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Terrible suggestion: show PvP rank in PvP forum.


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First of all, I got nothing against ranks, I have been in all of them, from the lowest (decay is scary) to legendary, and I have seen nearly no difference in builds, main difference is usually on map movement and attitude.


With that being said, I think many arguments ~~all the time~~ lately revolve or tend to be "dismissed" by saying:


"yeah but good players XYZ"


"If you were a good player like me then.." (it is worded differently but the bottom line is the same)


I know rank can be inflated by duoQ and/or playing cheese builds, but from other videogames that have rating attached to their account for all to see, it gives transparency and honesty to discussions. I understand this would lead to elitism, and could make people below certain ratings feel like their opinion would not matter, but as it stands nothing is stopping a person to lie through their teeth about what they see in their games, or their ranks.


So make rank and class distribution, and/or even match history available for as long as you post on the forums, or everyone. People are already going at each others throats using rank arguments, let them back it up/counter-deny.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> What's the difference between your suggestion and this one made just a few months ago?

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/64600/pvp-rank-badge-on-forums


That that one is old and probably buried, but most importantly, rating =/= badge, it is not the same someone in 1799 than 1501, both are plat, but i would argue that 1799 person is probably a bit better than the 1501 one, same for different ratings. Also, im proposing class breakdown and match history as well.

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The reason I asked is that you might have learned why it isn't likely to make sense for a public discussion:

* Good ideas are good regardless of who proposes them; bad ideas are bad.

* Having experience or rank doesn't mean someone is better at critical analysis or understanding root issues. Most importantly, it isn't highly correlated with understanding what makes for a good game design.

* Having cross-profession experience is somewhat correlated with having a broader view, but still doesn't guarantee it.


Or in general: not everyone good at games is good at identifying what would make a game better. Not everyone bad at games is bad at understanding it.




> @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > What's the difference between your suggestion and this one made just a few months ago?

> > https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/64600/pvp-rank-badge-on-forums


> That that one is old and probably buried,

You realize had you replied that it would no longer be "buried". (Also I wouldn't characterize December 2018 as "old.")


> rating =/= badge, it is not the same someone in 1799 than 1501, both are plat, but i would argue that 1799 person is probably a bit better than the 1501 one, same for different ratings.

That's more nuanced sure, but it's the same concept.


> Also, im proposing class breakdown and match history as well.

Also more nuanced, but it's the same concept.


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> @"everyman.4375" said:

> > @"Fortus.6175" said:

> > I have been in all of them, from the lowest (decay is scary)

> You don't play in the rank the decay placed you in.



I dont?! huh, then how come i lost 17/16 SR when I came back after several weeks of a break (had like 800 decay!): https://imgur.com/mLM9lkI


The bottom matches were the first ones I did after that break, did I just get extremely unlucky? Im fairly certain the decay is in there for that very reason, but I could be wrong. After my decay disappeared, my matches SR win/loses normalized to what it usually is.


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When i was in gold last season because of not caring when I qeued, always solo qeueing, and playing a lot. People tend to say "you're in gold your opinion doesn't matter". Now this season that I care about when I play and I try to duo as much as possible, I'm at 1606 and I don't think I got that much better than last season.


All I'm trying to say here is that elitism will become a really big problem if ranks are being shown here. Many people think that Platinum is miles better than gold whilst it's nearly the same, except the occasional legendaries popping in your games because theres not enough people from their rank.

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I don't think this is going to work too well.

The honest ones won't mind showing, while in other games for the less forthright all you need to do to stop other people from seeing your rank is to make an alternate account/character.


I think a (now defunct) PvP only, elitist forum for WoW called ArenaJunkies used to have such a system, it showed race/class/server/spec/rating and whatnot.

But at the very least, it's a choice to go on those forums.

I don't think adding this system straight onto the PvP section subforum would be well received because the context is a bit different.

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This would have been a great idea back in times. I doubt posting rank on forums would mean anything lately because many players did only climb until gold/plat/plat3 only thanks to OP builds and the conversations would be meaningless.


Alternatively, experience could be a better indicator. Someone who played 15k matchs can be bad at build using but probably is going to have better map knowledge than someone who played 150 matchs on scourge or mirage.

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> @"Ralkuth.1456" said:


> The honest ones won't mind showing, while in other games for the less forthright all you need to do to stop other people from seeing your rank is to make an alternate account/character.


If they do that, not only do they have to buy the game (free accounts cant post on the forums afaik) but to me it just shows this person went great lengths to lie, therefore they probably got something to hide and thus I would not trust them most or anything of what they say, simple as that. If the same law applies to everyone, then it is more fair. The internet can be cruel and deceiving because of anonymity, however Anet already posts our IGN, go all the way and show everything else in-game, bare lies exposed, I guarantee you people will be less likely to lie when their entrails are open for anyone to see.


> @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> This would have been a great idea back in times. I doubt posting rank on forums would mean anything lately because many players did only climb until gold/plat/plat3 only thanks to OP builds and the conversations would be meaningless.


> Alternatively, experience could be a better indicator. Someone who played 15k matchs can be bad at build using but probably is going to have better map knowledge than someone who played 150 matchs on scourge or mirage.


Yup, thats why I want full stats on accounts. Some people have over 5k games (me included), whether we are good or bad players, at the very least there is experience behind that player, probably have experienced all metas and are sticking with the mode. Class distribution, win rates, heck even an armory. Successful games like LoL do it, and even have entire websites built around analysing stats of classes breakdown on ranks, builds, win-rates, they even analyze your individual stats and give tips on areas of improvement. Open API is the most glorious thing to come to videogames, let API devs work on consumer friendly and sought-after features, they do it for free and everyone benefits!


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even if rating were somehow accurate the purpose of forums is to give everyone an equal footing, since 95% of discussion here are opinions. valuing someones opinion over another solely based on time played does nothing to prevent bad ideas and people getting behind them. in fact in a lot of cases it will lead to players wanting their mains buffed and a bunch of people agreeing since "oh high rank must know what hes talking about".

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League of Legends does this. But it doesn't really solve anything. Just makes matters worse.


A low rank would have his arguments immediately brushed asside despite the likely hood of it being genuine complaints.


And higher ranks would use their ranks as validation for their arguments, when you can see it as asinine pretty damn quickly. It usually becomes shit like, "I am top 100 and..." And the following posts is no one giving a crap about what he and is ego thinks.


Then you have players with multiple accounts because of the MMR system is normally average based.


And so forth. Reay, it just devolves into a bigger shit show than what the pvp forums already is.


I can tell you right now that Im unranked, and haven't touched the mode in a long time as I don't give a crap for sPvP. Outside of friendly games between friends and my guild anyways. Because playing thief in that mode is genuinely not fun with the role you get shoe horned in, and being in that role of letting your team do the work is called being a team player.

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Im all in favor of showing my WvW rank on the PvP forum :trollface:


In all seriousness... I think rank is worthless.. All you need to do is rotate and +1 for a high rank..

Cant count how many times I've seen off meta silvers beat platinum metas in the arena, in my eyes, that silver player is more skilled than the plat he just rofl stomped but with this forum suggestion it would be the plat player that would be listened too when suggesting to nerf the silver guy for beating him

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> Im all in favor of showing my WvW rank on the PvP forum :trollface:


> In all seriousness... I think rank is worthless.. All you need to do is rotate and +1 for a high rank..

> Cant count how many times I've seen off meta silvers beat platinum metas in the arena, in my eyes, that silver player is more skilled than the plat he just rofl stomped but with this forum suggestion it would be the plat player that would be listened too when suggesting to nerf the silver guy for beating him


I agree with you on the skills points and the builds doing lot of the work, but on the same token, capability of dueling can be deceiving. I know plenty of mechanically gifted players who know their matchups to the dot, however, as much I love them, they have a potato on their brains when it comes to map rotation, or rather, they are tunnel-visioning or simply going for duels at expense of playing around your team number advantages, or taking into account enemy respawning, or map objectives, or assisting nearby teammates, or fighting off point. To me those are things that require another skillset, one that is game universal and independent of builds.


Again, let me repeat myself in case I hadnt made myself clear guys, I too loathe the idea of ranks being a thing in discussions, which is exactly why the lesser evil is transparency for everyone involved. LoL forums did this with match history, the amount of BS people were posting got cut to more than half since they could be called out on it, sure they will always be people who have a potato in their brains and will "dismiss any argument from a lower ranked player", but that already exists here and most people interested in actual discussion are already ignoring those kind of people.


But yeah, I do think it is a terrible idea (hence the tittle), but im more interested in open API for builds, match history, win rates and all that info, it would allow the community to see whats being played, how often, at what ranks, with what amulets/runes/traits/skills etc. We could even build outside websites which could provide community statistical analysis, it has worked well for every competitive game out there.

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