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Help on what to do with abusive team mate.


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Out of the gate a team mate started personally attacking me for I think not going far when he went near. It was weirdly intense. Mind you I’m just a newbie silver 2 and admit I suck. The abuse escalated to the point I wanted to just quit the match. I was embarrassed for him and me. I didn’t want to let the other team members down, but I didn’t want to stick around either . How would you respond to a super negative teammate?

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> @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

> Block and just play better? The game doesn't have a big population like league, I highly doubt ANET can afford to ban anybody sadly, at least from a business perspective


Ah, just play better... now why didn’t I think of that? I’ll get right to it.

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> @"tacoclaw.8251" said:

> > @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

> > Block and just play better? The game doesn't have a big population like league, I highly doubt ANET can afford to ban anybody sadly, at least from a business perspective


> Ah, just play better... now why didn’t I think of that? I’ll get right to it.


No need for sarcasm, pretty sure he just meant for you to have a better time after blocking said agitator. Responding like this and jumping to conclusions after asking for advice doesn't really encourage anyone to contribute, especially if english is their second language. Being in silver means your gameplay can improve, so even if it's meant that way it carries merit. All of us have faced a troll at one point or another, that singles us out and afk's whenever we end up on the same team and keeps trash-talking throughout the entire game - this is why we tell you to block and ignore. What else are they going to do? If that's how they spend their games they will be left in bronze anyways.

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block and live happily, knowing they are raging impotently. The mouthy ones are usually terribad anyway, theyre just trying to excuse their own poor performance by putting it on someone else. Seriously why would ANYONE take abuse from a complete stranger? now when you have had a chance to think about that, answer me why would ANYONE take abuse from a stranger, on the internet? do these people matter? will you ever need them or want to socialise with them? - the answer is no - block and move on ZERO TOLERANCE.

before long, these idiots will find the only ones they can talk to are people like themselves who will hurl abuse back at the slightest thing.

you are welcome.



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If they're insulting you but are correct in their assessment of your play then ignore them and do better. They're still toxic but even toxic advice can be helpful. If they're wrong and are actually braindead then call them braindead and block. Unfortunately 80% of people fall into the second category especially with the hurr durr always fight on point memes

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> @"rng.1024" said:



> No need for sarcasm, pretty sure he just meant for you to have a better time after blocking said agitator. Responding like this and jumping to conclusions after asking for advice doesn't really encourage anyone to contribute, especially if english is their second language. Being in silver means your gameplay can improve, so even if it's meant that way it carries merit. All of us have faced a troll at one point or another, that singles us out and afk's whenever we end up on the same team and keeps trash-talking throughout the entire game - this is why we tell you to block and ignore. What else are they going to do? If that's how they spend their games they will be left in bronze anyways.


Good points.

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> @"rng.1024" said:

> > @"tacoclaw.8251" said:

> > > @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

> > > Block and just play better? The game doesn't have a big population like league, I highly doubt ANET can afford to ban anybody sadly, at least from a business perspective

> >

> > Ah, just play better... now why didn’t I think of that? I’ll get right to it.


> No need for sarcasm, pretty sure he just meant for you to have a better time after blocking said agitator. Responding like this and jumping to conclusions after asking for advice doesn't really encourage anyone to contribute, especially if english is their second language. Being in silver means your gameplay can improve, so even if it's meant that way it carries merit. All of us have faced a troll at one point or another, that singles us out and afk's whenever we end up on the same team and keeps trash-talking throughout the entire game - this is why we tell you to block and ignore. What else are they going to do? If that's how they spend their games they will be left in bronze anyways.


telling someone to play better is rude. there is NEED for sarcasm my dude.



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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"rng.1024" said:

> > > @"tacoclaw.8251" said:

> > > > @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

> > > > Block and just play better? The game doesn't have a big population like league, I highly doubt ANET can afford to ban anybody sadly, at least from a business perspective

> > >

> > > Ah, just play better... now why didn’t I think of that? I’ll get right to it.

> >

> > No need for sarcasm, pretty sure he just meant for you to have a better time after blocking said agitator. Responding like this and jumping to conclusions after asking for advice doesn't really encourage anyone to contribute, especially if english is their second language. Being in silver means your gameplay can improve, so even if it's meant that way it carries merit. All of us have faced a troll at one point or another, that singles us out and afk's whenever we end up on the same team and keeps trash-talking throughout the entire game - this is why we tell you to block and ignore. What else are they going to do? If that's how they spend their games they will be left in bronze anyways.


> telling someone to play better is rude. there is NEED for sarcasm my dude.




Haha aye I guess sometimes it's the only way to survive the salty showers

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If you are playing a meta build you really need to learn what it is that meta build was meant to do. A lot of people assume that most classes are meant to 1v1, 1vX etc. but there is a lot more to it than that. Is the build you're playing a side noder (meaning they do better on far/home) Ex. Is a thief. The sword/dagger meta build is meant to Decap (only decap), plus (meaning if you go to a node and it''s 2v2 you're making it 3v2 with you there to take down the squishiest or lowest health player), and kill (though this is something your teammates should usually be doing. Whatever class you play go watch vids of your build on youtube. There are a lot of high end players that post such vids.

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Welcome to PvP.


Well he's throwing just by not actually playing the game, but trash talking and standing there AFK.

I'm usually really amused by the people who become so deeply involved with the game they believe the game avatar to be an extension of themselves and take great offense at comments made at the character, or become so incensed they throw insults they usually won't in real life.


If it's a particularly spicy set of words intending to hurt, you can screenshot that and read it at your leisure. I appreciate the effort made and I can genuinely enjoy some heated words of creativity.

The only thing I'll do in chat is type out enemy team movements when I'm down or travelling to points.

If you don't even need the chat guidance/never look at it/never found it useful, just open the combat log tab and stay there. Focus on the fight and looking at the map to figure out where best to rotate.


Good players or the ones that are confident usually dismiss these insults. Only if you are not confident/care too much will you feel insulted.

Remember, you're the one that decides if some comments hurt or not. You are the one that can allow/stop yourself from feeling offended.

He/she can do whatever he/she wants but I get to decide if it means anything to me.

Have thicker skin! As you experience more in life you'll learn the value of it.

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> @"tacoclaw.8251" said:

> Out of the gate a team mate started personally attacking me for I think not going far when he went near. It was weirdly intense. Mind you I’m just a newbie silver 2 and admit I suck. The abuse escalated to the point I wanted to just quit the match. I was embarrassed for him and me. I didn’t want to let the other team members down, but I didn’t want to stick around either . How would you respond to a super negative teammate?


Welcome to GW2... I see you are new

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> @"Ralkuth.1456" said:

> Welcome to PvP.


> Remember, you're the one that decides if some comments hurt or not. You are the one that can allow/stop yourself from feeling offended.

> He/she can do whatever he/she wants but I get to decide if it means anything to me.

> Have thicker skin! As you experience more in life you'll learn the value of it.


I should clarify, I wasn't hurt or offended, I was embarrassed, for him and me. I felt he was making it awkward for my team mates. This poor dude who was launching the insults I just felt kind of the same way you feel about someone throwing up next to you on an airplane. Sad, but get me out of here!

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> @"tacoclaw.8251" said:

> Out of the gate a team mate started personally attacking me for I think not going far when he went near. It was weirdly intense. Mind you I’m just a newbie silver 2 and admit I suck. The abuse escalated to the point I wanted to just quit the match. I was embarrassed for him and me. I didn’t want to let the other team members down, but I didn’t want to stick around either . How would you respond to a super negative teammate?


I don't catch toxicity very often anymore nowadays, and when I do, 9/10 times it's easily ignorable. But for that 1/10x when someone is trying extra hard to be as big of a jerk as possible, this is what I do:


Just do the same thing to them that they are doing to you, but make sure to not break the TOS while doing it. In other words, keep it calm. If they want to completely flame your performance, then start commenting on everything they do that is wrong or fails, as often as you can. It strangely creates this reverse osmosis learning experience & conditioning for the jerk, where he learns that if he hits someone, they'll hit him back.


Many people would argue that this is just as immature as the person who initiated the toxicity to begin with, which I normally would agree with. However, if you keep it cool and clean with your responses, if done calmly & correctly, it's just the right dose of karma so to say, that the jerk needs in the immediate.



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> @"rng.1024" said:

> > @"tacoclaw.8251" said:

> > > @"BlackTruth.6813" said:

> > > Block and just play better? The game doesn't have a big population like league, I highly doubt ANET can afford to ban anybody sadly, at least from a business perspective

> >

> > Ah, just play better... now why didn’t I think of that? I’ll get right to it.


> No need for sarcasm, pretty sure he just meant for you to have a better time after blocking said agitator. Responding like this and jumping to conclusions after asking for advice doesn't really encourage anyone to contribute, especially if english is their second language. Being in silver means your gameplay can improve, so even if it's meant that way it carries merit. All of us have faced a troll at one point or another, that singles us out and afk's whenever we end up on the same team and keeps trash-talking throughout the entire game - this is why we tell you to block and ignore. What else are they going to do? If that's how they spend their games they will be left in bronze anyways.


so dont be sarcastic to the dick who was being sarcastic

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> @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> 1. Apply sand paper to your skin, just all over.


> 2. Repeat as necessary until that scar tissue builds up.


> 3.Voila, thicker skin!


you say that but i bet you are the first one to cry when someone say something mean to you in person you weeb

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> @"xXMapcoXx.9614" said:

> > @"RisenHowl.2419" said:

> > 1. Apply sand paper to your skin, just all over.

> >

> > 2. Repeat as necessary until that scar tissue builds up.

> >

> > 3.Voila, thicker skin!


> you say that but i bet you are the first one to cry when someone say something mean to you in person you weeb


Tf is a weeb? What are you, 12? Lol

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