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Please stop the update of Guild Wars 2 and develop Guild Wars 3

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > If GW2 didn’t attract those who still play GW1 then GW3 likely wouldn’t.

> > > > That's a total assumption that isn't even likely to begin with.

> > >

> > > It is a valid assumption as we saw it with GW2. The OP made a claim that those players who were put off with GW2 would suddenly play it once GW3 were announced in order to earn rewards from GW2’s version of HoM.

> > Not really because the idea is to actually use some of GW1's strong points which they never did with GW2. GW2 isn't all bad for sure, but it is completely different from GW1 and I mean completely. All that's left of GW1 in GW2 is essentially some names. PoF brought back a few old characters but that's it. When GW2 was launched though it had nothing to do with GW1 except that lore connection and some names. Gameplay wise GW1 and GW2 have nothing to do with each other.


> Like I’ve said before, Anet trying to appease one group will alienate another.

The question is how big each group is and how you view your player base. For me it's about the larger idea of a GW3 actually using what worked before. What I just wonder about is how they had some good things going in GW1 and didn't even capitalize on those. I wasn't expecting GW2 to be GW1 with some extra bits but they just threw almost everything out that GW1 had, even the very successful bits that they could've built on. I did read stories about how the development team was pretty much completely replaced during development and that the newer people wanted to make their mark and do things their way. If that's true then that's very sad because I feel GW2 could've appealed to a lot more people of the original GW1 player base if they had kept a stronger connection with GW1.

> > > > In fact I think the contrary is true and I'll actually tell you why. When GW2 came out it became clear quite quickly that GW2 was nothing like GW1. It was a completely different game, regardless of whether you like it or not. However, over time we've seen that more and more GW1 elements have made it into the game with PoF being the clearest example of that bringing back old characters like Palawa and Koss for example.

> > >

> > > Story wasn’t one of the primary reasons they were put off. A lot of the core game story game from GW1 lore as well.


> > Yes it was. I was one of those people and the vanilla story was the first game I ever played where I turned off the sound during the story bits because it's so terrible.


> No it wasn’t. The main issue was how different the two were and how some elements that they enjoyed from the first game were not present in the second.

Well we can keep yes vs no about this but for me it was clear that this was an issue for many more and not just me. One of the major differences between GW1 and GW2 is the tone. GW1 was more serious and GW2, particularly vanilla, has a very light tone that borders on childish and can be very pedantic as well. But we will continue to disagree on this I'm sure so I'll leave it at that.

> > > > It also goes without saying that where GW2 does some things better, also GW1 does some things better. A lot can be learned from both experiences and a GW3 could therefore be a much better mix including things from both games really understanding why certain things worked or not.

> >>

> > > You can have everything in a game that will appeal to everyone. This is especially true if things conflict with each other.

> > I don't think that you can have everything that will appeal to everyone. I get the feeling that's what you were trying to say, but I'm not advocating that a GW3 would be perfect and please everyone. There's no such thing.


> This was a typo on my part as I meant “can’t”. If you understand that a GW3 would not appease everyone then why are you arguing with me in the first place?

I figured it was a typo but the argument is not whether or not something can appease everyone but which choice would be the better one. I think GW3 can be a better choice, you don't seem to think so. So that's what the "argument" is about.

> > > > Now the other train of thought could be that GW3 could again be totally different from both GW1 and GW2. But then all bets are off and there is no telling how people will react to that.

> > >

> > > They’ll react the same as they did towards GW2.

> > Which is my point but it depends on what GW3 would be like who would like it and who would be upset. I am playing GW2 now but GW1 still is a superior game to me in many ways. It just doesn't get updated anymore. I was actually looking forward to GW2 a great deal but once I started playing it, it really was nothing like GW1 and words like "we've taken everything you love from GW1" ended up being rather hollow.


> Actually, your point was the opposite.

No, you misunderstand me. I do agree that not everybody can be pleased but I do have a difference of opinion what would constitue a better choice. My argument revolves mostly around the point that GW1 had some really good aspects that they completely ignored instead of building on them. If GW3 does that again it will have the same reaction possibly. But if they choose to build on what actually worked for them and take that as a foundation they might please more players. Not all, but more. That's my opinion at least.

> > > > So really I find it either a neutral proposition or more likely that GW1 players might have more fun with a GW3 than GW2. I see no reason to argue that it's likely they wouldn't like GW3. And on top of that it also depends on the time setting for it. GW3 doesn't have to come after GW2 time wise either.

> > > >

> > >

> > > The time setting of GW2 had little to no reason why players disliked GW2.

> > You say that but you are wrong again. I'm not saying everyone has the exact same reasons but I wasn't happy with the setting and the timing. Part of the changes to the world which made it so dramatically different also have to do with the time span between them. I am sure that a GW game set closer to GW1 would intrigue a lot of the GW1 fans.

> > You seem to have some false ideas about what people didn't like about GW1 when it came out but story and the big changes to the world and not having any of the good stuff from GW1 taken over into GW2 are definitely issues that were brought up. These things did and do matter as well.


> You must have not been around when GW2 was announced and launched. The time period was not one of the complaints being vocally communicated. It may have been for you personally but you are not representitive of everyone.

I most certainly was around.. At the time it was announced we knew very little about what was coming and when it launched I was there as well. And I know that I am not representative of everyone but neither are you, so you can't claim to have a better opinion in that respect. What I do know is that I was far from the only one who complained about the story being childish and the voice overs being quite terrible. So how can you be so sure it wasn't a big deal to people? You can't claim that either then. So if you want to argue that I'm not representative of most people (which is fair), then please apply that to yourself as well when you make claims about what people's main concerns were because you equally cannot contend to know that either then.


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From my perspective really the only thing that would appeal about moving to a hypothetical GW3 would be the potential for a rewrite of the game's graphics engine to make best use of advances in graphics processing technology. I for one don't think that in itself brings enough value to scrap the investment on everybody's part into GW2. In a purely hypothetical mode I would rather see an expansion that revamped the graphics with the entirety of the existing game updated than a wholly different game. However I suspect that the actual viability of such an update is somewhere south of 0% and plumbing the depths of the domain of Anguish.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> The question is how big each group is and how you view your player base. For me it's about the larger idea of a GW3 actually using what worked before. What I just wonder about is how they had some good things going in GW1 and didn't even capitalize on those. I wasn't expecting GW2 to be GW1 with some extra bits but they just threw almost everything out that GW1 had, even the very successful bits that they could've built on.

While i generally agree with you, you have to understand that even the people that liked gw1 and would gladly go back to a reworked version of it would probably not agree on what elements of gw1 were good and what parts could (or should) be removed.


> No, you misunderstand me. I do agree that not everybody can be pleased but I do have a difference of opinion what would constitue a better choice. My argument revolves mostly around the point that GW1 had some really good aspects that they completely ignored instead of building on them. If GW3 does that again it will have the same reaction possibly. But if they choose to build on what actually worked for them and take that as a foundation they might please more players. Not all, but more. That's my opinion at least.

Only if people could actually agree on what constituted those good aspects of gw1. We've had those kinds of discussions on those forums before, and we never managed to reach any sort of consensus.


By tjhe way: Notice, that in all this you're making some quite shaky assumption - you think that the current team, when making a new game in the series, would be able to better reflect the spirit of gw1 than when they were doing gw2. Remember, the number of devs from original gw1 game is even lower now than it was the case during creation of gw2. And it's not like the devs were trying to make then a worse game. I am sure that they intended to do something even better than gw1.

So, why exactly do you think that this time it would work better than before?

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So you want them to just drop everything and take another *five years* to develop an entire MMO world?

No. Bad enough a 3-month content drought sets people to whinging.


And there's no guarantee a GW3 would avoid some of the same missteps GW2's already taken throughout the years.



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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> Not going to watch a 20 min video from a random player.


You should. The creator of this video is telling the truth about GW2 compared to GW1. If you don't want to watch the PvP part (shame on you ;) ), you can skip straight to the PvE part @ timestamp 14:08.


> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > If GW2 didn’t attract those who still play GW1 then GW3 likely wouldn’t.

> >

> > I vote no for GW3.


> Funny cause they were apparently developing it. Remember that other project? yeah well it may have been GW3


> https://kotaku.com/source-departing-arenanet-president-was-working-on-pot-1838755217


That has little to do to with what you responded to. Ayrilana simply stated that a new GW would likely not attract GW1 fans, because it would be too different from GW1, just like GW2 is (it took me more than three years after I tested GW2 at release to actually try it again and enjoy it, because I had to come to terms with the fact that GW2 has nothing in common with GW1 except the lore; it's still not as good IMO).


Anyway, if they ever started developing a GW3 for real, I sure hope it will take place in Tyria's past rather than the future (no more scif-fi and magi-tech crap, please, and no more mixing of ill-matched design choices) and that they get better writers who try to address an adult audience with a certain level of intelligence rather than kids, teens and people with low standards. I also hope that things that used to be a given, like build templates, will be there from the beginning and not implemented with a delay of 7 years.

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If they were to make a GW3, I rather they bring into the fold the tried-and-true formulas we see in other MMOs. I want established class roles rather than having this bizarre PvE in GW2 where half of the specs are left in the dust and only 1-2 specs can actually perform certain roles. Give me that holy trinity. And please, bring the gear grind to the game. Sure, a lot of people around here hate it, but that's because those are the people the game's catered to. And seeing how well the MMOs that do make use of it are doing, I'm inclined to say y'all are the minority.

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> @"Bobzitto.8571" said:

> If they were to make a GW3, I rather they bring into the fold the tried-and-true formulas we see in other MMOs. I want established class roles rather than having this bizarre PvE in GW2 where half of the specs are left in the dust and only 1-2 specs can actually perform certain roles. Give me that holy trinity. And please, bring the gear grind to the game. Sure, a lot of people around here hate it, but that's because those are the people the game's catered to. And seeing how well the MMOs that do make use of it are doing, I'm inclined to say y'all are the minority.

Then allow the minority their game while the majority plays all of the other cookie-cutter MMOs that share in the formula that you describe.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > The question is how big each group is and how you view your player base. For me it's about the larger idea of a GW3 actually using what worked before. What I just wonder about is how they had some good things going in GW1 and didn't even capitalize on those. I wasn't expecting GW2 to be GW1 with some extra bits but they just threw almost everything out that GW1 had, even the very successful bits that they could've built on.

> While i generally agree with you, you have to understand that even the people that liked gw1 and would gladly go back to a reworked version of it would probably not agree on what elements of gw1 were good and what parts could (or should) be removed.

Yes that's a fair point. I cannot disagree with that :)

> > No, you misunderstand me. I do agree that not everybody can be pleased but I do have a difference of opinion what would constitue a better choice. My argument revolves mostly around the point that GW1 had some really good aspects that they completely ignored instead of building on them. If GW3 does that again it will have the same reaction possibly. But if they choose to build on what actually worked for them and take that as a foundation they might please more players. Not all, but more. That's my opinion at least.

> Only if people could actually agree on what constituted those good aspects of gw1. We've had those kinds of discussions on those forums before, and we never managed to reach any sort of consensus.

Well, I think that was for ArenaNet to answer rather than the players.

> By tjhe way: Notice, that in all this you're making some quite shaky assumption - you think that the current team, when making a new game in the series, would be able to better reflect the spirit of gw1 than when they were doing gw2. Remember, the number of devs from original gw1 game is even lower now than it was the case during creation of gw2. And it's not like the devs were trying to make then a worse game. I am sure that they intended to do something even better than gw1.

Sure, that's a fair point as well. I was just reasoning from a theoretical point and this is indeed a practical issue that cannot be ignored. So good point.

> So, why exactly do you think that this time it would work better than before?

Well, I don't say it would but I say it could. Perhaps that wasn't entirely clear on my side.


I think what I am hoping is that Mike O in his new studio will make a spiritual successor for Guild Wars, more along the framework of GW1 rather than 2. I would see them do that before who is currently at ArenaNet.


But I will say this: Whatever ArenaNet does in the future, I hope to see something more interesting than just LS/Saga chapters because that's not doing it for me anymore and I'd rather they make another game GW3 or other that's less childish and also less grindy. 35000 elder wood planks is insane no matter how you twist it. This game has got to be the most environmentally unfriendly game out there :P



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> @"huluobo.7036" said:

> Combine Guild Wars 1 Guild Wars 2 into Guild Wars 3, use time travel to reset the historical scene, let it support dx12, I have some friends who are still playing Guild Wars 1, never playing Guild Wars 2, if there is Guild Wars 3 It is sure to attract more players and introduce these players into Guild Wars 2 for special skins.


Excuse my ignorance, however how would dx12 support help the gameplay?

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Funny how people get all red faced when GW3 comes up *Ohh noes I will lose this or that* well newsflash.. you already lost it.

Items, skins.. everything you bought from the gem store & you time playing the game.. I don't get these knee jerk reactions.

Gw2 is decaying, and has passed it's prime.. simple fact.

I spend alot of money on this game in 3+ years and was glad to do so.. Gw2 is the best MMO's I ever played.

Don't like PvP in this game, raids are an unpleasant experience.. and PvE well after 3 years anyone would have seen it all by now, so what's left for a casual like me (5-6 hours a week).


Time for Gw3, bring it and take mah money, this game I won't spend a cent on anymore and haven't for the last 6 months.. no offence.

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> @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

> Time for Gw3, bring it and take mah money, this game I won't spend a cent on anymore and haven't for the last 6 months.. no offence.

Then why do you think that another game by the same team would be different for you? Most of the problems GW2 has now are not engine problems. If devs weren't able to fix them till now, there's no indicatuon that they would be to do so in a new game.


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With the actual market and the upcoming MMOs it is a bad idea to split their audience.

By the time GW3 comes out it will have to compete with Archeage unchained, FFXIV, WoW classic, Astellia Online, Ashes of Creation, ESO, Ascent Infinite Realm. Because if I have to start fresh with a new game, why should I chose this one over any other?


IMO right now a new game would be the end of the GW franchise, staying players would not support the gemstore because they would precieve the game as finished and may close down at any moment, and the new franchise will loose a good chunk of the existing player base to other more populated games.


And a new game will not solve any of the complains the players voice in the forums. Class balance, frequent updates and good game content aren't dependent of the game engine.

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> @"VanWilder.6923" said:

> Sometime 1 + 2 = 3 is not the right Solution.


> Gw1 players want the special skins, JUMP, MOUNTs and WvW from Gw2, but what do Gw2 players want from Gw1? What does GW1 offer to Gw2 players exactly? The idea is only benefit for Gw1 players who are insisting get into Gw2 and double standard is implied here. More importantly, how many Gw1 players out there who are not having Gw2 account?



GW1 players couldn't care less about jump and mounts. Wvw would be fun tho.

What Gw2 players want from GW1, a balanced game with high competitive pvp and tons of pvp modes.

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