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Already tired of mounts

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People struggling to reach and tag mobs on event dailies wouldn’t be such an issue if everyone wasn’t crowded into the same map. They should make the event dailies region wide instead. Spread everyone across multiple maps and alleviate the crowding. There’d be less people on the same events if they were spread out on different maps and high levels might go off to higher level maps.

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> @Zoria.1392 said:

> I have Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire and all the mounts and I AGREE with what is said here. They don't belong in Core and Heart of Thorns. Because of mounts there are new, invisible walls blocking things and I ESPECIALLY hate that new players, or players without them, can not keep up or tag mobs.


> Have you done an HP run in Heart of Thorns lately? Tell me how anyone without a mount can keep up and deal with bunny hops for stories when there are no updrafts around. And no, not everyone gets a portal. The sheer advantage we have to get to everything first is broken.


> I never wanted them in the game and now they built an entire expansion around them. Ok, so I have to accept and enjoy that, but WHY would they break a Core and Heart of Thorns game that were working perfectly fine without them?!?


Heart of thorns was a disaster for me, literally quit the game until season 3 and played it exclusively unless i needed hero points. I understand the core tyria issues, but Heart of Thorns maps have gone from completely unplayable to actually manageable with mounts. I'm sure i'm not the only one that feels that way, nor one of a small number.


I still stand by the solution of making all HoT HPs soloable (and removing that stupid balthazar event from near that one HP), because HPs are core progression and shouldn't be blocked off by a nonsensical need for other players to get an elite spec. Making them champions was definitely one of the worst decisions to ever hit the game. Maybe that doesn't deal with the HP trains, but it makes them unnecessary and helps all players get them, mounts or not.

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> @Valion.4638 said:

> Get a mount. lol.


this type of comment is one I wanna downvote, but anet removed said action, so I'm downvoting with words.

While in basic sentiment, yes, the op could also get a mount,

they have stated that they are a 'scrub' in low level zones, who prefer low level action. And that's fine.

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This is like the plot of Legend of Korra season 1. Yes, it sucks that some people have bending and are more powerful, but hey, it's part of our lives now, if you take it away from us, it's like taking away our ability to breathe!


We promise you'll have some non-mounter representation in the city council.


*flies away in a griffon*.

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Sucks to be you, I paid for this expansion, I also paid for HoT and was able to use my glider in core Tyria so I think that I should also be able to use my mount in core Tyria maps, the expansion maps are pretty dead, there are no meta events like in HoT, because of that they don't really have any replayability once you've completed them on a character so restricting mounts to those maps would basically make them useless.


The core Tyria maps might have not been built with mounts in mind, but they're here now, people already bought the expansion and should be allowed to use them.

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> @Ceonaight.3087 said:

> I am so sick of these mounts blasting in to my maps, killing everything before I can even get there. Game is sucking because of this. Can we keep mounts on the upgraded maps? There is a coolness to them but they overpower everything on the lower levels. I am ready to quit this BS.


I was tempted to just write "no" but thought that might be a little rude.


Scaling might be a way forward (heck, levelling on a map where Level 80s are AoEing everything has never been perfect), but removing mounts from those areas is not the solution. Like gliding, mounts offer a new way to explore old content. I've already spent many hours seeing where I can jump to on my Springer, and using a Skimmer to skip underwater combat is delightful.


You will have to prise that bunny from my cold dead hands! :3

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> @Aye.8392 said:

> Recently the daily was Queensdale event completer and I was attempting to do a couple of escort events where centaurs would attack a bull. There were 2 players who were mounted on raptors and when the centaur groups would spawn they would ride to the group and use tail sweep. Since I and most of the other players at the event were unmounted we were no able to get to the mobs before the high speed raptors had them dead -- 2 tail sweeps wipe out 10 centaurs with no trouble. However, when the problem was mentioned/described in map chat the two players both dismounted and followed the bull on to its destination without a problem. Our community is generally very nice when given the opportunity.

> I would hate to see mounts disallowed in Core Tyria, but toning down the engagement skills is probably in order.


Yes, I would have no problem with engagement skills getting a tweak. I just love seeing them every so often everywhere and people finding 'new' places they did not think of going before.

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> @Abakk.9176 said:

> People on mounts have an obvious advantage over unmounted players in core maps specifically.


Which is why I am all for introducing horses to core Tyria. Deactivate all exotic mounts there and let players who prefer to be mounted simply ride a horse without any special abilities other than an enhanced movement speed.

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> @Skuzz.6580 said:

> If anything, Mounts is what gets players back into this game, to explore old content.

> I really couldn't be bothered going for map completion when I started 5 months ago, but with HoT done and PoF semi-done I can now finally start in the old world, and I don't think I would've done that without mounts honestly.


> Whats with all these complaints about mounts anyway? It's like complaining about flying mounts in WoW in the old content.. It adds more than it takes away simple as.


Disagree with the part about WoW's flying mounts, though it's not really about using them in old content or anything, it's because open world PvP between factions to me was a big part of the experience, the possibility of getting ganked was always there, other times I'd go to the other faction's zones to give them some good, old fashioned revenge and to me that added to the immersion of the game, but flying mounts took that away.

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I brought up this problem 4 years ago or so. My wife was giving the game a chance, and she could not complete events in the sylvari starting area because level 80s in full ascended were obliterating everything before she could point her character in the right direction. We had to stop playing for the day and she never did come back to the game.


Considering they still have dailies that take place in starter areas, I don't see mounts being eliminated from core Tyria. I just try not to be an ass hole around new players and continue doing my thing.

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I mean, how widespread IS the issue really? I've been running around on my new ele, only level 30 now, and I haven't seen this issue at all. I completed Queensdale yesterday or the day before when it was part of the dailies, and yes I'm using my mounts. I paid for the expansions, I worked hard for a few days straight to get the mounts and get them all upgraded. I'm going to use them wherever I want - and that includes on low level areas. During the events, some of them makes mounting more annoying than not. Escort missions where the NPCs take foreverrrrr to move make you sit there on your mount doing nothing but moving two steps forward every 30 seconds. If players are being jerks and using mounts to kill everything before you could get a hit in, talk to them. Just say "Hey let us lower levels try to hit them too". Communication is key. I've had people be really nice and help me out before when I was struggling.


Also, think about how easy it is for long range AoE skills to clear out the centaurs during Modnirr's prequest. Even as a long range character myself I rarely got more than one or two hits in. Been a long standing issue far before mounts I think.

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> @Ceonaight.3087 said:

> I am a career low level map player without mount. I enjoy the game at that level , I play my characters to 80, kill them off and start over. I like the low stress action and really do find the mounts interfering in the low level maps to be irritating.


I am a career map completionist with a mount. I enjoy the game at all levels. I play my characters to map completion then buy a new character slot. I like the low stress travel and find the mounts are great for traversing maps like Lornar's Pass which I used to find irritating.

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So, when you walk by feet on the highway, you want the goverment to steal their tires so they have to walk too? Its not our fault, that you put yourself into a situation like this. If you want to enjoy events free from intruders, go make your story over and over.

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If they would ban Mounts from Core Tyria, I am going for a refund on PoF, because then the expansion has become truly useless for me. I would be fine with them cutting the dismount damage in half: I would definately NOT be fine with them messing with the Speed or special abilities like Leap and jump and such. Core Tyria and HoT have both been refreshed for me with the new Mounts. I may even consider doing another map completion now on a new Character (only still have the one on my Main).



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I understand that you feel annoyed, but... you are a bit self-centered here. While it is perfectly fine for you to play the way you want, it is also perfectly fine for other people to play like that.

And this is mmo after all which comes more often than not with other players interfering. At least you won't be outright killed by said players like in so many others mmo (ah, Lineage 2 ^_^) Nobody holds you here, but remember than GW2 is probably the most friendly MMO to casual players and it is only minor inconvenience. Sooner or later you will also have mounts.

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> @Aury.1367 said:

> 1. If you put yourself at the disadvantage of not buying an expansion, its your own fault. Paying 20€ each 2 years isnt really much eh? GW2 is ABSOLUTELY the only game in which you dont need the expac to play the game and enjoy it. I have both expacs like 99% of the playerbase, why shouldnt I? If you dont have 20€ per 2 years, you shouldnt be sitting infront of the PC.

> 2. There were DC-fests, which have been removed. Well unlike today since we cant login again. Annoying, but Im able to play every time I want, everyone has server issues, Anet has alot after expacs, but they seem to work on them

> 3. Mounts are for FREE, only griffon costs gold. All others are completly free, the fastest mount on the ground (Raptor) is even your first mount which you get after playing PoF for 10min.


> Dont make others suffer because you put yourself down.


1. *some people simply don't like path of fire and don't want to play it*, *some people can't afford it as a whole but enjoy playing the f2p elements of GW2*, *everyone needs some free time to spend on whatever they want, suggesting otherwise makes you look like an ignorant donkey (censor)*.


2. not really something to comment on.


3. raptor is free, springer is 1 gold 50 trade contracts, skimmer is 4 gold 50 trade contracts, jackal is 20 gold 200 trade contracts, griffon is 250 gold (ten items at 25 gold each). so no, not even the majority of mounts are 'free', only the raptor is free, the rest actually cost something (how much it dents your wallet is an entirely different issue). This is an objective fact that cannot be argued.


Don't make others suffer simply because *they play differently than you and don't have everything that you have*.

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> @Aury.1367 said:

> 3. Mounts are for FREE, only griffon costs gold. All others are completly free, the fastest mount on the ground (Raptor) is even your first mount which you get after playing PoF for 10min.


For the record, not all the mounts are free.

Springer costs 1 gold.

Skimmer costs 4 gold.

Jackal costs 20 gold. (not including the trade contracts because that doesn't cost gold)


Still not a reason to not be able to afford them though - doing the dailies for two weeks alone would get you the gold you need for all of them and still have some leftover.

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Another solution would be to remove dailies in the core Tyria maps for those who have the expacs. ESPECIALLY the low level core Tyria maps. If a player doesn't have any of the expacs then event completer dailies can focus there. For those that have HoT, have dailies there and for those that have both HoT and PoF, spread the dailies between those new areas.


I HATE having to do dailies in the low level areas since it's quite often the case that the events are already over by the time I can even get to them. (Granted, I haven't tried doing dailies in those areas since the addition of mounts.)

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Or we could come up with a compromise, like toning down their attack. They are definitely too powerful on lower leveled maps. I've been using mine mainly to get from my own Point A to Point B or dive bomb a boss, because I enjoy leveling and map completion. But if I have to go to those four maps just to play with my griffon and practice how to use it when I'm feeling extremely burned out of spending a week there already, no. Is the only answer to this to punish an entire group of people so you can play how you want?

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