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Global Unidentified Gear Incoming, March 26th!

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> @"Kiza.5630" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:


> > Please now tell me that it isn't the loot that keep HoT and LW3 maps alive for so long. And that isn't the lack of loot that Elona is deserted.

> > And what exactly wrong with playing to get some loot in RPG?


> Nothing, but it's sad if that's the only thing. Also RPGs were never about loot (for me). Diablo clones are.


We are alost there loot in GW2 as in Diablo 90% is trash :)

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Funny. I expect a change in low tier mat prices like iron ore in long term since a good bunch of that stuff came from people opening bags on lowlevels. But i also guess market will be flooded with these annoying bags. Ohw well, glad i have some shared slots for my tools where i can put these baggies to avoid accidentally salvaging them.

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> @"Sabre.8251" said:

> Funny. I expect a change in low tier mat prices like iron ore in long term since a good bunch of that stuff came from people opening bags on lowlevels. But i also guess market will be flooded with these annoying bags. Ohw well, glad i have some shared slots for my tools where i can put these baggies to avoid accidentally salvaging them.


Use Invisible Bags =)

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Avelione.6075" said:

> > Ok, I still don't get it and I went through many posts explaining how it works.... Could a dev explain the changes with Magic Find again, very clearly, PLEASE?

> > :'(

> > I thought the point of MF was to have somewhat advantage among other players! It pisses me off now how it all looks like nerfing any chance of getting cool gear. I clearly noticed when I stopped getting as many exotics as I used to, after about 2 years of playing, and I've been playing a lot! Much too much of this game.

> >

> > If there is not much point to MF anymore, give us some refund! :s :s :'(

> >



> I answered it in your other thread. The unid bag rarity is affected by magic find as is the chance for an additional exotic drop.


> tdlr drops are still affected by magic find as they always were. The only difference is that in PoF onwards, magic find no longer affects the contents of the unids as well


Could you please clarify some more things for me?


So... MF affects **how many** of yellow (rare) unid bags I get but MF does not affect if I get a chance of rare items from identification of **any** of the unid colors?


"PoF onwards", you mean PoF maps and any that will show up in the future episodes? Or you mean the gameplay time, if I got past PoF during the playtime for a character?


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> @"Avelione.6075" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Avelione.6075" said:

> > > Ok, I still don't get it and I went through many posts explaining how it works.... Could a dev explain the changes with Magic Find again, very clearly, PLEASE?

> > > :'(

> > > I thought the point of MF was to have somewhat advantage among other players! It pisses me off now how it all looks like nerfing any chance of getting cool gear. I clearly noticed when I stopped getting as many exotics as I used to, after about 2 years of playing, and I've been playing a lot! Much too much of this game.

> > >

> > > If there is not much point to MF anymore, give us some refund! :s :s :'(

> > >


> >

> > I answered it in your other thread. The unid bag rarity is affected by magic find as is the chance for an additional exotic drop.

> >

> > tdlr drops are still affected by magic find as they always were. The only difference is that in PoF onwards, magic find no longer affects the contents of the unids as well


> Could you please clarify some more things for me?


> So... MF affects **how many** of yellow (rare) unid bags I get but MF does not affect if I get a chance of rare items from identification of **any** of the unid colors?





> "PoF onwards", you mean PoF maps and any that will show up in the future episodes? Or you mean the gameplay time, if I got past PoF during the playtime for a character?



I mean PoF and LS4 introduced the UNIDs. They were originally affected by magic find in **both** the dropping and the contents. Because magic find now only applies once (to the drop quality), those areas are effectively nerfed. Future maps are unnaffected since they will just join the current system and have no basis for comparison.



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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Avelione.6075" said:

> > > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > > @"Avelione.6075" said:

> > > > Ok, I still don't get it and I went through many posts explaining how it works.... Could a dev explain the changes with Magic Find again, very clearly, PLEASE?

> > > > :'(

> > > > I thought the point of MF was to have somewhat advantage among other players! It pisses me off now how it all looks like nerfing any chance of getting cool gear. I clearly noticed when I stopped getting as many exotics as I used to, after about 2 years of playing, and I've been playing a lot! Much too much of this game.

> > > >

> > > > If there is not much point to MF anymore, give us some refund! :s :s :'(

> > > >


> > >

> > > I answered it in your other thread. The unid bag rarity is affected by magic find as is the chance for an additional exotic drop.

> > >

> > > tdlr drops are still affected by magic find as they always were. The only difference is that in PoF onwards, magic find no longer affects the contents of the unids as well

> >

> > Could you please clarify some more things for me?

> >

> > So... MF affects **how many** of yellow (rare) unid bags I get but MF does not affect if I get a chance of rare items from identification of **any** of the unid colors?


> Correct



> > "PoF onwards", you mean PoF maps and any that will show up in the future episodes? Or you mean the gameplay time, if I got past PoF during the playtime for a character?

> >


> I mean PoF and LS4 introduced the UNIDs. They were originally affected by magic find in **both** the dropping and the contents. Because magic find now only applies once (to the drop quality), those areas are effectively nerfed. Future maps are unnaffected since they will just join the current system and have no basis for comparison.




Thanks a lot for clear answers and for your patience :)

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Just a small correction: only the ones dropped by enemies were affected twice by MF. The ones dropped by chests, events, basically everything other than directly killing a monster were affected only by opening the contents. Now they aren't affected at all by MF. Incidentally, they also were the major source of bags.

For example, if you do the meta of Thunderhead Peak and get the hidden chests, all of those rare bags aren't gonna see an inkling of your magic find, neither before you got them, or later. If you do istan, all those chests aren't gonna see your MF, and neither the content of the champions bag, only what you directly dropped from the enemies. Same for everything else. And whatever comes later, as i don't think they'll stop using containers and event rewards, so it will be the same for them too..


If the plan was to solve MF doubly affecting those bags and make them be affected only once, they should have also made containers, event rewards and what else affected by MF too. But they didn't. It was just a convenient excuse to nerf the drops by making MF far less useful than before.

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> @"Kiza.5630" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:


> > Please now tell me that it isn't the loot that keep HoT and LW3 maps alive for so long. And that isn't the lack of loot that Elona is deserted.

> > And what exactly wrong with playing to get some loot in RPG?


> Nothing, but it's sad if that's the only thing. Also RPGs were never about loot (for me). Diablo clones are.


But MMOrpgs are more comparable with Diablo than say, a Baldur's Gate or a KOTOR (and in those, loot mattered too). In most MMOrpgs the rpg part is an afterthought, this game included. They have repeatable content as their foundation and rewards is the easiest way to keep people playing the same thing over and over.

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I have not quite understood a point with this update.

If we identify an unidentified object, the identified object will be specific to the region where we are (Tyria or jungle or pof) if I understand correctly?

If this is the case, some regions will then be more suitable for these identifications of the coup. (as for the discovery of magic with sw for example).

(Sorry for my mistakes in english)

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Love this change! Less clutter, more control over loot, less salvage costs. I no longer have to constantly force myself to salvage useless gear for worthless mats. I can just let the unid's stack and easily sell or have the choice to open and salvage. Great change!

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I love all these people that are saying to just use an invisible bag to not salvage them....it occur to any of you saying that, that this is a change they made to our loot, and that not removing the chance to accidentally salvage them is in itself a nerf to our loot? No, just me that can put two and two together? Okay, then carry on. I will have to figure out how to remove things from my protected bags to make room for all the loot bags that are dropping so I won't accidentally screw myself.

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1. The "chaos" that was supposedly contained through this new system only is contained during gameplay. Once you stop to go through your stuff and identify, salvage and sell everything, it is just as annoying and time-consuming as before, especially after the runes/sigils update, which has made the whole process even more time-consuming if you don't want to spend a fortune using the Rune-Salvage-o-matic but use your Endless Upgrade Extractor instead. :-1:

2. The change in how/when Magic Find applies to this whole process of inventory juggling was also a bad decision IMO. Unless it will make rares and exotics more valuable again in the future, but that only time will tell. :/


I miss the times where I could just salvage for materials. Once one has maximized MF, you can no longer do that unless you don't mind ending up with tons of Luck you can no longer use. Please, ANet, give us a Luck Converter at last! <3

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> I wonder if ANet are really serious with the campaign of bringing back the old players. They just completed a change working **against** the veterans. They severely diminished the incomes from Istan (the other farming map like Silverwastes). They also made the max MF non beneficial in almost all the moments. Is ANet thinking that these changes can make a player who left GW2 from various reasons so happy that he will return?


I am on your side. the last update is one of the worst.

And ANet is under the pressure of the publisher wants people to bring more money.


> @"Valaraukar.7652" said:

> I have not quite understood a point with this update.

> If we identify an unidentified object, the identified object will be specific to the region where we are (Tyria or jungle or pof) if I understand correctly?

> If this is the case, some regions will then be more suitable for these identifications of the coup. (as for the discovery of magic with sw for example).

> (Sorry for my mistakes in english)


You are right about specific of the regions. And it is really true that if you got the unid bag on Istan and come to original map you will never get PoF skin from that bag.


> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> 2. The change in how/when Magic Find applies to this whole process of inventory juggling was also a bad decision IMO. Unless it will make rares and exotics more valuable again in the future, but that only time will tell. :/


nowadays, exotic gear became cheaper than, for example, 2 years ago.

and the current update will make it cheaper again because everyone will have the same change to get exotic gear

>After the 3/26 change

>• Unidentifed Gear drops are influenced by Magic Find once, when received as a drop. Exotic equipment still has the same chance it currently does to drop directly in addition to the rare chance to obtain it from identifying gear.

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> @"Sir Shreder.4206" said:

> > @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> > I wonder if ANet are really serious with the campaign of bringing back the old players. They just completed a change working **against** the veterans. They severely diminished the incomes from Istan (the other farming map like Silverwastes). They also made the max MF non beneficial in almost all the moments. Is ANet thinking that these changes can make a player who left GW2 from various reasons so happy that he will return?


> I am on your side. the last update is one of the worst.

> And ANet is under the pressure of the publisher wants people to bring more money.



Sounds like a great way to drive the customer base away. If they add a gem store item that undoes this little 'update', they can all kiss their jobs goodbye. Lord knows I will quit if they do; I have done it before with other online entertain services.


Come on Arenanet, throw us a damn bone here. Map Events are the only way to 100% get unids of any color. Don't bother farming basic enemies in lv80 maps. It's a complete waste of time.

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> @"Manuhell.2759" said:

> For example, if you do the meta of Thunderhead Peak and get the hidden chests, all of those rare bags aren't gonna see an inkling of your magic find, neither before you got them, or later. If you do istan, all those chests aren't gonna see your MF, and neither the content of the champions bag, only what you directly dropped from the enemies. Same for everything else. And whatever comes later, as i don't think they'll stop using containers and event rewards, so it will be the same for them too..

Almost seems like "who can open the most chests per playtime" isn't ANet's vision for how people play this game ...

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> @"Valaraukar.7652" said:

> I have not quite understood a point with this update.

> If we identify an unidentified object, the identified object will be specific to the region where we are (Tyria or jungle or pof) if I understand correctly?

> If this is the case, some regions will then be more suitable for these identifications of the coup. (as for the discovery of magic with sw for example).

> (Sorry for my mistakes in english)

Region-specific loot is on its own slot in the loot tables, so if you are due say dropping a krytan sword, you will get that directly instead of a piec of unidentified gear. The unidentified gear still contains a few former region-specific pieces (elonian rares and HoT reclaimed weapons were mentioned in the original anouncement I think), but the neither the region you get the unid nor the region you open it in matters as to what you get out of it.

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Having played for a while after this change i can only say, please roll this back or at the very least make it so that bags and chests which used to drop straight gear do so again, it is already hugely irritating to manage the inventory now since if you missed a bag or chest while managing, they once again throw another bag of unidentified and you have to ID them to get the best out of it.


This entire change at first i thought was a good thing, and if it was only unid bags from events and loot from enemies i could kinda live with it seeing as it wouldn't fill up the inventory during event chains as much, but the reality is that just using salvage all during and event chain and using deposit to material storage was a far better and quicker way to clean up while there was a little downtime in event chains, now though, it feels like a straight on drag to do this because you have to actually look up all the loot containers and open them before you start doing the process of identifying them and then salvage. It is already less profitable to direct salvage and its made more annoying by the thought you are losing money to direct salvage, so you inherently look to id them.


This needs to be reversed or atleast make any and all loot containers drop straight gear again instead of unidentified bags which just add to the frustration.

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> @"Sir Shreder.4206" said:


> > @"Valaraukar.7652" said:

> > I have not quite understood a point with this update.

> > If we identify an unidentified object, the identified object will be specific to the region where we are (Tyria or jungle or pof) if I understand correctly?

> > If this is the case, some regions will then be more suitable for these identifications of the coup. (as for the discovery of magic with sw for example).

> > (Sorry for my mistakes in english)


> You are right about specific of the regions. And it is really true that if you got the unid bag on Istan and come to original map you will never get PoF skin from that bag.


> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"Valaraukar.7652" said:

> > I have not quite understood a point with this update.

> > If we identify an unidentified object, the identified object will be specific to the region where we are (Tyria or jungle or pof) if I understand correctly?

> > If this is the case, some regions will then be more suitable for these identifications of the coup. (as for the discovery of magic with sw for example).

> > (Sorry for my mistakes in english)

> Region-specific loot is on its own slot in the loot tables, so if you are due say dropping a krytan sword, you will get that directly instead of a piec of unidentified gear. The unidentified gear still contains a few former region-specific pieces (elonian rares and HoT reclaimed weapons were mentioned in the original anouncement I think), but the neither the region you get the unid nor the region you open it in matters as to what you get out of it.


One say yes, the other one seems say no. on the french forum i got an answers too as if seems no matter the region, you can get some skin from pof even if you are in the aerodrome.



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I find chests and loots and bags and sacks that you click on that drop more chests and loots and bags to be very cumbersome. I'm a fan of straight drop. Whatever our reward is, I'd like it straight in my bag. Getting 15 chests and opening them and getting 10 or more bags from to have to open is cumbersome and then having my bag fill up with mats.


A REAL quality of life change in terms of loots, in my opinion, would be straight drop AND the ability for inventory to sort mats automatically into materials storage, rather than drop it in your inventory to deposit manually. I do not mind salvaging gear on-the-go and your change that salvages junk sigils and runes was a HUGE quality of life improvement, by the way. Thanks.


Just my two cents.

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> @"Valaraukar.7652" said:

> One say yes, the other one seems say no. on the french forum i got an answers too as if seems no matter the region, you can get some skin from pof even if you are in the aerodrome.


You are right. I read not accurately.

And I would say I haven't notice that I can get PoF skin from any unid bag. Or the chance to getting it is so insignificant.


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OK, I have one question left.

Why UnIDs are still salvable?

I know of invis bags etc. I just wonder why they are salvable, no other bag with gear is.

Previously the salvage result could get you eyes of kornir and brandspark, now its gone.

Maybe Arena.NET can look at this?

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Now that I had some time with this... I REALLY don’t like this change.



1) Salvage all greens and lower

2) Salvage all rares



1) Look for blue unID stack

2) ID blue stack

3) Look for green unID stack

4) ID green stack

5) Salvage all greens and lower

6) Look for rare unID stack

7) Look harder because rare unID stack is hard to find for some kitten reason

8) ID rare stack

9) Salvage all rares



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