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P/D WvW build


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Hi there!


Ever since the latest patch, I've been wanting to run kind of a meme build on thief, being P/D condi.

Thing is, I have no idea where to start, since I haven't played condi thief in general for the past few years..


If anyone would have any suggestions for traits, armor, utilities etc. please feel free to leave it in here!



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> @"Warkind.6745" said:

> Any condi meme build is just full dire.


Not necessarily. Trailblazer while expensive is very common and you can also go the Shamans/apothecary route for added sustain.


in P/d condition duration is more important then durations are in a d/d deathblossom build just because base durations of conditions much lower in P/D. IMO while acknowledging it expensive Trailblazer>dire for P/d.

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> @"babazhook.6805" said:

> > @"Warkind.6745" said:

> > Any condi meme build is just full dire.


> Not necessarily. Trailblazer while expensive is very common and you can also go the Shamans/apothecary route for added sustain.


> in P/d condition duration is more important then durations are in a d/d deathblossom build just because base durations of conditions much lower in P/D. IMO while acknowledging it expensive Trailblazer>dire for P/d.


Full dire isn't the most optimized stat mixup, true, but it sounds like he just wanted to pick up something quick and easy to mess around with.

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The above is what I run for the most part. It'll work with full dire, but trailblazer is better as Babazhook said. Traps give stealth, which gives access to sneak attacks with no need for getting into melee. Idea is to either immob an enemy in choking gas for the daze lock, or use steal - swap to P/D - P/D3 to spike while just applying general pressure with P/D. Bait people into traps after the stealth for more condi, and lay traps and place choking gas on downed enemies to turn one down into more. Shadow trap is amazing to juke if you're being chased, and once you learn the port spots that work well in each area it's a pretty much guaranteed disengage. Bonus points if you condi someone up, then use shadow trap to port onto a ledge to a conveniently placed ballista, the south east and south west camps in alpine border are great for this with the wall.


Have fun! :)

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> @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> I agree. With the current change to Shadow Strike, you get more bang for your bucks with Viper gear and Elementalist Rune.


But how do you survive in wvw running around without any vitality or toughness on a thief? With vipers and elementalist runes, you're going to die to anything that breathes on you.


It seems like trailblazer is the way to go unless you really think you can dodge every attack. As soon as an enemy flanks you while you're dueling, you're dead in vipers.

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Go Viper+Settler shortbow. You take camp fast with no risk getting downed take the on intterupt trait from Dare devil , Trickery. Eat Healing food for fight, dodge food for taking camp. There lot of people underestimated traited poison cloud getting there face stuff with pulmonary impact and torment

If things go south you can dis-engage with Roll , Withdraw ,Shadow step. And mount off into the sunset


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> @"LONGA.1652" said:

> Go Viper+Settler shortbow. You take camp fast with no risk getting downed take the on intterupt trait from Dare devil , Trickery. Eat Healing food for fight, dodge food for taking camp. There lot of people underestimated traited poison cloud getting there face stuff with pulmonary impact and torment

> If things go south you can dis-engage with Roll , Withdraw ,Shadow step. And mount off into the sunset



u will die from 2 ranger longbow autos

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I run a build with a little shy of 16k hp. I mix grieving stats with a few others to achieve this.


I end up with decent ferocity and a crit rate of around 70% with fury.


I’m currently experimenting with more power focused traits to give me a damage and crit rate edge over more condi focused traits that add damage but don’t support my crit rate as well.

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> @"Sontaran.5904" said:

> > @"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:

> > I agree. With the current change to Shadow Strike, you get more bang for your bucks with Viper gear and Elementalist Rune.


> But how do you survive in wvw running around without any vitality or toughness on a thief? With vipers and elementalist runes, you're going to die to anything that breathes on you.


> It seems like trailblazer is the way to go unless you really think you can dodge every attack. As soon as an enemy flanks you while you're dueling, you're dead in vipers.


You're making it sound like having vitality and/or toughness will make you survive. I have ascended gear set with vitality and toughness, but they mean nothing since Rangers can crit you for 9k at 1500 range with their auto attack and Rapid Fire. Best defense is to not get hit and hit as harder as possible.

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I’d agree that toughness only helps if you have a lot of HP regeneration.


Thief generally doesn’t so you are better off building for evade or stealth to stay alive, and damage to kill your opponent before they out sustain you.


Also, in WvW the best defense is awareness so you don’t get mobbed. Be ready to disengage from a 1v1 before it turns into 5v1.


Getting kills is half the battle in WvW solo roam. Surviving is the other half. Gear only gets you so far.

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> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> Yeah but it's condi p/d, with low/no evades and shadowsteps as from sword or d/p, and one target only. Unless you have luck to spam shadow strike and open the gap, you hardly can survive 1v2+ like you could with sword/d and burst.


You can’t spam Shadowstrike anymore. If you want to 1v2 you need to rely on stealth.

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