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[Suggestion] Master of Manipulation rework

Me Games Ma.8426

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Hello fellow Mesmers,

a few patches ago we got Blurred Inscriptions reworked into a trait that offers each signet a unique, and even if it is as minor as the vulnerability on Signet of Humility I'd like to suggest the same treatment for Master of Manipulation so here are a few options I find fitting for each of the skills. (Additionally I'd like to add that other than the signet trait MoM (even reworked) doesn't offer an effect as strong as invulnerability so the 20% CDR can stay! :) )


**This is a pick one list. These are a few OPTIONS to choose from.**



* Effect duration is extended by 2s.

* Now creates a "Minor Feedback" (duration 3s)




* Breaks Enemy Targeting

* Removes 2 Conditions

* Removes Chill, Cripple, Immobilize

* Increased range to 1500



**Illusion of Life**

* Now affects 5 targets

* Radius increased to 360

* Increases duration and buffs stats (curunen )




* Now applies to weapon and heal skills as well.

* Now only adjusts its cooldown by 50% of the used skills cooldown.



**Arcane Thievery**

* Now is instant cast and does not interrupt other abilities.

* Grants 3s of Resistance **before** sending conditions and stealing boons.

* Now copies sent conditions to foes around your target and grants stolen boons to allies around you.

* Now is an ammo skill (curunen)



**Mass Invisibility**

* Now blocks incoming attacks while casting. (similar to Guardian's "Shelter")

* Now removes "reveal" from affected allies.

* Now applies reveal to enemy targets (curunen)



I'd like to know which of these you find most fitting for each skill and if you have other interesting additions to the skills please tell me.


Edit: Added @""Curunen.8729" 's suggestions.

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I won't lie, I'm heavily salivating at some of those... :D


On a serious note I agree there could be individual skill buffs from Master of Manipulation instead of giving 2s reflect to everything.


So in addition to normal 20% cooldown reduction, my preferences would be:


Mirror (heal): I'm happy with current +2s reflect (but the "Lesser Feedback" concept sounds interesting, though it would have to start after the normal 2s reflect ends or last 4s, otherwise would be redundant. Also medic's feedback already has this so not sure if they'd want to duplicate the idea on another trait).

Blink: Breaks enemy targeting.

Mimic: 50% reduced adjusted cooldown.

Arcane Thievery: becomes an ammo skill with 2 charges (20s cooldown per charge).

Illusion of Life: increased "alive" duration and provides some minor stat bonus (defensive or offensive).

Mass Invis: removes reveal and outward radial pulse also hits up to 5 targets with 2s reveal (stealth your allies while briefly revealing enemies).


> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> Yes, please give me a 1500 range instant teleport that breaks target, removes chill/cripple/immobilize as well as clearing 2 damaging conditions on a 20 second cooldown! I might never lose a fight again!



When I first read the OP I thought it was all together but then saw it said choose one. Panic averted! xD

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Yes!!, I am salivating at many of these ideas as well. However, to do such a thing, this trait would have to be moved up to the chaos grandmaster category. So, the question then becomes, what grandmaster trait gets nerfed and moved into the major adept category?

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> @"Xstein.2187" said:

> Yes!!, I am salivating at many of these ideas as well. However, to do such a thing, this trait would have to be moved up to the chaos grandmaster category. So, the question then becomes, what grandmaster trait gets nerfed and moved into the major adept category?


Any of them tbh, none of the Chaos GM major traits are that good anymore.


Depends which ones should be mutually exclusive with this trait and which should be able to be used together.


Though in some ways it could be more powerful to have Descent into Madness or Illusionary Defence with this instead of one of the GM majors.


Maybe BD - just get rid of the stab entirely and put it in adept tier.

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I would like to share a my thoughts on a few of these the individual Ideas:



2s increased duration is fine tbh I don't think there is a probkem with that. But tumo make things more interesting I thojght what else could be cool here. The idea was to make the reflect PBAoE so you can now also protect your allies with Mirror. The feedback would be created at the start of the animation and move with you. Just like Guard Shield 5.



I honestly think each of my suggestions is dangeeous. I already think that there is enough detargeting and that it should be exclusive to a few skills. However the other options are strong as well. Personally I would prefer one of my cleanse suggestions as most of my builds lack cleanse and I always run blink. :)


Illusion of Life:

Not much to say here tbh I thought about it for a while but this skill is really strong already. If they were to remove the invulnerability on rallied allies a big barrier would make sense.



My original thought was to also include elite skills but that would have gone too far I guess. The fact that mimic now scales with the used skills cooldown would probably even allow that.


Arcane Thievery:

I love this skill but i hate thst it can be blinded and dodged. That's why I suggested the instant cast and the resistance option. Also tge usual uninspired aoe suggestion \o/


Mass Invisibility:

As I almost never play mirage my main problem is to cover the long cast time so I would lile it to block attacks.

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > Yes!!, I am salivating at many of these ideas as well. However, to do such a thing, this trait would have to be moved up to the chaos grandmaster category. So, the question then becomes, what grandmaster trait gets nerfed and moved into the major adept category?


> Any of them tbh, none of the Chaos GM major traits are that good anymore.


> Depends which ones should be mutually exclusive with this trait and which should be able to be used together.


> Though in some ways it could be more powerful to have Descent into Madness or Illusionary Defence with this instead of one of the GM majors.


> Maybe BD - just get rid of the stab entirely and put it in adept tier.


BD still provides some pretty solid boons in PvE and CI is obviously quite useful in PvP as immobilize prevents dodging which is particularly nasty following an interrupt. Prismatic Understanding is pretty useless, however.

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> @"Quadox.7834" said:

> Blink becomes Shadowstep (add return skill)

> Mimic copies the next attack that hits you (like old mimic but not only projectiles)

> Mass Invis becomes Sneak Gyro

> Mirror shows opponent their webcam feed (applies blind & fear).

> Arcane Thievery becomes Steal


Best changes . I have fallen from my chair

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > > @"Xstein.2187" said:

> > > Yes!!, I am salivating at many of these ideas as well. However, to do such a thing, this trait would have to be moved up to the chaos grandmaster category. So, the question then becomes, what grandmaster trait gets nerfed and moved into the major adept category?

> >

> > Any of them tbh, none of the Chaos GM major traits are that good anymore.

> >

> > Depends which ones should be mutually exclusive with this trait and which should be able to be used together.

> >

> > Though in some ways it could be more powerful to have Descent into Madness or Illusionary Defence with this instead of one of the GM majors.

> >

> > Maybe BD - just get rid of the stab entirely and put it in adept tier.


> BD still provides some pretty solid boons in PvE and CI is obviously quite useful in PvP as immobilize prevents dodging which is particularly nasty following an interrupt. Prismatic Understanding is pretty useless, however.


Ah yeah good point the 5s stab is still good for BD there, wish they hadn't gone overkill on the pvp nerf. :/ CI I agree is the best of the three traits, providing a build has enough interrupts for it.


I agree the days of PU are long gone so perhaps that could be the one moved if so.

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> I agree the days of PU are long gone so perhaps that could be the one moved if so.


Hm I actually run PU in a core mesmer roaming build I play from time to time.

Even if it's not the best build it is fun to play and works really well. Here it is:


Illusions 113 Dueling 211 Chaos 312

Scepter/Torch + GS (Force/Accuracy +Force/Air)

Armor Marauder(Rune of the Pack)

Rest Berserker

Mirror, Decoy, Blink, MoPain, Mass Invisibility


This build is essentially me roleplaying deadeye on mesmer. The goal is to channel MoPain in Stealth and surprise the target with a (17 might + fury) confusing images.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> Yes, please give me a 1500 range instant teleport that breaks target, removes chill/cripple/immobilize as well as clearing 2 damaging conditions on a 20 second cooldown! I might never lose a fight again!




I thought it was "select one"


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> @"Me Games Ma.8426" said:


> Arcane Thievery:

> I love this skill but i hate thst it can be blinded and dodged. That's why I suggested the instant cast and the resistance option. Also tge usual uninspired aoe suggestion \o/


The blind gets transferred.


The new proposed blink and arcane thievery would be grossly op in every sense.



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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> > @"Me Games Ma.8426" said:

> >

> > Arcane Thievery:

> > I love this skill but i hate thst it can be blinded and dodged. That's why I suggested the instant cast and the resistance option. Also tge usual uninspired aoe suggestion \o/

> >

> The blind gets transferred.


> The new proposed blink and arcane thievery would be grossly op in every sense.




Whose proposal? OP? Remember it is a pick one list.

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