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class switching is getting way too out of hand

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:

> > @"bbop.9706" said:

> > I love the option to switch. It makes up for the terrible matchmaking and is an opportunity to counterplay a mismatched comp.

> >

> > More often than not though, people switch to a worse comp (in gold 3/plat 1 at least).

> >

> > If you have a problem with it, it's because you yourself are married to one role or profession and have no flexibility.

> >

> >

> > It is an important feature and should be left alone.

> >


> remove the ready timer then it will be more on an even playing field, so i can switch and respec after i see what they switched to


Thats a terrible idea, it would be too long between matches. What's wrong with switching? Just have your other toons set up already.


I'll pick 2 or 3 builds each season and switch accordingly. My mouse and KB are also set up so i can swithc keybinds on the fly. EZ.

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You can always do what some streamers do. Queue up on what you believe is the most underpowered class (if you ask incisorr that means mirage hah). So you queue on a class you want your enemy team to have. The match maker tries to put one of those classes on enemy team to balance against you. Once map loads you queue the class your want or even better the one that counters the class you queued on.



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> @"JTGuevara.9018" said:

> Here's an unpopular opinion. I think class switching shouldn't be allowed AT ALL. You queued up against your hard-counter? TOUGH. Deal with it. All this class switching does is take away the spontaneous aspect of pvp.


respect +1


the matchmaking algorithm is definitely not perfect and requires some tuning, but i dont see it should become an excuse and mantra to class swap


I'm all for the randomness of matchmaking, just like you said, take away class swapping leave everything to spontaneous aspect of pvp



If I happened to endup against a class that I will have a difficult time to deal with? deal with it, if I get trashed I get trashed, not complaining


but not 2 ppl on the same team switchover to scourge when they already had a scourge, then constantly bunker down points through bombing

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It's a conveinence. Not everyone is sitting there on the character they plan to play in pvp while in queue. Sometimes I just prefer a certain prof or character on certain maps. Sometimes our comp is bad but would be okay if someone swaps. Sometimes you get the same matchups repeatedly and it's nice to switch profs/tactics a bit.

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The only way I can see to be able to lock professions in matches is by allowing people to queue with more than one profession.

Otherwise, if profession were locked and matchmaking considered professions, we'd have way longer matchmaking times when stars align and too many people pick the same profession.


People queue with a different profession for reasons like doing something else with a different character while waiting, like crafting or gathering materials. Or like not getting matches with their preferred profession, so they switch to one that gets matches more often.


If we could instead talk with an NPC or open a tab in the PvP panel that has a list of all of our characters, and select up to 9 of them, one per profession, to indicate the ones with whom we want to queue, and sort them in the order we prefer from highest priority to lowest, people would be able to queue with up to 9 different characters, the system would get way more professions to choose from, and we'd be able to have matches that check professions and profession locking much more comfortably.


Once that is in place, if you want shorter times, you'd select more professions, and once inside, you would have to play with whichever profession you picked was selected.

This means that players with truly higher skill that can play well with any profession would do overall better than specialists that stick with less professions and builds.

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The matchmaking system is supposed to not bring more than 1 player with the same class into a team. Not locking professions before a game starts just leads to people enrolling as an ele or thief just to avoid getting an ele or thief on their own team. Its like a counterplay to the matchmaking system. Either fully commit to the matchmaking system and enable profession lock, or disband the profession algorithm in matchmaking and make it mmr-based solely.

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Certain high ranked players tend to queue on double necro, ensuring their team doesn't have one and the enemy team is likely to have on or two, and then swap to classes that hard counter necromancer and proceed to farm them all game. This isn't just they switch occasionally when it suits their composition to do so. This is how they approach every game. It's this type of matchmaker manipulation that's going to ruin class switching for everyone.

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Only two ways you can justify disabling the ability to class swap is:

1) Forcing a class lock on arena entrance, removing the ability for more than 1 of any spec on the same team (no double mirage, no double chrono, but could have 1 mirage and 1 chrono), and locking elite specs on arena entrance (can't q as chrono and swap the espec to mirage to get a favorable matchup)

2) Class lock and prevent more than 1 of the same class on each team (still allows for espec switching to help with the whole "needing room to counterbuild" issue)


I personally would rather see the 2nd solution because it adds value to knowing all parts of your class. For example, it would mean a player who can play firebrand support and core dps guard would be more valuable to a team than just someone who was really good at core guard because the guy with more depth of class knowledge/ability has the ability to swap their build to help round out the team better.


Edit: Also 2nd solution requires implementation of build templates in the game so build switching is more manageable when it is required

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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> Certain high ranked players tend to queue on double necro, ensuring their team doesn't have one and the enemy team is likely to have on or two, and then swap to classes that hard counter necromancer and proceed to farm them all game. This isn't just they switch occasionally when it suits their composition to do so. This is how they approach every game. It's this type of matchmaker manipulation that's going to ruin class switching for everyone.


yup exactly like what i also wrote about above.. You can even do this solo queue to a certain extent

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> @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> The matchmaking system is supposed to not bring more than 1 player with the same class into a team.

This is incorrect. The matchmaking gives a *slight* preference to add a unique profession to a team over a duplicate one. Similar rating and time in queue still vastly outweigh the preference for unique professions on a team.



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> @"Exedore.6320" said:

> > @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> > The matchmaking system is supposed to not bring more than 1 player with the same class into a team.

> This is incorrect. The matchmaking gives a *slight* preference to add a unique profession to a team over a duplicate one. Similar rating and time in queue still vastly outweigh the preference for unique professions on a team.




So in the context of the rest of my post it is correct. Thank you. Its part of the matchmaking system, its irrelevant how big that part is.

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