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We Now Play In A Game Mode Where You Have To Burn Through 3 Health Bars To Kill Someone

K THEN.5162

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My style of playing, class i main, and quality of life from the mounts aside, we've gotten to a point where an enemy has 3 health bars, each as hard to kill as the next.

**Health Bar 1:** A 10k HP mount often moving at faster than swiftness speed while having 3 very short cd evade frames that also leap. Your reward for dpsing through all these defenses and evades is a 2 second stun...that can be broken instantly.

**Health Bar 2:** Often 18k-30k HP with plethora of defenses, heals, and evades depending on what class is dismounted. If thief, mesmer, engineer or ranger then they often have enough mobility and invisibility to safely escape out of combat while possessing enough evades and invulns to guarantee their escape. If Guardian, Ele, or Warrior then these classes often possess enough blocks, power damage immunities, and heals to safely make it to the nearest tower, keep or spawn. If Necro or Revenant then it's likely these are zerg players you just dismounted and will be near others that can instantly respond to and assist.

**Health Bar 3:** If you've somehow made it this far then congratulations you're rewarded with a relatively low damage, immobile somewhat high health punching bag that can be insta killed about 3ish seconds after pressing the "interact" button. The problem is, most classes have enough defenses to stall until more people arrive, even more so with the mounts, and will more than likely rez especially if the rezzer is a scrapper or guardian, instantly bringing them back to 50% hp so they can spam their defenses once again.

While i do think the mount brought some good things to wvw in terms of getting back to where you need to go faster and scouting enemy zergs, it often takes so much effort to kill even 1 individual that people don't even engage in combat with each other when they are mounted.


Before mounts health bar 2 and 3 were difficult enough to cleave through as is but this mount has completely robbed numerous people of the desire to engage in combat completely.


Thank you for reading my qq post and I'd love to hear from you guys on how you are finding the mount as well as how you are enjoying WvW nowadays.

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Four if you are a necro lol.

But seriously, something is seriously wrong with this. I am not sure exactly what problem Anet was trying to fix with the mounts, but the number of problems the mount brought with it has seriously outweighed the solutions. The survivability of the mount is out of control right now with basically all counterplay removed. Its to the point where I just run around looking for players already dismounted, because I'll be damned if I'm going through the trouble it takes to dismount, bait their 3 evades on minimal cooldowns, attempt to burst while on foot, and then try and fight AFTER all of that. I can only take it for around 20 mins til I just go play another game. 90% of my guild isnt even logging in.

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> @"K THEN.5162" said:


> Thank you for reading my qq post and I'd love to hear from you guys on how you are finding the mount as well as how you are enjoying WvW nowadays.


As a solo roamer, I'm loving it. If I had a complaint about WvW previously, it was how much time I wasted running around on foot. The warclaw resolved that issue for me and I honestly can't say that I'm having any difficulty finding fights while roaming.

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Overall, I'm very happy to have the mount, as I no longer have to devote parts of my build to movement just to keep from going inside moving from area to area. But, yeah, I'd be on-board with a substantial reduction in mount health so that it's not so potent for ignoring enemies outright.


> @"Farout.8207" said:

> There never should have been mounts in the first place. Nobody asked for it and it is killing my preferred game mode.


Plenty of people wanted it, they just knew folks like you would lash out at them for bringing it up.

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> @"Farout.8207" said:


> Nobody asked for it and it is killing my preferred game mode.


Plenty of people asked for it lol. Overall wvw is more active than I've seen it in awhile so idk how the mount is killing the game mode. Does it have issues? sure. They can be fixed tho. QQ'ing about it isn't going to change anything since it's here to stay.



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> @"Archeia.8905" said:



> Plenty of people asked for it lol. Overall wvw is more active than I've seen it in awhile so idk how the mount is killing the game mode. Does it have issues? sure. They can be fixed tho. QQ'ing about it isn't going to change anything since it's here to stay.




Lets see just how active once most players have the mount. Will these players stay? And even if some do, will they outway the ones that that are quitting. I suppose we will find out in about 4 weeks?

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"K THEN.5162" said:


> > Thank you for reading my qq post and I'd love to hear from you guys on how you are finding the mount as well as how you are enjoying WvW nowadays.


> As a solo roamer, I'm loving it. If I had a complaint about WvW previously, it was how much time I wasted running around on foot. The warclaw resolved that issue for me and I honestly can't say that I'm having any difficulty finding fights while roaming.


dunno wtf u been doing before as solo roamer? but u get less fights now just wait for all PvE people to leave and watch your self having absolutely nothing to do as solo roamer unless u only capping sentry and camps and call it "roaming" then yes warclaw is great if ur around to fight left over blobbers or people who wanna run back to their commander goodluck, you wont harm them anymore. youre gonna hit them he just dash past you on mount youre in combat u cant mount up bye bye easy frag.

youre on mount in this case the enemy most likely getting back to his commander the chances that you as roamer are in enemy lands is far bigger then you not being there so again bye bye chance cus he is flat out faster..


there is not a single positive thing for a roamer from this warclaw.

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> @"Archeia.8905" said:

> > @"Farout.8207" said:

> >

> > Nobody asked for it and it is killing my preferred game mode.


> Plenty of people asked for it lol. Overall wvw is more active than I've seen it in awhile so idk how the mount is killing the game mode. Does it have issues? sure. They can be fixed tho. QQ'ing about it isn't going to change anything since it's here to stay.




plenty of retarded random builds that offer nothing to WvW has increased in activity yes, are they helping you?

yes if they are on enemy side to get your rallybots up, no if they are with you cus they are just helping the enemy back up on their feets.

so in general i hope most of them leave and those who do wish to stay will hopefully ask for proper builds.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> I feel like it's weird to whine about downed state while simultaneously whining about something that literally has "instagibs downed players" as one of its primary functions.


This is not the same as no downed state and Ive explained that plenty of time here, but I'll do it again. I haven't seen you in any of the posts where I've explained it. I'll give an example of why we want true downed state and not this.




I get in a fight. I down a decent player. I have low health when I do it. He downs me with his downed ability right. Were using 1 on each other. I should finish him first. OH WAIT SOME GUY ON HIS TEAM COMES IN 15 SECONDS LATER AND PRESSES 1 BUTTON AND NOW I SOMEHOW LOSE THE FIGHT.


-If it were true downstate he would have insta-died. I'd never have been downed by him. I'd have been out of combat and had full health before the 2nd guy showed up.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> How can you even complain about the mount health when it only matters BEFORE a fight??? If they mount up during a fight by disengaging then they don't even participate in the fight whatsoever. This whole argument is flawed and awful.


Because none of you want to fight and you never dismount. Unless it 50v2. But if its 2v3 and you're on the way back to your zerg oh were the gankers now. Whatever dude. Its not about winning fights for all of us or having the tactical advantage. You ever consider that some of us look for outnumbered fights because want a disadvantage? Or we want a harder fight? This promotes less fights on a small level and dumb fights on a zerg level.

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> @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > How can you even complain about the mount health when it only matters BEFORE a fight??? If they mount up during a fight by disengaging then they don't even participate in the fight whatsoever. This whole argument is flawed and awful.


> Because none of you want to fight and you never dismount. Unless it 50v2. But if its 2v3 and you're on the way back to your zerg oh were the gankers now. Whatever dude. Its not about winning fights for all of us or having the tactical advantage. You ever consider that some of us look for outnumbered fights because want a disadvantage? Or we want a harder fight? This promotes less fights on a small level and dumb fights on a zerg level.


in what WORLD would people deny fights??? That is not a thing of reality, unless you're nothing more than a ganker.


I played so much the past days I have yet to see a fight that has been (((avoided))) because muh mounts. Maybe your server is different, but no, I can't see this happening at all. Sounds great if you want to rally more people to be against this though.



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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > How can you even complain about the mount health when it only matters BEFORE a fight??? If they mount up during a fight by disengaging then they don't even participate in the fight whatsoever. This whole argument is flawed and awful.

> >

> > Because none of you want to fight and you never dismount. Unless it 50v2. But if its 2v3 and you're on the way back to your zerg oh were the gankers now. Whatever dude. Its not about winning fights for all of us or having the tactical advantage. You ever consider that some of us look for outnumbered fights because want a disadvantage? Or we want a harder fight? This promotes less fights on a small level and dumb fights on a zerg level.


> in what WORLD would people deny fights??? That is not a thing of reality, unless you're nothing more than a ganker.




Oh the ganker term. Here it comes. I knew it wouldn't take long. So I'm a ganker if someone doesnt want to fight? Thats the criteria now? Wowwwwww. Everyone is so sensitive. None of you want to fight. Only fights I get recently is 1-2 PVE people trying to dismount me because it 1v2 in their favor and I hop off and quickly realize their builds are ridiculous and send them back to spawn at which point I try to offer help if I can whisper them. The # of people I've attacked on my warclaw while theyre on theirs just to poke and say hey you wanna fight? Only 1 and he had 10 friends around the corner who instantly turned around? He wouldn't have hopped off if they weren't there. Not even though it was a fair fight and 1v1.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> No more Mesmer 1-shot shatter combo from invis for you hehehehe


Although the one shot gank is a lot harder (rip :'( ) in terms of getting fights, at least I'm able to engage and have reliable dismount ability. Even though my biases are obvious with wanting to be able to 1 shot from stealth again XD, but I also feel for the other individuals who play havoc or solo on other classes like warriors, non-s/d de thieves, boonbeasts, holos and ofc reapers. You guys have no control over who or when you engage. That is now determined by if the enemy is willing to dismount cause you lack the tools necessary to apply enough dps to dismount

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