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Best random, special or funny moments you have experienced in the game so far?

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Recently I was doing a ranked PVP and one person on our team was dressed as Santa and named " Ho Ho Santa Ho Ho". I yelled " Oh my Goodness it's Santa!!!!!" I then noticed I had something delivered in my mail. It was a Wintersday Gift from "Ho Ho Santa Ho Ho". One of my favourite moments so far XD


Also a while ago when there was a terrorist attack on a cartoonist in France, I was busy questing when a few people were calling players on the map chat to meet up a a point on the map. They asked players to dye their armour and group up to make the french flag. One player was going to take a screenshot and post it on a forum to show the support from the GW2 community. A really special moment I was proud to be a part of.

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I guess the events I can share are a mix between random, weird and funny =)


A dungeon run in Caudecus Manor with a pick-up group. We were fighting some bandits in the basement in path1, it was going quite well. Suddenly one guy, some Warrior, says: "A-NET I WILL KILL YOU!" followed by a pinged weapon skin and saying "Teasing me with this!"

It was a dagger skin he liked, he wanted a Greatsword version of it.


Another weird, very late night weekend, dungeon story happened to me long ago in Ascalonian Catacombs. I was on my Guardian who at the time had a build with a lot of boons. At the first boss fight some Warrior started pinging those boons asking what that "sh.t" is. He then complained about having too many boons. He kept talking nonsense throughout the run. At some point towards the end we skipped some enemies, he started complaining that everyone else is way too slow and we should try catching up with him. He was actually way behind everyone else.


A very funny story happened to me in Lion's Arch long ago. I had a character using one of the Super Adventure Box staff skins, the one with the bird on top. Suddenly I get a whisper message saying: "What have you done to my mother?!" It came from a player who was chasing me in Raven form, he used some sort of tonic. XD





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I'm sure this happens a lot but I'm relatively new to Wvw...been playing for likle 4-5 months now of it. But last night we were taking a keep and it was like 15 of us and there were 2 baddies trying to defend.


If some of you dont WvW and may not know, but you can only glide in areas that you "own by capturing." So you can't glide in enemy territory.


That being said, once they realized they weren't going to hold -- one jumped off the tower and popped his glider only for us to cap the tower at that exact moment, in which now it's "enemy territory" for the other guy and his glider disappeared and he plunged to his death. I don't know why, but I laughed so hard.

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One time a group of us got somehow trapped BEHIND the portal entrance of Cursed Shore. We could see everything but there was an invisible wall preventing us from entering the map area. We found that we could move around quite a bit, scale rocks to secret areas, and generally use our griffons to range round all over the northern edge of the map.

We ended up dancing around and putting on a show for players who would walk by and could see us but could not interact and would see us throwing ourselves against the invisible barrier trying to get to them. Just a fun oddity, and seeing everyone go by nonplussed was a bonus.

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I like to create those special moments myself, when I'm bored enough. Here are some recipes.


1. Start following somebody, either openly tagging them, or seemingly-discretely, keeping your distance, hiding behind carts and bushes, but still allowing them to know your are always near. RP some kind of special agent or news reporter if they try to talk to you, or deny their false accusations altogether - your are just happen to go the same direction they are, that's all!


2. If you see somebody standing in the open, yet not afking, just come closer, approach them, step by step, slowly, until you are awkwardly close to each other, nose to nose. Stay there, waiting for their reaction.


3. Not always work that well. But if you can somehow position yourself inside a model of another player, you can then talk to people passing by as if you were him. You can pretend you are demon possessing them or something. Or if you asura inside a charr, you can claim they swallowed you and beg for help.

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> @"PeerlessArch.6547" said:

> I'm sure this happens a lot but I'm relatively new to Wvw...been playing for likle 4-5 months now of it. But last night we were taking a keep and it was like 15 of us and there were 2 baddies trying to defend.


> If some of you dont WvW and may not know, but you can only glide in areas that you "own by capturing." So you can't glide in enemy territory.


> That being said, once they realized they weren't going to hold -- one jumped off the tower and popped his glider only for us to cap the tower at that exact moment, in which now it's "enemy territory" for the other guy and his glider disappeared and he plunged to his death. I don't know why, but I laughed so hard.


Having fallen victim to this...I laughed too. And that when I decided that we needed a new title in the game - "suicide watch" for people that have fallen to their deaths more than 100 times in WvW.


I had a new guildie that was on an opposing WvW server. She'd never been in WvW before and was working on a legendary, so knowing that she'd need the Gift of Battle, I told her to go to one of the borderlands and then meet me at one of the monuments for the daily, so she could get the WvW potion and start working on the gift. So I'm standing in the monument capping it and she's standing just out side of it, another person from my world starts running up there like they're going to attack her and I quickly tell them to leave her alone, that she's a guildie on a separate server and that I'm trying to teach her what I can about WvW. He stops for a second, then runs over, gets right in front of her and does /threaten. The two of us laughed so hard we were crying! She's since transferred to the same server as the rest of us, has her WarClaw, and is happy to run WvW.

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One day, the Dreamdark Enclave jumping puzzle was a daily. I completed the puzzle, then decided to go back and help out other people who fell to their deaths (this was before gliders were allowed in there). So I'd run around, reviving those who splatted, and then head back to a relatively safe spot where the Nightmare Courtiers, husks, and seed turrets couldn't get me. I'd also go around and clear out said Courtiers, husks, and turrets when they got too numerous to revive people safely, and then I'd just stand in the middle of the clearing and watch people do the puzzle.

Except I did it so much that someone finally noticed. "...are you just standing there waiting for people to die?"

...it took me a while to be able to answer that without accidentally sounding like a serial killer. :joy:

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Once, way back in Season 1 of the Living World during Scarlet's invasions, a friend and I were helping another friend that struggled with Jumping Puzzles out with the Coddler' Cove Jumping Puzzle. Suddenly, while we were doing this puzzle, a Scarlet Invasion occurred and we were apparently the only people on the map because she kept popping up just to blow us off of the little balls that you have to jump around on. I don't know why, but instead of being incredibly angering, it just became hilarious, and it has become a favored memory of a friend who is no longer with us.

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During a lovely moment of emergent gameplay, I decided my Sylvari Revenant had become a "Ventari's Witness", and would spread the wisdom of The Tablet to all races and creeds. I spent hours customizing her look to be as similar to the mini Toy Ventari as I could get.

By the way...

"Have you heard the words of Ventari? and accepted him into your life as your personal horse and teacher?"

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For me it was the fight with balthazar and primordus

We were fighting, and at some point Taimi’s was blown of.

I thought “she dead, maximal pepsi”, no one survives falling into lava

But then she was just there again amd nothing happened. Not even a mention she had less than 1% chance to be alive and still be there.

By every logic and reason, she should’ve died there. But she didn’t, and she didn’t even mention it.

“Oh yea, I escape death by a hair lots of time, its annoying to act surprised every single time”

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Years ago I was running around Edge of the Mists on my guardian when another player attacked me. I defended myself against him. Right when I went to use greatsword skill 3, Leap of Faith, he dodged and I flung myself off the edge. I got the 'Ledge of the Mists' achievement from it. Talk about irony.

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I had recently created a new character, Prajix, an Asura elementalist, and was ranking him up on a map, when he met another asura elementalist.

She had the exact same red hair color as he did, in a similar style.

She had the exact same colored armor.

She had the exact same skin color.

Prajix started jumpng up and down and screaming "My long lost twin sister!" She reacted the same way, and we went around adventuring on the map together for a while.

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One of my favourite tonics is the Hazma Suit Transformation Tonic. I use it a lot when doing JP to increase difficulty or just be a giant robot. One day I've met another person who was transformed into a smaller golem. He approached me with "Papa?"


Everytime I get pmed by a gold-seller I reply with one of these:

"Bother? Finally I found you after so many years!"

"Dude, seriously? Look at my name!"

Then I block and report them of course.


Most of my guildleaders confessed to me, that they were not completely sure I am a real player. They actually expected me to be a troll or a scammer/hacker thanks to my funny account name. Ironically I became an officer in all of those guilds. The leader of my current guild got asked a couple of times what bot he is using to keep the Motd up to date. I update it daily with the three easiest/fastest dailies + PSNA locations.


How I got my funny account name: When I started with GW2, the game was still new but already officially released, no open beta anymore. However the servers had some minor issues. Some Skillpoints did not work properly and the account-registration did not work always. There were phases where it did not allow any account registration at all. However I was new and willing to join, so I created an account name and it did not work. I played other mmorpgs before which allowed only one unique name id, so I assumed I used a name that was already in use. I tried all different kinds of names I liked and nothing worked. Out of frustration I thought of the most difficult letter combination I could imagine like "there cannot be another guy with that ID." Unfortunately at this very moment, the server decided to work again and from that day on I had the account HnRkLnXqZ.1870. It is pretty ridiculous, but true. I really got used to the name, I do not want to change it. I never got approached by an official ANet staff member or gm ingame, although I believe I am on a few marked-lists.


Heart of Thorns Story, Hearts and Minds. Trying to help a guildmember/friend to finish the story line (not migraine). Everything went smoothly until the updrafts spawned. I jumped into it, opened the glider and ... got launched into outer space.


The moment I realized I changed the stats of my entire ascended gear set without removing a single infusion/rune/sigil.

The moment I realized I changed the stats of my entire ascended gear set without removing a single infusion/rune/sigil AGAIN!

(never aggression or sadness, always joy and plenty of laughs)


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Oh i remember when Skyhammer used to have a few platforms that you could fall through but it took a few seconds to disappear when you stepped on it. Seeing a player who is about to kill me fall down to their death was some of the best moments in pvp.

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i remember this one pvp match on temple that i'm way to proud off.

we were about to lose the match, and i was on mid with another teammate defending against 2 oponents. (the rest were fighting on close). i then had the brilliant idea to sneak away and try to cap far. we won 500-501.

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The Lion King reference in crystal Oasis.


When I asked in map chat for support and someone greeted me with 'Ahai, outlander' and we started RPing for some time.


When we had fought Xolotl in Caledon Forest and another player was still in crab-mode, I wrote 'Hm, delicious crab. Just you wait!' and he/she started to run away screaming until the magic wore off and he/she wrote 'Being eaten by a salad, oh the irony!' and I said 'Revenge for centuries of vegetarian savagery!'. Needless to say, i was leveling my sylvari ele. Should've named him magic stick, now that I think of it :lol:

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I remember the time when in Skyhammer it was possible to fall down of the hammer capture point. I was fighting with my warrior and used bull's charge on the ennemy. He dodged my charge and I charged right off the ledge and fell to my death. My ennemy was laughing real hard and then sent somr private messages to me about how funny it was to see someone dying from falling off the map in pvp.

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