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Your ideas for new maps/gamemodes


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One of the things I've wanted to see is a conquest map that's a completely vertical tower. Like a conquest map that's like One big Stonemist Castle. A node on the base. A node in the middle and a node on the top floor where you can see outside. You could have multiple passage ways to get the the top floor like several stairwells and also skillfully scaling the tower from the outside up and down.


The minimap might be a bit tricky but I think having the standard class overlays and a profile of the castle would work fine enough.


Like with Stonemist Castle you'd have to be careful about how you let players port (In Stonemist you can only teleport up a floor if you're already on the ramp to that floor), but it's an experiment I think would be fun to see.


I think in terms of new modes, I just want 2v2 tournaments back permanently. Most fun thing to happen to PvP in a long time. Though I would also really like to see them get their own unranked queue and ranked leaderboard.

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> One of the things I've wanted to see is a conquest map that's a completely vertical tower. Like a conquest map that's like One big Stonemist Castle. A node on the base. A node in the middle and a node on the top floor where you can see outside. You could have multiple passage ways to get the the top floor like several stairwells and also skillfully scaling the tower from the outside up and down.


> The minimap might be a bit tricky but I think having the standard class overlays and a profile of the castle would work fine enough.


I really like that idea. What happens if you fall off? You get the old skyhammer treatment?


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> @"Tycura.1982" said:

> > @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > One of the things I've wanted to see is a conquest map that's a completely vertical tower. Like a conquest map that's like One big Stonemist Castle. A node on the base. A node in the middle and a node on the top floor where you can see outside. You could have multiple passage ways to get the the top floor like several stairwells and also skillfully scaling the tower from the outside up and down.

> >

> > The minimap might be a bit tricky but I think having the standard class overlays and a profile of the castle would work fine enough.


> I really like that idea. What happens if you fall off? You get the old skyhammer treatment?



I dunno. I figured that'd be something decided in play testing.

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> Convert all maps into TDM instead of circlequest add some mechanics on some. Done we now have Guild wars 1 (2.0) and legit pvp. Anything but standing in a circle just to get AOE bombed.


I do think TDM would be a nice addition but I don't think they should get rid of conquest. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Repurpose Stronghold into a payload map.

Add in king of the hill map/mode.


Start making pvp more focused on team fights rather than 3 node conquest.


And then ultimately, scrap the limitation on 2 person queuing, update the matchmaker to give a little longer queue times in favor of better matches.

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> @"Tycura.1982" said:

> > @""mortrialus.3062"

> Where would the spawns be? I was thinking mid floor or bottom floor since if you had one on top you could just fall down faster then the other team could get up.



I think it would need to be mid even though bottom makes the most sense thematically. If it was bottom the map would be so snowbally. You'd struggle to ever get up the tower even with multiple path ways up and down.

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> @"Tycura.1982" said:

> > @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> > Convert all maps into TDM instead of circlequest add some mechanics on some. Done we now have Guild wars 1 (2.0) and legit pvp. Anything but standing in a circle just to get AOE bombed.


> I do think TDM would be a nice addition but I don't think they should get rid of conquest. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Being that is had no competitive value and requires speed more then skill. It would be nice to finally move on from the failed experiment. Never know TDM might actually allow for ESL competition.. Gw1 epic pvp gw2.. lol


I would personally be willing to help fund thru gofundme to have them re hire all the GW1 pvp team.

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> > @"Tycura.1982" said:

> > > @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> > > Convert all maps into TDM instead of circlequest add some mechanics on some. Done we now have Guild wars 1 (2.0) and legit pvp. Anything but standing in a circle just to get AOE bombed.

> >

> > I do think TDM would be a nice addition but I don't think they should get rid of conquest. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


> Being that is had no competitive value and requires speed more then skill. It would be nice to finally move on from the failed experiment. Never know TDM might actually allow for ESL competition.. Gw1 epic pvp gw2.. lol


> I would personally be willing to help fund thru gofund to have them re hire all the GW1 pvp team.


I too long for half the team being monks just like GW1's PvP.

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I like the idea of a 5 node line, where you can only take the node in front of you. And as you get further to there last node. The defences team get help. You cod have a few guard boots and at the back node trebs and arrow carts.

Also captured the flag is fun. It would be really fun if it was capture the princess. Each team has to break in to the fort and one member drags the princess back home.

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> @"Federally.7492" said:

> I like the idea of a 5 node line, where you can only take the node in front of you. And as you get further to there last node. The defences team get help. You cod have a few guard boots and at the back node trebs and arrow carts.

> Also captured the flag is fun. It would be really fun if it was capture the princess. Each team has to break in to the fort and one member drags the princess back home.


I actually think the way to make Djinn's Dominion really shine is to turn the Lantern Power Up Node into a 4th Node that's always up. It's such a small map that maybe having more places where everyone needs to be might make it feel a bit better and less zergy.

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I didnt get to play the 2v2 tournament because the person I play with sometimes was not on during that time, but I still remember my days in WoW playing constantly 2v2. Maybe add 2 separate queue; ranked premade-only 2v2, and unranked SoloQ which can also be duoQed. I can see the player base being fragmented by this, but I also see this bringing in more crowds, specially since 2v2 feel more personal and are right to the point, rather than "farming" ticks in a KoTH circle (how some of my guildies who arent much into conquest have described it).


I truly think those 2 modes of 2v2 can and will bring a HUGE influx of people, and keep it fresh, new metas, new combos, although I can see FB + scourage being present ~~all the time~~ half the time, I think there will be lots of experimentation, but it has to be done somewhat like in WoW arenas; dont show the enemy's build until the gates open, best of 3, allow skill/trait/weapon changes in between rounds. After certain time of no one dying; damage received debuff like 10% more damage received, increasing every 30 seconds after nobody dies for 2 minutes or something like that to prevent bunkers holding the game hostage, and to prevent people from perma stealthing like a scrapper + thief (or anyone with smoke fields and blasts) blasting smoke fields waiting until the debuff kicks in and they can burst the enemy team, so make it so that after 1 minute people are periodically revealed.



Another mode could be CtF like Warsong. I have the fondest of memories from Warsong Gulch, although in GW2 the map would need to be smaller and/or it would need to be 10v10, with skills limit increased to 10, which can get messy to balance or code (i have no faith in gw2's coding people anymore tbh). Make it so that flag carrier every 30 seconds take 10% more damage to prevent a scrapper from capturing it and then be surrounded by FB and call it a day, also slow them slightly down and make any teleport drop the flag. Like that raven map, which should come to ranked already.

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> @"Fortus.6175" said:

> I didnt get to play the 2v2 tournament because the person I play with sometimes was not on during that time, but I still remember my days in WoW playing constantly 2v2. Maybe add 2 separate queue; ranked premade-only 2v2, and unranked SoloQ which can also be duoQed. I can see the player base being fragmented by this, but I also see this bringing in more crowds, specially since 2v2 feel more personal and are right to the point, rather than "farming" ticks in a KoTH circle (how some of my guildies who arent much into conquest have described it).


> I truly think those 2 modes of 2v2 can and will bring a HUGE influx of people, and keep it fresh, new metas, new combos, although I can see FB + scourage being present ~~all the time~~ half the time, I think there will be lots of experimentation, but it has to be done somewhat like in WoW arenas; dont show the enemy's build until the gates open, best of 3, allow skill/trait/weapon changes in between rounds. After certain time of no one dying; damage received debuff like 10% more damage received, increasing every 30 seconds after nobody dies for 2 minutes or something like that to prevent bunkers holding the game hostage, and to prevent people from perma stealthing like a scrapper + thief (or anyone with smoke fields and blasts) blasting smoke fields waiting until the debuff kicks in and they can burst the enemy team, so make it so that after 1 minute people are periodically revealed.

> _________


> Another mode could be CtF like Warsong. I have the fondest of memories from Warsong Gulch, although in GW2 the map would need to be smaller and/or it would need to be 10v10, with skills limit increased to 10, which can get messy to balance or code (i have no faith in gw2's coding people anymore tbh). Make it so that flag carrier every 30 seconds take 10% more damage to prevent a scrapper from capturing it and then be surrounded by FB and call it a day, also slow them slightly down and make any teleport drop the flag. Like that raven map, which should come to ranked already.


You're speaking my language.


Me and a friend stumbling into Warsong Gultch the day at level 29 was what got me hooked on WoW. I also loved Rogue+Priest 2v2's during BC.


And I also remember Warsong Gultch CTF during Wrath of he Lich King as a raid geared protection warrior when Blizzard reworked Protection Warriors to not just be tanks but also one of the most mobile things in the game. Good times.


I think 2v2 unranked and ranked would be a HUGE boon for GW2 PvP. Just look at all the buzz they generated the first time around. I loved it

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I want a monster-hunter (Dauntless) type of game mode where you can form up a 4-member party and fight monster-bosses inside an instanced map.

- All weapons have specific abilities that are the same no matter which proffession you play

- You can only use your heal ability only a certain amount of times

- You can dodge more , perhaps 3 endurance bars like a Daredevil

- No build-traits or utility skils .

- All proffessions have same armor-toughness and health pool


Rewards for killing those bosses could be some small amount of silver, karma and ofcouse new skins unlock.

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> @"Zilvereen.2091" said:

> I want a monster-hunter (Dauntless) type of game mode where you can form up a 4-member party and fight monster-bosses inside an instanced map.

> - All weapons have specific abilities that are the same no matter which proffession you play

> - You can only use your heal ability only a certain amount of times

> - You can dodge more , perhaps 3 endurance bars like a Daredevil

> - No build-traits or utility skils .

> - All proffessions have same armor-toughness and health pool

> -

> Rewards for killing those bosses could be some small amount of silver, karma and ofcouse new skins unlock.


Hmm, they should make it have 5 players instead, and give it its own hub. I think we could benefit from giving it different "levels", where the encounter gets harder, has new mechanics and even add new movements and enemies to the encounter, we could even randomize certain effects to add a little more challenge. To prevent people from blazing through it, we should make it that each encounter drops an item you can infuse into your armor (not any armor, it has to be harder to get armor, to add a little more challenge to it) and the higher the level of the encounter the more of this infusion you need otherwise you take a flat max health % damage that can kill you. Hmm. Not sure where PvP would enter in this equation but hey, Im only adding some more stuff to your idea, which seems pretty nice, not sure why Anet hasnt thought of it.

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> @"Sepobi.2984" said:

> > @"Tycura.1982" said:

> > I'd like to hear the community's ideas for maps and modes. Thought I might ask since the (silly) suggestions of PvP mounts is a common topic lately.


> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/69469/variety-in-pvp/p1?new=1

> Unfortunately noone answered to my ideas ...


Ah I gotcha. Kind of like King mode in Chivalry:MWarefare

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Add a arena style structure to the mists and to a wvw map that players go into to duel. A player or npc if possible acts as the duel master that players that want to duel can sign up and duel and based on wins at the end of each month the top winning players duel for a prize. Imagine all the players that arnt even dueling standing around the battle area chatting while watching duels lol

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3v3, 1 capture point. That will move after being defended or kept at a single color for a certain amount of time.


1v1 king of the hill server/game rooms. Where there is a waiting ladder style tournament. Its basically a series of 1v1s and the loser just leaves the arena and waits for there turn. Could be best outa 3. But it can be watch/spectated by the people waiting there turn. After let say 10 straight wins, another campion from another server/game room are pitted against each other.


And a 2v2 game mode be great.


These are just a few off the top of my head. I hope they sound intresting.

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