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What happened to the people playing Fractal dailys?

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So, i was trying to do my dailys and joined a group which posted "lfg t4 heal".

I went in with my heal scrapper and one guy said right after i joined: "scrapper heal? lol ok"


We started with the mei trin fractal and managed to kill the first champ+trash without anybody dropping below 50% hp.

mind you, the instability daily was also conditions, so i had to cleanse a whole bunch of conditions while also making sure nobody dies.


then the first phase of the mei trin fight went as smooth as the fight before, nobody dropping below 50% hp and i cleanse nearly everything as soon as its up.


then we get overwhelmed by the first wave of trash mobs that spawn in.

Everybody went after a different mob and somehow those guys seemed to think that they dont need to dodge out of the aoe fields because they have a healer or something.

I try to rez the first one going down with my function gyro and myself, the rest got downed nearly 5 sec afterwards.


the same dude from before then writes: "wheres the heal?"

another replies: "nowhere"

and i get instantly kicked without even the time to answer.


what happened to people in fractals?

a few months ago it used to be relaxed and if a wipe happened, we just tried 1 or 2 times more before deciding to give up.


I avoided raids because of stuff and people like this... has the elitism spread over to fractals now or what?


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I can't stand people like that. Once upon a time I used to play support in GW1 and got sick of healing button smashing monkeys who thought like you described "we got monk, we can facetank". Then they would complain when they died. After a few wipes and lots of tears I would just leave party. I hope those people you had didn't complete it easily and turned on each other like rabid dogs.

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It's Mai Trin. Most likely it had nothing to do with you being the healer & your overall performance. Lots of people are bad when it comes to certain fracs or fractal encounters.

One of them is Mai Trin, other crucial things are the door at the beginning of the dredge fractal, the ooze at Thaumanova and Amala at the end of Twilight Oasis.

In addition many players left/stopped playing instanced content in GW2 and probably won't come back due to the recent layoffs and the development in the company of the past weeks.

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Some people try to play fractals after instab rework as they used to. Mai had afflicted that day, meaning every single trash will apply conditions. Your party that tried to facetank got wiped.

According to old MMO habbit, blame healer.

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People don't like to believe that they aren't up to the task at hand or that they have to adapt to changed circumstances. So they blame someone else. It's the human condition.

Try not to take it personally (yeah, easier said than done). It's not you; it's their hang up.


As others have said, you can minimize this by starting your own PUG, keeping a list of PUGlings that you like to play with and inviting them, or generally asking about whatever in chat and see what sort of response you get. There are enough people PUGging that you can drop a group or three.


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You don't exactly have to dodge out of the fields no matter the instabilities but that would require the right setup. It does of course seem silly to assume any given LFG would be able to handle said situation as long as they have a "heal", especially if noone else is helping by swapping utilities to include additional condition removal, healing or reflects. But then what do you expect out of people who are looking for a "heal" rather than any specific build(s) just to complain when they get something off-meta.


Playing the off-meta healer made you the easy target. Why take any responsibility if you can blame someone else instead?

That said, I am most likely going to voice a rather unpopular opinion but these stories always have two sides. Blaming the healer is almost as old of a tradition as blaming your group for standing in the "Lava". There is usually something you could have done better to keep people alive longer no matter how "bad" they were. Try even harder next time to prove people wrong in their opinions about something you play.

My motto has always been "Medicore can't heal bad, great can heal anything but oneshots".


You are really going to lose out on raids if you let single experiences like this keep you from trying them out. There are loads of nice and fun people around. A few black sheep shouldn't be your benchmark on how you see the entire community. You are going to be pleasantly surprised once you meet that likeminded group that works for you.

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The term you are looking for is idiots. You ran into a bunch of idiots. That doesnt necessarily have to do with anything.


People are so quick to blame raids for this kind of behavior. Have you not been kicked out of dungeons because you were no warrior years ago? Did you forget 4 necro + heal fractal pugs? That one idiot that keeps blaming cannons on tequatl for them dying? Stupid people are everywhere. Thats hardly news and it will never go away. We dont need to open a forum post everytime someone gets kicked for no reason/any stupid reason, gets insulted in sPvP or had a KP faker join their squad and fuck up an essential mechanic. Thats just how any community is. You have nice guys and you have idiots.

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> @"Cekay.2614" said:

> So, i was trying to do my dailys and joined a group which posted "lfg t4 heal".

> I went in with my heal scrapper and one guy said right after i joined: "scrapper heal? lol ok"


> We started with the mei trin fractal and managed to kill the first champ+trash without anybody dropping below 50% hp.

> mind you, the instability daily was also conditions, so i had to cleanse a whole bunch of conditions while also making sure nobody dies.


> then the first phase of the mei trin fight went as smooth as the fight before, nobody dropping below 50% hp and i cleanse nearly everything as soon as its up.


> then we get overwhelmed by the first wave of trash mobs that spawn in.

> Everybody went after a different mob and somehow those guys seemed to think that they dont need to dodge out of the aoe fields because they have a healer or something.

> I try to rez the first one going down with my function gyro and myself, the rest got downed nearly 5 sec afterwards.


> the same dude from before then writes: "wheres the heal?"

> another replies: "nowhere"

> and i get instantly kicked without even the time to answer.


> what happened to people in fractals?

> a few months ago it used to be relaxed and if a wipe happened, we just tried 1 or 2 times more before deciding to give up.


> I avoided raids because of stuff and people like this... has the elitism spread over to fractals now or what?

> greetings


Anet nerfed chrono in fractals and players dont understand that they have to actualy do some mechanics now. They dont want to admit that they needed chrono to carry them so they are shifting the blame.


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Constant changes to fractals kept succesively killing off the "mid" portion of fractal pugs. So, what remains is the top and the bottom. Try to mix those two groups together, and it often gets volatile. Also, fractals in general are less fun now, so people also tend to be more irritated if anything goes not to their liking.

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I quit playing fractals since they reworked instabilities. Sucks to pug fractals these days, people are still adjusting to the new weird fucking instability combos. It takes more time and effort now which is what made those chill relaxed people toxic i think :P

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> You ran into pug elitism.


> Also form your own groups. Don't trust pugs, but also don't form an opinion over one experience.


> Also, this reminds me of a little MMO saying I heard a while back. "groups looking for a healer are looking for a healer for a reason, and often it's not just because they all play dps."


Unlike raids (where if you have comm tag you are safe), forming your group in fract may not always work, you could still be kicked if you happen to party up with the same mentality people.

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It's always easier to blame other than blame oneself. People used to use no healer at all and it worked perfectly fine as is, I really wonder how we came to suddenly have so much need for a healer in fractals so that it's worth blaming the healer when the team wipe... Originally the "healer" came to be taken only for it's dps buff instead of it's ability to heal. Or maybe it's that they suddenly became aware of the fact that they lacked a steady stream of dps buff and ended up blaming the scrapper healer whose primary worth isn't to give boons...

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> It's always easier to blame other than blame oneself. People used to use no healer at all and it worked perfectly fine as is, I really wonder how we came to suddenly have so much need for a healer in fractals so that it's worth blaming the healer when the team wipe...

Oh, i'm sure increased difficulty of fractals nowadays has _absolutely_ nothing to do with that.



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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > It's always easier to blame other than blame oneself. People used to use no healer at all and it worked perfectly fine as is, I really wonder how we came to suddenly have so much need for a healer in fractals so that it's worth blaming the healer when the team wipe...

> Oh, i'm sure increased difficulty of fractals nowadays has _absolutely_ nothing to do with that.




Yeah it's so hard that there are still players soloing or duoing fractal... Let be real, players have grown accustomed to a safety net and their level of gameplay have fallen, often forgetting about avoiding unforgiving boss mechanisms. Fractal difficulty "increase" have nothing to do with the "need" of a healer. If anything, as you go deeper into the fractals, the agony healing reduction make healers less and less relevant due to the amount of heal cut down.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > It's always easier to blame other than blame oneself. People used to use no healer at all and it worked perfectly fine as is, I really wonder how we came to suddenly have so much need for a healer in fractals so that it's worth blaming the healer when the team wipe...

> > Oh, i'm sure increased difficulty of fractals nowadays has _absolutely_ nothing to do with that.

> >

> >


> Yeah it's so hard that there are still players soloing or duoing fractal...

There are players soloing/duoling _raids_. That doesn't make raids easy - it just shows up the massive difference between different tiers of skill in the community. The skill level of individual people didn't go down. The average skill level of the community didn't go down (well, apart from the result of experienced people leaving). It's the difficulty of fractals that went up.



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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > > It's always easier to blame other than blame oneself. People used to use no healer at all and it worked perfectly fine as is, I really wonder how we came to suddenly have so much need for a healer in fractals so that it's worth blaming the healer when the team wipe...

> > > Oh, i'm sure increased difficulty of fractals nowadays has _absolutely_ nothing to do with that.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Yeah it's so hard that there are still players soloing or duoing fractal...

> There are players soloing/duoling _raids_. That doesn't make raids easy - it just shows up the massive difference between different tiers of skill in the community. The skill level of individual people didn't go down. The average skill level of the community didn't go down (well, apart from the result of experienced people leaving). It's the difficulty of fractals that went up.




Well that and the fact that god tier support builds (chrono) were nerfed or replaced (to which many random players have not adapted). Basically a lot of people got what they desired (nerfs to chrono for one), but are surprised by the result.


The net result is harder fractals, but not only due to the actual difficulty changes to fractals but also individual player skill becoming more important with other players not being able to cover for personal bad play. Essentially, the skill level of players did drop since they have to now play on a higher level than before due to their support not carrying them.


It's a combination of many factors.

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The nerfs to chrono & others almost have nothing to do with the latest developments. If you run CMs with experienced and decent to good players it is and was only the matter of time when succeeding which is/was due using meta strats & classes (such as druid + chrono comp) or other builds. You completed the runs with and without chrono. In the gazillion daily T4 runs - and that's what we are mostly talking about - chrono hasn't even have a significant influence because the class hasn't been chosen by a significant amount of players there. In addition most T4 chronos were of lesser skill leading to almost having none of the advantages the class could bring on the table. The more important thing was and still is the healer - being it druid or any other spec.

Since there are enough healing specs around it's much more obvious that we rather have a decrease of players that are now saturated or actually burned out resulting in a noticeable drop of skill and of course in a systematic and apparent increase of difficulty in fractals. I mean you are definitely closing your eyes if you don't realize the Amala fight, Shattered Observatory as a whole, Siren's Reef, the final boss of Deepstone with disgusting instabilities and of course the latter themselves which had a huge, mostly negative impact on the overall fractal scene. Sure, for us experienced players these encounters & hurdles are (easily) doable but for sure not to the average guy that was/is playing T4s since years.

In my opinion this direction was a terrible decision to go and now, after the recent layoffs, I doubt it will become better soon.

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We have also learnt players to ignore some mechanics and just focus boss, because of healer druid, because a time ago of distortion, etc; but with Deepstone, Siren's reef, new instabiltities like bleeding fire, 300% in the back,-30% HP etc you just can't ignore them anymore. I saw "250KP" wipe because of a single elite at Astri. Same at deepstone it takes 2sec to kill clones and you don't have to deal with the lot of aoes, but no ... people don't care ... and wipe ... or siren's reef or even the catgolem at arkk. How frustrating it is when you have a clueless "elite/uber" player "We don't have heal, healer sucks" because he just can't ************* move and dodge.

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> @"Vinceman.4572" said:

> In my opinion this direction was a terrible decision to go and now, after the recent layoffs, I doubt it will become better soon.


The only way I can describe it is that the fractals are just less fun to do now than they were a month or two ago. Before it was, OK, let's get in there and get it done. Now, I have a look at the dailies and instabilities, and think "meh, don't need gold or fractal relics, I'll go do something else".


I still giggle when I think that in the original announcement they said this rework was to promote a more positive gaming experience. How we doing?

Yes I know that what constitutes a positive gaming experience is subjective, and for some, that means content that is more difficult, but that isn't what it means for everyone.


Besides, as a wise man once said (referring to incomes), some people don't care if they earn enough for their needs, only that they earn more than someone else. I suspect its the same with many of those who adamantly support these new instabilities: it isn't that they wanted the content to be harder, they just wanted to be able to clear it when others could not. That's not a game design issue, that's a self-esteem issue. But whatevs...

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