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Guard Main this season is over


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> @"dominik.9721" said:

> Marauder probably is even better than valk now.


> You lose some ferocity but reach 100% crit chance instead of only 60% which is huge.

> And the loss of 4k hp is barely noticeable.


You still sticking with hammer?

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> @"dominik.9721" said:

> No I've alrdy played Gs after glacial heart nerf.

> Gs is much better now due to better retaliation uptime and overall better constant dps. Just give it a try and you'll notice.


Yeah, I tried GS a bit. It's stronger than hammer, I just love farming revs with hammer 5 though.

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> Scrapper stupidity is now what we face. As if Mirage wasn't enough. Balance is not as hard as Devs are making it.


Everyone likes to say "balance is so easy! just do X and Y and BAM, fixed game!", however, I do think that balancing a game, with 3 games modes in mind, with limited people in the balance team, with a relatively smaller sample size (PvP population is smaller than WvW and PvE) and an MMO which has the highest amount of skills, traits and weapons combination, makes it so that if you change something here, everything else gets affected for better or worse.


WoW with its significantly larger PvP population, dev balance team and only 2 game modes to worry and less trait options and all ability unlocked regardless of weapons have struggled with this. Like GW2 they had a trait system that allowed allocation of point on different trees, so both games got rid of it and locked you to full speccs. WoW have had immense amount of skil pruning over the last 2 expnasions, in fact, this expansion was so bad that most of the people I know stopped playing WoW because of it, and even then WoW is struggling w/ balance.


Do I think that justify the poor state of balance? No. I think games popularity live and die by their PvP, regardless of whether PvE is fun or not. Streamers and youtubers in any game tend to get more attention with PvP, not killing 10 boars and walking a dolyak from A to B. Between dry spells in video games, people play PvP (in this case, WvW as well which is a form of PvP on bigger scale and that most people prefer because it allow you more freedom on the builds you have worked so hard to get and fine craft).


I would love to see more patches at a faster than 4-5 month cadence, just fling them to the wall until something stick and work around that, the population will increase and the sample as well, which allow further testing. Keep it fresh, dont let ~~cancer~~ oppressive builds that drive diversity like soulbeast/mirage/holo/spellbreaker/scrapper fester ranked games for months, dont delete popular classes (elementalists) for 3 years, dont power creep, accept that nerfing feels bad but its healthier than constantly buffing everyone. Keep it fresh, let people make mistakes and try things out.

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The balance is excellent compared to the previous patch.


WoW died when they started to introduce debuffs to healing (Dampening). From healing class made tanks. Infinite mana. Only in the last patch BFA cut mana regeneration by 50%. Lead for nose their players. They now have a new rule of marketing to release Beta version, only at the end of the patch can get something worthwhile. Then a new Beta.


In wow. The balance is built around healing classes. It's rare that healing classes aren't playable. But half of DD specializations can not work. And when they divided also on Tanko classes because still can't stick them in pvp, RBG play without tanks it was a mistake. But players play without tanks

I am glad that GW2 does not have such unfinished moments.

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> @"dominik.9721" said:

> Marauder probably is even better than valk now.


> You lose some ferocity but reach 100% crit chance instead of only 60% which is huge.

> And the loss of 4k hp is barely noticeable.


Yes, Mara is the only option now. The 4K loss is not the issue. It is the 150 power and 340 ferocity. This is a huge nerf to what was middle of the pack build.


> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> Marauder amulet with vitality or 10% max hp rune could work or any of the precision runes, also there is sigil of intelligence.


You must use either Lynx or Traveler, otherwise you are an absolute slog.

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