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Winds of Disenchantment - The final death of an Elite spec Elite skill


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I'm a bit upset. I get it, they don't want this skill in the game anymore.


Winds of Disenchantment : This is now a channeled skill, and it will follow the warrior. Its pulse time has been reduced from 1 second to 0.5 seconds with the duration remaining at 5 seconds. Breaking the channel will now destroy the spell.


I tested it and it's clear, not only is it a huge DPS loss, but also it's extremely weak now.


Nerfing it to the ground or even 6 miles below it was not a solution.


I can only hope for a rework. But lol, I'm posting a Warrior thread.

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> @"Turk.5460" said:

> No, you did not test this in a coordinated push 30minutes after the patch.


haven't tested agains't players but I did against mobs and you can get interrupted really easily. If it's weak against mobs now, I don't even want to see against players. Also the lightning combo field that is unusuable by you unless you want to end the already low duration of the skill.


This is uncool since it was kind of supposed to be a "signature" move to the spellbreaker.

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lmao some warrior with this skill ran into a group


i saw him pop his elite, bubble went up. 1 second later he had to cancel it to kite away ROFL noob


banner is nice, could see a overall cd reduction from 180sec to 150sec and cast time reduced from 2s to 1.5s


i just had bunch of 1v3, 1v2 and even in 1v2...people can res their downed friend faster than dropping banner


banner will be useless in blob fights, perhaps even in zerg fights unless your intention is to revive your friends

because of skill lag + long cast time


good for gvg, roaming with a friend or 2

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This skill should have now much shorter CD. Seriously, 90 seconds for 5 seconds of hoping not to get interrupted is a bit silly.

So now we will have to wait another 3 months for what, reduced 10 seconds CD?

If the goal was to tailor it for WvW meta squad composition where warriors receive tons of boons from firebrand, etc...

then thank you for making it useless in PvE. People will now prefer boon removal that can actually deal damage while doing so...

I wouldn't say a thing if the CD in PvE was like 40 seconds or so... but even then, I am not sure about its usefulness compared to removing boons while also doing damage. Similar applies to PvP/WvW.



Whole balance patch is disappointing (nothing new here), the only reasonable nerf is banner stats nerf, but their rework is very underwhelming, using banners still gives no reward and satisfaction. Same as before. So much for improving banners and warrior class in general.

Why using banners in PvP now? Why taking banners in WvW for any scenario over shouts with heal? Why someone should use banners if they are still boring, non-rewarding and not satisfying to use? Or is this some kind of 50% rework? What was the thought process when creating those changes? Banners are still as useful in PvP/WvW as before while nerfed significantly in PvE. Yes, for raids, banners will still provide nice buffs for 10 people, but the PvE is not only about raids.


Only Battle Standard is better now. Elite skill finally worth using even in PvP/WvW. This skill was always rewarding and satisfying when used correctly. There are very few things as satisfying as ressing 3+ people with the banner.

Can't say the same, not even slightly, about rest of banners.


It makes you think, when players ask for fixes/polishing/skill improvements and almost everything we get are nerfs with no/bad trade-offs. I understand that not everything that players want is possible. But what else should warrior players think when there is no communication at all?

When is power berserker going to be addressed? Next balance patch? In 6 months? 12 months? Is it bad to want favorite elite spec that feels good to play to be also useful?

I would be fine with such balance changes if it was 1 month between them... but 3 months of waiting just to see no fixes/changes that would make warriors happy and be glad that they play this class is disheartening.

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While it was probably a necessary change for WvW, it just feels so so so bad in PvE. In PvE you barely ever need to move WoD (unless you misplaced it, but that shouldn't be the reason behind such balance) and not being able to do anything besides look angrily at the enemies is the opposite of what makes GW2's playstyle fun. It'd be much better if they split the skill for PvE and PvP/WvW so it can be coherent with each gamemode's playstyle.

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> @"Myriada.7580" said:

> While it was probably a necessary change for WvW, it just feels so so so bad in PvE. In PvE you barely ever need to move WoD (unless you misplaced it, but that shouldn't be the reason behind such balance) and not being able to do anything besides look angrily at the enemies is the opposite of what makes GW2's playstyle fun. It'd be much better if they split the skill for PvE and PvP/WvW so it can be coherent with each gamemode's playstyle.


It had its use on Dhuum in raids, but in general taking this in PvE has been worthless for ages so I don't see it as a big deal to be honest

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> It had its use on Dhuum in raids, but in general taking this in PvE has been worthless for ages so I don't see it as a big deal to be honest


It had use in quite a lot of dungeons and fractals, especially if you didn't have a mesmer to feedback, a revenant to use the reflect tablet or a guardian wall (or they wouldn't adapt as is standard practise in GW2). It saddens me that the utility warriors bring is becoming more dull and uninteresting.

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Spellbreaker was never designed with the intent of being a DPS specialization. It is a utility class. It's main goal is to prevent enemies from applying boons, while stripping boons and providing CC's. Hence the name "Spellbreaker". I agree this patch *might* drop your DPS some, but in an organized party with a Firebrand by your side, you'll become so much more useful to your teammates then you ever were back in the "Yolo Winds" days.


We've entered the Mobile Yellow Ball of Death meta. :grin:

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> @"Mighty Cole.7849" said:

> Spellbreaker was never designed with the intent of being a DPS specialization. It is a utility class. It's main goal is to prevent enemies from applying boons, while stripping boons and providing CC's. Hence the name "Spellbreaker". I agree this patch *might* drop your DPS some, but in an organized party with a Firebrand by your side, you'll become so much more useful to your teammates then you ever were back in the "Yolo Winds" days.


> We've entered the Mobile Yellow Ball of Death meta. :grin:


it does a terrible job of it though.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Just spent a couple hours in WvW and I have to say that this new iteration is amazing. The skill is so much more fun to use and no, the cooldown felt perfectly reasonable to me. It was always up again when we needed it.



It's significantly more fun and way better at gobbling up people's boons now.

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Enlighten me warrior players: That skill removes a boon on 10 targets in 0.5 second intervals. E.g. that's per target: 4 boons in 2 seconds or 10 boons in 5 seconds.


How is this skill NOT supposed to be strong?


Is it bad because you might have to cancel the channel after 3 seconds (= 6 removed boons per target x 10 !!!)?


> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Just spent a couple hours in WvW and I have to say that this new iteration is amazing. The skill is so much more fun to use and no, the cooldown felt perfectly reasonable to me. It was always up again when we needed it.

That's exactly what comes to my mind, when I read the skill description.

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Before patch, this elite can also used in pve boss fight, drop bubble to block projectile from adds/boss and strip boons while continue the skill rotation or save ally, not to mention that how useful this skill was in wvw. And now anet find this way to cripple warrior player once again.


I'm a pve/wvw player, play spb as dps in T4/raid and help zero in wvw, this "balance change" make me ignore this elite skill.(at least in pve)....

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The real uselesness of the skill is that now, not only is interruptable (even before there was a big tell and lots of counterplay anyway) but you can't even do anything else while channeling it. There's not only WvW in this game, also PvE, believe it or not, some people plays that mode. Before patch, I could drop the bubble and use the lightning field to combo lots of dazes and interrupts to ennemies. It was really usefull against boss. But now, all I do is looking angrily at an ennemy for 5 seconds. I admit that in WvW in very organised group, it might be a bit better, but in other game modes, this is a dead skill now.

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