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Scrapper - Thank you ANET :)


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Hello everyone.


I want to give my tanks to ANET for listening the community! A big step was given! Scrapper's gyros are now more viable then ever! GOOD WORK!



The biggest struggle was their path find :) with them flying above you the problem is no more! And they are immortal :)


Now that the biggest step was given, it might be too soon to talk about this, but I have been trying some builds,


Blast gyro and shredder gyro might need a buff on their value, to not create much impact on their raw damage perhaps they could scale better with might effects?


Traits should be updated aswell as soon as possible they are a bit outdated,


- give different aspect values for PvE and PvP ?


- Hammer skills are really good on their effects and utilities, but I'm pretty sure that they should scale better with might aswell


- skill n°3 should go further we need a good skill to get us closer to targets now that we are officially melee




Hammer skill n° 2 is not reflecting projectiles in PvP did anyone else noticed ?

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Scrappers are still mediocre in PvE, holosmith are better at CC and dps.


yes, scrapper has access to barriers, but the barrier values are so low, scrapper ain't much of a tank. As of now, scrappers fills zero niche in PvE. It can hand out super-speed, i suppose, and scrapper-FT builds are decent at tagging mobs; that's the extent of its' role in PvE.


Patch is a step in the right direction for scrapper, but it has ways to go before it finds a place in PvE (outside of farming).

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> @"Unknown.3976" said:

> Scrappers are still mediocre in PvE, holosmith are better at CC and dps.


> yes, scrapper has access to barriers, but the barrier values are so low, scrapper ain't much of a tank. As of now, scrappers fills zero niche in PvE. It can hand out super-speed, i suppose, and scrapper-FT builds are decent at tagging mobs; that's the extent of its' role in PvE.


> Patch is a step in the right direction for scrapper, but it has ways to go before it finds a place in PvE (outside of farming).


Well, anyway objectively, a tank fill no niche in PvE. In PvE you tend to ask a support to tank, not a tank to tank otherwise the reaper would have had it's hours of glory in HoT. "PvE" niches are incredibly restrictive and always targeting maximum efficiency, there is just no room there for a tank that just "tank". The saddest part is that when a spec become good at "tanking", it still stay unwelcome in PvE and often become a target for nerfs due to PvP.

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> @"felincyriac.5981" said:

> yes thanks anet for another cancer build...

> Wonder what kitten they'll powercreep next.


Hello, what they provided to Gyros is very good, as I said, they migh need some adjustments on their numbers , still , what we got us good, remember that we been struggle everyday since HoT need on the class because scrapper was actually pretty dam good and strong.


Besides, positive criticism and feedback is what we need to provide the DEVS . Of course that many player lost their temper because it took too long for a fix like this, but hey, we got it now grab that and suggest new traits and values :D


Look at my old post if you want , :)



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> @"felincyriac.5981" said:

> yes thanks anet for another cancer build...

> Wonder what kitten they'll powercreep next.


Scrapper is a cancer build now? Please don't tell me one PWNed you because the trade off between offensive and defensive capability on a Scrapper is significant; Scrapper depends on quite a number of good traits to pull of either and there isn't enough trait bandwidth to get both.


To be fair, I believe Bulwark Gyro is overtuned, probably should get about 1500 barrier less than what it does, or have it scale with players in the radius or something. Haven't extensively tried the others.


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Yes, thank you for the Scrapper updates ANet!


I'm really liking the Scrapper changes for PvE. It's not overpowered and likely won't be meta, unless your fractal team needs a huge amount of healing, but it at least it feels viable and worth taking in PvE now.


I don't frequent the PvP forum, but took a look after one of the above posters called the build cancer and found a couple of complaint threads there. I hope that it doesn't get nerfed into uselessness in PvE because of PvP complaints.


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The changes in general are good and they're more valuable in all game modes. Only bulwark and stealth gyro are rally problematic imo.


* Bulwark Gyro currently is overperforming in 1vX situations. While in teamfights you need to use it carefully, when you're in your own it's an easy big barrier for an extended amount of time. You need only click it off CD and your fine. That's a real flaw with it's currently design. I'd prefer if they applied a barrier and an Aegis initially, while the pulsing effect only happens according to the number of allies around you. If you're by yourself there are no pulses, per ally it pulses ~300 barrier per second and if you're surrounded by 5 allies it pulses for the maximum amount.

* The new Stealth Gyro isn't a well designed skill. It now is but a very long stealth without counterplay to it. Plain boring! My suggestion would be to combine the best of both designs: You spawn a stealth gyro (that can't be stealth and follows you) on use, but the stealth pulses on you instead. When the gyro is destroyed you and every ally nearby is immediatly revealed.

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Dear Anet ...thank you so much to give me what I have been crying for so many months other profession had and not me.

Before I felt it was poor balance unfun to play against. Now I feel that it is funny.

Everyone can change its mind after all.


Scrappy scrapper

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It has been a little more than a week now. The changes feel good and work nice, population of Scrappers increased in both competitive and PvE and people start noticing us as a class again and not as a special snowflake who just does not want to play a class that works. Although they are technically all Wells now, for me they will always be Gyros ^^.


Btw. what is the Function Gyro now? Technically the Gyros as skill-type were removed/replaced. It still works as before the patch, but does it count as a Well as well?


It is amusing to read the complaints and "suggestions" of people who think we should be nerfed back to the bottom of the food-chain instantly. Mostly players of classes which have always been dominating others. Compared to already existing skills, the changes to gyros are barely average. There is nothing overpowered there. They just feel extremely overpowered, because we are Engineers. If you play the underdog of this game for such a long time and get used to work with the absolute minimum, buffs like these have an insane impact. If the buffs would have been applied to the corresponding classes (e. g. sneak-gyro = shadow refuge of thief, blast-gyro = warrior, medic-gyro = druid healing spirit, shredder gyro = revenant hammer-rotation upgrade, purge gyro = mesmer/necromancer, bulwark-gyro = necromancer/elementalist) no one would have really recognized them or actually use them now, because those classes are used to have a lot more powerful skills than these. The Engineer was always the class which was able to do a little bit of everything, but nothing extremely good. We can still be easily outclassed by the above mentioned classes in their fields. We can still be defeated and overwhelmed, it just takes a little more effort and brainpower now.


I do not think everything will remain as it is now. Certain effects will be adjusted as always. And we will get used to those changes, as always.


Thank you for giving us a little life-quality back. But do not forget about core. You nerfed that aspect of the Engineer way too much, just to accomplish balancing the Holosmith. It needs to be adjusted and balanced directly though, it is inevitable. Core has never really caused any harm in the past. So please do not forget about the origin of all this. Core has its place in the game and is vital for both the Scrapper and the Holosmith, but also can and should stand alone. Same works for Warrior, Guardian, Thief, Mesmer, Revenant, Elementalist, Necromancer and Ranger. The core-versions are never as powerful as the elites, but they are far away from being weak or useless.


Looking forward to the next patches.

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I personally really disliked playing against scrappers before as it felt like a low effort high reward class (like warriors) and I feel those changes made it way worse, they are literally unkillable right now no matter what you play. I don't think the giro changes are the problem, quite the opposite, it's a good change. But numbers REALLY need to be tuned down for that spec.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> 4 player we was try all time kill 1 scrapper on close, and can't. Thank you ANET.


Put any class on full defensive build, and you will face the same situation, anyway, this class was dead for 3 years, it's viable and playable now ;)

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  • 1 month later...

People are only complaining because it's not an easy class to kill anymore and you actually have to work for it now. I think the changes are great and it's really fun being able to sustain in a fight and actually feel like we are actually viable in WvW now!!

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Scrapper it's on a fair rank to be honest.


Is not immortal, and is also not the "nuclear damage " that people talk about.


For years scrapper got nerf to the bone and the class lost the identity of what it should be when people play with it. But since this update people start to enjoy it once again!


The class is finally funny to play with, and not that frustrated!


I keep saying that the next step is to adjust / remake traits ( for all the professions in game ) , I say this because many are outdated and some of them in my opinion are in the wrong build section and should be relocated.


Aside that and coming to what matters, ANET team is taking care of GW2, I can say this because not only by the scrapper results but as other classes/ professions aswell! We can see the world on PvE and PvP is getting some new waves coming that are moving the interest of many players and many of them are returning to the game!


I congratulate ANET again, and as many times as they do what the community agrees and see as a positive and right way to make the game run!


Positive and constructive criticism helps the developing and the correction from what is wrong to what is right.



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Take a Weaver, make it bunker/dodgy/healy and he is basically as unkillable as a scrapper is.

Take Firebrand, make it blocking/invul/healing himself and he is basically as unkillable as a scrapper is

You can build very bunkery warriors with insane regen, while blocking, invul and dodging.

You can have druids that are tanking against 3-4 ppl in Wvw


So yes, scrapper just ranks among many other bunker builds and after playing bunker-condi scrapper now for a while, although it makes fun as hell, it is not OP. A well combined 2-man-team can easily take me out with burst dps and nicely timed CC while a bad combined 3-4 man Team struggles. It is all about weaknesses and strenghts, every class/specialization/build has it's weakness.


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