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WvW Lag


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The lag is so ridiculous my WvW guild quit 40 minutes into reset. If this isn't fixed soon I'm afraid we are going to see a mass exodus of players from the game mode. We already have a few players who have quit playing and a lot more talking about leaving. But, we do get to ride a cat we didn't ask for.

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> @"Farout.8207" said:

> The lag is so ridiculous my WvW guild quit 40 minutes into reset. If this isn't fixed soon I'm afraid we are going to see a mass exodus of players from the game mode. We already have a few players who have quit playing and a lot more talking about leaving. But, we do get to ride a cat we didn't ask for.


Usually Saturday is the busiest night for my havok grp, we usually pull 10-15 and we had 5...and the few times we followed the ebg tag...the fights were laggy in 2ways.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Skill lags are one thing but I also noticed around the last mount update that players have performance issues in wvw but also in other content me included.

Its didn't came with the introduction of the mounts but after the whole event was over. Skins maybe a reason but this doesn't explain longer load times of maps(basically after you jumped and the game hasn't load all this process became slower) or the worsening of performance in fractals.


Also the time you need to wait until you can mount has increased (Or otherwise you have those rubber band effect where you seemingly not move and suddenly your position gets updated).


I first thought this is just me but in the wvw Teamspeak of my server I heard a lot of similar complains. Wvw in this condition is unplayable.

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There’s no problems if there’s no thread about it, that’s how it gets fixed, expect more lag within next expansion elite specs due how they need to spam overperform the actual one to become a need for the lower effort gimmicks, more aoe like that over boss where players get insta rezed...


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There have been numerous threads about this. ANet devs have been aware/acknowledged this issue for years. The problem is it is a core engine issue -- something that may not be able to be resolved; or resolved without significant impact, thus testing, thus -- from a development perspective, flushing money down the toilet.


Don't expect to ever see a fix. I certainly hope I'm wrong, but from a financial perspective, it doesn't make sense to fix this.

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> @"Ni In.6578" said:

> There have been numerous threads about this. ANet devs have been aware/acknowledged this issue for years. The problem is it is a core engine issue -- something that may not be able to be resolved; or resolved without significant impact, thus testing, thus -- from a development perspective, flushing money down the toilet.


> Don't expect to ever see a fix. I certainly hope I'm wrong, but from a financial perspective, it doesn't make sense to fix this.


I think a simple test would be to ask any player that knows someone who plays on the Chinese version of Guild Wars 2 and see if they experience similar issues.

We will then be able to know if its server related or a game engine issue.

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ANet has already transferred from in-house servers residing in TX to AWS on the east coast region. So we've already had a 'hardware' change with no improvement. It's certainly possible that they're similarly specc'ed but to be honest, they know what the load is on these servers. If just scaling up doesn't work, it's an engine problem.

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> @"Ni In.6578" said:

> ANet has already transferred from in-house servers residing in TX to AWS on the east coast region. So we've already had a 'hardware' change with no improvement. It's certainly possible that they're similarly specc'ed but to be honest, they know what the load is on these servers. If just scaling up doesn't work, it's an engine problem.


AWS has no 'spec' in this way the whole point of AWS/cloud computing is you can scale basically the system can react automatically on more demand by getting more CPUs assigned. There are 2(3) possibilities how this can go wrong besides missing implementation.


1.) The server don't use multi threading wow bummer you are a unicorn under the servers

2.) How much resources can be assigned can be setup if you make them fix or cap them where they were the whole system don't help you. If you don't want flexible resource Cloud systems are more expansive then normal ones and doesn't make sense then.

3.) They did it just to go with the hype.


To say it clear this will solve only skill lags if it works.(and maybe the ruber band effect of the mounts)



The performance issues on the other side having more to do with the clients extra effects + textures from legendaries and IS skins are the main culprit because you can't say the client I don't want to see them and maybe some memory fragmentation which would explain the longer load time for maps.


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The performance issues client side (such as texture or geometry loading) should be classified as a bug, as well. There's (probably) no good reason that the client has such poor loading performance.


Server side, it _at some point_ the actions all players make must be serialized. This does not lend well to multi-threading. Imagine trying to have multiple threads and merging them so often to determine who hit what and when. It wouldn't work.


Likely we're just looking at too many instructions being passed through a single threaded portion of code server-side. There's no resolving that -- perhaps improving, as in there may be optimizations that could be made in those serialized instructions, but again, it brings no financial gain to work on the engine at such a low level when it mostly "works" today.

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  • 9 months later...

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