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Hey Non WvWers, what turns you off about WvW?

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the bitter irony tho


kick a thief or ranger from your squad and suddenly the wvw community is toxic....


just like pve has established a meta, so did wvw. a squad works together. there are the damùage dealers, the corrupters, the healers and the buffers.


maybe all the wvw folks need to start doing pve (raids/fracs) in their wvw build, see howlong it will last before they get kicked.

don't pretend this is only awvw-related problem, we know damn well this isn't

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> I think the issue is also that wvw has not much variety each keep is almost the same how to capture it how to defend it. Perhaps some more versatile buildings with different defenses. Also keep lords are boring punishing bags.


> What turned me off before was lag and low mobility but since warclaw I go daily


I'm a regular players and I agree. They tried that with Desert Borderland though, and it was reviled and trashed by a small but very vocal minority on the WvW boards. But I would love to see the 2nd Alpine map replaced with something different, and for Lord/Guards to be a bit more aware of attacks on their tower/keep. Why do _camp guards_ respond to attackers better than ones on a tower?


> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> I like to play my own builds, so I don't get into the whole meta thing. In WvW I'm just not good enough to handle other players, so I don't enjoy getting trounced. Some, but not all, of my experiences have been less than positive with the community there, too. I have limited time to be online due to work, family, etc and I prefer to spend it with content that I enjoy. WvW is not that content.


Look for guilds that don't demand Meta build. [Owls], [RaW], [HELL] and my own [TACO] in Kaineng all don't require or ask for meta builds. We ask that you know how YOUR build works, how to get the most survival out of it, and to just be on the Discord so you can hear plans easier (taking the time to text plans is death in WvW). We recommend using more toughness or vitality in your build if you're normally full zerker, but that's only recommend, not require.


> @"mbhalo.1547" said:

> There is no goal. No one cares about score. Winning doesn't mean anything. Zero excitement. Everything flips back and forwards, its just boring. Also lots of veteran WVW-rs are very strange people, lots of toxicity and drama as well.


I see your point and agree there. There is no 'winning' which makes it really hard to care about the score. My guild alliance is that way. We mostly focus on just having fin with the mode as is, which to us is breaking into T3 objectives and flipping them when the enemy is focused on SMC just to piss em off.


> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> I’m a wvw player and what turns me off wvw the most is the ridiculous scourge spam,how can anyone at arenanet spend 5 minutes in the game mode and not be like wow this is not good at all. Not surprising though I gues.


Been long saying that the biggest issue with WvW and why we have the pirate ship meta (or now the Circling Warcat meta) is that there is no downside to AoE anymore.


General rule of thumb for D&D (most table top RPGs/Battle games really) and damage/effects is;


single target melee > single target range > one shot AoE damage > damage over time AoE > Control effects


With the single target melee having the least 'cooldown' but being highest risk, and as you go to the right they get more reward but higher cooldown because they are more game changing.


At the very least, GW2 needs to cap AoE/Damage over time and spreading boons to allies in WvW/PvP to 3 instead of 5. And the AoE cooldowns all need to be higher, so that using them is a larger tactical choice, instead of a commander being able to call out 'bomb choke" or "bomb my target" and 80% of the people able to respond each time cause no cooldown.

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > I think the issue is also that wvw has not much variety each keep is almost the same how to capture it how to defend it. Perhaps some more versatile buildings with different defenses. Also keep lords are boring punishing bags.

> >

> > What turned me off before was lag and low mobility but since warclaw I go daily


> I'm a regular players and I agree. They tried that with Desert Borderland though, and it was reviled and trashed by a small but very vocal minority on the WvW boards. But I would love to see the 2nd Alpine map replaced with something different, and for Lord/Guards to be a bit more aware of attacks on their tower/keep. Why do _camp guards_ respond to attackers better than ones on a tower?


> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > I like to play my own builds, so I don't get into the whole meta thing. In WvW I'm just not good enough to handle other players, so I don't enjoy getting trounced. Some, but not all, of my experiences have been less than positive with the community there, too. I have limited time to be online due to work, family, etc and I prefer to spend it with content that I enjoy. WvW is not that content.


> Look for guilds that don't demand Meta build. [Owls], [RaW], [HELL] and my own [TACO] in Kaineng all don't require or ask for meta builds. We ask that you know how YOUR build works, how to get the most survival out of it, and to just be on the Discord so you can hear plans easier (taking the time to text plans is death in WvW). We recommend using more toughness or vitality in your build if you're normally full zerker, but that's only recommend, not require.


> > @"mbhalo.1547" said:

> > There is no goal. No one cares about score. Winning doesn't mean anything. Zero excitement. Everything flips back and forwards, its just boring. Also lots of veteran WVW-rs are very strange people, lots of toxicity and drama as well.


> I see your point and agree there. There is no 'winning' which makes it really hard to care about the score. My guild alliance is that way. We mostly focus on just having fin with the mode as is, which to us is breaking into T3 objectives and flipping them when the enemy is focused on SMC just to kitten em off.


> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > I’m a wvw player and what turns me off wvw the most is the ridiculous scourge spam,how can anyone at arenanet spend 5 minutes in the game mode and not be like wow this is not good at all. Not surprising though I gues.


> Been long saying that the biggest issue with WvW and why we have the pirate ship meta (or now the Circling Warcat meta) is that there is no downside to AoE anymore.


> General rule of thumb for D&D (most table top RPGs/Battle games really) and damage/effects is;


> single target melee > single target range > one shot AoE damage > damage over time AoE > Control effects


> With the single target melee having the least 'cooldown' but being highest risk, and as you go to the right they get more reward but higher cooldown because they are more game changing.


> At the very least, GW2 needs to cap AoE/Damage over time and spreading boons to allies in WvW/PvP to 3 instead of 5. And the AoE cooldowns all need to be higher, so that using them is a larger tactical choice, instead of a commander being able to call out 'bomb choke" or "bomb my target" and 80% of the people able to respond each time cause no cooldown.




so after everything is used, we can press 111111 and pretend we are killing shadow behemoth

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I find it strange there is no open world pvp servers in GW2. Or at least a flagging system. Im not talking about instance pvp like wvw is, i mean the whole kit a actual server to level and play on thats pvp. Then everyone who likes to fight other players would have that option. WvW is a zerg , and pvp in the mists is just small little instanced fights. But a server you live on and level on do dailies on and raid on now thats pvp. Running into another player while doing a heart and having to decide if you want to engage or just let it slide. I prefer actual pvp that pops out of the blue with a few players or one on one, because zergs dont really do much other than steam roll someone.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> Hey Non WvWers, what turns you off about WvW? And what may get you interested in playing it more often?


Would you like a list?


The idea sounds interesting but it seems the only way to get anything done is in a zerg. If I try to go off by myself, like I can do most places in PVE, I will get wiped out by an enemy zerg in no time and have to WP to the beginning.

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> I find it strange there is no open world pvp servers in GW2. Or at least a flagging system. Im not talking about instance pvp like wvw is, i mean the whole kit a actual server to level and play on thats pvp. Then everyone who likes to fight other players would have that option. WvW is a zerg , and pvp in the mists is just small little instanced fights. But a server you live on and level on do dailies on and raid on now thats pvp. Running into another player while doing a heart and having to decide if you want to engage or just let it slide. I prefer actual pvp that pops out of the blue with a few players or one on one, because zergs dont really do much other than steam roll someone.


That wouldn't work in GW2 because there are only two servers (plus China which is its own game). NA and EU. Although there are still legacy server names and those do (for now) affect your WvW teams, for the most part your individual server means nothing and any map instance you join will have a mix of people from all the servers. There isn't a framework to split out those who want open world PvP from those who would quit the game if it happened.

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > I find it strange there is no open world pvp servers in GW2. Or at least a flagging system. Im not talking about instance pvp like wvw is, i mean the whole kit a actual server to level and play on thats pvp. Then everyone who likes to fight other players would have that option. WvW is a zerg , and pvp in the mists is just small little instanced fights. But a server you live on and level on do dailies on and raid on now thats pvp. Running into another player while doing a heart and having to decide if you want to engage or just let it slide. I prefer actual pvp that pops out of the blue with a few players or one on one, because zergs dont really do much other than steam roll someone.


> That wouldn't work in GW2 because there are only two servers (plus China which is its own game). NA and EU. Although there are still legacy server names and those do (for now) affect your WvW teams, for the most part your individual server means nothing and any map instance you join will have a mix of people from all the servers. There isn't a framework to split out those who want open world PvP from those who would quit the game if it happened.


Whoa only 2 servers? But i tried to get in like 5 dif ones and they were full.

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > @"Donari.5237" said:

> > > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > > I find it strange there is no open world pvp servers in GW2. Or at least a flagging system. Im not talking about instance pvp like wvw is, i mean the whole kit a actual server to level and play on thats pvp. Then everyone who likes to fight other players would have that option. WvW is a zerg , and pvp in the mists is just small little instanced fights. But a server you live on and level on do dailies on and raid on now thats pvp. Running into another player while doing a heart and having to decide if you want to engage or just let it slide. I prefer actual pvp that pops out of the blue with a few players or one on one, because zergs dont really do much other than steam roll someone.

> >

> > That wouldn't work in GW2 because there are only two servers (plus China which is its own game). NA and EU. Although there are still legacy server names and those do (for now) affect your WvW teams, for the most part your individual server means nothing and any map instance you join will have a mix of people from all the servers. There isn't a framework to split out those who want open world PvP from those who would quit the game if it happened.


> Whoa only 2 servers? But i tried to get in like 5 dif ones and they were full.


The many original game servers are still maintained, but only for WvW, because that is how match-ups are determined. A full server means that sufficient people from that server play WvW to achieve the designation "full." When/if WvW match-ups switch over to the announced Alliance system, the various servers used for WvW now will likely be a thing of the past. At the moment, though, new players still choose one of the many original servers, though it only matters for the WvW game mode.


At launch, NA and EU were server clusters arranged by region. In PvE, there are no servers anymore outside of the fact that players in EU cannot play with people in NA. Instead we have mega-servers, which spin off new copies of maps once a map approaches a given population threshold. When ANet switched over to the mega-server system, the server you are on was included in the algorithm used to match players with other players in map copies (along with things like party and guild). That may still be the case now, but would have to change when/if individual servers are no more.

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The funny thing is I used to enjoy Battlegrounds in WoW a lot. I think modes like Capture the Flag let us noobs feel like we're contributing, even if we're not that good. For example, I spot someone grabbing the flag and manage to delay them 10 seconds before getting killed. That sucks, but I can honestly feel that I've contributed to the team by warning them and helping to delay the flag until the better fighters arrive. Maybe I grab their flag and manage to hide with it for a while. Or maybe I run it back.


Somehow I just never felt as vulnerable as in GW2 WvW. Perhaps a more compressed space helps, so you don't have to travel vast distances. (Which I would have thought would be the opposite: GW2 WvW is larger scale and more majestic than WoW BGs, which I would think is more epic, but it makes it alternatively more boring and more terrorizing.)


Same with other WoW BGs that were more about capturing points. I could see someone heading towards one of our points and give a heads-up, and then go after them. Again, maybe I can't kill them, but I can at least delay them a bit and throw off the other team. Or maybe I can pick off a point that the other team wasn't guarding, even if I would lose it again as soon as one of their veteran playerss comes after me.

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> @"Druitt.7629" said:

> The funny thing is I used to enjoy Battlegrounds in WoW a lot. I think modes like Capture the Flag let us noobs feel like we're contributing, even if we're not that good. For example, I spot someone grabbing the flag and manage to delay them 10 seconds before getting killed. That sucks, but I can honestly feel that I've contributed to the team by warning them and helping to delay the flag until the better fighters arrive. Maybe I grab their flag and manage to hide with it for a while. Or maybe I run it back.


> Somehow I just never felt as vulnerable as in GW2 WvW. Perhaps a more compressed space helps, so you don't have to travel vast distances. (Which I would have thought would be the opposite: GW2 WvW is larger scale and more majestic than WoW BGs, which I would think is more epic, but it makes it alternatively more boring and more terrorizing.)


> Same with other WoW BGs that were more about capturing points. I could see someone heading towards one of our points and give a heads-up, and then go after them. Again, maybe I can't kill them, but I can at least delay them a bit and throw off the other team. Or maybe I can pick off a point that the other team wasn't guarding, even if I would lose it again as soon as one of their veteran playerss comes after me.


I much prefer many of wows bgs to wvw esp AV before they changed it. I think they should add new maps to wvw but not as big, make them for teams of like 10 to 20 each side and have them be capture and battle point objectives. The team that holds the most objectives at the end wins. I played the heck out of wow bgs but find myself not so interested in wvw, it just dont have that exciting rush to me. I think they should add some smaller maps with capture points for smaller teams to play.

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1. It takes forever to go to places. This has been mitigated by the warclaw, (which I had to play more WvW than I wanted to to get) but traveling still takes too much time.

2. The game engine can't handle zergs. I'm sure most people know that the engine can't handle too many characters on screen. In order to keep my FPS at a reasonable level I have to set the character model limit to lowest. The result is a bunch of nameplates fighting each other. I can tolerate just seeing nameplates in PvE meta events, but for WvW it doesn't really work for me.

3. Poor rewards. I don't think I really need to go into this one, but I feel like the game just doesn't encourage me to want to play the mode.

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My spouse does not like the hectic pace of WvW coupled with not understanding what to do. Add to that frustrated people not giving clear instruction and WvW turns out to be a death fest with no entertainment value or rewards. We have participated in guild WvW events but when one has to spawn clear the heck on the other side of the map from one's party/squad, the spouse refuses to deal with the frustration of making it back to the group. (Maybe mounts would help now but the 'damage' is already done.)


As to what could make it better and allow non WvWers to join in the war effort, I propose this. What *IF* there were PVE style tasks that players could perform that could be used to help their squad/guild/team ? What if there were points in the map that a certain set of players could keep free from mobs so that the supply lines could function. No players supporting the supply lines?--no supplies delivered to your keep/fort/base. What if players had to race to harvest/mine/chop supplies and deliver them? This would recruit PvE'ers to the WvW effort and give them a place in a non-zerg, non-PvP environment. (Did I mention the spouse will NEVER PvP?)


So, If you want to attract PvE'ers to WvW then provide PvE content that provides assistance in the WvW world. Otherwise WvW is nothing more than PvP. And like the spouse says, Why do they have two PvPs with one called WvW? (I know WvW is on a "grand" scale. Still, the argument is presented.)


Summary Ideas for tasks to attract PvE'ers:

* Gather resources to dump into the supply line to give your team boosts

* Defend teams supply houses from NPC mobs

* Keep the pathway to the world at large clear of NPC mobs that would otherwise kill players heading out to do battle. (Increase the number of enemy NPCs that spawn to require larger groups to keep them clear -- a limiting factor to the size of zergs)

*Create silly PvE style tasks to keep the operations up and running. (The whole 'spinning plate' concept of a game that PvE'ers like. Imagine trying to spin plates while being thwarted with NPC mobs. This gives a GROUP effort for a PvE style task in WvW that has consequences for those out performing PvP tasks.)


The necessity of performing these PvE tasks can be tied to the population of a particular map or to the 'success' of the team currently holding the keeps that need to be supplied.



Speckled Sticks

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> @"Dselver.6093" said:

> And like the spouse says, Why do they have two PvPs with one called WvW? (I know WvW is on a "grand" scale. Still, the argument is presented.)


sPvP was designed with the intention of being an eSport. Everyone plays with normalized stats and the matches have a distinct beginning and end. As a result, sPvP appeals to one sort of play preference. WvW is GW2's version of open-world PvP as seen in other MMO's. Based on the number of, "Can we have open world PvP?" threads over the year, there are a lot of players who want to run around and get into small fights, kill hapless PvE players looking for rewards, etc. This is a different play preference. They have two modes because the two modes scratch very different itches, it isn't just scale.

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> @"Odinsfury.8360" said:

> 2. The game engine can't handle zergs. I'm sure most people know that the engine can't handle too many characters on screen. In order to keep my FPS at a reasonable level I have to set the character model limit to lowest. The result is a bunch of nameplates fighting each other. I can tolerate just seeing nameplates in PvE meta events, but for WvW it doesn't really work for me.


It's not the game engine, it's your computer. I can handle zergs just fine on my desktop, but on my laptop my fps would drop and make the game very difficult to play.

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> @"Ben.2160" said:

> 2) Higher skilled players - As many WvWer's are dedicated players and know how to play their class/build to every inch they are impossible to fight against. Being

> beaten effortlessly in 9 out of 10 fights is just frustrating/disheartening. I hate it when you release hell on another player and you barely get them to like 97% health whilst their attacks to you are pow pow... you're dead! Get good you say? How when you lack the experience and the enemy players are merciless? What is worse is when you get gank(or troll) squads, several mesmers/thieves typically with 1 shot builds or perma evades/invulnerability/blocks. Literally the other night about 8 of us were whooped by two perma evade daredevils. Not one of them got below 60% health either...



Yes Yes and Yes to this!!! I really only pop into WvW to snag my dailies for the potions (I am building Legendary Weps). But most of the time Cap capturing takes about 2 hours. Not to mention the enemy camping the camps the entire time (most of the time).

It is also the players who complain about anyone who is not straight WvW. They can be down right nasty. It is players that act like losing this keep or that keep is affecting them in real life. So they get way to serious and verbally attack anyone who doesn't play to their "standards". I have been Whispered several times that I should "Get the hell out" or I am "Worthless", and I have been told several times that if don't like WvW I shouldn't even bother with Legendary Weapons.


To put into simpler terms in the long run of it, If I die I die, but the end result is, I do not enjoy WvW because of the Nasty long-run players who act like no one but them should be playing....... Basically Elitists!!


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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > @"Odinsfury.8360" said:

> > 2. The game engine can't handle zergs. I'm sure most people know that the engine can't handle too many characters on screen. In order to keep my FPS at a reasonable level I have to set the character model limit to lowest. The result is a bunch of nameplates fighting each other. I can tolerate just seeing nameplates in PvE meta events, but for WvW it doesn't really work for me.


> It's not the game engine, it's your computer. I can handle zergs just fine on my desktop, but on my laptop my fps would drop and make the game very difficult to play.


This is simply not correct. Guild Wars 2 performance is severely limited by Direct X 9.

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> @"Odinsfury.8360" said:

> > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > > @"Odinsfury.8360" said:

> > > 2. The game engine can't handle zergs. I'm sure most people know that the engine can't handle too many characters on screen. In order to keep my FPS at a reasonable level I have to set the character model limit to lowest. The result is a bunch of nameplates fighting each other. I can tolerate just seeing nameplates in PvE meta events, but for WvW it doesn't really work for me.

> >

> > It's not the game engine, it's your computer. I can handle zergs just fine on my desktop, but on my laptop my fps would drop and make the game very difficult to play.


> This is simply not correct. Guild Wars 2 performance is severely limited by Direct X 9.


Then why do I not have issues keeping my fps up in WvW and you do if it is not related to hardware?

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I mainly like WVW it may have some boring moments but you can aslo experience some epic moments to. The problem is the META , yes i get it you are a commander and you only want a group of firebrands and scourges. Scourges get all the loot Firebrands get 2 bags out of a 50 player enemy zerg because they are busy keeping the rest of the group alive :D and thats why it gets boring after a while.


Thats why you see rangers and other weird builds of classes because players want to experience different gameplay.


My opinion is make capturing and defending a keep or teritory more important, here some examples

1. When a server captures a major keep create some timer that they must have people in it to defend it and if they timer expires and it is theirs make that keep give bonuses to the whole server like 20% reward track or something like that, and no enemy can capture it for like 4 hours or something like that. That will make people to actually care for their territory.

2. introduce new maps for small scale fights and large scale fights.

3. make a squad cap to 30 people in order for other commanders to get people that arent in squads.


Overall make fighting matter and the winners must get rewarded for that. :D

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > @"Druitt.7629" said:

> > The funny thing is I used to enjoy Battlegrounds in WoW a lot. I think modes like Capture the Flag let us noobs feel like we're contributing, even if we're not that good. For example, I spot someone grabbing the flag and manage to delay them 10 seconds before getting killed. That sucks, but I can honestly feel that I've contributed to the team by warning them and helping to delay the flag until the better fighters arrive. Maybe I grab their flag and manage to hide with it for a while. Or maybe I run it back.

> >

> > Somehow I just never felt as vulnerable as in GW2 WvW. Perhaps a more compressed space helps, so you don't have to travel vast distances. (Which I would have thought would be the opposite: GW2 WvW is larger scale and more majestic than WoW BGs, which I would think is more epic, but it makes it alternatively more boring and more terrorizing.)

> >

> > Same with other WoW BGs that were more about capturing points. I could see someone heading towards one of our points and give a heads-up, and then go after them. Again, maybe I can't kill them, but I can at least delay them a bit and throw off the other team. Or maybe I can pick off a point that the other team wasn't guarding, even if I would lose it again as soon as one of their veteran playerss comes after me.


> I much prefer many of wows bgs to wvw esp AV before they changed it. I think they should add new maps to wvw but not as big, make them for teams of like 10 to 20 each side and have them be capture and battle point objectives. The team that holds the most objectives at the end wins. I played the heck out of wow bgs but find myself not so interested in wvw, it just dont have that exciting rush to me. I think they should add some smaller maps with capture points for smaller teams to play.


+1 i loved the old AV as well, and i knew that i would be useful in wow battlegrounds.


I have clocked up thousands of rounds of AV/Arathi etc, but feel intimidated about even entering wvw here..

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I don't like fighting people. I'm not a terribly competitive person, and I have ZERO interest in gaining the skill-level needed to kill other people. As far as I'm concerned, the absolute best WvW environment has no other players in it. It's just me killing a veteran or taking a small camp. If I can't play solo without bloodthirsty kittens killing me every chance they get, I'll play in a zerg that's capping towers and whatnot. I will not participate in the big battles between groups of people if at all possible. For me, the ONLY reason to be in WvW is to progress the Gift of Battle reward track.

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Same here, TinLizzie. I don’t have the best WvW equipment and encountering anyone is pretty much insta death for me. I would happily stay away from WvW unfortunately to get Gift of Battle or the new mount Anet forces me to go in. I try to go in quietly to do a few easy daily to get XP and not bother anyone but it doesn’t always work. :) Wish a tag would exist to tell the “enemy” I am not here to battle. ;D Who hasn’t encountered hidden player(s) in the JPs to make sure you don’t get it. There is no gain for them to do that but just their pleasure at being mean. Sad. That it what started me disliking WvW. It hasn't improved. :(

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1.) Toxicity.


2.) Ignorant commanders.

- Runs off and the zerg gets thinned out.

- They use the zerg to complete their achievements and leave.

- Just generally dumb and have no experience in leading a group. They don't understand strategy. They don't form plans of attack.

- Commanders that don't communicate in a way that people can understand or just don't communicate at all.

- Commanders that think it's funny to engage in fights they can't win and just troll everyone to boredom and death.


3.) In certain instances, commanders will spot a friend in the enemy zerg and start talking to them on discord and set up wipe after wipe for their own team.


Not so much as a WvW thing, more of a "how did this dumbass get a tag and why is everyone following him their deaths" thing.

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I've got into it a bit since the Warclaw and I've mostly had fun. The main issues I've encountered beyond the "what the heck is going on and how on earth am I supposed to tell what profession is attacking given the mess on screen" (I can accept that as prob a l2p issue), is the toxicity. Usually it's commander egos attacking other commander egos, but I've been shouted at a couple of times for interfering in a fight. I mean, I cannot even get my head how that is such a thing in an open world, team based pvp environment and even moreso when I am helping out someone who is 2/3 on 1 and they still tell you to go away. I sort of understand there is probably an ettiquette in place, but the vast majority of incoming players will not know this or know the signs to avoid such a fight.


In general I find WvW very unwelcoming (much like high end instances). It's been an issue with the gw2 community for a long while outside of basic open world - it's just a shame to see it anywhere

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Interesting comments. I'll add mine. I'm not a typical MMORPG player; I'm 60 and retired now but I've been playing MMORPG games since DAOC came out. I'm new to GW2--only been playing since August 2018. I just started WvW in the last couple of weeks. I don't have a Warclaw, so when everyone takes off, I'm always trying to catch up unless the commander has some patience. I prefer PvE, but am willing to put the time in to learn as long as there are others willing to teach. I am watching WvW videos, but even they are sometimes hard to follow. I would suggest more "quest" type interaction with NPCs to help WvW beginners other than following the zerg. Maybe a map where NPCs would direct the player to take supplies from once place to another, fix a wall, run a ram, etc. Just more basic training and guidance would really help.

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