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Any content/way for small guilds (of 3+) to level up?

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Hi all,


I'm perfectly fine with our small family guild not being able to do a fraction of the things large guilds can. That's the price we pay for staying small. But, is there any content we can do as a guild? I'm just not that familiar with guild quests and guild halls, and it seems our small guild may be precluded from experiencing these things.


TIA for your thoughts.

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Here you go: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_mission#List_of_opportunities

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_hall#Claiming_a_guild_hall (You can ask others to help with the 'mission', though you may have enough already with 3+, depending on the +.)


Many have posted about upgrading their Guild Hall all by themselves. Good luck.

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Bounties (easy level since you only get 1 target to go for)

Races (difficulty depending on skill or other guilds being around to share progression)

Treks (easy, poss medium but you'd need to use a wiki guide)


Are all doable with that number. I have been part of 2 guilds - one which levelled to about 47 and another to about 20, both with maybe 1-5 people on at a given time. None of us were of a high skill level.


If you want a Guild Hall, you will need probably 5 people, but people are generally happy to assist on the forum or in game. Levelling the hall then becomes a combination of time and money investment - it's just slower with a small guild is all.

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We have captured all 3 guild halls with 4-5 people and have leveled the guild to lv67 by doing missions with 1-5. Puzzles and some challenges are the only ones where numbers become an issue. Races can be done with other people(puzzles and challenges can be too but those are not as straight forward). The only reason we are not at max level(we've been at 67 since around June of 2016) is because the remaining ones are all Objective Auras which aren't really worth it.

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> Honestly the biggest obstruction will be the cost. With a big guild this can be more spread around. Some things you're simply going to have to buy as opposed to asking for donations. Emerald orbs I'm looking at you.


Compared to the 780 Mystic Coins ... probably not that bad


Only 500 Emerald Orbs are used for guild upgrades and 500 of those is for the guild arena

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> @"Oyjord.2508" said:

> Hi all,


> I'm perfectly fine with our small family guild not being able to do a fraction of the things large guilds can. That's the price we pay for staying small. But, is there any content we can do as a guild? I'm just not that familiar with guild quests and guild halls, and it seems our small guild may be precluded from experiencing these things.


> TIA for your thoughts.


The easiest way to do any of the Bounty or Run Missions is to get help from those around the map. With Runs you can typically find a larger guild doing theirs and piggyback for credit. Both win this way, just make sure that your Run mission is active. As for Hall claiming, as stated by others, there are plenty of players that will help out. The cost is 100G to claim it though, so you and your guild may want to visit someone else's first to check them out before deciding.

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> @"Oyjord.2508" said:

> Very helpful replies, all, thank you! I wonder if our main 3-man guild group can easy-level guild bounties... Might be fun to try.


> Again, thanks for the tips.


Have seen guild bounties done with 2 people, it scales well. That said if you run the bounties on the day of or after reset you might find other guilds doing them at the same time so use map chat indicating the bounty target and others might be hunting it that you can team up with. Works the same as collaborating together on races.

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Having basically solo'd my guild from level 15 or so to 53 (we're 54, got some wonderful new guildies that have been helping), don't get discouraged by the process and the expense. It's been a long 3 years getting to where we are today, but, it's been rewarding to. A couple of suggestions, park a toon in malchor's leap down by the tree farm at Pagga's Waypoint, you're going to need the elder wood and mithril like crazy. Park the rest of your toons at the flax farm in Verdant Brink (or Draconis Mons, but at least one in VB). And use one of the toons in VB to do daily runs on the quartz nodes in Dry Top - there are the two regular nodes on the east side of the map, and the 3rd node bounces between the Inquest Base and the 3rd crash site in Challenger Cliffs areas; and if you hit a T4 map, you can get the rich quartz node inside Cragrock Palace. You can also find some quartz in the zepharite area in Crystal Oasis, but from a farming standpoint, DT is easier than dealing with the forged in CO. You're going to need a rediculous amount of mithril, elder wood, quartz crystals, and flax seeds. Just keep at it, you'll get there eventually.


Oh, and make sure you have a gw2efficiency account with your API key - as GL you can import the state of your guild and see what you can work on, what you have in the treasury, and which upgrades you have to complete to get whichever one you want to work on next. It's made planning so much easier for me!

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> @"Oyjord.2508" said:

> Very helpful replies, all, thank you! I wonder if our main 3-man guild group can easy-level guild bounties... Might be fun to try.


> Again, thanks for the tips.


The easy bounties only have 3 possible targets. Trillia Midwell, Poobadoo and Brekkabek. Trillia is soloable. The other two might be as well but definitely doable with 3. You should check the wiki to be familiar with their mechanics.


Edit: Just went and fought Poobadoo with basically 3 people. Pretty easy fight.


If you want to tackle the medium bounties it would help to have at least one more person. Have 3 people go after one target and the 4th goes to search for the next target and if you have a 5th have them search for the last target. Once the first group is done killing they can go join the 4th person who has hopefully found the target already. Sotzz and Yanonka are spawned using things that are at fixed locations around the map so you could make that easier by parking characters next to them before starting the guild missions then you can just rotate through your characters to check instead of having to spend more time running around.


Treks are basically the easiest way you get get stuff for leveling the guild. Easy treks can be solo'ed easily even without mounts. With mounts even hard treks should be easily doable with 3. The prep work for treks is basically core world completion although the only important things you need are the WP but it helps to know how to get around to the different objectives. They become much easier as you become more familiar with them.


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Blightwater_Shatterstrike guild challenge is arguably easier with fewer people. 5 would be ideal but 3 is fine too.


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Branded_for_Termination Might be doable as well but you will definitely need to become familiar with the champions and probably adjust your build to match


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deep_Trouble These two might be easier now given the power creep that has happened starting with HoT.

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> @"Oyjord.2508" said:

> Very helpful replies, all, thank you! I wonder if our main 3-man guild group can easy-level guild bounties... Might be fun to try.


> Again, thanks for the tips.


You will be able to, especially if you do them shortly after the weekly reset for missions when other guilds will be out and about doing them

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Make sure you set your guild missions to PVE as most of the WvW and PvP missions require 3+ at the same time. PvE missions can be done solo or as others have suggested you can either ask for help in map or piggy back off other guilds doing them.


It took me one year to fully upgrade my guild hall solo, the hardest part was the sheer amount of materials. Missions were not bad but there will be times you cannot complete the easy ones and you just have to accept it. Most of the easy, single target bounties can be solo'd and if you don't feel comfortable with that, you can always ask in map chat and you'll usually get help. The races are just a matter of learning the route and while you can complete an easy race and some medium races solo they are things that you can piggy back with other guilds as others have suggested. Treks are very easy and a solo person can do the easy ones solo with no problem. The medium and hard treks can be done solo but they require a character with map completion and you need to know the locations of the trek indicator. Use the in-game wiki (or the link from the gw2 homepage) The trek locations are random and some sets are much easier than others. If you activate one, you can always cancel and restart it if needed.


For claiming the guild hall, ask on the forums here or use map chat. A competent 3 or 4 person party can easily do it but you need to know the locations of the possible spawns and the layout of the guild hall.


Good Luck

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> @"Oyjord.2508" said:

> Very helpful replies, all, thank you! I wonder if our main 3-man guild group can easy-level guild bounties... Might be fun to try.


> Again, thanks for the tips.


Even if you can't do it with 3, there will probably be other guilds looking to do it too. As long as your mission is active anyone can join in for the fight. Go into the map where your bounty is and ask in mapchat if anyone is doing the same bounty. There's a pretty good chance there is. Guild races work the same. There can be several guilds running a race, as long as your mission is active only one of your members needs to complete to get credit for your guild. Just go to the NPC at the finish and end your mission while the counter is 15/15. Another suggestion would be if you have members that also belong to bigger guilds they can ask for a few extra people to round out a mission. Having some allies higher up in a bigger guild can be beneficial and they might party up with you while they do theirs. As far as getting a Hall, as was already mentioned, put it up in LFG and you'll probably be able to get some help. One tip on that is the difficulty scales up considerably with a larger group. A party of no more than 8 is what you want. Good luck.

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