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All things considered they do literally nothing to change up the meta or to get rid of unfun mechanics.

Starting with Mesmer: Scepter? Still Broken, Reflect on dodge? Still there, Dodge while stunned without the gm trait? Still there. UNFUN

Revs 0 counterplay burst 90% of ur hp? Still there, Renegade still crap? hell yea

FB/Scourge? Still meta

Silent Scope? Yeap boi its still there tho its only 1 second its enough to either cast DJ or even the cancer knockdown. Speaking of which guess what didnt get nerfed.

scrapper buffs are a thing but who cares it changes nothing in the longterm other then making Scrapper a tiny tidzy bit less miserable compared to holo.

Instead of changing the way weaver playes and making ele at least somewhat worthwhile of a class u guys focused on Tempest lul

I'm looking forward to the warrior changes but in the grandscheme of things we will still be forced to either play defense/strength and discipline. Also FC is still the worst class mechanic in the game. At least buff the damage to a point where we can kill clones with it. Also while at it make magebane tether go on players only and not on Clones, Phantasms, Pets and so on.

Boonbeast still unkillable? yessir. Unblockable trait is still there, MUD is still a thing yikes guys.

At least you reduced the crit chance on that guardian trait.....


Powercreep reduction was a thing the whole community wanted and you guys didnt deliver.





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Yeah, what do you need another crying thread for?

The changes are pretty good and people are still crying - that's why ANet doesn't want to show us Patch Notes before it launches. This thread is the exact reason.


0 insight on what is good, just talking about things _OP_ thinks should be changed in order to make changes fun to him/her.


Now, I don't think that this patch is perfect but threads like this only prove that whatever happens, people don't like it.

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Rev no counterplay? That's a l2p there friend. From the list it looks like you're a SB so it's a skill match. Dodge, block, or interrupt Sword 3. Tell is a hop twist into the air. Stun when they exit mist form. D,B,I Sword 4 they cross their swords over their head. Dodge or block sword 5 it's the teleport where they don't slide at you. Don't hit them while they have Glint heal up. They're on the defensive with staff. Alternatively you can just drop Condi on them and they crumple over and die. There ya go, just beat Rev.

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Actually if you play it right, there's no way for SB to land bulls charge vs. herald or actually touch herald in the first place. Super Speed = warrior can't land anything if you run in a straight line and then just bait warrior dodges and defensive cds, playing around with the juggernaut dota ultimate sword 3 invuln and staff 5. Those skills still do ridiculous damage.


Herald is obnoxious but at least they don't use AIs and can actually die to well timed conditions (but then they can just get a team cleanse from firebrand, rune of leadership, etc) so biggest evils go down first. And apparently soulbeast is getting a slap to the wrist and will still be a big evil, (like seriously god forbid that a soulbeast knows how to abuse **GS auto-chain 3 stow** to delay a point in a 2v1 possibly even a 3v1. It really does look like a slap to the wrist for slb). Not to mention the stances potency are still really high and affects the whole team. ANET really needs to pick up on the "evil" mechanics.


Also, ANET needs to consider my thread about Arms.




For example, ANET could be making changes to Warrior that won't break the class like..


Turn Deepstrikes and Bloodlust minor traits into something useful and, personally, that will be enough for me. As I've said in the thread Strength is already too strong (i.e you already lose reckless dodge, rampage cool down for the unblockable signet, and potentially pidgeonholed into main hand axe and GS foor 100% crit chance F1), that's why Arms needs some love so that MAYBE it can fit a niche in a meta where unblockables are needed or 100% crit chance burst is preferred by choice. Even if they turn the Deepstrikes and Bloodlust minor traits into something redundant such as precision or critical rate instead of what i suggested in the thread, that will be something. ANET could be making arms into critical strikes focused trait line at the least if you can't make it work for both power and conditions (berserker is better for conditions anyways, plus defense discipline strength) because that's what Arms originally was (critical strikes tree for Warrior).


Basically give people an incentive to choose builds **by making small changes that won't break the game AND stop breaking the game in the first place (this includes not simply giving a slap to the wrist on a class that evades while attacking)**. The banner changes are a big let down, it didn't give Warrior a different type of spec to try out in the "new balance patch" because a 180 elite banner will NEVER outshine 72 second rampage. But a small buff to arms might make unblockable signet a little more attractive for the sake of build variety and choice.

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> @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

> Actually if you play it right, there's no way for SB to land bulls charge vs. herald or actually touch herald in the first place. Super Speed = warrior can't land anything if you run in a straight line and then just bait warrior dodges and defensive cds, playing around with the juggernaut dota ultimate sword 3 invuln and staff 5. Those skills still do ridiculous damage.


Let me just give Spellbreakers the biggest how to win vs Revenants tip: bait out the energy on rev, wait for him to use sword 3, time bull's charge to the end of sword 3, use gs 2, easy win


Also how in hell does staff 5 do ridiculous damage? It used to, but now 3-4k if you hit all hits on a class purely build on dps is GARBAGE


OP sounds like an average Spellbreaker, by time he'll get better and this post will be redundant


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