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Warclaw Sniff - what good is it?


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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > @"Mogrey.3891" said:

> > the one guy said that he used on tower and didn't work maybe it was bugged? cause i used it on keep and definitely worked for me :/


> Every time I've tried it it was on a tower that didn't yet have a door or wall down and I was outside it. Was the keep breached? Were you outside or inside it? I've had it work inside a keep which we already owned after enemy were repelled. Maybe that's what it's for.


we were cataying the keep when i used it but to be fair dots didn't stayed on minimap long. they pretty much instantly disappeared.

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> @"Hackuuna.4085" said:

> It's to prepare for the eventuality of new skills added.


> Burrow: You and your mount burrow -- become invisible and lose access to all skills except un-burrow. You cannot see anything while burrowed.

> Bowel Movement: You leave behind a loot bag that prevents sniffing until collected.

> Sniff: Reveal any burrowed enemies.


> New trick: Collect bowel movement. Costs 25 supply and removes one bowel movement within 1200 range. Bowel movements can be returned to the trick vendor for a refund of 25 supply.


Sniff, give your mount a cold

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  • 1 month later...

Sniff is good for scouting structures that are contested like Garrison.

Instead of having to check every wall and gate, dropping sniff can tell you right away if there is any enemy at that side of the structure without having to physically check it.

I found an enemy hiding down a ledge near garri at a hidden spot cataing the garri with sniff.


Its also good for checking towers like if you are cataing the back wall of the tower, dropping sniff can tell you if there is another enemy group raming the front gate.

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I've actually got good use out of it, I don't think anything needs to be changed. It's been working really good for either sensing ambushes or making ambushes on enemies, particularly in sm. People are either not using it correctly or are failing to understand its usage.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> I've actually got good use out of it, I don't think anything needs to be changed. It's been working really good for either sensing ambushes or making ambushes on enemies, particularly in sm. People are either not using it correctly or are failing to understand its usage.


That's true. I used it to find where the enemy group is stacked too.

Like just earlier 10 of us ran into a Tower after the wall went down but as I reached the wall, I did a sniff and saw a group of enemies hiding behind the tower on the opposite side waiting for us to commit.

I shouted a warning but no one listened or reacted in time.

So I rode off on my kitty while they all died in the ambush.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > I've actually got good use out of it, I don't think anything needs to be changed. It's been working really good for either sensing ambushes or making ambushes on enemies, particularly in sm. People are either not using it correctly or are failing to understand its usage.


> That's true. I used it to find where the enemy group is stacked too.

> Like just earlier 10 of us ran into a Tower after the wall went down but as I reached the wall, I did a sniff and saw a group of enemies hiding behind the tower on the opposite side waiting for us to commit.

> I shouted a warning but no one listened or reacted in time.

> So I rode off on my kitty while they all died in the ambush.


Haha, I've been in that situation myself, very thankful for sniff.

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> @"Kunzaito.8169" said:

> Warclaw Sniff - what good is it?


While not really on topic, I heard Edwin Starr singing the title of the thread...

> [Warclaw (Sniff) yeah](


> What is it good for?


>! (Full disclosure for this part: I like the Warclaw; this is just a meme for the sentiment sometimes expressed by longtime WvWarriors and because I couldn't get "Warclaw Sniff" to scan with the meter as well.)


>! > Warclaw, huh, yeah

>! > What is it good for

>! > Absolutely nothing

>! > Warclaw, huh, yeah

>! > What is it good for

>! > Absolutely nothing

>! > Say it again, why'all

>! >

>! > Warclaw, huh, good god

>! > What is it good for

>! > Absolutely nothing, listen to me

>! >

>! > Oh, warclaw, I despise

>! > 'Cause it means destruction of roamer lives

>! > Warclaw means tears to thousands of commander eyes

>! > When teammates try to reach the fight

>! > And lose their lives

>! >

>! > I said, warclaw, huh good god, why'all

>! > What is it good for

>! > Absolutely nothing say it again

>! > Warclaw, whoa, lord

>! > What is it good for

>! > Absolutely nothing, listen to me



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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > @"coro.3176" said:


> > * Check for players behind obstacles you can't see through, like walls, or in deep valleys (eg. EBG near Durios)?

> > * Get an easier count of enemies?

> > * Spot the paths of multiple fleeing enemies even if you can only be looking at one at a time?


> I tried it by a tower wall and it didn't show me the people I knew to be inside it.




I've never had an issue with it. I use it near towers often and can see red dots inside on the opposite end of the tower from where I'm at. Usually I'll go right up to the wall on the outside of the tower before using it.


Possibilities: you weren't close enough to the tower and/or the player was just outside the range of Sniff, or the player had just left the tower right before you used it. Or perhaps something in your graphics settings is turned down and is preventing you from seeing the dots.

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> @"Charrbeque.8729" said:

> > @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > > @"coro.3176" said:

> >

> > > * Check for players behind obstacles you can't see through, like walls, or in deep valleys (eg. EBG near Durios)?

> > > * Get an easier count of enemies?

> > > * Spot the paths of multiple fleeing enemies even if you can only be looking at one at a time?

> >

> > I tried it by a tower wall and it didn't show me the people I knew to be inside it.

> >

> >


> I've never had an issue with it. I use it near towers often and can see red dots inside on the opposite end of the tower from where I'm at. Usually I'll go right up to the wall on the outside of the tower before using it.


> Possibilities: you weren't close enough to the tower and/or the player was just outside the range of Sniff, or the player had just left the tower right before you used it. Or perhaps something in your graphics settings is turned down and is preventing you from seeing the dots.


I was right humped against the wall and had the map zoomed all the way in. The people hadn't left as I could actually see them over the wall. However since this incident it's been working so it was more than likely an odd occurrence due to lag or something :)

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Sniff could use improvements though. How I've seen it work is red dots show up on the mini map for about a second or 2, then fade out. Then a few seconds later it will show the red dots a second time for a second or 2. And of course, not being able to see stealthed players. Sniff just doesn't last long enough to give you a good idea of what's going on.


Good example: not too long ago I was with a group of players that captured a tower. I hopped on my mount and used sniff but didnt' see anything. Then someone noticed a daredevil come out of stealth. We ran all over the tower trying to find him. I used Sniff again when it was off cooldown and still didn't see the stealthed player get pinged. It took about 10 of us several minutes searching for that player, due to him being in stealth for a good 60+ seconds at a time. It wasn't until 1 of our players used a skill their profession had to reveal the daredevil and we defeated him. If we weren't determined to get him, he would have stayed hidden inside the tower until we left, then capped the tower himself without having to break through the gate or wall first.


What they could do is make it so stealthed players within rang of Sniff end up being revealed/marked and unable to stealth for about 3 seconds. And for the mini map it could show the dots for a few seconds.

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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > @"Charrbeque.8729" said:

> > > @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > > > @"coro.3176" said:

> > >

> > > > * Check for players behind obstacles you can't see through, like walls, or in deep valleys (eg. EBG near Durios)?

> > > > * Get an easier count of enemies?

> > > > * Spot the paths of multiple fleeing enemies even if you can only be looking at one at a time?

> > >

> > > I tried it by a tower wall and it didn't show me the people I knew to be inside it.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I've never had an issue with it. I use it near towers often and can see red dots inside on the opposite end of the tower from where I'm at. Usually I'll go right up to the wall on the outside of the tower before using it.

> >

> > Possibilities: you weren't close enough to the tower and/or the player was just outside the range of Sniff, or the player had just left the tower right before you used it. Or perhaps something in your graphics settings is turned down and is preventing you from seeing the dots.


> I was right humped against the wall and had the map zoomed all the way in. The people hadn't left as I could actually see them over the wall. However since this incident it's been working so it was more than likely an odd occurrence due to lag or something :)


Uhhh.......another possibility: something not working the way it's suppose to. :p


And I just remembered that I've seen players in WvW say that Sniff doesn't seem to work right sometimes. So, that is most likely what happened to you.


Hell, I was at Bay keep on the west side of Alpine Borderlands a while back. My team was working on the outer gate. I was on my warclaw using chain pull on it. A player on the other side of the gate launched a catapult at the gate, hitting me a few times until I was dismounted. What happened? I was sitting on the ground as if I was still mounted, but with my weapon and other skills useable. We broke through the gate and I entered the water to swim to the other side. My character was still stuck as if she was mounted and stayed that way. After capturing the keep I went to the character select screen then logged back in and that fixed my toon.

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  • 1 year later...

The skill comes in handy as "what's happening nearby". For scouts it's imperative to know what's ahead of your group, so you can warn them when there's another group hiding, or another enemy scout that could spot your party. Being able to know where the enemy group or scout is, can keep your group from running head long into a trap, or be able to determine a new path to the location they need to go without being spotted. It's a tactical advantage. Use it. Many times I come to an area that has crossroads and narrow walls and i'll hit Sniff and see an oncoming group of 40 orange dots that I as about to run into. It's a life saver too.

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If an enemy group stacks tight enough, they can appear on the map as One Single Dot. However, I have not seen one group, except maybe 7 years ago, that had stacked so tight, you couldn't tell their #'s. It would appear to you as a single Dot, and if they stealthed...well may the six gods have mercy on your soul.

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