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[Suggestion] 1 More New mount

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I would love an underwater mount, but i also really want underwater combat to be redone as a whole to be better balanced, managed etc. It's leagues and leagues better than other mmos alternative to underwater combat, but it's nowhere near what it could be as well.


I hope underwater mounts and an overhaul of underwater combat is managed at some point.

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Underwater mounts would be functionally identical to the griffon (I mean in terms of moving in 3D space.) I think mounts could make an underwater expansion popular, especially considering the "unending" possibilities of other underwater masteries. Mounts to move around the big ocean expanses, underwater caves and cities and so on where you function more normally, or with other mastery systems.


And if all this were the case, the underwater bit would not be annoying, but rather an excuse for beautiful new environments in true 3D space.

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I would love an underwater mount and actually wanted to suggest this!


The underwater environment is really nicely done in guild wars and I really enjoy exploring it's scenery. However, swimming feels very stiff and doesn't really encourage underwater exploration. With how great the mounts have been done, this would be a great solution.

I of course understand that the resources for making a mount are high, but I do think that the great underwater scenery deserves that investment!

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I'm hoping at some point they bring out an expansion focused on underwater content. At the moment they're in a bit of a catch-22 situation - it's hard to justify putting in the work to improve underwater combat when there's so little content for it, but it's hard to make more underwater content when people don't enjoy playing it because of the combat. An expansion would allow them to work on both together.


Now they've got the mount system in place they could add an underwater mount as part of that.

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I'd want a dolphin. They exist in game. Players can even turn into them. One wouldn't straddle the mount, one would hold on to a fin. It should work on the water's surface as well as below, sort of an inverse skimmer. The engage skill could be a stunning head-butt charge in a whooooosh of bubbles :)

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No more underwater content.


Make the bubbles expansion about boats and ship to ship combat.


Its a shame the universe has all these cool vehicles and the closest we ever get to using them is manning the occasional turret or a glorified transformation.


Mounts are fine. I'd like to see some group based mechanics that are more complex and rewarding than "I made a combo field"


GW2 is still a very lonely game, even in its largest events.

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Oh I would love underwater mounts. The amount of underwater mounts that I can think of right now would be enough to fill another expansion!


Dolphin: For jumping big distances out of the water. Necessary to reach the top of some sea-side cliffs.

Turtle: For riding underwater currents. Kinda like underwater ley-lines.

Jellyfish: It envelops you and protects you from venomous sea anemones. Necessary for some passages.

Angler fish: Illuminates dark places and keeps whatever is out there to kill you in the dark at bay. And as we've learned from the underwater fractal and that one place in tangled depths, there definitely is something that wants to eat you in the dark.

Shark: It has a charge that can break thin walls. Useful for looting pirate-ship-wreckage or clearing paths that are overgrown with corals.



Lurking in the depths there is a threat, unseen by anyone, waiting for its time to strike. Largos and Quaggan tell of giant horrors dragging anyone unfortunate enough into the darkness, never to be seen again. But the deadly silence is about to end. The surface is no longer safe as Lions Arch faces it's biggest post-Scarlet challenge. Prepare your diving gear, the next submarine is heading for the Depths of Steve (DoS).

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> @PopeUrban.2578 said:

> No more underwater content.


> Make the bubbles expansion about boats and ship to ship combat.


> Its a shame the universe has all these cool vehicles and the closest we ever get to using them is manning the occasional turret or a glorified transformation.


> Mounts are fine. I'd like to see some group based mechanics that are more complex and rewarding than "I made a combo field"


> GW2 is still a very lonely game, even in its largest events.


Well you don't speak for the whole community, as you can see people here like the idea because there is a large following that likes underwater content whether you like it or not. Underwater is really fun in this game and more games should include things like this.


I for one would love a mechanical mount or even an underwater toy that allows for unusual movement speed it would be nice to have such things.

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as a result of mounts, underwater has become my least favorite content, where I was okay with doing it before, I only do it now for heart quests and the like... I definitely think a living world step should introduce an underwater mount of some kind.

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