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Warclaw kills Roaming

Woody Woody.8356

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"tobin.6754" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> >

> > > People could not have anticipated how mounts would have worked, so to say this is why people were against mounts in the first place is just convenient hindsight. The fact is that we have history with Anet making changes to things and if players can't deal with that timetable that's fine too, because the business model of the game is built around players coming and going at their leisure. If you don't like how WvW works right now, wait until Anet fixes it an come back ... or don't. Whatever. Mounts are here. If you think NO change will entice you to play WvW with mounts in it, don't play WvW, because they aren't going away. There isn't any point in being pouty about how you didn't want mounts and now there are mounts. Adapt or lag behind; that's how MMO's work.

> >

> > This is great, telling people to leave if they don't like it.


> Because that's exactly how the game is designed and implemented. You don't pay a monthly sub, so if you want to skip something, you can. If you want to come back later when it's different, you can. I mean, you can ignore that option if you want, I'm not sure why anyone would though. I do know one thing ... people that don't play and adapt to the changes don't have a voice in how changes affect the game. If you want to influence the direction of mount in WvW, you better give them an honest go. Otherwise, your just going to be the guy on the forum QQing that Anet introduced mounts two years from now to the sound of the crickets.


Hmmm disigned and implemented? So why can players take damage outside of zergs? Or while enroute to Zerg?seems as if it’s designed for a veriety of engagements occurring anywhere and in any territory. Maybe u should write down ur version of proper wvw combat conduct between opposing sides and send it to arenanet to have them implement them to make it official so that way all ur post aren’t basically telling other players who probably invested far more time into the game mode than how to properly play said game mode because their preferred way is wrong because it may translate to u getting annoyed for being killed at a inconvenient time lmao that way if it’s official ur posts and game conduct views will mean something:)

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> @"tobin.6754" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > Mount in WvW are going to ultimately kill the game.


> nah, it'll just hurt WvW




I guess that's a matter of opinion, Clearly Anet thinks it will be better for it in the long run. I know players re-engaged with WvW with the change. I know some roamers already figuring out how to work with and against mounts ... /shrug. #adaptorgetleftbehind

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"tobin.6754" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > >

> > > > People could not have anticipated how mounts would have worked, so to say this is why people were against mounts in the first place is just convenient hindsight. The fact is that we have history with Anet making changes to things and if players can't deal with that timetable that's fine too, because the business model of the game is built around players coming and going at their leisure. If you don't like how WvW works right now, wait until Anet fixes it an come back ... or don't. Whatever. Mounts are here. If you think NO change will entice you to play WvW with mounts in it, don't play WvW, because they aren't going away. There isn't any point in being pouty about how you didn't want mounts and now there are mounts. Adapt or lag behind; that's how MMO's work.

> > >

> > > This is great, telling people to leave if they don't like it.

> >

> > Because that's exactly how the game is designed and implemented. You don't pay a monthly sub, so if you want to skip something, you can. If you want to come back later when it's different, you can. I mean, you can ignore that option if you want, I'm not sure why anyone would though. I do know one thing ... people that don't play and adapt to the changes don't have a voice in how changes affect the game. If you want to influence the direction of mount in WvW, you better give them an honest go. Otherwise, your just going to be the guy on the forum QQing that Anet introduced mounts two years from now to the sound of the crickets.


> Hmmm disigned and implemented? So why can players take damage outside of zergs? Or while enroute to Zerg?seems as if it’s designed for a veriety of engaging occurring anywhere and in any territory. Maybe u should write down ur version of proper wvw combat conduct between opposing sides and send it to arenanet to have them implement them to make it official so that way all ur post aren’t basically telling other players who probably invested far more time into the game mode than how to properly play said game mode because their preferred way is wrong because it may translate to u getting annoyed for being killed at a inconvenient time lmao that way if it’s official ur posts and game conduct views will mean something:)


I don't get how player taking damage outside the zerg has to do with Anet making the game so players can take leave of it and come back at a later date. ????

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"tobin.6754" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > Mount in WvW are going to ultimately kill the game.

> >

> > nah, it'll just hurt WvW

> >

> >


> I guess that's a matter of opinion, Clearly Anet thinks it will be better for it in the long run /shrug. #adaptorgetleftbehind


because anet has been so good to the wvw community?

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> @"tobin.6754" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"tobin.6754" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > Mount in WvW are going to ultimately kill the game.

> > >

> > > nah, it'll just hurt WvW

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I guess that's a matter of opinion, Clearly Anet thinks it will be better for it in the long run /shrug. #adaptorgetleftbehind


> because anet has been so good to the wvw community?


OH yes I forgot ... you didn't get what you asked for right? you got mounts instead? now WvW is doomed? Good story!


Again, that's not how any MMO dev team I've ever seen works, but if that's where you want to hang your hat, be my guest ... Anet ignoring WvW, except when they don't. /thumbsup

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:


> OH yes I forgot ... you didn't get what you asked for right? you got mounts instead? now WvW is doomed? Good story!


> Again, that's not how any MMO dev team I've ever seen works, but if that's where you want to hang your hat, be my guest ... Anet ignoring WvW, except when they don't. /thumbsup


Yes that's why I'm here. Mount is bad, it will hurt WvW. We told you so!

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I don't get the question .. what makes you think I don't play it? I guess being objective would give anyone that impression about anything.


Well, because of your post history and your (lack of)knowledge about WvW.

It seems like youre just here to get your mount then you will get bored and will be back to pve and never come back to WvW.

All of my friends and guildies left gw2/WvW because its not like used to be, its not as fun as used to be.

Warclaw was the last straw.


Unlike today, we could roam with a small group, havoc or zerg depending on how many we had online.

i like to do all sorta of stuff in WvW. But now as it is we have only one choice.

A lot of people who only cared for the PvP aspect of WvW and not necessarily/exclusively in a zerg are most likely to quit like my friends did.

So now WvW is full of a bunch of people who dont like to die in a PvP map.

They are most likely to go back from were they came leaving WvW with less people than before and a addition no one who cared wanted.


So what keeps you motivated to play WvW?

Flipping towers killing lords and ktrains ?

Edit: Just want to add something :

The way wvw is going right now will only aggravate the currently situation, bangwagoning is only getting worse and like discussed before mounts do tends to benefit who have more numbers it can be applied to small groups as well to zergs and blobs, in the end who has more players stacked wins, its bad and will get boring fast

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> @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > > > @"Magnuzone.8395" said:

> > > > > > > Play against ppl who are interested in fighting you, problem solved. Noone likes a ganker.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Agreed, ganking and stealth ambushes are 2 reasons I never cared for WvW.

> > > > > > It can still happen in the gamemode but at least the mobility gap between classes has been diminished thanks to the mount.

> > > > > > Now everyone has the freedom to choose to fight or flight rather than being forced into it constantly by classes that can easily get away from you when you gain the upper hand thanks to a cheap mechanical advantage.. stealth and shadowstep/teleports.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > It hasn't killed these tactics.. it's just made them more difficult to pull of solo and that's a good thing.

> > > > > > WvW should never be an easy place for a solo player to go around killing.. it's a massive multiplayer pvp game mode for a reason.

> > > > >

> > > > > You are talking about the classes with the lowest sustain. You do realize that right? Thief is the worst profession in the game 1v1 imo. They have mobility because they lack elsewhere. The fact you weren't able to keep up with them tells me you likely played a class more than capable of dealing with them. People seem to not believe that mobility is an important factor when balancing.

> > > >

> > > > Yes but you don't need sustain when you can stunlock someone to death from behind within a couple of seconds and have almost 100% success rate at running away if your ambush fails while your victim has no way to get away from you aside from forcing you to run by turning the tide.

> > > >

> > > > The Warclaw only makes it more difficult for you to trap someone in combat.. once they're locked in they can't remount and flee.

> > > > a couple of thieves are still more than capable of pulling off gank ambushes even on a mounted player.

> > >

> > > What. Stunlock someone to death? What. Yeah see this is why not everyone needs a voice on combat balance. Imagine running 0 stunbreaks and complaining about dying in a stun.

> >

> > I run two.. and have still been stunlocked to death in WvW.. and pvp for that matter.

> > One of the main reasons I've always hated the stability change from duration to stacks.. and also why I've always felt that a stunbreak should give you a at least a second of immunity to stuns after being activated.


> So you used them both poorly and failed to dodge a cc so you died. Great. Working as intended.


No I use them both to break out of stuns along with 2 dodges that both got evades and still got stuned again then killed from behind where I couldn't attack as I could not move nor turn around.

If that's working as intended then the stability change was a bad Idea like I always believed it to be.

And it doesn't change the fact that there has always been a balance problem between classes with access to too much mobility and stuns etc vs classes that have too little defense against it.

The Warclaw hasn't fixed the problem but it has given all the classes a fair chance at avoiding battles they don't want to get involved in.. which until recently was almost exclusively an option for classes that have stealth and way too much mobility.

And no matter how angry that's made those who favor those cheaper classes for their easy kill/flee methods.. I'm sticking to my opinion that it's a good thing for the game mode.

I've hated WvW for years.. and yet i'm playing it almost daily now.. and so are many others if those full ques are proving anything.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > > @"Duckota.4769" said:

> > > > > > > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Magnuzone.8395" said:

> > > > > > > > Play against ppl who are interested in fighting you, problem solved. Noone likes a ganker.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Agreed, ganking and stealth ambushes are 2 reasons I never cared for WvW.

> > > > > > > It can still happen in the gamemode but at least the mobility gap between classes has been diminished thanks to the mount.

> > > > > > > Now everyone has the freedom to choose to fight or flight rather than being forced into it constantly by classes that can easily get away from you when you gain the upper hand thanks to a cheap mechanical advantage.. stealth and shadowstep/teleports.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > It hasn't killed these tactics.. it's just made them more difficult to pull of solo and that's a good thing.

> > > > > > > WvW should never be an easy place for a solo player to go around killing.. it's a massive multiplayer pvp game mode for a reason.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You are talking about the classes with the lowest sustain. You do realize that right? Thief is the worst profession in the game 1v1 imo. They have mobility because they lack elsewhere. The fact you weren't able to keep up with them tells me you likely played a class more than capable of dealing with them. People seem to not believe that mobility is an important factor when balancing.

> > > > >

> > > > > Yes but you don't need sustain when you can stunlock someone to death from behind within a couple of seconds and have almost 100% success rate at running away if your ambush fails while your victim has no way to get away from you aside from forcing you to run by turning the tide.

> > > > >

> > > > > The Warclaw only makes it more difficult for you to trap someone in combat.. once they're locked in they can't remount and flee.

> > > > > a couple of thieves are still more than capable of pulling off gank ambushes even on a mounted player.

> > > >

> > > > What. Stunlock someone to death? What. Yeah see this is why not everyone needs a voice on combat balance. Imagine running 0 stunbreaks and complaining about dying in a stun.

> > >

> > > I run two.. and have still been stunlocked to death in WvW.. and pvp for that matter.

> > > One of the main reasons I've always hated the stability change from duration to stacks.. and also why I've always felt that a stunbreak should give you a at least a second of immunity to stuns after being activated.

> >

> > So you used them both poorly and failed to dodge a cc so you died. Great. Working as intended.


> No I use them both to break out of stuns along with 2 dodges that both got evades and still got stuned again then killed from behind where I couldn't attack as I could not move nor turn around.

> If that's working as intended then the stability change was a bad Idea like I always believed it to be.

> And it doesn't change the fact that there has always been a balance problem between classes with access to too much mobility and stuns etc vs classes that have too little defense against it.

> The Warclaw hasn't fixed the problem but it has given all the classes a fair chance at avoiding battles they don't want to get involved in.. which until recently was almost exclusively an option for classes that have stealth and way too much mobility.

> And no matter how angry that's made those who favor those cheaper classes for their easy kill/flee methods.. I'm sticking to my opinion that it's a good thing for the game mode.

> I've hated WvW for years.. and yet i'm playing it almost daily now.. and so are many others if those full ques are proving anything.


Those full queues are proving people are still getting mounts before they go back to LA to sit on it and play music instruments here and there. And I'm still stuck on the fact you're getting 'stunlocked' to death by thief not really being a thing in my gameplay. Especially since a majority of their CC would come from steal which is a daze. I guess they can run basi venom but thats whatever also. Not sure what stuns you're really facing. Which leads me to believe it may be a lack of matchup knowledge.

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> @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > I don't get the question .. what makes you think I don't play it? I guess being objective would give anyone that impression about anything.


> Well, because of your post history and your (lack of)knowledge about WvW.

> It seems like youre just here to get your mount then you will get bored and will be back to pve and never come back to WvW.


That says more about you then it does about me. If post history qualifies as a good indicator of WvW, well, all's I can say is that I'm not surprised so many people are here complaining about mounts.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > I don't get the question .. what makes you think I don't play it? I guess being objective would give anyone that impression about anything.

> >

> > Well, because of your post history and your (lack of)knowledge about WvW.

> > It seems like youre just here to get your mount then you will get bored and will be back to pve and never come back to WvW.


> That says more about you then it does about me. If post history qualifies as a good indicator of WvW, well, all's I can say is that I'm not surprised so many people are here complaining about mounts.


Yet you still didnt answered the question

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What keeps me motivated to play WvW is that there are infinitely more builds and ways to play it than there are in PVE. Sometimes I roam, sometimes I zerg, I choose all kinds of classes, I try all kinds of stats. Basically, it's about exploring my options as a player. For me, Warclaw adds a new facet to the experience.

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Warclaw makes roamers stronger. Didn't kill it in the slightest. I think what you meant to say was that Warclaw killed the backstab/stealth thieves who have no other purpose in WvW.


This is probably coming from some perma-stealth thief who can't backstab people anymore. Like that's engaging at all.

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> @"Genuinetheo.6591" said:

> Warclaw makes roamers stronger. Didn't kill it in the slightest.


I think what *you* meant to say was:


"Warclaw made roaming far less fun for roamers with balanced builds and encourages really cheesy and/or extremely high-damage ranged builds. Really killing the fun unless you're a zergling... which I am."


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> @"Genuinetheo.6591" said:

> Warclaw makes roamers stronger. Didn't kill it in the slightest. I think what you meant to say was that Warclaw killed the backstab/stealth thieves who have no other purpose in WvW.


> This is probably coming from some perma-stealth thief who can't backstab people anymore. Like that's engaging at all.


nice try but no

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> @"Magolith.9412" said:

> > @"Genuinetheo.6591" said:

> > Warclaw makes roamers stronger. Didn't kill it in the slightest.


> I think what *you* meant to say was:


> "Warclaw made roaming far less fun for roamers with balanced builds and encourages really cheesy and/or extremely high-damage ranged builds. Really killing the fun unless you're a zergling... which I am."




I couldn't agree more. :angry:

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> @"Magolith.9412" said:

> > @"Genuinetheo.6591" said:

> > Warclaw makes roamers stronger. Didn't kill it in the slightest.


> I think what *you* meant to say was:


> "Warclaw made roaming far less fun for roamers with balanced builds and encourages really cheesy and/or extremely high-damage ranged builds. Really killing the fun unless you're a zergling... which I am."



I sincerely hope you're not running a high burst range build just to stop a Warclaw


because that's a waste of resources, and probably also time.


Stick to Conquest if you're gonna play thief, or roam in a group .

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> @"Genuinetheo.6591" said:


> I sincerely hope you're not running a high burst range build just to stop a Warclaw


> because that's a waste of resources, and probably also time.


Me? Not yet. Probably going to.. 5 hours of roaming and I think maybe 5% of my attempts to dismount you carebears succeeded. So yea... maybe I will shift away from my balanced build and go really cheesy to keep yall from leaping off into the sunset. That's what you want, right?


> Stick to Conquest if you're gonna play thief.


You seem to have an obsession with thiefs.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> What keeps me motivated to play WvW is that there are infinitely more builds and ways to play it than there are in PVE. Sometimes I roam, sometimes I zerg, I choose all kinds of classes, I try all kinds of stats. Basically, it's about exploring my options as a player. For me, Warclaw adds a new facet to the experience.


Well, as you said before, you want to "win",contribute for the server in a meaningful way, what i understand from this is that you follow the meta, and if you follow the meta, wvw is way more restrictive than pve(If by pve you mean raids) in this regard.

Unless you want to explore roaming builds and as we discussed before how Warclaw would reduce such playstyles all around


With mount WvW will evolve to only zergs/blobs and in order to "compete" and help your server you should stick to 4 classes currently.

It will hurt not just the way you play and the reason you play but will completely kill the reason other people play WvW.


In the end its not something a zerger/roamer/duelist/havoc/ganker want

Because it means less people playing WvW.

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> @"Magolith.9412" said:

> > @"Genuinetheo.6591" said:

> >

> > I sincerely hope you're not running a high burst range build just to stop a Warclaw

> >

> > because that's a waste of resources, and probably also time.


> Me? Not yet. Probably going to.. 5 hours of roaming and I think maybe 5% of my attempts to dismount you carebears succeeded. So yea... maybe I will shift away from my balanced build and go really cheesy to keep yall from leaping off into the sunset. That's what you want, right?


> > Stick to Conquest if you're gonna play thief.


> You seem to have an obsession with thiefs.


90% of solo roamers I find are thieves, deadeyes, or daredevils. Every once in a while there's a stray Mesmer in there.


And here I find a post talking about how Warclaw killed roaming... no, I don't think it killed roaming in the slightest. Warclaw killed off the idea of having a free (meaningless) kill because people either cannot see you or just don't care that you're there.


And as most thieves will do... they simply stealth and run away if it even becomes a 2v1.


So who's really running away here? Who's really not benefiting here?

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> @"Genuinetheo.6591" said:

> 90% of solo roamers I find are thieves, deadeyes, or daredevils. Every once in a while there's a stray Mesmer in there.

> And as most thieves will do... they simply stealth and run away if it even becomes a 2v1.


Again with the thieves. I can just about guarantee I roam/play far more than you do, and I encounter a wide variety of classes. Maybe bad luck on your part that you only run across thieves.


The fact is, Warkitty in its current state negatively impacts (if not outright destroys.. [warrior]) most roaming builds that don't invest heavily into condi cheese or heavy&fast ranged damage. That's why I keep repeating this... the mount only encourages builds that most people despise.

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> @"Magolith.9412" said:

> > @"Genuinetheo.6591" said:

> > 90% of solo roamers I find are thieves, deadeyes, or daredevils. Every once in a while there's a stray Mesmer in there.

> > And as most thieves will do... they simply stealth and run away if it even becomes a 2v1.


> Again with the thieves. I can just about guarantee I roam/play far more than you do, and I encounter a wide variety of classes. Maybe bad luck on your part that you only run across thieves.


> The fact is, Warkitty in its current state negatively impacts (if not outright destroys.. [warrior]) most roaming builds that don't invest heavily into condi cheese or heavy&fast ranged damage. That's why I keep repeating this... the mount only encourages builds that most people despise.


Please do enlighten me. What roaming class do you find most often? Let me guess... druid?


The fact that you would even consider changing your build to kill just one Warclaw is a testament to your willingness to sink to levels lower than you already have.

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> @"Magolith.9412" said:

> > @"Genuinetheo.6591" said:

> > 90% of solo roamers I find are thieves, deadeyes, or daredevils. Every once in a while there's a stray Mesmer in there.

> > And as most thieves will do... they simply stealth and run away if it even becomes a 2v1.


> Again with the thieves. I can just about guarantee I roam/play far more than you do, and I encounter a wide variety of classes. Maybe bad luck on your part that you only run across thieves.


> The fact is, Warkitty in its current state negatively impacts (if not outright destroys.. [warrior]) most roaming builds that don't invest heavily into condi cheese or heavy&fast ranged damage. That's why I keep repeating this... the mount only encourages builds that most people despise.


Seriously correct here. I roam almost exclusively on Thief, and Thieves actually tend to be on the less frequent side of roaming enemies I encounter...maybe enemy Thieves don't like 6-9PM PST? Or maybe they're all in EBG, I generally stay out of that salt bowl.

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