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Easiest class to play?


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Hey, I'm just curious as to what you guys feel is the easiest class to play? If I'm looking for the most face-roll class that I can play when I don't really want to pay attention, what would that class be?


I'm looking to do world content. Assume I don't have (and won't for a while) elite specs. I want something that's good at AoE clearing, and super good at survivability so I won't be punished for not paying attention.


Melee, ranged, whatever. Doesn't matter.


Ps. What weapons would you suggest for the class you're suggesting?

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Warrior or Necro Reaper. They're both extremely facerolly. For warrior it doesn't really matter on the weapon. Just one that hits hard like Axe or greatsword. FOr reaper greatsword and Axe+warhorn. You can run full berserkers on either or if you still feel too squishy, marauders. For Reaper if you still feel too squishy run blood magic and just life steal your way through everything.


Now don't missunderstand me. Both of those classes do have some high end play to them that absolutely require you to know the rotation. But for Open world is fine.

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> @"Okami Amaterasu.9237" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > FOr reaper greatsword and Axe+warhorn.


> Not enough Dagger/Dagger love? :s


> Nah Axe/Warhorn works okay too, but you'll want Banshee's Wail if you're using WH and that means giving up Vampiric Presence. You do still Life Steal a little from just the "Vampiric" Minor Trait in BM, but I guess it's up to whichever weapons people prefer to use. :)

I use d/wh and d/f on mine, lol. All melee reaper minion master power/heals. Reaches ~15 minions in good conditions, the more enemies you fight the better. Anything below 5+ veterans and 20+ normals at once is boring.


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> @"Eramonster.2718" said:

> Just to note, easiest doesn't necessary mean best, if there's one.

Its fairly relative as the "worse" it gets for some people, the better it allow others to perform. Say in a group of 5 very average open world peeps, a minion master reaper can facetank bosses, allowing 4 zerkers to work their deeps. With 5 very average zerkers, the boss would probably smash them to bits at 80% hp and then no one has the sustain to res, ha.


I did the inquest boss room yesterday on random (hey I was there for a vendor and saw the portal) and in the final sequence where you kill both of them, I think I ressed people 30-40 times. Note that we where only about 20 peeps in there, lol. If I had been the "best" spec I probably wouldnt have helped that much with dps because people would have dropped like flies anyway.


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Necro is easy but 2 of my friends that got into the game think its too much ability (because of shroud).

Thief, daredevil especially ls really straight foward and have amazing dps


Other one is warrior since you don’t have elite spec. If you want to do group content just use banner and you have 4 skill to NOT think about

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Personally i prefer the elementalist with a staff. Yes, it could be a little bit difficult, because you need to swap between 4 different elemental stances, but its also rewarding. Its quite hard to get killed as an ele in world pve content, as you have many ways to move away from enemies, prevent to get damage, heal yourself, let a pet tank or simply do massive AoE.

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> @"Saimeren.4952" said:

> Hey, I'm just curious as to what you guys feel is the easiest class to play? If I'm looking for the most face-roll class that I can play when I don't really want to pay attention, what would that class be?



Sounds like Minion based Necromancer is what you're after then..

It's one of the easiest playstyles to play when your not giving the game your full attention.. and you can easily make a soldier stat power tank build that is absurdly tanky in PvE while also being able to dish out ok damage to get by.

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> @"Saimeren.4952" said:

> Hey, I'm just curious as to what you guys feel is the easiest class to play? If I'm looking for the most face-roll class that I can play when I don't really want to pay attention, what would that class be?


> I'm looking to do world content. Assume I don't have (and won't for a while) elite specs. I want something that's good at AoE clearing, and super good at survivability so I won't be punished for not paying attention.


> Melee, ranged, whatever. Doesn't matter.


> Ps. What weapons would you suggest for the class you're suggesting?


Ranger, especially with long bow. Long range and pet to tank for you.

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axe/axe warrior with signets across the utility bar because of the speed and the skill 5 (whirlwind axe) is pretty easy to play and provides decent AoE in close quarters combat. Staff main Necro with dagger/dagger on the 2nd weaponset(for those up n close moments, with minions across the board except elite skill(take lich form and spam skill 4, especially useful if you take the "death nova" trait) for added toughness(especially if you take a few death magic and blood magic traits), constant healing, and minions will do the killing for you while you strike from a distance. and Ranger using two different styles. style one: grab a longbow and get a bear as a pet. this is an old school ranger style of play nicknamed(obviously) bearbow ranger. the bear has a high health pool, can easily tank while you are spamming skill 5(barrage) and if any mob gets to close, you can knock them back. Style 2: acquire 2 seperate shortbows, using sigils of geomancy and corruption on each one and weaponswap often, using skills 1 and 4(both skills apply bleed stacks). acquire an eagle and either a raven or hawk and be able to pet swap on the fly. for utilities, take sharpened edges, signet of the hunt, entangle, spike trap, and "we heal as one". this style of ranger is called a bleedbow ranger, as the utilities+pets+shortbow skills can VERY quickly stack up massive amounts of bleeding condi damage from a distance and is extremely easy to learn which skills to hit and when.

when all of these professions don't suit your fancy, run staff fire elementalist with runes of balthazar. the burning,AoE, and distance of attacks along with movement skills on staff are pretty intense, and when you need a decent group heal or group speed boost, switching into water or air is as simple as pressing a button and using a skill.

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I've actually found mesmer very easy, but I know it runs some people the wrong way. You can summon a small army, including a skill that taunts away from you and clones who draw aggro from you, as well as blocks, evades and invulnerability. You've got respectable DPS and a few cleave and AoE options.


I've also found guardian quite easy because of how robust they are. Aegis on tap, lots of blocks, reasonable damage output? All good. You might get there slower, but you'll get there intact.

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