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Roaming with the Warclaw-updating your tactics so you can play the way you enjoy.


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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Deaeira.2651" said:

> > * When in a stalemate because noone wants to got off their mount first, I whisper players and talk to them about how boring warclaw is :-)


> Either that was me or its becoming quite normal to stop and chat to mounted enemies..


Possible... it was someone from Gandara I believe, DBL next to the eastern earth shrine.


Ceterum censeo...

> Warkitty needs a fix asap.




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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> >

> > > I don't understand how any one can see it how reward satisfaction is related to mounts; you might love the rewards and hate the mounts, or hate the rewards and love the mounts, or love both or hate both. They simple have no correlation. What is that relationship if you want to make it? You're asking what you get if you win ... I think you already know the answer to that question, so just say what you want to say.

> >

> > I already said many times in other threads...

> > It's about freedom of choice

> > Mounts kills some builds/classes/playstyles

> > That's why people don't like mounts

> >

> >


> Sometimes freedom of choice isn't the best option. Put it this way ... you can still choose to play how you want, it's just not as fun for some people as it was before. That's the trade off between a sand box and a theme park model for MMO. Anet gave players the sand box option in WvW; for whatever reason, it's not working the way they want it.


> That still doesn't explain how you correlate rewards with mounts ...


Fighting is my reward thats what i like to do in WvW. I (used to) have freedom to choose If im going to roam as a hybrid sword Weaver, a glasscannon FA or to zerg with a staff build.


I cant no longer solo roam as a hybrid sword build because:

1- you cant dismount someone as a melee no matter what you do.

2- If you try to flip a camp and there's a enemy that dont want to engage, he'll run in circles til their friends come to outnumber me.

3 - If i try to run, the first guy will keep me in combat while their friends come to gank me.


So i either play stuck to FA scepter, which i dont like as much and only works against noobs, any decent player would dismount and kill me because i have no cooldowns.

Warclaw punishes people for initiating a fight.


Or i can play in a zerg, which is pretty much the same as it was pre-mount just adding mobility and stomps


I cant play my favorite build and playstyle anymore and thats how mounts correlates with reward and its why people are so mad with the mount.


I used to see a lot of main warriors and revenants roaming....not anymore

Now they probably did like me switched to a cheese glass cannon or they just quitted from the game like my entire guild did.


Can you see how many problems i listed in this post?


And dont come with this "theme park" argument, the mode was running for 6 years and a lot of people were still playing despite balance problem,lag, population disparity, and most of people who played and cared for WvW before mount didnt wanted it.


They released warclaw to monetize it and i dont have a problem with that.

But the way they implemented on top of all existing issues WvW suffers for years is a problem.

Edit : word

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> @"Deaeira.2651" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Deaeira.2651" said:

> > > * When in a stalemate because noone wants to got off their mount first, I whisper players and talk to them about how boring warclaw is :-)

> >

> > Either that was me or its becoming quite normal to stop and chat to mounted enemies..


> Possible... it was someone from Gandara I believe, DBL next to the eastern earth shrine.


> Ceterum censeo...

> > Warkitty needs a fix asap.

> >




not me then im on GOM for NA

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> @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > >

> > > > I don't understand how any one can see it how reward satisfaction is related to mounts; you might love the rewards and hate the mounts, or hate the rewards and love the mounts, or love both or hate both. They simple have no correlation. What is that relationship if you want to make it? You're asking what you get if you win ... I think you already know the answer to that question, so just say what you want to say.

> > >

> > > I already said many times in other threads...

> > > It's about freedom of choice

> > > Mounts kills some builds/classes/playstyles

> > > That's why people don't like mounts

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Sometimes freedom of choice isn't the best option. Put it this way ... you can still choose to play how you want, it's just not as fun for some people as it was before. That's the trade off between a sand box and a theme park model for MMO. Anet gave players the sand box option in WvW; for whatever reason, it's not working the way they want it.

> >

> > That still doesn't explain how you correlate rewards with mounts ...


> Fighting is my reward thats what i like to do in WvW. I (used to) have freedom to choose If im going to roam as a hybrid sword Weaver, a glasscannon FA or to zerg with a staff build.


> I cant no longer solo roam as a hybrid sword build because:

> 1- you cant dismount someone as a melee no matter what you do.

> 2- If you try to flip a camp and there's a enemy that dont want to engage, he'll run in circles til their friends come to outnumber me.

> 3 - If i try to run, the first guy will keep me in combat while their friends come to gank me.


> So i either play stuck to FA scepter, which i dont like as much and only works against noobs, any decent player would dismount and kill me because i have no cooldowns.

> Warclaw punishes people for initiating a fight.


> Or i can play in a zerg, which is pretty much the same as it was pre-mount just adding mobility and stomps


> I cant play my favorite build and playstyle anymore and thats how mounts correlates with reward and its why people are so mad with the mount.


> I used to see a lot of main warriors and revenants roaming....not anymore

> Now they probably did like me switched to a cheese glass cannon or they just quitted from the game like my entire guild did.


> Can you see how many problems i listed in this post?


> And dont come with this "theme park" argument, the mode was running for 6 years and a lot of people were still playing despite balance problem,lag, population disparity, and most of people who played and cared for WvW before mount didnt wanted it.


> They released warclaw to monetize it and i dont have a problem with that.

> But the way they implemented on top of all existing issues WvW suffers for years is a problem.

> Edit : word


There are always going to be problems ... WvW isn't going to be everything for everyone. These are fundamental problems with the variations you get with a class-based MMO; they aren't going to ever go away. They exist in every class-based MMO I've ever played. That can't just be a GW2 issue.


As for fighting being your reward ... that hasn't gone away; it's simply changed the way you fight. You have options and as I think you pointed out previously, you adapted to them. That's the correct approach to playing any MMO for any game mode where the devs change the game.


Bottomline: There isn't anything exceptional here. Good players deal with game changes by to adapting to them. I think the only issue people have with mount in WvW is that it's not inline with their own ideas about what problems get addressed or how they would prefer them to be addressed. That's not extraordinary for an MMO.


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Adapted or accepted.

For the op:

Bait the enemy's CDs, with 3-4 leaps at disposal you can make the enemy think it's possible to kill your mount :smile:. If got dismounted, proceed with the original plan; engage.


Sit and wait to ambush at objectives with mount. Make sure the enemy is dismounted and in combat. Might work for the first few times, but the enemy will probably wait for more numbers to take the fight at one point.


While some rejoice for having mount giving them a safe passage, there are those who don't; sad truth.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > >

> > > > > I don't understand how any one can see it how reward satisfaction is related to mounts; you might love the rewards and hate the mounts, or hate the rewards and love the mounts, or love both or hate both. They simple have no correlation. What is that relationship if you want to make it? You're asking what you get if you win ... I think you already know the answer to that question, so just say what you want to say.

> > > >

> > > > I already said many times in other threads...

> > > > It's about freedom of choice

> > > > Mounts kills some builds/classes/playstyles

> > > > That's why people don't like mounts

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Sometimes freedom of choice isn't the best option. Put it this way ... you can still choose to play how you want, it's just not as fun for some people as it was before. That's the trade off between a sand box and a theme park model for MMO. Anet gave players the sand box option in WvW; for whatever reason, it's not working the way they want it.

> > >

> > > That still doesn't explain how you correlate rewards with mounts ...

> >

> > Fighting is my reward thats what i like to do in WvW. I (used to) have freedom to choose If im going to roam as a hybrid sword Weaver, a glasscannon FA or to zerg with a staff build.

> >

> > I cant no longer solo roam as a hybrid sword build because:

> > 1- you cant dismount someone as a melee no matter what you do.

> > 2- If you try to flip a camp and there's a enemy that dont want to engage, he'll run in circles til their friends come to outnumber me.

> > 3 - If i try to run, the first guy will keep me in combat while their friends come to gank me.

> >

> > So i either play stuck to FA scepter, which i dont like as much and only works against noobs, any decent player would dismount and kill me because i have no cooldowns.

> > Warclaw punishes people for initiating a fight.

> >

> > Or i can play in a zerg, which is pretty much the same as it was pre-mount just adding mobility and stomps

> >

> > I cant play my favorite build and playstyle anymore and thats how mounts correlates with reward and its why people are so mad with the mount.

> >

> > I used to see a lot of main warriors and revenants roaming....not anymore

> > Now they probably did like me switched to a cheese glass cannon or they just quitted from the game like my entire guild did.

> >

> > Can you see how many problems i listed in this post?

> >

> > And dont come with this "theme park" argument, the mode was running for 6 years and a lot of people were still playing despite balance problem,lag, population disparity, and most of people who played and cared for WvW before mount didnt wanted it.

> >

> > They released warclaw to monetize it and i dont have a problem with that.

> > But the way they implemented on top of all existing issues WvW suffers for years is a problem.

> > Edit : word


> There are always going to be problems ... WvW isn't going to be everything for everyone. These are fundamental problems with the variations you get with a class-based MMO; they aren't going to ever go away. They exist in every class-based MMO I've ever played. That can't just be a GW2 issue.


> As for fighting being your reward ... that hasn't gone away; it's simply changed the way you fight. You have options and as I think you pointed out previously, you adapted to them. That's the correct approach to playing any MMO for any game mode where the devs change the game.


> Bottomline: There isn't anything exceptional here. Good players deal with game changes by to adapting to them. I think the only issue people have with mount in WvW is that it's not inline with their own ideas about what problems get addressed or how they would prefer them to be addressed. That's not extraordinary for an MMO.



For a lot of people WvW is the only reason they play gw2.

And no, these are not problems related to classes, these are problems relate to a poorly implemented mount

No other games i played had an overpowered mount where you can use it as a shield and gave you such an huge advantage against melee classes.

In fact most games i played was quite the opposite e.g vanilla wow.

It SHOULD be easy for melees to dismount people to not render them as useless


There's no problem in adapting, people already adapt every (un)balance patch released but up to this day i havent seen a addition that annihilated that many classes and builds from the game like Warclaw did


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The whole notion that Roamers and Gankers are somehow different and are or aren't contributing to "The Fight" doesn't sound right to me.


Where do you most often get ganked?

- RIGHT outside spawn, or at least not far from it.


Where were you going when you got ganked?

- To help the Commander/ To defend the Keep/Tower/Camp/See how I could help out.



- Gankers prevent the other side from gaining reinforcements or at least delays them.


The whole debacle about whether or not it's a Roamer or a Ganker doesn't really matter to me. If you kill the enemy when you have the opportunity', you're good in my book.

Bottomline, at least they are contributing way more than the 30 people sitting inside the SM walls just staring into the void waiting for something to come catapult their section of wall.

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> @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > > I don't understand how any one can see it how reward satisfaction is related to mounts; you might love the rewards and hate the mounts, or hate the rewards and love the mounts, or love both or hate both. They simple have no correlation. What is that relationship if you want to make it? You're asking what you get if you win ... I think you already know the answer to that question, so just say what you want to say.

> > > > >

> > > > > I already said many times in other threads...

> > > > > It's about freedom of choice

> > > > > Mounts kills some builds/classes/playstyles

> > > > > That's why people don't like mounts

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > Sometimes freedom of choice isn't the best option. Put it this way ... you can still choose to play how you want, it's just not as fun for some people as it was before. That's the trade off between a sand box and a theme park model for MMO. Anet gave players the sand box option in WvW; for whatever reason, it's not working the way they want it.

> > > >

> > > > That still doesn't explain how you correlate rewards with mounts ...

> > >

> > > Fighting is my reward thats what i like to do in WvW. I (used to) have freedom to choose If im going to roam as a hybrid sword Weaver, a glasscannon FA or to zerg with a staff build.

> > >

> > > I cant no longer solo roam as a hybrid sword build because:

> > > 1- you cant dismount someone as a melee no matter what you do.

> > > 2- If you try to flip a camp and there's a enemy that dont want to engage, he'll run in circles til their friends come to outnumber me.

> > > 3 - If i try to run, the first guy will keep me in combat while their friends come to gank me.

> > >

> > > So i either play stuck to FA scepter, which i dont like as much and only works against noobs, any decent player would dismount and kill me because i have no cooldowns.

> > > Warclaw punishes people for initiating a fight.

> > >

> > > Or i can play in a zerg, which is pretty much the same as it was pre-mount just adding mobility and stomps

> > >

> > > I cant play my favorite build and playstyle anymore and thats how mounts correlates with reward and its why people are so mad with the mount.

> > >

> > > I used to see a lot of main warriors and revenants roaming....not anymore

> > > Now they probably did like me switched to a cheese glass cannon or they just quitted from the game like my entire guild did.

> > >

> > > Can you see how many problems i listed in this post?

> > >

> > > And dont come with this "theme park" argument, the mode was running for 6 years and a lot of people were still playing despite balance problem,lag, population disparity, and most of people who played and cared for WvW before mount didnt wanted it.

> > >

> > > They released warclaw to monetize it and i dont have a problem with that.

> > > But the way they implemented on top of all existing issues WvW suffers for years is a problem.

> > > Edit : word

> >

> > There are always going to be problems ... WvW isn't going to be everything for everyone. These are fundamental problems with the variations you get with a class-based MMO; they aren't going to ever go away. They exist in every class-based MMO I've ever played. That can't just be a GW2 issue.

> >

> > As for fighting being your reward ... that hasn't gone away; it's simply changed the way you fight. You have options and as I think you pointed out previously, you adapted to them. That's the correct approach to playing any MMO for any game mode where the devs change the game.

> >

> > Bottomline: There isn't anything exceptional here. Good players deal with game changes by to adapting to them. I think the only issue people have with mount in WvW is that it's not inline with their own ideas about what problems get addressed or how they would prefer them to be addressed. That's not extraordinary for an MMO.

> >


> For a lot of people WvW is the only reason they play gw2.

> And no, these are not problems related to classes, these are problems relate to a poorly implemented mount

> No other games i played had an overpowered mount where you can use it as a shield and gave you such an huge advantage against melee classes.

> In fact most games i played was quite the opposite e.g vanilla wow.

> It SHOULD be easy for melees to dismount people to not render them as useless


> There's no problem in adapting, people already adapt every (un)balance patch released but up to this day i havent seen a addition that annihilated that many classes and builds from the game like Warclaw did



Sounds like it's a matter of opinion ... it's not a problem just because you don't like how they work or you think they shouldn't do something they do. As always, we know Anet will make adjustments if they don't work the way they want them to.


See, that's what you and others are missing. How you think the game should work is completely irrelevant. This is the 'problem' you are alluding too when you say mounts are poorly implemented. I have no doubt that Anet doesn't have the same view of their implementation as you might and what needs to be understood is that there isn't a right or wrong here. There just IS mounts and the DO the things you see them do, not because it's a mistake, but because it's intended. That's not poor implementation.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > I don't understand how any one can see it how reward satisfaction is related to mounts; you might love the rewards and hate the mounts, or hate the rewards and love the mounts, or love both or hate both. They simple have no correlation. What is that relationship if you want to make it? You're asking what you get if you win ... I think you already know the answer to that question, so just say what you want to say.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I already said many times in other threads...

> > > > > > It's about freedom of choice

> > > > > > Mounts kills some builds/classes/playstyles

> > > > > > That's why people don't like mounts

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > Sometimes freedom of choice isn't the best option. Put it this way ... you can still choose to play how you want, it's just not as fun for some people as it was before. That's the trade off between a sand box and a theme park model for MMO. Anet gave players the sand box option in WvW; for whatever reason, it's not working the way they want it.

> > > > >

> > > > > That still doesn't explain how you correlate rewards with mounts ...

> > > >

> > > > Fighting is my reward thats what i like to do in WvW. I (used to) have freedom to choose If im going to roam as a hybrid sword Weaver, a glasscannon FA or to zerg with a staff build.

> > > >

> > > > I cant no longer solo roam as a hybrid sword build because:

> > > > 1- you cant dismount someone as a melee no matter what you do.

> > > > 2- If you try to flip a camp and there's a enemy that dont want to engage, he'll run in circles til their friends come to outnumber me.

> > > > 3 - If i try to run, the first guy will keep me in combat while their friends come to gank me.

> > > >

> > > > So i either play stuck to FA scepter, which i dont like as much and only works against noobs, any decent player would dismount and kill me because i have no cooldowns.

> > > > Warclaw punishes people for initiating a fight.

> > > >

> > > > Or i can play in a zerg, which is pretty much the same as it was pre-mount just adding mobility and stomps

> > > >

> > > > I cant play my favorite build and playstyle anymore and thats how mounts correlates with reward and its why people are so mad with the mount.

> > > >

> > > > I used to see a lot of main warriors and revenants roaming....not anymore

> > > > Now they probably did like me switched to a cheese glass cannon or they just quitted from the game like my entire guild did.

> > > >

> > > > Can you see how many problems i listed in this post?

> > > >

> > > > And dont come with this "theme park" argument, the mode was running for 6 years and a lot of people were still playing despite balance problem,lag, population disparity, and most of people who played and cared for WvW before mount didnt wanted it.

> > > >

> > > > They released warclaw to monetize it and i dont have a problem with that.

> > > > But the way they implemented on top of all existing issues WvW suffers for years is a problem.

> > > > Edit : word

> > >

> > > There are always going to be problems ... WvW isn't going to be everything for everyone. These are fundamental problems with the variations you get with a class-based MMO; they aren't going to ever go away. They exist in every class-based MMO I've ever played. That can't just be a GW2 issue.

> > >

> > > As for fighting being your reward ... that hasn't gone away; it's simply changed the way you fight. You have options and as I think you pointed out previously, you adapted to them. That's the correct approach to playing any MMO for any game mode where the devs change the game.

> > >

> > > Bottomline: There isn't anything exceptional here. Good players deal with game changes by to adapting to them. I think the only issue people have with mount in WvW is that it's not inline with their own ideas about what problems get addressed or how they would prefer them to be addressed. That's not extraordinary for an MMO.

> > >

> >

> > For a lot of people WvW is the only reason they play gw2.

> > And no, these are not problems related to classes, these are problems relate to a poorly implemented mount

> > No other games i played had an overpowered mount where you can use it as a shield and gave you such an huge advantage against melee classes.

> > In fact most games i played was quite the opposite e.g vanilla wow.

> > It SHOULD be easy for melees to dismount people to not render them as useless

> >

> > There's no problem in adapting, people already adapt every (un)balance patch released but up to this day i havent seen a addition that annihilated that many classes and builds from the game like Warclaw did

> >


> Sounds like it's a matter of opinion ... it's not a problem just because you don't like how they work or you think they shouldn't do something they do. As always, we know Anet will make adjustments if they don't work the way they want them to.


> See, that's what you and others are missing. How you think the game should work is completely irrelevant. This is the 'problem' you are alluding too when you say mounts are poorly implemented. I have no doubt that Anet doesn't have the same view of their implementation as you might and what needs to be understood is that there isn't a right or wrong here. There just IS mounts and the DO the things you see them do, not because it's a mistake, but because it's intended. That's not poor implementation.


And yet they gave us a post indicating various fixes for the Warclaw, why? Because of poor implementation.


I'm looking forward to the new dismount ability :sunglasses:

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I don't understand how any one can see it how reward satisfaction is related to mounts; you might love the rewards and hate the mounts, or hate the rewards and love the mounts, or love both or hate both. They simple have no correlation. What is that relationship if you want to make it? You're asking what you get if you win ... I think you already know the answer to that question, so just say what you want to say.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I already said many times in other threads...

> > > > > > > It's about freedom of choice

> > > > > > > Mounts kills some builds/classes/playstyles

> > > > > > > That's why people don't like mounts

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Sometimes freedom of choice isn't the best option. Put it this way ... you can still choose to play how you want, it's just not as fun for some people as it was before. That's the trade off between a sand box and a theme park model for MMO. Anet gave players the sand box option in WvW; for whatever reason, it's not working the way they want it.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > That still doesn't explain how you correlate rewards with mounts ...

> > > > >

> > > > > Fighting is my reward thats what i like to do in WvW. I (used to) have freedom to choose If im going to roam as a hybrid sword Weaver, a glasscannon FA or to zerg with a staff build.

> > > > >

> > > > > I cant no longer solo roam as a hybrid sword build because:

> > > > > 1- you cant dismount someone as a melee no matter what you do.

> > > > > 2- If you try to flip a camp and there's a enemy that dont want to engage, he'll run in circles til their friends come to outnumber me.

> > > > > 3 - If i try to run, the first guy will keep me in combat while their friends come to gank me.

> > > > >

> > > > > So i either play stuck to FA scepter, which i dont like as much and only works against noobs, any decent player would dismount and kill me because i have no cooldowns.

> > > > > Warclaw punishes people for initiating a fight.

> > > > >

> > > > > Or i can play in a zerg, which is pretty much the same as it was pre-mount just adding mobility and stomps

> > > > >

> > > > > I cant play my favorite build and playstyle anymore and thats how mounts correlates with reward and its why people are so mad with the mount.

> > > > >

> > > > > I used to see a lot of main warriors and revenants roaming....not anymore

> > > > > Now they probably did like me switched to a cheese glass cannon or they just quitted from the game like my entire guild did.

> > > > >

> > > > > Can you see how many problems i listed in this post?

> > > > >

> > > > > And dont come with this "theme park" argument, the mode was running for 6 years and a lot of people were still playing despite balance problem,lag, population disparity, and most of people who played and cared for WvW before mount didnt wanted it.

> > > > >

> > > > > They released warclaw to monetize it and i dont have a problem with that.

> > > > > But the way they implemented on top of all existing issues WvW suffers for years is a problem.

> > > > > Edit : word

> > > >

> > > > There are always going to be problems ... WvW isn't going to be everything for everyone. These are fundamental problems with the variations you get with a class-based MMO; they aren't going to ever go away. They exist in every class-based MMO I've ever played. That can't just be a GW2 issue.

> > > >

> > > > As for fighting being your reward ... that hasn't gone away; it's simply changed the way you fight. You have options and as I think you pointed out previously, you adapted to them. That's the correct approach to playing any MMO for any game mode where the devs change the game.

> > > >

> > > > Bottomline: There isn't anything exceptional here. Good players deal with game changes by to adapting to them. I think the only issue people have with mount in WvW is that it's not inline with their own ideas about what problems get addressed or how they would prefer them to be addressed. That's not extraordinary for an MMO.

> > > >

> > >

> > > For a lot of people WvW is the only reason they play gw2.

> > > And no, these are not problems related to classes, these are problems relate to a poorly implemented mount

> > > No other games i played had an overpowered mount where you can use it as a shield and gave you such an huge advantage against melee classes.

> > > In fact most games i played was quite the opposite e.g vanilla wow.

> > > It SHOULD be easy for melees to dismount people to not render them as useless

> > >

> > > There's no problem in adapting, people already adapt every (un)balance patch released but up to this day i havent seen a addition that annihilated that many classes and builds from the game like Warclaw did

> > >

> >

> > Sounds like it's a matter of opinion ... it's not a problem just because you don't like how they work or you think they shouldn't do something they do. As always, we know Anet will make adjustments if they don't work the way they want them to.

> >

> > See, that's what you and others are missing. How you think the game should work is completely irrelevant. This is the 'problem' you are alluding too when you say mounts are poorly implemented. I have no doubt that Anet doesn't have the same view of their implementation as you might and what needs to be understood is that there isn't a right or wrong here. There just IS mounts and the DO the things you see them do, not because it's a mistake, but because it's intended. That's not poor implementation.


> And yet they gave us a post indicating various fixes for the Warclaw, why? Because of poor implementation.


> I'm looking forward to the new dismount ability :sunglasses:


Convince yourself whatever you like. The changes shouldn't make any reasonable person conclude it was because of poor implementation. /shrug. In fact, if your argument is that the things they changed so far are poor implementation, I have to sit here and wonder why the mount still does things it was intended to do when it was released. The fact is that they made some adjustments, true, just like any reasonable developers might make when something is new and needs to be tweaked a little. Nothing here is exceptional.


Whatever your side of the story, get used to what you see here. I'm looking forward to Anet developing mounts further as well, ESPECIALLY as a way to continually address problems in WvW.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > > > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > I don't understand how any one can see it how reward satisfaction is related to mounts; you might love the rewards and hate the mounts, or hate the rewards and love the mounts, or love both or hate both. They simple have no correlation. What is that relationship if you want to make it? You're asking what you get if you win ... I think you already know the answer to that question, so just say what you want to say.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I already said many times in other threads...

> > > > > > > > It's about freedom of choice

> > > > > > > > Mounts kills some builds/classes/playstyles

> > > > > > > > That's why people don't like mounts

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Sometimes freedom of choice isn't the best option. Put it this way ... you can still choose to play how you want, it's just not as fun for some people as it was before. That's the trade off between a sand box and a theme park model for MMO. Anet gave players the sand box option in WvW; for whatever reason, it's not working the way they want it.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > That still doesn't explain how you correlate rewards with mounts ...

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Fighting is my reward thats what i like to do in WvW. I (used to) have freedom to choose If im going to roam as a hybrid sword Weaver, a glasscannon FA or to zerg with a staff build.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I cant no longer solo roam as a hybrid sword build because:

> > > > > > 1- you cant dismount someone as a melee no matter what you do.

> > > > > > 2- If you try to flip a camp and there's a enemy that dont want to engage, he'll run in circles til their friends come to outnumber me.

> > > > > > 3 - If i try to run, the first guy will keep me in combat while their friends come to gank me.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > So i either play stuck to FA scepter, which i dont like as much and only works against noobs, any decent player would dismount and kill me because i have no cooldowns.

> > > > > > Warclaw punishes people for initiating a fight.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Or i can play in a zerg, which is pretty much the same as it was pre-mount just adding mobility and stomps

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I cant play my favorite build and playstyle anymore and thats how mounts correlates with reward and its why people are so mad with the mount.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I used to see a lot of main warriors and revenants roaming....not anymore

> > > > > > Now they probably did like me switched to a cheese glass cannon or they just quitted from the game like my entire guild did.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Can you see how many problems i listed in this post?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > And dont come with this "theme park" argument, the mode was running for 6 years and a lot of people were still playing despite balance problem,lag, population disparity, and most of people who played and cared for WvW before mount didnt wanted it.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > They released warclaw to monetize it and i dont have a problem with that.

> > > > > > But the way they implemented on top of all existing issues WvW suffers for years is a problem.

> > > > > > Edit : word

> > > > >

> > > > > There are always going to be problems ... WvW isn't going to be everything for everyone. These are fundamental problems with the variations you get with a class-based MMO; they aren't going to ever go away. They exist in every class-based MMO I've ever played. That can't just be a GW2 issue.

> > > > >

> > > > > As for fighting being your reward ... that hasn't gone away; it's simply changed the way you fight. You have options and as I think you pointed out previously, you adapted to them. That's the correct approach to playing any MMO for any game mode where the devs change the game.

> > > > >

> > > > > Bottomline: There isn't anything exceptional here. Good players deal with game changes by to adapting to them. I think the only issue people have with mount in WvW is that it's not inline with their own ideas about what problems get addressed or how they would prefer them to be addressed. That's not extraordinary for an MMO.

> > > > >

> > > >

> > > > For a lot of people WvW is the only reason they play gw2.

> > > > And no, these are not problems related to classes, these are problems relate to a poorly implemented mount

> > > > No other games i played had an overpowered mount where you can use it as a shield and gave you such an huge advantage against melee classes.

> > > > In fact most games i played was quite the opposite e.g vanilla wow.

> > > > It SHOULD be easy for melees to dismount people to not render them as useless

> > > >

> > > > There's no problem in adapting, people already adapt every (un)balance patch released but up to this day i havent seen a addition that annihilated that many classes and builds from the game like Warclaw did

> > > >

> > >

> > > Sounds like it's a matter of opinion ... it's not a problem just because you don't like how they work or you think they shouldn't do something they do. As always, we know Anet will make adjustments if they don't work the way they want them to.

> > >

> > > See, that's what you and others are missing. How you think the game should work is completely irrelevant. This is the 'problem' you are alluding too when you say mounts are poorly implemented. I have no doubt that Anet doesn't have the same view of their implementation as you might and what needs to be understood is that there isn't a right or wrong here. There just IS mounts and the DO the things you see them do, not because it's a mistake, but because it's intended. That's not poor implementation.

> >

> > And yet they gave us a post indicating various fixes for the Warclaw, why? Because of poor implementation.

> >

> > I'm looking forward to the new dismount ability :sunglasses:


> Convince yourself whatever you like. The changes shouldn't make any reasonable person conclude it was poor implementation. /shrug


> Whatever your side of the story, get used to what you see here. I'm looking forward to Anet developing mounts further as well, ESPECIALLY as a way to continually address problems in WvW.


Nothing to convince myself of, the facts are there.

It was implemented > There was backlash about certain things > The fixes are coming.

In your own words "I'm looking forward to Anet developing mounts further", and I agree with you, can't wait for dismount ability :sunglasses:


For some reason you think there is sides, If I were to pick one I'd say I'm on the side that represents an even playing field for all players regardless of their play-styles or classes, mounts are allowed but not disruptive to ANY aspect of ANY preferred way to play WvW including Roaming, "gankers" or what ever the kids call it now, Zerging, Solo roaming/exploring/Roleplaying, havok groups, utility squads, scouts, duo roaming with some random you met at a sentry and so forth as I it appears I'm the only weird F-tard here that actually dabbles in everything, gotta belong to groups now I guess and pick sides like high schoolers or somethin.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> For some reason you think there is sides, If I were to pick one I'd say I'm on the side that represents an even playing field for all players regardless of their play-styles or classes, mounts are allowed but not disruptive to ANY aspect of ANY preferred way to play WvW including Roaming, "gankers" or what ever the kids call it now, Zerging, Solo roaming/exploring/Roleplaying, havok groups, utility squads, scouts, duo roaming with some random you met at a sentry and so forth as I it appears I'm the only weird F-kitten here that actually dabbles in everything, gotta belong to groups now I guess and pick sides like high schoolers or somethin.

Well all of that is still possible and like 98% have mount so its a perfectly even playing field again. Relatively speaking.

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To be completely honest, there already are dismount tactics, Also, I find it highly irregular for Anet to develop a mount that makes it difficult to get dismounted from and then they turn around and give people a dismount skill. That simply isn't inline with the concept of the Warclaw. I would love the irony of a dismount skill ... added to a new mount. Would be hilarious indeed.


If I'm on a 'side', it's on the side of the reality of how Anet has developed this game for the last 6 years, which has nothing to do with what a group of angry players think. Case in point: mounts in WvW.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Whatever your side of the story, get used to what you see here. I'm looking forward to Anet developing mounts further as well, ESPECIALLY as a way to continually address problems in WvW.



Mounts cant fix lag, actually made it worse

Mounts cant fix population issues

Mounts cant fix balance


What problems do you expect mounts will solve that was not created by the mount itself?

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You're right, those aren't problems mounts solve ... and those aren't necessarily things Anet controls either, so implying they addressed a problem they can solve is 'wrong' over ones not under their control is disingenuous to begin with. You might as well complain Anet isn't solving hunger, climate change or world peace either.


What is real is that Anet saw an opportunity to address some problems with a mount, so they did it. There are other problems that mounts can address as well, so get ready for more of the same. If you think 'fixes' for any of the things you listed are coming, you just don't have a very realistic view of how MMO's work.


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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > For some reason you think there is sides, If I were to pick one I'd say I'm on the side that represents an even playing field for all players regardless of their play-styles or classes, mounts are allowed but not disruptive to ANY aspect of ANY preferred way to play WvW including Roaming, "gankers" or what ever the kids call it now, Zerging, Solo roaming/exploring/Roleplaying, havok groups, utility squads, scouts, duo roaming with some random you met at a sentry and so forth as I it appears I'm the only weird F-kitten here that actually dabbles in everything, gotta belong to groups now I guess and pick sides like high schoolers or somethin.

> Well all of that is still possible and like 98% have mount so its a perfectly even playing field again. Relatively speaking.


You are correct BUT I was specifically thinking about hard CC's, soft CC's and no current dismount ability which dismantles a lot of fun builds associated with those play styles and there's no point in playing a game that isn't fun which is why I'm really happy to hear about a dismount ability, this fixes a lot for me and from the looks of the forums, a lot for others too.

Soft CC's would have fixed a lot for me too to be honest, what's the point of Magnetic Leap and skills alike if they have permanent immunity to such skills, and some classes are built around those skills.


It's just a bit over tuned at the moment and as Obtena said, it's going to need some further development and I too look forward to that.



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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> You're right, those aren't problems mounts solve ... and those aren't necessarily things Anet controls either, so implying they addressed a problem they can solve is 'wrong' over ones not under their control is disingenuous to begin with. You might as well complain Anet isn't solving hunger, climate change or world peace either.




Ok, i will ask again.

What problems do you expect mounts will solve?

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> @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > You're right, those aren't problems mounts solve ... and those aren't necessarily things Anet controls either, so implying they addressed a problem they can solve is 'wrong' over ones not under their control is disingenuous to begin with. You might as well complain Anet isn't solving hunger, climate change or world peace either.

> >

> >


> Ok, i will ask again.

> What problems do you expect mounts will solve?


The ones Anet thinks they can address with mounts in WvW. Clearly, Warclaw solves some problems for people in WvW already, they have already stated why they like them. I can't think that's some accident. Ruins the game for some people? Sure, but we already went over all this, so you asking me this question is just you baiting.


Don't want people on mounts? There is already a dismount solution for that ... use it. Adapt to the game.


What I find really dishonest is that you asking me that question implies you can't imagine any problems mount would solve yourself. Love or hate, if you can't think of something mounts would be useful for in WvW, you're just not thinking hard enough.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > You're right, those aren't problems mounts solve ... and those aren't necessarily things Anet controls either, so implying they addressed a problem they can solve is 'wrong' over ones not under their control is disingenuous to begin with. You might as well complain Anet isn't solving hunger, climate change or world peace either.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Ok, i will ask again.

> > What problems do you expect mounts will solve?


> The ones Anet thinks they can address with mounts in WvW. Clearly, Warclaw solves some problems for people in WvW already, they have already stated why they like them. I can't think that's some accident. Ruins the game for some people? Sure, but we already went over all this, so you asking me this question is just you baiting.

If you played WvW enough pre-mount you would know that Anet is pretty bad at solving problems they created.

One recent example i can think of is permastealth DE's, instead of limiting the ammount of stealth, they added a marked mechanic which affected ALL stealth classes that werent a problem before and DE's could still permastealth but not in certain places.


> Don't want people on mounts? There is already a dismount solution for that ... use it. Adapt to the game.


> What I find really dishonest is that you asking me that question implies you can't imagine any problems mount would solve yourself. Love or hate, if you can't think of something mounts would be useful for in WvW, you're just not thinking hard enough.


Aside from movespeed?

I cant think of any other problems it can solve, instead now Anet have to spent resources to fix problems they created

Thats why im asking you.

Im trying to understand the benefits of a mount but it seems you dont have a personal opnion other than "people says its good" or " if Anet did they're right"


What i find really is dishonest is you comparing WvW issues (WHICH ANET CONTROLS) with hunger, world peace and climate change that was completely nonsense.





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> @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"spectrito.8513" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > You're right, those aren't problems mounts solve ... and those aren't necessarily things Anet controls either, so implying they addressed a problem they can solve is 'wrong' over ones not under their control is disingenuous to begin with. You might as well complain Anet isn't solving hunger, climate change or world peace either.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > Ok, i will ask again.

> > > What problems do you expect mounts will solve?

> >

> > The ones Anet thinks they can address with mounts in WvW. Clearly, Warclaw solves some problems for people in WvW already, they have already stated why they like them. I can't think that's some accident. Ruins the game for some people? Sure, but we already went over all this, so you asking me this question is just you baiting.

> If you played WvW enough pre-mount you would know that Anet is pretty bad at solving problems they created.


Great, so the problems you listed are ones they aren't going to be able to deal with either. Therefore, those problems existing aren't a reason for them to not introduce mounts.

> >

> > Don't want people on mounts? There is already a dismount solution for that ... use it. Adapt to the game.

> >

> > What I find really dishonest is that you asking me that question implies you can't imagine any problems mount would solve yourself. Love or hate, if you can't think of something mounts would be useful for in WvW, you're just not thinking hard enough.


> Aside from movespeed?

> I cant think of any other problems it can solve, instead now Anet have to spent resources to fix problems they created


I guess you haven't been paying attention to the reasons people say they like it then. I mean, I'm not turning this into what I think vs. what you think; that's just irrelevant banter. What is going on here is me saying that the mount is just another game change that people need to adapt to, even if the problems it solves are ones people don't think exist, ones that they think aren't important enough to solve or even problems that aren't specific to WvW.


Hell, even it creates problems ... I still don't see an issue with that. If the problems it makes is not that big an impact, we can live with that.

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> @"Nightshade.2570" said:

> In this discussion I am hoping to engage experienced WvWers to post up ideas or things they have tried to help all the people who are finding it hard to adjust to the new warclaw playstyle and how to continue to play the game in the manner they enjoy.


> It is true that sitting at a spawn in stealth and killing players as they leave it-is pretty dead. It is also a lot harder to catch people among st the ruins as they try to return to a commander because they were afk or on a break. If one/two shot stealth builds were the way you enjoyed playing you are going to find that that has definitely gone away. However, thats good as it discouraged players from wvwing and not having those players means less people to fight in the long run.


> So I am going to list a few of the things i have tried on my own with one or two friends to engage in the roaming play style.


> 1. We loaded up on mark traps and would drop them in known spots so that we could mark our targets and more easily follow them around when they got out of sight. Typically we found that people would pop all the evades then slow down when they got out of view of us. We would then stealth on our warclaws catch up quickly and take them out at that point from surprise. It gets pretty fun to hunt your prey and often found it to be alot more mentally rewarding. *this works well solo roaming to


> 2. We began following tags a distance whenever they would engage in a fight we would pick off the enemy strays or the people trying to run back to the fight.


> 3. We would look for orange swords and or swords on large things like keeps so we could set up little traps for people. Have one player on mount another off and have the first nonmounted player try to blast the mount down (I mean7k damage is easy when they arent expecting it) then the mounted player would pounce the down.)


> There are probably a million more ways you can do this but honestly there are still ways to roam. I would encourage those of you struggling to roam out there to go a bit outside the box and think up new ways/builds that will work well with this new style of play.



2 is obvious thing to do already roamer did no?

3 would be sitting between fights and respawn spot from enemy so u can kill loners trying to get back. <- which is near impossible nowadays unless ur on condi rev or find some handless players who cant get away from u on a mount.


as for 1 i never bother putting traps the hell is point of that? 90% of people run in same "circle" not so hard to go figure out where they are going next.

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