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[Suggestion] Bring Back Dragon Bash


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Last year ArenaNet gave us **Festival of the Four Winds,** a returning festival including the **Labyrinthine Cliffs** and the **Queen's Gauntlet**. They included the festival as annual just like the other four: **Lunar New Year** (January/February), **Super Adventure Festival **(March), **Festival of the Four Winds** (July), **Halloween** (October), **Wintersday** (December). Adding a new festival, even tho a returning one, is a difficult job, given that Festival of the Four Winds included two festivals in one. I think the time has come for **Dragon Bash** to return! For those not familiar of this festival... I guess you are not a veteran enough. :D Dragon Bash was **last seen in 2013** starting from June 11 to July 9, a full month festival with different activities inside the old Lion's Arch before the city got destroyed by Scarlet's Invasion. For more information on the festival see the link: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon_Bash . Why I think this festival is returning? Well I think there are many reasons.


**1. The dates seems to be fine** - I see a big gap around spring trough summer that slowly is being filled with festivals. We got Festival of The Four Wings in **July** and now we will get Dragon Bash right after the Super Adventure Box (SAB) that is coming this **March**. From **March** till **July** there’s a **gap of two months** that there won’t be anything if ArenaNet don’t add some new Living Story or WvW or PvP content, or something just to take our minds and time in the game. **Dragon Bash** was around **June 11 to July 9** … I don’t see the problem for them to add it in the empty gap.


**2. Festivals are automated now**– for more than a year the festival events are automated in the game. What that means is that when the festival comes and goes there’s no need for a patch (if they don’t have the intention to add something new and fresh to the festival like bonus activity, weapons, blc, gem items, etc.). Automation means they don’t have to put the extra work to put the content in the game and then delete it from the game data and then do the same again and again every year. This allows them to concentrate on adding new things and not being afraid of the old ones, thus making it possible to include extra festivals in the gaps.


**3. Festival of the Four Winds returned** – last year they added a returning festival that we did not saw since 2014. That means the studio is trying to return their old content again and be accessible for the new players as well. You have to agree that it’s super frustrating for old and new players when they start talking about some old content before more than 5 years like:


_Do you remember Scarlet’s War? It was so epic!!!

-No… I haven’t… I’m new.

-Dude, you missed A LOT!



But jokes aside, ArenaNet gave us a reason to believe that they are trying and figuring out ways to return the old contents to the game once again. The Four Winds was last year, this one … Dragon Bash, my friends.


**4. Festival Vendor revamp**- If you are not bought to my idea yet. Here’s another thing to consider. Remember **Sonder the Seller** vendor in Hooligan's Route, Lion’s Arch?



Me neither. Well for those of you who don’t know he was also known as the **Festival Vendor** . What does Festival Vendor have to do with this topic? Well he is nowhere to be found, or at least if he’s somewhere there, he’s bankrupt, he’s vendor no more. Well who is selling the goodies now? The answer is – the **skritts** , the ones who are in The Undermarket, Lion’s Arch. And if we look there, we have few skritts selling festival goodies:



If we go there (or open the link) we can see there are six sellers. One in particular is strange, it got weird red dragon-like icon above his head ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/qe7tJJ1.png) and he takes some weird Piece of Zhaitaffy ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/oSkj1x2.png) . Well that, my friends, is the Dragon Bash vendor. Up to now there isn’t much he’s selling, some crappy food, some fireworks and of course the famous Holographic Dragon Wing Cover, a well-known backpack among the fashion wars players.


Where do we get Zhaitaffy candies? From the Dragon Bash. ArenaNet seems to prepare the vendors for the future but they didn’t exclude this vendor because he is an important figure for their future ex-festival.


**5. Dragon Bash Wiki was edited soon** – On every wiki page if you scroll down you can see the message when the wiki page was last edited. On Dragon Bash wiki the message follows _“This page was last edited on 13 February 2019, at 21:02.”_ . Coincidence? I don’t think so. Maybe ArenaNet are preparing the page for future updates. Just to be clear out that this is not a common thing…

* upcoming Super Adventure Festival _“This page was last edited on 17 October 2018, at 10:18.”,_

* and Festival of the Four Winds 2 months after SAB _“This page was last edited on 24 November 2018, at 14:30.”,_

* also Lunar New Year that passed before half a month _“This page was last edited on 3 February 2019, at 09:34.”_

Who knows (conspiracy theory incoming...) maybe someone is hinting us incoming stuff.


**6. Dragon Bash may be implemented right after episode 6** - Just saying... whatever comes after episode 6, we are sure it will be dragon related and may turn perfect for the festival.


So prepare my fellow friends all the Zhaitaffy candies you can get your hands on because in 3 - 4 months we will have the awesome holographic dragon in town!

![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/fsUaYa1.jpg) ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/LOw0DQy.jpg)


**PS: I think this will be the new festival node**



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I'd love to see it return but I doubt it will.. and even if it does it will be pretty different from the last time we saw the event.

for starters Dragonball has already been repurposed as a Lunar New Year minigame.


Add to that the event would need to be redesigned around the new LA layout and probably need some new games or events to replace Dragonball and also new rewards..

I just don't see this happening right now.. not with everything going on at Anet.


But yeah I would like to see this event return someday (After the Death of Kralkatorrik maybe) but I wouldn't bet on it coming back anytime soon.

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Anet would literally have to create an entire event as there would be nothing to do. One of the major activities, dragon ball, is already part of an existing festival.


Wiki pages can be updated by anyone so what you saw doesn’t mean anything. If you looked at the history, you’d see that that particular update was made by someone who is unaffiliated with Anet who was just making some changes they were nitpicking.

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/XU8rQTB.jpg)


> Last year ArenaNet gave us **Festival of the Four Winds,** a returning festival including the **Labyrinthine Cliffs** and the **Queen's Gauntlet**. They included the festival as annual just like the other four: **Lunar New Year** (January/February), **Super Adventure Festival **(March), **Festival of the Four Winds** (July), **Halloween** (October), **Wintersday** (December). Adding a new festival, even tho a returning one, is a difficult job, given that Festival of the Four Winds included two festivals in one. I think the time has come for **Dragon Bash** to return! For those not familiar of this festival... I guess you are not a veteran enough. :D Dragon Bash was **last seen in 2013** starting from June 11 to July 9, a full month festival with different activities inside the old Lion's Arch before the city got destroyed by Scarlet's Invasion. For more information on the festival see the link: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon_Bash . Why I think this festival is returning? Well I think there are many reasons.


> **1. The dates seems to be fine** - I see a big gap around spring trough summer that slowly is being filled with festivals. We got Festival of The Four Wings in **July** and now we will get Dragon Bash right after the Super Adventure Box (SAB) that is coming this **March**. From **March** till **July** there’s a **gap of two months** that there won’t be anything if ArenaNet don’t add some new Living Story or WvW or PvP content, or something just to take our minds and time in the game. **Dragon Bash** was around **June 11 to July 9** … I don’t see the problem for them to add it in the empty gap.


> **2. Festivals are automated now**– for more than a year the festival events are automated in the game. What that means is that when the festival comes and goes there’s no need for a patch (if they don’t have the intention to add something new and fresh to the festival like bonus activity, weapons, blc, gem items, etc.). Automation means they don’t have to put the extra work to put the content in the game and then delete it from the game data and then do the same again and again every year. This allows them to concentrate on adding new things and not being afraid of the old ones, thus making it possible to include extra festivals in the gaps.


> **3. Festival of the Four Winds returned** – last year they added a returning festival that we did not saw since 2014. That means the studio is trying to return their old content again and be accessible for the new players as well. You have to agree that it’s super frustrating for old and new players when they start talking about some old content before more than 5 years like:


> _Do you remember Scarlet’s War? It was so epic!!!

> -No… I haven’t… I’m new.

> -Dude, you missed A LOT!

> -IKR…_


> But jokes aside, ArenaNet gave us a reason to believe that they are trying and figuring out ways to return the old contents to the game once again. The Four Winds was last year, this one … Dragon Bash, my friends.


> **4. Festival Vendor revamp**- If you are not bought to my idea yet. Here’s another thing to consider. Remember **Sonder the Seller** vendor in Hooligan's Route, Lion’s Arch?

> ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/mzZibXn.jpg)

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sonder_the_Seller

> Me neither. Well for those of you who don’t know he was also known as the **Festival Vendor** . What does Festival Vendor have to do with this topic? Well he is nowhere to be found, or at least if he’s somewhere there, he’s bankrupt, he’s vendor no more. Well who is selling the goodies now? The answer is – the **skritts** , the ones who are in The Undermarket, Lion’s Arch. And if we look there, we have few skritts selling festival goodies:

> ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/Bjtobqy.jpg)

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Festival_Rewards_Vendor

> If we go there (or open the link) we can see there are six sellers. One in particular is strange, it got weird red dragon-like icon above his head ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/qe7tJJ1.png) and he takes some weird Piece of Zhaitaffy ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/oSkj1x2.png) . Well that, my friends, is the Dragon Bash vendor. Up to now there isn’t much he’s selling, some crappy food, some fireworks and of course the famous Holographic Dragon Wing Cover, a well-known backpack among the fashion wars players.

> ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/4xGA6p7.jpg)

> Where do we get Zhaitaffy candies? From the Dragon Bash. ArenaNet seems to prepare the vendors for the future but they didn’t exclude this vendor because he is an important figure for their future ex-festival.


> **5. Dragon Bash Wiki was edited soon** – On every wiki page if you scroll down you can see the message when the wiki page was last edited. On Dragon Bash wiki the message follows _“This page was last edited on 13 February 2019, at 21:02.”_ . Coincidence? I don’t think so. Maybe ArenaNet are preparing the page for future updates. Just to be clear out that this is not a common thing…

> * upcoming Super Adventure Festival _“This page was last edited on 17 October 2018, at 10:18.”,_

> * and Festival of the Four Winds 2 months after SAB _“This page was last edited on 24 November 2018, at 14:30.”,_

> * also Lunar New Year that passed before half a month _“This page was last edited on 3 February 2019, at 09:34.”_

> Who knows (conspiracy theory incoming...) maybe someone is hinting us incoming stuff.


> So prepare my fellow friends all the Zhaitaffy candies you can get your hands on because in 3 - 4 months we will have the awesome holographic dragon in town!

> ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/fsUaYa1.jpg) ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/LOw0DQy.jpg)


> **PS: I think this will be the new festival node**

> ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/5UnOLLq.jpg)



Please change your title because it is misleading. Should be something like "Please bring back Dragon Bash!".

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/XU8rQTB.jpg)

> >

> > Last year ArenaNet gave us **Festival of the Four Winds,** a returning festival including the **Labyrinthine Cliffs** and the **Queen's Gauntlet**. They included the festival as annual just like the other four: **Lunar New Year** (January/February), **Super Adventure Festival **(March), **Festival of the Four Winds** (July), **Halloween** (October), **Wintersday** (December). Adding a new festival, even tho a returning one, is a difficult job, given that Festival of the Four Winds included two festivals in one. I think the time has come for **Dragon Bash** to return! For those not familiar of this festival... I guess you are not a veteran enough. :D Dragon Bash was **last seen in 2013** starting from June 11 to July 9, a full month festival with different activities inside the old Lion's Arch before the city got destroyed by Scarlet's Invasion. For more information on the festival see the link: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragon_Bash . Why I think this festival is returning? Well I think there are many reasons.

> >

> > **1. The dates seems to be fine** - I see a big gap around spring trough summer that slowly is being filled with festivals. We got Festival of The Four Wings in **July** and now we will get Dragon Bash right after the Super Adventure Box (SAB) that is coming this **March**. From **March** till **July** there’s a **gap of two months** that there won’t be anything if ArenaNet don’t add some new Living Story or WvW or PvP content, or something just to take our minds and time in the game. **Dragon Bash** was around **June 11 to July 9** … I don’t see the problem for them to add it in the empty gap.

> >

> > **2. Festivals are automated now**– for more than a year the festival events are automated in the game. What that means is that when the festival comes and goes there’s no need for a patch (if they don’t have the intention to add something new and fresh to the festival like bonus activity, weapons, blc, gem items, etc.). Automation means they don’t have to put the extra work to put the content in the game and then delete it from the game data and then do the same again and again every year. This allows them to concentrate on adding new things and not being afraid of the old ones, thus making it possible to include extra festivals in the gaps.

> >

> > **3. Festival of the Four Winds returned** – last year they added a returning festival that we did not saw since 2014. That means the studio is trying to return their old content again and be accessible for the new players as well. You have to agree that it’s super frustrating for old and new players when they start talking about some old content before more than 5 years like:

> >

> > _Do you remember Scarlet’s War? It was so epic!!!

> > -No… I haven’t… I’m new.

> > -Dude, you missed A LOT!

> > -IKR…_

> >

> > But jokes aside, ArenaNet gave us a reason to believe that they are trying and figuring out ways to return the old contents to the game once again. The Four Winds was last year, this one … Dragon Bash, my friends.

> >

> > **4. Festival Vendor revamp**- If you are not bought to my idea yet. Here’s another thing to consider. Remember **Sonder the Seller** vendor in Hooligan's Route, Lion’s Arch?

> > ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/mzZibXn.jpg)

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sonder_the_Seller

> > Me neither. Well for those of you who don’t know he was also known as the **Festival Vendor** . What does Festival Vendor have to do with this topic? Well he is nowhere to be found, or at least if he’s somewhere there, he’s bankrupt, he’s vendor no more. Well who is selling the goodies now? The answer is – the **skritts** , the ones who are in The Undermarket, Lion’s Arch. And if we look there, we have few skritts selling festival goodies:

> > ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/Bjtobqy.jpg)

> > https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Festival_Rewards_Vendor

> > If we go there (or open the link) we can see there are six sellers. One in particular is strange, it got weird red dragon-like icon above his head ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/qe7tJJ1.png) and he takes some weird Piece of Zhaitaffy ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/oSkj1x2.png) . Well that, my friends, is the Dragon Bash vendor. Up to now there isn’t much he’s selling, some crappy food, some fireworks and of course the famous Holographic Dragon Wing Cover, a well-known backpack among the fashion wars players.

> > ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/4xGA6p7.jpg)

> > Where do we get Zhaitaffy candies? From the Dragon Bash. ArenaNet seems to prepare the vendors for the future but they didn’t exclude this vendor because he is an important figure for their future ex-festival.

> >

> > **5. Dragon Bash Wiki was edited soon** – On every wiki page if you scroll down you can see the message when the wiki page was last edited. On Dragon Bash wiki the message follows _“This page was last edited on 13 February 2019, at 21:02.”_ . Coincidence? I don’t think so. Maybe ArenaNet are preparing the page for future updates. Just to be clear out that this is not a common thing…

> > * upcoming Super Adventure Festival _“This page was last edited on 17 October 2018, at 10:18.”,_

> > * and Festival of the Four Winds 2 months after SAB _“This page was last edited on 24 November 2018, at 14:30.”,_

> > * also Lunar New Year that passed before half a month _“This page was last edited on 3 February 2019, at 09:34.”_

> > Who knows (conspiracy theory incoming...) maybe someone is hinting us incoming stuff.

> >

> > So prepare my fellow friends all the Zhaitaffy candies you can get your hands on because in 3 - 4 months we will have the awesome holographic dragon in town!

> > ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/fsUaYa1.jpg) ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/LOw0DQy.jpg)

> >

> > **PS: I think this will be the new festival node**

> > ![imgur](https://i.imgur.com/5UnOLLq.jpg)

> >


> Please change your title because it is misleading. Should be something like "Please bring back Dragon Bash!".


It is not misleading. I'm not a developer and it is up to you should you believe me or not. And I am definitely not begging for the festival to say something like "Please bring back Dragon Bash!". All I did is having an idea and following a clue. If this discussion is bugging you all so much I cannot delete it. Just walk away from it and it will go down the list of topics. ;)

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > Can't wait to press F on 500 objects for AP.


> Is this sarcasm or was it really grindy like you are saying.. can't tell.Was long time ago.


It was as grindy as pressinf F on 500 things for an achievement. But since there wasn't much else to do and it was the only content for three weeks or so it was ok and only mind numbing if you wanted to be as fast as possible.

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> @"Palador.2170" said:

> I can't wait to buy a little ice cream Aurine on a stick!


> .... oh.... wait...


If they do that that would be great! I love the dark humor (if everything in episode 6 turns out to be fine and we win)


PS: LOL someone changed my discussion name and it wasn't me. Hmmmmmm... conspiracy theory intensifies!



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> 2. Festivals are automated now– for more than a year the festival events are automated in the game. What that means is that when the festival comes and goes there’s no need for a patch (if they don’t have the intention to add something new and fresh to the festival like bonus activity, weapons, blc, gem items, etc.). Automation means they don’t have to put the extra work to put the content in the game and then delete it from the game data and then do the same again and again every year. This allows them to concentrate on adding new things and not being afraid of the old ones, thus making it possible to include extra festivals in the gaps.


As phrased, this is not accurate.


It's true that they can automate the start and end of a festival. It's not true that they don't have to do any work. When things change in the game (physics, adding mounts, new mounts, etc), adjustments are made for existing maps as needed, but not for festival areas; that requires new code. This past six months, they made changes beyond changing loot tables for nearly all the festivals; that also requires new code.


That doesn't mean that they won't have room to consider a new festival... and I agree that there's a gap in the schedule. But as both @"Teratus.2859" & @"Ayrilana.1396" indicated, there's not much to Dragon Bash left that isn't part of some other festival already. So I'd prefer to see some other festival.

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Odd, it says _you_ changed it. When a Mod changes it, it so indicates that.

> Last night before the developers changed it, it was named "Possibility for returning festival - Dragon Bash". The developers changed it to "Suggestion: Bring Back Dragon Bash". I changed it to "[suggestion] Bring Back Dragon Bash" to be a bit more visible. I personally don't agree with the discussion name at this moment because it implements that I want the festival to return and it is a suggestion also. What I wrote in the topic as you can see is not a suggestion at all, it is not a begging call to bring the festival back. All I did was write a conspiracy discussion.

> To give different example so you can understand me let's give the example with Aurene. If someone writes a topic saying... I think they will bring back Aurene in the next episode and here is why... It will be a bit of stupid the name to be something like "Suggestion: Bring Back Aurene". The whole idea of the topic is implementing an idea why you think she will come back in the next episode and not a suggestion. But I get it why you would mistaken that... with all the whining in the forum these days no wonder. People always try to see trough the words you are saying when it's all written on paper, try to see what you really meant with your words and what you truly try to get from it by saying it.


I have no opinion about your 'suggestion' or whatever it is. I'm not a Moderator; nor, need an explanation. I merely stated it was odd that the edit indicated you changed the title when you stated you didn't know who changed it. (Of course, you have now stated you _did_ change it, subsequently.)

FYI, the only persons that can change titles are the OP and Mods.


Good luck.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > Odd, it says _you_ changed it. When a Mod changes it, it so indicates that.

> > Last night before the developers changed it, it was named "Possibility for returning festival - Dragon Bash". The developers changed it to "Suggestion: Bring Back Dragon Bash". I changed it to "[suggestion] Bring Back Dragon Bash" to be a bit more visible. I personally don't agree with the discussion name at this moment because it implements that I want the festival to return and it is a suggestion also. What I wrote in the topic as you can see is not a suggestion at all, it is not a begging call to bring the festival back. All I did was write a conspiracy discussion.

> > To give different example so you can understand me let's give the example with Aurene. If someone writes a topic saying... I think they will bring back Aurene in the next episode and here is why... It will be a bit of stupid the name to be something like "Suggestion: Bring Back Aurene". The whole idea of the topic is implementing an idea why you think she will come back in the next episode and not a suggestion. But I get it why you would mistaken that... with all the whining in the forum these days no wonder. People always try to see trough the words you are saying when it's all written on paper, try to see what you really meant with your words and what you truly try to get from it by saying it.


> I have no opinion about your 'suggestion' or whatever it is. I'm not a Moderator; nor, need an explanation. I merely stated it was odd that the edit indicated you changed the title when you stated you didn't know who changed it. (Of course, you have now stated you _did_ change it, subsequently.)

> FYI, the only persons that can change titles are the OP and Mods.


> Good luck.


Thanks for the info ! Will have it in mind in the future. :+1:

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