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Warclaw brought queues -- full of people who don't want to play

Ni In.6578

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> @"Ni In.6578" said:

> > @"Teon.5168" said:

> > How is bringing new players into an area of the game "detrimental"??? Especially an area of the game that needs more players?


> Please re-read the original post. Thank you.


Way ahead of you on that. Reading your original post(several times, I might add) is what caused me to respond in the way I did. Or did you mean something completely different from what you wrote?

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> @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> Sorry, but with the update rate of WvW, ANY new addition will bring queues to WvW.




> @"ThunderPanda.1872" said:

> Stop it all. You're all just making a dead game mode even more dead by being hostile to new prospect players. Everyone starts somewhere. I'll bet no one in here started as a super skilled WvW player, and prob still not as good contrary to what they believe they are. There are also a lot of PvE converted people who will start enjoying WvW and start investing time and gold to be productive in the mode.


Also this.


There are only two things detrimental to WvW:

1) People who bitch endlessly about others being detrimental to WvW. Aka people like the OP.

2) People tagging as commander without knowing how to WvW / tagging up despite being a roamer. Which sounds like the _one_ person OP is specifically calling out.


People who fill up the queue? Not detrimental. Even if they're here just for the Warclaw and don't like WvW despite it, they'll leave within a week, if not two-three days. But there will be those who come for Warclaw and stay because they found a good commander and found enjoyment in the game mode, and those are the people the update is primarily for, not the elitists like the OP or those agreeing outright with them.


As others have said or alluded to, any significant change to WvW will bring high queues to WvW on patchday. Do not believe that these high queues will last long, because trust me they won't. So those complaining about having to "change playtimes" or "deal with zergs of newbs" are bitching about their drink with ice being cold.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

But there will be those who come for Warclaw and stay because they found a good commander and found enjoyment in the game mode, and those are the people the update is primarily for, not the elitists like the OP or those agreeing outright with them.


Kinda like this, I originally only capped a few camps and the likes for dailies (faster than waiting for 4-5 events in some cases), and while I am not fully moving over, I love the 'Open Tag' that usually is running around on my home server. Adjusted my build so that I can win some 1 vs. 1 when having to catch back up, too, and using a WvW build, which I am still learning to be decent at.


But since I am not interested in Guardian, Mesmer or Necro, that leaves not many options, sadly.



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I queued up for a border for hours, but ended up with what felt a EoTM karma train. EBG felt much the same too, with the other servers dodging most fights.


Although most of the time, Deso can win the majority of fights this week, it was all a one push. JS even ran back to give us loot, otherwise we had to fight inside sieged up keeps, to give ourselves a challenge.


I don't see most of these players coming back, especially on the other servers, unless they are willing to make the time and effort to learn wvw and the PvP side of things. Karma training, running and getting farmed, while not listening to us regulars, will put them off, not just their or our own attitude towards them, as most of them, do not care about the game mode.

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> i wanna laugh about the TRUE WVWler who cry now that wvw get more player just lol. Hope ur game mode get canceld with that attitude


Why would regular wvwers be happy about seeing high queues on every maps created by bunch of players who are only interested in unlocking the new mount and move on?

Maybe use a common sense rather than wishing ill toward wvw players with your pve elitist attitude next time?

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> @"Lalary.3561" said:


> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > i wanna laugh about the TRUE WVWler who cry now that wvw get more player just lol. Hope ur game mode get canceld with that attitude


> Why would regular wvwers be happy about seeing high queues on every maps created by bunch of players who are only interested in unlocking the new mount and move on?

> Maybe use a common sense rather than wishing ill toward wvw players with your pve elitist attitude next time?


The irony in calling other being the elitist here lol

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"Lalary.3561" said:

> >

> > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > i wanna laugh about the TRUE WVWler who cry now that wvw get more player just lol. Hope ur game mode get canceld with that attitude

> >

> > Why would regular wvwers be happy about seeing high queues on every maps created by bunch of players who are only interested in unlocking the new mount and move on?

> > Maybe use a common sense rather than wishing ill toward wvw players with your pve elitist attitude next time?


> The irony in calling other being the elitist here lol


Run along now little parrot.

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60 man queues during primetime. Guildmate that has played WvW every day stated that some people don't build siege to cap things and don't follow instructions. I guess it's worse for some groups.


I find you need a WvW commander that has experience ktraining to lead during this timeframe. PvE-ers don't have patience to siege a keep when enemies are in it and tend to implode when bombed on.


Complaining about PvEers isn't going to get anywhere. I saw some people ask for help on things like "why don't we attack the door" with 40 people instead of using siege or "why shouldn't I run berserker gear in WvW" and explained. You're better off helping people to get their warclaw and the people that stay and like the gamemode becomes fresh blood.


I saw several people throw trebs at doors to be yelled at by the commanders and then the occurrence dropped , so maybe people will learn to follow direction more.


Warclaw chain pull is slightly underwhelming.


One thing I do note is the lord room fights are far quicker with every PvE player running glassy builds. Still have to shout "CC" when the defiance bar is up though.


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> @"Infusion.7149" said:

> 60 man queues during primetime. Guildmate that has played WvW every day stated that some people don't build siege to cap things and don't follow instructions. I guess it's worse for some groups.


> I find you need a WvW commander that has experience ktraining to lead during this timeframe. PvE-ers don't have patience to siege a keep when enemies are in it and tend to implode when bombed on.


> Complaining about PvEers isn't going to get anywhere. I saw some people ask for help on things like "why don't we attack the door" with 40 people instead of using siege or "why shouldn't I run berserker gear in WvW" and explained. **You're better off helping people to get their warclaw and the people that stay and like the gamemode becomes fresh blood.**


> I saw several people throw trebs at doors to be yelled at by the commanders and then the occurrence dropped , so maybe people will learn to follow direction more.


> Warclaw chain pull is slightly underwhelming.


> One thing I do note is the lord room fights are far quicker with every PvE player running glassy builds. Still have to shout "CC" when the defiance bar is up though.



I don't know the blob I followed before doing a little havok with my guild grp wasn't too bad siege was being built at proper places but depends whoms leading and backing up the blob.


new map, pips, ascended gear, legendary gear....didn't make them stay...a mount you can get in 1-2 hrs if you got wvw potions for the wvw track...wont make people stay I think...plus mount break so much gameplay in WvW now...sorry to be a downer but its real optimist...influx...


**I'll put it simply to everyone, most people that end up staying in WvW is threw guilds where a 1 or a few wvw players bring new friends or guildmates and teach them, that's how I got in WvW with my first guild back in the days on a uplevel warrior and then again with map completion for bolt also, a mount brings only a temporary influx with no anchor stability guidance from a friendly source, yes wvw guilds will try to recruit new players but most are just focused on the mount and nothing long term in here...oh well another post on another discussions on similar subject...oh boy**

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Consider WvW players joining raids to get the armor skin, showing up with crappy builds unfit for the content, expecting to be carried, complaining about how they are just in it for the loot and then leave for good and ultimately lie on their face in the dirt. Not to mention taking spots from the "serious" raiding people.


The difference being, of course, that even the crappiest player in WvW will ultimately get their mount and Gift of Battle but you still can't simply yolo it through the raids.


I personally hope that even some people who try WvW would stick around but there is shitty attitude from both sides, so who knows. However I feel like the annoyance, even if somewhat exaggerated, is somewhat justified considering the crappy past the WvW crowd had with ANet.

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my only complaint is the queues i dont have a lot of time to play wvw i spend roughly an hour playing well i spent that hour in queue played five minutes and had to leave to do real life things. ill be back after the queue die down but now im out doing pve stuff waiting in queues. not a real complaint just wish i could play my usual time and i hope some end up enjoying enough to stay when its said and done

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Things will be back to normal by the end of this week. Anyone who actually thinks mounts will bring in new people interested in wvw are clueless. They are all here to get the mount to add to their collection. We will be back to same issues very soon.

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It was quite funny and reminescent of my early days when last night around 11pm when I stumbled across a couple of players at ABL SWT watching a half built cata near the gate. A few minutes later I ran past again and the cata was up to 90ish percent, so I finished it and started throwing balls at the SE corner hitting both the gate and wall. Sure enough, 3 mins later, blue blob (40ish people) invade our little group of about 7.


Yes, I knew what would happen, but I didnt have the heart to tell them because they were trying afterall, but I hope those newbies have since learned a ram would've been quicker but still probably wouldn't have changed the outcome.

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I wish they had just reserved the Warclaw for use in WvW only. There are already 6 mounts that can be used in PvE maps. Making this one WvW only would have filtered out a lot of people who wouldn't have bothered if it couldn't be used elsewhere. There still would have been plenty of completionists who would have tried it for the AP or the satisfaction of just having done it, but many of the skin-chasers wouldn't have seen it as worthwhile.

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> i wanna laugh about the TRUE WVWler who cry now that wvw get more player just lol. Hope ur game mode get canceld with that attitude


With more players like you, a WvW-er crying is something understandable. Bring even more in WvW and indeed, our game mode will be canceled.

Still I don't understand - if this is not your game mode, why are you posting here? Something like "I don't have any interest here but I'm glad you are sad and cry" smells like trolling. Too bad we have only ogres in WvW. A good change will be to replace the Ogre setlement with a Troll one. To have them permanently in WvW.

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> @"timetopat.7921" said:

> I honestly saw more players in team chat complaining about pvers who complain than pvers complaining. People are playing and having fun. They’ll be gone in a week and there will be no line to get it and we can complain about it being a dead game mode. 6 more days to go!


You should try to take the view of Regular WvW player who has been playing this gamemode for 6 years. You should have look at what did happend to WvW and the reason why WvW regular players are yelling about this mount and the amount of PvE players that come for this in WvW.


All, we wanted is to have decent meta and real competitive gamemode but all we got is PvE Loot and mount with no competition and a completly crap meta.

Our community hasnt been heard about what it want and we're completly upset about that.


Would you be happy if there is no content in PvE and then adding a new "thing" that is strongly link with PvP gamemode and broke all PvE challenge? no



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