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Boonbeast "Nerfs" a complete joke


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> @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > @"Ryan.9387" said:

> > > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > > > @"Ryan.9387" said:

> > > > > @"Eurantien.4632" said:

> > > > > Are you all blind?

> > > > >

> > > > > Those are some pretty brutal stance nerfs and given how most everything else is almost untouched in comparison, there is a good chance soulbeast will not be meta after the patch.

> > > > >

> > > > > Still, I understand your sense of how this is not a nerf. This a is a nerf to soulbeast as a whole and does NOTHING to address the inherent problem that ranger has too much sustain. These are nerfs in the wrong spot.

> > > > >

> > > > > Plasma needs to be looked at.

> > > > > OR

> > > > > Move Fortifying Bond to Grandmaster to compete with Protective Ward. That'd also be a pretty decent nerf despite being such a minor change.

> > > >

> > > > Boonbeast took elite stance and dolyak stance. Now we'll just drop stances and take teleporting spirit res elite.

> > >

> > > We don't know if spirits can still be cleaved by enemy players or not. Good chance they won't be viable because they'll get cleaved out before they can activate their skills.

> >

> > They cast their active on death.


> No, they don't.


I'm wrong, misread patch.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> * Bear Stance: The duration of this skill has been split between game modes and increased from 4 seconds to 5 seconds in PvP only. (A buff)

> * Dolyak Stance: The duration of this skill has been split between game modes and reduced from 6 seconds to 5 seconds in PvP only. (A Joke for what is easily the most over powered utility skill behind Signet of Mercy, and an already best in slot utility that was absolutely undeservedly buffed last balanced patch)

> * One Wolf Pack: The duration of this skill has been split between game modes and reduced from 8 seconds to 6 seconds in PvP only. The casting time of this skill has been reduced by about 0.5 seconds (A highly mediocre "nerf". This skill was only ever relevant for Rapid Fire and especially Whirling Defense nerfs anyway and boonbeast doesn't care about the prolonged duration of the ability. The reduction in cast time so that Boonbeast can get it's burst out as quickly as possible is a bigger buff than the joke of nerf in regards to it's duration)

> * Leader of the Pack: The increased duration that this trait grants the ranger has been split between game modes and reduced from 150% to 120% in PvP only. (Again, a Joke when you're still dealing with 8 seconds of 66% damage reduction and One Wof Pact's Importance being highly limited and primarily exploited in very quick bursts anyway)


> Even other changes like Ranger Spirits, are the sort of thing that should never, ever, ever be buffed in PvP for obvious health of the game mode reasons. Everyone who played 2013-2015 remembers Zoo Meta. It's toxic. It's a huge part of why mesmer is toxic right now. And that devs are even remotely flirting with nature skills being good again in PvP despite already living in a world where they are top **tier in PvE** and not a nuisance in PvP is a clear disconnect between what's actually good for any game mode.


> The only halfway decent nerf to what has been **CONFIRMED by Ben to be the single highest performing build in ranked play** is the halfway decent nerf to Lesser Muddy Terrain.


> People whinge and whine about Condi Mirage. And Holosmith. And Core Guardians. And Shiro Heralds. And warrior Rampage. But at the end of the day as annoyed you might be about the previous builds and skills we know for a **fact** that even last PvP season Boonbeast beat _literally all of them_. This straight up the mathematical reality of what's going on in game.


> Get ready and get your half hour of practice needed to play the build in early before next patch because starting in March it's a Boonbeast's world now.


if you die for Soulbeast, Ranger, Druid then I recommend you to play PVE, Soulbeast one shot is easy to kill, Soulbeast boon give work but it's not impossible, even you playing Mirage, the class that can stay invisible, dodge infinitely, rebound projectile, conditions and damages very high, to be invulnerable.


Seriously and still creates a topic of these, knowing that of the stances, Soulbeast only has Dolyak and Rampage as one with stability .... and we still take nerf in the stances that will not harm in any way the soulbeast Boon


Now your mirage and chronomancer is the most unskilled class I have ever seen, deserves even a bigger nerf

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If you die to mirage, mesmer and chrono then I recommend you to play pve. Oneshot mirage is easy to kill, condi mirage give work but it's not impossible, even you playing soulbeast, the class that have high uptime on every boon, high damage reduction, can overheal even with multiple stacks of condis, and does huge damage.


Did I do it right?

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I think they are missing the mark with what makes soulbeasts so strong; sustain and stances. They did hit stances, which is a good start, but protection (+) earth runes (+) more protection from earth runes (+) healing every second from having protection (+) 10% increase on incoming healing which increases the healing rejuvenation and the healing from each tick of having protection (+) having 25% higher baseline dodge recovery thanks to traits (+) pet AND ranger getting protection on each dodge which is increased by equipping pet, boon duration via moa stance (+) protection also granting higher effective health (+) protection also reducing condition damage by 33% (+) toughness from earth runes (+) increased health and toughness from trait when equipping pet (=) means that rangers have a TON of effective health and healing and upkeep from protection alone.


I think the issue here is that their sustain without healing stats is too high due to high protection upkeep and all associated perks + inherent toughness and vit. Plasma going away will go a long way to help alleviate this without heavily nerfing other ranger speccs.


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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> @"Solori.6025" kitten you ! You swapped to boonbeast even before patchnote release....

> He knew....

> Yes good changes on soulbeast. On WvW even 4 people cant kill one ,I'm sure this -1s will help them to become killable...finally !

> They destroyed mirage but soulbeast/holo/de ...? Probably next year


XD lolol Well. It was predictable, given the poor track record of this spvp community. Ranger and engineer are the professions that even when they are overperforming NO ONE CARES. If war/thief/ or mes have a build that performs well. The community instantly jumps in the whine bandwagon and get them nerfed to oblivion. So may as well play something that sees less nerfs.

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> @"Lincolnbeard.1735" said:

> If you die to mirage, mesmer and chrono then I recommend you to play pve. Oneshot mirage is easy to kill, condi mirage give work but it's not impossible, even you playing soulbeast, the class that have high uptime on every boon, high damage reduction, can overheal even with multiple stacks of condis, and does huge damage.


> Did I do it right?




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Lmao, OP has to be some silver/gold player with 0 idea how any class in this game works. Not only did ranger get nerfed the hardest out of all side node/bruiser roles its probably not going to be meta or optimal pick anymore since the roles its competing with holo/warrior/weaver got absolutely 0 nerfs, and mesmer just some slight ones. Classic forum post with 0 class/game knowledge raging just for the sake of rage. Roughly a 40% duration reduction in 2 vital skills to your build when the roles you compete with are completely untouched is surely the recipe for a "boonbeast's world" :joy:

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> @"NotoriousNaru.1705" said:

> Lmao, OP has to be some silver/gold player with 0 idea how any class in this game works. Not only did ranger get nerfed the hardest out of all side node/bruiser roles its probably not going to be meta or optimal pick anymore since the roles its competing with holo/warrior/weaver got absolutely 0 nerfs, and mesmer just some slight ones. Classic forum post with 0 class/game knowledge raging just for the sake of rage. Roughly a 40% duration reduction in 2 vital skills to your build when the roles you compete with are completely untouched is surely the recipe for a "boonbeast's world" :joy:


Boonbeast got hit hard in the forced perspective sense. It's only close to 40% cumulatively otherwise it's 25% and ~17% reduction respectively, and even then; 1 and 2 seconds reduction. The skills still function the same, and that's what people get frustrated about. The tiniest reduction in duration won't do jack when everything gets 100-0'd super quick anyway. Even silver/golds understand how power creep'd the game is, despite how uneducated you say they are. I'm sure they could easily explain to you how obvious that is. You, a top player.

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> @"Quadox.7834" said:

> Just remove ectoplasm from PvP entirely. It's really not that hard.


Good. It won't effect me in the slightest.

I don't like the pet. To me it's not reliable and not worth it.

When I blast a smokefield, I know what's going to happen.

When a pet 'forages' you might get plasma.

and the chance of getting plasma has already been nerfed recently.


> @"Fortus.6175" said:

> I think they are missing the mark with what makes soulbeasts so strong; sustain and stances. They did hit stances, which is a good start, but protection (+) earth runes (+) more protection from earth runes (+) healing every second from having protection (+) 10% increase on incoming healing which increases the healing rejuvenation and the healing from each tick of having protection (+) having 25% higher baseline dodge recovery thanks to traits (+) pet AND ranger getting protection on each dodge which is increased by equipping pet, boon duration via moa stance (+) protection also granting higher effective health (+) protection also reducing condition damage by 33% (+) toughness from earth runes (+) increased health and toughness from trait when equipping pet (=) means that rangers have a TON of effective health and healing and upkeep from protection alone.


> I think the issue here is that their sustain without healing stats is too high due to high protection upkeep and all associated perks + inherent toughness and vit. Plasma going away will go a long way to help alleviate this without heavily nerfing other ranger speccs.



Earth Runes and Sustain,

Golly Gee, let me go tell the Ranger community we've been doing it wrong this whole time!


> @"LazySummer.2568" said:

> People only know how to complain about mirages so it got nerfed while boonbeast and holo gets free passes even though those 2 specs are just as busted. Balance team didn't touch the pet full heal from merging and unmerging kitten but did bother to spend the time making some underwater ambush skill unusable backwards.


Mirages won't be fixed till a new and more op spec comes out.

Soulbeast is meta, and while it is strong, there aren't multiple Soulbeasts coming at you and swapping

places with SB clones and evading everything.

Holo isn't even meta atm. I don't know why you are mentioning them.


Balance team isn't going to touch the full pet heal from merging.

Wanna know why?

It's working as intended.




> @"Multicolorhipster.9751" said:

> It would have paid to take all the warnings and threads saying "Nerf Soulbeast when you nerf condi mirage" a bit more seriously. Wouldn't be too surprised if next season we see 2 SBs per team every game, just like mirage this season.


I see 2 mirages and 2sb's all the time.

2 mirages effect a game much more than 2 sb's.



> @"ByKuLT.4638" said:

> 80% at least of people playing soulbeast in ranked are playing oneshot longbow


One shot lb? I need this spec nao

Pls Link

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> @"ByKuLT.4638" said:

> 33% reduction in their most powerful survivability utility, 40% reduction in their one window where they do basically any damage at all > NOT NERFED AT ALL :astonished:

> Then again OP seems to lack basic math skills since he seems to think 120% of 5 seconds is 8 seconds...


Boonbeast was a top tier duelist before Dolyak was unjustifiably buffed last balance patch despite already being best in slot. They never needed 33% damage reduction for both power and condi damage added to Dolyak stance on top of their near permanent protection uptime combined with second skin. Dolyak Stance can get smiter's booned and Boonbeast would still be S tier.

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> @"Fortus.6175" said:

> I think they are missing the mark with what makes soulbeasts so strong; sustain and stances. They did hit stances, which is a good start, but protection (+) earth runes (+) more protection from earth runes (+) healing every second from having protection (+) 10% increase on incoming healing which increases the healing rejuvenation and the healing from each tick of having protection (+) having 25% higher baseline dodge recovery thanks to traits (+) pet AND ranger getting protection on each dodge which is increased by equipping pet, boon duration via moa stance (+) protection also granting higher effective health (+) protection also reducing condition damage by 33% (+) toughness from earth runes (+) increased health and toughness from trait when equipping pet (=) means that rangers have a TON of effective health and healing and upkeep from protection alone.


> I think the issue here is that their sustain without healing stats is too high due to high protection upkeep and all associated perks + inherent toughness and vit. Plasma going away will go a long way to help alleviate this without heavily nerfing other ranger speccs.



I think you never played a ranger against half-decent player on any class and this comes from an ele main on 8k hours and yeah ranger/guardian too with 2k hrs and 700 hrs respectively. The basic soulbeast without stance has even less sustain than a core ranger at equal skill levels...a power druid , consider by all as "weak" can easily walk all over average soulbeast without stances.


You're completely off the mark, you're talking about core ranger so called sustain which is vastly inferior to pretty much everything but necro,rev and engi core in my opinion.



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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"ByKuLT.4638" said:

> > 33% reduction in their most powerful survivability utility, 40% reduction in their one window where they do basically any damage at all > NOT NERFED AT ALL :astonished:

> > Then again OP seems to lack basic math skills since he seems to think 120% of 5 seconds is 8 seconds...


> Boonbeast was a top tier duelist before Dolyak was unjustifiably buffed last balance patch despite already being best in slot. They never needed 33% damage reduction for both power and condi damage added to Dolyak stance on top of their near permanent protection uptime combined with second skin. Dolyak Stance can get smiter's booned and Boonbeast would still be S tier.


When even a "TOP" ranger player like ROM or Boyce lose to mirage in a duel...I do wonder about the veridicity of your statements. It's these kind of misinformation that drove the devs from releasing any preview of patches in the past..I hope it won't be the same now

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> @"EnderzShadow.2506" said:

> Soulbeast is meta, and while it is strong, there aren't multiple Soulbeasts coming at you and swapping places with SB clones and evading everything.


SB doesn't need to bother with silly deception and evasion. It can facetank everything with its overtuned passive healing, perma-protection, and boon spam in the case of Boonbeast. It's just psychologically more annoying for people to dump their bursts and see _Evaded_ (Mirage) than to land the burst on a damage sponge (Boonbeast).


> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"ByKuLT.4638" said:

> > > 33% reduction in their most powerful survivability utility, 40% reduction in their one window where they do basically any damage at all > NOT NERFED AT ALL :astonished:

> > > Then again OP seems to lack basic math skills since he seems to think 120% of 5 seconds is 8 seconds...

> >

> > Boonbeast was a top tier duelist before Dolyak was unjustifiably buffed last balance patch despite already being best in slot. They never needed 33% damage reduction for both power and condi damage added to Dolyak stance on top of their near permanent protection uptime combined with second skin. Dolyak Stance can get smiter's booned and Boonbeast would still be S tier.


> When even a "TOP" ranger player like ROM or Boyce lose to mirage in a duel...I do wonder about the veridicity of your statements.


Since when does one duel between two players, top or not, speak for the community as a whole?


> It's these kind of misinformation that drove the devs from releasing any preview of patches in the past..I hope it won't be the same now


And you know this how?

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> @"Solori.6025" kitten you ! You swapped to boonbeast even before patchnote release....

> He knew....

> Yes good changes on soulbeast. On WvW even 4 people cant kill one ,I'm sure this -1s will help them to become killable...finally !

> They destroyed mirage but soulbeast/holo/de ...? Probably next year


PvP only changes eggs dee


I do think changes like thise where it's shaves across the board are better than -50^ damage, -10s duration etc. We'll see how the patch affects the stances.


> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"ByKuLT.4638" said:

> > > 33% reduction in their most powerful survivability utility, 40% reduction in their one window where they do basically any damage at all > NOT NERFED AT ALL :astonished:

> > > Then again OP seems to lack basic math skills since he seems to think 120% of 5 seconds is 8 seconds...

> >

> > Boonbeast was a top tier duelist before Dolyak was unjustifiably buffed last balance patch despite already being best in slot. They never needed 33% damage reduction for both power and condi damage added to Dolyak stance on top of their near permanent protection uptime combined with second skin. Dolyak Stance can get smiter's booned and Boonbeast would still be S tier.


> When even a "TOP" ranger player like ROM or Boyce lose to mirage in a duel...I do wonder about the veridicity of your statements. It's these kind of misinformation that drove the devs from releasing any preview of patches in the past..I hope it won't be the same now


Boyce and ROM don't play boonbeast most of the time because it's boring. They don't lose on boonbeast most of the time.

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > > @"ByKuLT.4638" said:

> > > 33% reduction in their most powerful survivability utility, 40% reduction in their one window where they do basically any damage at all > NOT NERFED AT ALL :astonished:

> > > Then again OP seems to lack basic math skills since he seems to think 120% of 5 seconds is 8 seconds...

> >

> > Boonbeast was a top tier duelist before Dolyak was unjustifiably buffed last balance patch despite already being best in slot. They never needed 33% damage reduction for both power and condi damage added to Dolyak stance on top of their near permanent protection uptime combined with second skin. Dolyak Stance can get smiter's booned and Boonbeast would still be S tier.


> When even a "TOP" ranger player like ROM or Boyce lose to mirage in a duel...I do wonder about the veridicity of your statements. It's these kind of misinformation that drove the devs from releasing any preview of patches in the past..I hope it won't be the same now


Veracity is the word you're looking for.

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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"Solori.6025" kitten you ! You swapped to boonbeast even before patchnote release....

> > He knew....

> > Yes good changes on soulbeast. On WvW even 4 people cant kill one ,I'm sure this -1s will help them to become killable...finally !

> > They destroyed mirage but soulbeast/holo/de ...? Probably next year


> PvP only changes eggs dee


> I do think changes like thise where it's shaves across the board are better than -50^ damage, -10s duration etc. We'll see how the patch affects the stances.

Why not just accept they have done stupid buff, stackable damage reductions on top of movement impairing condition immunity for 6-10s? Yet another utility overloaded with insane effects and I expected them to remove damage reduction entirely or disable stacking with trait/protection and reduce duration but oh well...

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Whaaat, boonbeast and yolosmith are in need of a nerf? Since when lol, how about taking care of some _serious_ problem which is OPness of teef and ele? Man, those classes completly destroy my elite team in bronze tier, wtf ANet.



_Sarcasm off_ yeah, when i read those ranger patch notes i was like „oh, another early april fools joke, at least maybe now some of us actually do have phones”

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Even other changes like Ranger Spirits, are the sort of thing that should never, ever, ever be buffed in PvP for obvious health of the game mode reasons. Everyone who played 2013-2015 remembers Zoo Meta. It's toxic. It's a huge part of why mesmer is toxic right now. And that devs are even remotely flirting with nature skills being good again in PvP despite already living in a world where they are top **tier in PvE** and not a nuisance in PvP is a clear disconnect between what's actually good for any game mode.


This game has always been "toxic" which is why virtually everything gets branded as that, but GW2 players are too bad to realise / admit why. So let me fill you in, the combat is essentially a low skilled fake, that attempts to give the feeling of action combat without actually requiring the mechanical ability or decision making. The game aims for you (and what little you do aim is AOE so is a test of can you hit a barn door), there is virtually no real resource management, it isn't particularly fast and you have short largely meaningless cooldowns that mean it is mostly a spamfest (even more since the expansions PoF especially).


You aren't going to get much else than "toxic" out of a combat system like that. ( To be fair to Anet it is actually a good system for a casual MMORPG where the main concern of the playerbase is the story, playing dress-up, etc)


The only bit of this game that is really actually skilled is rotations, of which even most of the PvP teams (back when this game had teams) weren't truly competent at bar a handful.






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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > @"Solori.6025" kitten you ! You swapped to boonbeast even before patchnote release....

> > > He knew....

> > > Yes good changes on soulbeast. On WvW even 4 people cant kill one ,I'm sure this -1s will help them to become killable...finally !

> > > They destroyed mirage but soulbeast/holo/de ...? Probably next year

> >

> > PvP only changes eggs dee

> >

> > I do think changes like thise where it's shaves across the board are better than -50^ damage, -10s duration etc. We'll see how the patch affects the stances.

> Why not just accept they have done stupid buff, stackable damage reductions on top of movement impairing condition immunity for 6-10s? Yet another utility overloaded with insane effects and I expected them to remove damage reduction entirely or disable stacking with trait/protection and reduce duration but oh well...


Yeah it's overloaded but a lot of stuff is overloaded atm. Long term I'd hope for it to be reduced to damage reduction only but I personally would like to see the nerfs done relatively slowly across the classes than nuked down so it's not usable for 12 months while they address all the other stuff that's too strong.

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I personally despise boonbeasts and those nerfs are a step in the right direction. However they are no big deal. You don't even need to play stances against other classes. And I don't think of the sic em sniper , the low tier killer build. Just full survival + SoS. Only vs another Boonbeast with stances you may loose on a point.


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> @"apharma.3741" said:

> > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > > > @"Odik.4587" said:

> > > > @"Solori.6025" kitten you ! You swapped to boonbeast even before patchnote release....

> > > > He knew....

> > > > Yes good changes on soulbeast. On WvW even 4 people cant kill one ,I'm sure this -1s will help them to become killable...finally !

> > > > They destroyed mirage but soulbeast/holo/de ...? Probably next year

> > >

> > > PvP only changes eggs dee

> > >

> > > I do think changes like thise where it's shaves across the board are better than -50^ damage, -10s duration etc. We'll see how the patch affects the stances.

> > Why not just accept they have done stupid buff, stackable damage reductions on top of movement impairing condition immunity for 6-10s? Yet another utility overloaded with insane effects and I expected them to remove damage reduction entirely or disable stacking with trait/protection and reduce duration but oh well...


> Yeah it's overloaded but a lot of stuff is overloaded atm. Long term I'd hope for it to be reduced to damage reduction only but I personally would like to see the nerfs done relatively slowly across the classes than nuked down so it's not usable for 12 months while they address all the other stuff that's too strong.


Binding shadow is the most overloaded ,yet, ignored like not a problem . ( on AT/monthly because DE isnt really good there)

You really think dolyak stance alone carry entire soulbeast(and how its related to ranger class?) specialization ? Reaaaaaally ?

Watch them kill mirage and its viable specs(and do not undo any nerfs they have done to 'limit' evasion on mirage, sword2,both vigor traits) ,then scepter . We will see what would left for mesmer((btw : im happy that they are going to kill mirage))

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