clear distinction between Guild Wars Mobile and Guild Wars (even if the two were somehow crossplay compatible like Fortnite supposedly is) . This way, the game can be dissected into even smaller "bites", encouraging the drop-in, drop-out play necessary for the mobile market, and keep the brand as a whole insulated by creating a separate, parallel brand. I can't speak for everyone, but I might at least look at that.


Imagine you're at a bus stop, or on the toilet ( because... why else )

You get a notification that a guild mate is also looking to queue for a quick mission. You swipe in and start it. 15-30 minutes later you're done. You're stepping off to your stop/ wife is banging on the door to sound of toilet water flushing and you're on your way. No pay to win, no loot box's. Just expansions, skins, bonus missions etc.

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> @"Shylo.1426" said:


> Imagine you're at a bus stop, or on the toilet ( because... why else )

> You get a notification that a guild mate is also looking to queue for a quick mission. You swipe in and start it. 15-30 minutes later you're done. You're stepping off to your stop/ wife is banging on the door to sound of toilet water flushing and you're on your way. No pay to win, no loot box's. Just expansions, skins, bonus missions etc.


You're right. A Switch version would be perfect.

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Lets also recall how PvP heavy GW1 was.

An average PvP match was about 10-15 mins. No one really plays mobile beyond 20-30 minutes ( with the average play time of games like candy crush being 35 and clash 21 ). If done right, a notification to PvP queue pop would work and the time to play would fit the average mobile game attention span.

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> @"Trise.2865" said:

> > @"Shylo.1426" said:

> >

> > Imagine you're at a bus stop, or on the toilet ( because... why else )

> > You get a notification that a guild mate is also looking to queue for a quick mission. You swipe in and start it. 15-30 minutes later you're done. You're stepping off to your stop/ wife is banging on the door to sound of toilet water flushing and you're on your way. No pay to win, no loot box's. Just expansions, skins, bonus missions etc.


> You're right. A Switch version would be perfect.


Although I dont see it coming to the switch, a steam mobile network handheld would be incredible and open up many opportunities.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > > > > @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > > > > Thanks, but no thanks.

> > > > >

> > > > > If i want to re-play GW1 i have it for PC. I don't need to take it with me nor have i really understood why people feel compelled to game everywhere.

> > > >

> > > > I'd say, it's not about gaming everywhere (although that is an option for such games). It's more the prospect that all they have to do to play is dig in their pocket or pull their phone off the charger and with a swipe have the game ready to play. Not being confined to a specific location is just icing on the cake. Showing other people the game you're playing is another appeal since you don't have to lure someone into your dungeon to show the gameplay and another person can likely download the game themselves on their own device.

> > > >

> > > > I honestly don't understand everyone's disdain for the medium itself (you can even play a mobile game on a PC *gasp*). It's this how people see laptop users? Is this the same attitude thrown at VR tech? I mean wow, we likely wouldn't have smartphones and tablets with as advanced of specs as we have if no one tried to put good looking games on them.

> > >

> > > I don't need to be on a mobile device to showcase any product. Streams exist and have for well over a decade now.

> > >

> > > The disdain for the medium comes because of what it's done to the industry, case in point NcSoft, Blizzard and EA have all been attempting to maximize profit over quality products because their CFO's see mobile as some great saviour. Just because phones have the highest market penatration of all electronic devices does not make them good for games. To argue such a thing would be akin to arguing that Mircorwaves are the only device you need to cook with, it's absurd.

> > >

> >

> > Who even said that? Don't present a strawman and label it absurd unless you have no actual counter. But it's hilarious you think phones aren't good for games... Unless you were specifically speaking on the penetration factor which is also a laughable argument to make.

> >

> > No where did I imply if you have a "microwave" you need no other tools to cook. I actually argue the opposite, that having a microwave doesn't preclude ovens, grills, stoves, etc... You just give people without those things an easier option with a microwave.

> >

> > > Tech has grown not because of "mobile games" advancement, but because of the bright men and women who have a desire to push the envelope of what is possible, and while it is possible to game on a phone that doesn't mean that we as a people have to like it, nor accept it. In addition your premise that mobile gaming is what pushed the bounds of technology is baseless, the industry with the single greatest push of technology has always been the Adult Entertainment Industry.

> >

> > kitten pushing phone graphics is just as, if not more baseless than my assertion.


> Fine i won't present the strawman, instead since you believe phones to be so substaintal on games name me one decent phone game that is a unique IP and didn't outright steal an existing one and rebrand it.


> I believe you wont be able to, because phones have not done anything for games aside from recycle existing IP and plague the games industry with lower quality products as a whole.


Who doesn't recycle existing IPs or outright steal existing ones or rebrand then? I think you've committed a heinous mischaracterization of pc and console games who have for decades been re-releasing the same games or copying the same formula (hint: look at the MMORPG scene for the past 15 years).


Your problem is, you see the industry as some sort of war, with mobile on one side and console/pc on the other. You're short sighted. Advancements in any avenue of games is advancements for all of gaming.


Holy crap... You'd think improvements to handheld games would be example enough for you but apparently you think someone's propping up candy crush as the epitome of mobile gaming while completely ignoring things like the switch.


Get some kitten perspective, jeebus...

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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> Your problem is, you see the industry as some sort of war, with mobile on one side and console/pc on the other. You're short sighted. Advancements in any avenue of games is advancements for all of gaming.


> Holy kitten... You'd think improvements to handheld games would be example enough for you but apparently you think someone's propping up candy crush as the epitome of mobile gaming while completely ignoring things like the switch.


> Get some kitten perspective, jeebus...


No you see what's being short sighted is thinking that going backwards is progress.

Recycling old IP's and outright taking them while hoisting the banner of "Progress" is exactly why we're here right now and why we have people paying $60 annually for the next map pack of Call of Duty, Fifa, Madden etc. This is even more evident when you look at what the industry thinks is healthy for itself and that's the absurd nature of profit at all cost including that of a completed product.


When earnings reports go out and a game sells 500 million units, but it's deemed a failure by the higher ups because it didn't sell 550million. The get rich now facade of mobile is exactly what's wrong with the mobile games industry and it's a cancer on the games industry as a whole.


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> @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > @"PookieDaWombat.6209" said:

> > I'm not going to sit here and say that mobile gaming isn't gaming because that's just dumb, full stop. i will say though that mobile gaming as a viable income stream is a dumb idea built around the idea of short term gain. I will also point out that most gaming done on phones is reserved for times when people are looking to pass time in boring situations, like bathroom visits or being stuck at airports, and not when people are looking to enjoy a more robust gaming experience. in short, any game developer that already makes PC games trying to "break into" the mobile gaming market as means of additional revenue is already on the wrong track.


> And this will continue to be the case if no one ever attempts to make mobile games robust.


> If say, rather than try to pin why you feel mobile gaming isn't appealing, there are people that aren't armchair pop culture critics doing actual work to push change.


What you call an "armchair pop culture critic" I call someone who is an actual target customer who already has a solid grasp of what mobile gaming is and what it will be. Reality of the mobile environment having to contend with service providers and their limitations and the fact that phone makers have to create devices with very general capabilities in mind and you have a situation which is far more volatile for game development than your standard console generation cycles and PC hardware updates. Mobile games HAVE to basically be under-powered and free or almost free to play with a super low barrier to entry, simplified mechanics that don't require high precision and incorporates incentives to open your wallet without explicitly showing that it is pay to win. Those are all things that classic gaming/gamers tend to bristle at, yet we are being told that this is the direction game companies have to move, and its ridiculous.


Due to the platform you simply cannot make a mobile game robust enough to both get big groups willing to drop serious money on them, let alone stay with them. Certainly not in the way current big game companies think they can get into that market. Worse still, they think they can then apply those same money making tactics to their AAA titles.


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> @"Haishao.6851" said:

> > @"TheQuickFox.3826" said:

> > Just focus on GW2, its expansions and maybe GW3 in the future plz. The last thing we need is another side project.

> > I hope you have seen about the Diablo Immortal debacle? Mobile games may not be the best option for a community of PC gamers.

> >

> > In Dutch, we have a saying: _"Shoenmaker blijf bij je leest"_ which translates to _"Cobbler/Shoemaker stick to your last"_ to warn people to not deviate too much from their core business.


> FUNFACT: The mobile game wasn't what was draining so much resources and required hundred of developers.

> I'm not sure how people can expect them to work on a GW3 without it being a "unannounced project" until they get enough progress to show something and announce it.


my senses tell me that the "unannounced project" is GW3 and they rolled that back and are now focused on making (quality) expansions.

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> @"Shylo.1426" said:

> Let's pretend we actually do have mobile phones for a minute...


> If Anet did come out and say they are making a mobile game would it be a bad thing

> _take a step back and picture this_

> **Guild Wars: Prophecies Retold** for mobile

> I think Guild Wars 1 could be perfect for a mobile port.


I mentioned this the other day in a different thread . I also think GW1 could be ported to consoles also. It might thrive on consoles better than the mobile devices.

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I'm not sure about a mobile game, but I'd like to have a "hero panel" app. You know, having my dolls at hand when travelling or on the already mentioned other occasions... That would be nice. And it could even have a preview for unlocked stuff and a makeover preview. Or something like that. :)


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IMO, GW1 is far too detail orientated and time-consuming to really be worthwhile. Missions are geared for an average of 20-30 minute spans, while elite missions, dungeons, and vanquishes are geared towards 2 hours. Mobile games are designed for how they'd be played: in short bursts of time. Something you can spend 5-10 minutes and get meaningful progress. That just isn't possible for about 80% of GW1 content, especially the latter game content. On top of that, quick skill usage and movement is really important in GW1, and that's hard to simultaneously control (if not impossible) on a touch screen, especially one as small as a mobile phone.


That said, the GW IP would have plenty of room for a mobile game.


Personally speaking, my suspicion is that ArenaNet was planning on banking in on the "Heroes"-themed games, like Brave Frontier, Star Wars: Galaxy Heroes, Fire Emblem Heroes, etc. Those games which are about summoning figures throughout history/realms/whatever and building a team out of them for turn-based combat. I may have a skewed perspective but those types of games have seemingly become fairly popular among gamers who get a mobile game to spend their transit/toilet/other-no-computer/console downtime with. They could have utilized the Mists, even Utopia elements ([summoner](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_Utopia#Professions) anyone?) for any story such a game would have.

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If they made a mobile game, i think it would be better if it wasnt a guild wars clone. I think it would be better if the game was smaller and shorter then GW1 was. I dont know much about mobile game design, but expect the playtime to be shorter.


Ideas: What about a asura puzzle game with golems? Or polymock? A choya dance game? A raptor race game? A turn-based combat game? Or a solve-this-mystery game based on the human politics (a game about E? :p).

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> @"brenda.9723" said:

> If they made a mobile game, i think it would be better if it wasnt a guild wars clone. I think it would be better if the game was smaller and shorter then GW1 was. I dont know much about mobile game design, but expect the playtime to be shorter.


> Ideas: What about a asura puzzle game with golems? Or polymock? A choya dance game? A raptor race game? A turn-based combat game? Or a solve-this-mystery game based on the human politics (a game about E? :p).


Or, they could just get polymock into the actual game so the portal in rata sum stops being a pointless tease.

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> @"TexZero.7910" said:

> > @"Leo G.4501" said:

> > Your problem is, you see the industry as some sort of war, with mobile on one side and console/pc on the other. You're short sighted. Advancements in any avenue of games is advancements for all of gaming.

> >

> > Holy kitten... You'd think improvements to handheld games would be example enough for you but apparently you think someone's propping up candy crush as the epitome of mobile gaming while completely ignoring things like the switch.

> >

> > Get some kitten perspective, jeebus...


> No you see what's being short sighted is thinking that going backwards is progress.

> Recycling old IP's and outright taking them while hoisting the banner of "Progress" is exactly why we're here right now and why we have people paying $60 annually for the next map pack of Call of Duty, Fifa, Madden etc. This is even more evident when you look at what the industry thinks is healthy for itself and that's the absurd nature of profit at all cost including that of a completed product.



And you're saying I'm advocating recycling old IPs why?


Any trying to paint your position as "progressive" while constantly pushing to keep the status quo while making non arguments is exactly why you types get jokingly referred to as "regressive".


The only point I'm making is, shifting markets to take advantage of tech is an option for your old school MMOs which become skeleton-crew endeavours after a year or two anyway. Turning up your nose at options to preserve a game is just foolish.


> When earnings reports go out and a game sells 500 million units, but it's deemed a failure by the higher ups because it didn't sell 550million. The get rich now facade of mobile is exactly what's wrong with the mobile games industry and it's a cancer on the games industry as a whole.



I'd say cry more but you're already at it. I dislike that a lot of the industry has shifted to appease graphic-wh**** but it's just pointless whining at this point.

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