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Elementalist bugs,


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I posted this in the bug forum and I'll post it here, too. Hopefully someone will notice.


There are 3 bugs that are really annoying me with Elementalist.


1) When in downstate, the skill Vapor Form simply does not work. This is a major part of competitive play and needs to be addressed immediately. When using this skill maybe 3/4ths of the time the skill will work, making you a vapor, but you won't be able to move. Other times the skill will be placed on cooldown and literally nothing will happen. I have even seen times where vapor form heals me while in down state but I cannot move and I continue to lay on the floor. These problems leaves the Elementlist a sitting duck for stomping and completely kill any chance of rallying. It even seems as though the Warclaw can finish an Elementalist currently in Vapor Form. This should NOT happen, as players can't finish an Elementalist in Vapor From through stomping.


2) The Weaver utility skill Twist of Fate should be evading attacks during its evade duration. I have been hit by physical attacks many times immediately after activating the skill. And the evade SHOULD last throughout the entire twist animation. Since it hardly works, in terms of being an evade, I'm simply spinning while taking damage from enemies. This problem has been around for months.


3)The new Warclaw mount changes Weaver's mix skill (skill 3). I usually prepare my skillbar before engaging in a fight by attuning to the proper elements. This problem will essentially give you every skill except the mix skill from one attunement and the mix skill will be a mix of the two you're supposed to have equipped.


Elementalist is already in a shoddy state and these three issues make it even more infuriating. Things should work as intended. Please fix them. Thank you.

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The first issue is way too prevalent to not have been noticed by Anet at this point so I would say its just being ignored.


To add in to your second point however, Burning Retreat also does the same albeit extremely rare but I have been hit by hard hitting attacks during burning retreat that usually down me (without condition damage being the cause).


Flame Burst still has targeting issues and will even go on full cooldown without actually doing anything.


Lightning Surge goes on full cooldown if you cancel it before it finishes the channel.

Lightning surge also will not do anything if you started the channel without a target and then acquired a target during it as it acts as if you still have no target


Invigorating Torrents still has tooltip issues with skills that specifically give an Aura as its only effect.


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> @"secretsauce.7689" said:

> Lightning surge also will not do anything if you started the channel without a target and then acquired a target during it as it acts as if you still have no target


Turn re-targeting on and it will hit, allowing you to do tricks like changing your mind to another target if the original target dies / precasting while out of range or running away with no target selected then turning around to select a target near the moment before it goes off.

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Except 3rd situation listed by Tom, all the things ocurred to me (which includes secretsauce list).

Sometimes, avengers from Fractals is respawning after Vapor Form in Fractals. Also, especially in Fractals but it happened in PvP once, while I activate Vapor Form I just got killed instead, instantaneusly.

I dont know if the problem is ping or something else but JUST with Twist of Fate I have the same problem as Tom PLUS being interrupted during animation... I think that pool about pre and pos-casting should be considered.


I know that this changes affects just elementalists players but we are talking about some kind of QoL and game quality... I hope (as every profession and every player) that ANet is looking at this.

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> @"Yer.8096" said:

> Except 3rd situation listed by Tom, all the things ocurred to me (which includes secretsauce list).

> Sometimes, avengers from Fractals is respawning after Vapor Form in Fractals. Also, especially in Fractals but it happened in PvP once, while I activate Vapor Form I just got killed instead, instantaneusly.

> I dont know if the problem is ping or something else but JUST with Twist of Fate I have the same problem as Tom PLUS being interrupted during animation... I think that pool about pre and pos-casting should be considered.


> I know that this changes affects just elementalists players but we are talking about some kind of QoL and game quality... I hope (as every profession and every player) that ANet is looking at this.


I have usual avg ping 60 ms. It's important point as well.


But I was killed multiple times during Twist of Fate animation, in last season.

I'am not 100% sure why, but I noticed that it repeated in more-less the same situations in spvp:

more often against guardian/messmer according to my feeling,

it never happened against, necromancer, warrior, elementalist

In spvp it looks as:

You have about 90% of health bar, you start the Twist of Fate animation, then bam! - and you dead.

Like as some enemies skills work though Twist of Fate.

May be some unblockable skills just ignoring the evade, or shatter skills, I dont know, anyway it's 100% bug.


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> 3)The new Warclaw mount changes Weaver's mix skill (skill 3). I usually prepare my skillbar before engaging in a fight by attuning to the proper elements. This problem will essentially give you every skill except the mix skill from one attunement and the mix skill will be a mix of the two you're supposed to have equipped.


Hahaha, you mean you're only experiencing this just **now**? Lucky you...


I've had that bug for absolutely evey mechanic that replaces the skillbar. Toys, mounts (all of them, though it does appear to occur more often with the warclaw), event items... If you attuned to Fire(1), Air(2), you'll have skills 1,2,4,5 as if you were fully attuned to Fire and your skill 3 will be Fire/Air dual attunement. To get back to your desired configuration (the one you would've had without the bug), you have to get back into Air, then into Fire. That's loosing 4 full seconds in the rotation, 8 seconds if you're counting the fact that you still won't be able to swap right away. Even in PvE, that is a huge time, which even if you're lucky enough not to be impared by it remains very frustrating.


> 1) When in downstate, the skill Vapor Form simply does not work.


I'll add that in fractals, even when the skill _does_ work as intended, it is **still** bugged: As soon as you leave Mist Form, a new fractal avenger spawns to try and finish you. That makes it so that the only way to get rid of fractal avengers is to use that AOE knockback that you get in a living world episode...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok... let me start this off. I was at a zerg fight, I got downed, was affected by poison, hit my skill #2, voila I finally... ragained 75% of my HP and the skill went on cooldown. I am 100% sure it wasn't a guardian MI as I can already see the skill on cooldown.


If anyone experienced this, then would love to hear that this wasn't only me.

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> @"Auburner.6945" said:

> Ok... let me start this off. I was at a zerg fight, I got downed, was affected by poison, hit my skill #2, voila I finally... ragained 75% of my HP and the skill went on cooldown. I am 100% sure it wasn't a guardian MI as I can already see the skill on cooldown.


> If anyone experienced this, then would love to hear that this wasn't only me.


Someone said in map chat that they had experienced the bug as well, even after the fix. I haven't experienced it myself yet post-patch.

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> @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > @"Auburner.6945" said:

> > Ok... let me start this off. I was at a zerg fight, I got downed, was affected by poison, hit my skill #2, voila I finally... ragained 75% of my HP and the skill went on cooldown. I am 100% sure it wasn't a guardian MI as I can already see the skill on cooldown.

> >

> > If anyone experienced this, then would love to hear that this wasn't only me.


> Someone said in map chat that they had experienced the bug as well, even after the fix. I haven't experienced it myself yet post-patch.


Yeah, it was me. I can't 100% confirm it unless it starts to occur quite often, it was the first time since patch, so I am still frustrated. I didn't die right away so I should at least have had the invulnerability up, but I didn't, and if I was fully rez'd, there should be an immunity frame (and there wasn't), but all I can say is I saw the skill on cooldown and my HP going up in downed state before I died. Also my guardian didn't confirm using their MI, so... guess will give it more time.

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> @"Auburner.6945" said:

> > @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > > @"Auburner.6945" said:

> > > Ok... let me start this off. I was at a zerg fight, I got downed, was affected by poison, hit my skill #2, voila I finally... ragained 75% of my HP and the skill went on cooldown. I am 100% sure it wasn't a guardian MI as I can already see the skill on cooldown.

> > >

> > > If anyone experienced this, then would love to hear that this wasn't only me.

> >

> > Someone said in map chat that they had experienced the bug as well, even after the fix. I haven't experienced it myself yet post-patch.


> Yeah, it was me. I can't 100% confirm it unless it starts to occur quite often, it was the first time since patch, so I am still frustrated. I didn't die right away so I should at least have had the invulnerability up, but I didn't, and if I was fully rez'd, there should be an immunity frame (and there wasn't), but all I can say is I saw the skill on cooldown and my HP going up in downed state before I died. Also my guardian didn't confirm using their MI, so... guess will give it more time.


Lunarriel? :open_mouth: hello, my friend.

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> @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > @"Auburner.6945" said:

> > > @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > > > @"Auburner.6945" said:

> > > > Ok... let me start this off. I was at a zerg fight, I got downed, was affected by poison, hit my skill #2, voila I finally... ragained 75% of my HP and the skill went on cooldown. I am 100% sure it wasn't a guardian MI as I can already see the skill on cooldown.

> > > >

> > > > If anyone experienced this, then would love to hear that this wasn't only me.

> > >

> > > Someone said in map chat that they had experienced the bug as well, even after the fix. I haven't experienced it myself yet post-patch.

> >

> > Yeah, it was me. I can't 100% confirm it unless it starts to occur quite often, it was the first time since patch, so I am still frustrated. I didn't die right away so I should at least have had the invulnerability up, but I didn't, and if I was fully rez'd, there should be an immunity frame (and there wasn't), but all I can say is I saw the skill on cooldown and my HP going up in downed state before I died. Also my guardian didn't confirm using their MI, so... guess will give it more time.


> Lunarriel? :open_mouth: hello, my friend.


Broski <3

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> @"Auburner.6945" said:

> > @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > > @"Auburner.6945" said:

> > > > @"Dahir.4158" said:

> > > > > @"Auburner.6945" said:

> > > > > Ok... let me start this off. I was at a zerg fight, I got downed, was affected by poison, hit my skill #2, voila I finally... ragained 75% of my HP and the skill went on cooldown. I am 100% sure it wasn't a guardian MI as I can already see the skill on cooldown.

> > > > >

> > > > > If anyone experienced this, then would love to hear that this wasn't only me.

> > > >

> > > > Someone said in map chat that they had experienced the bug as well, even after the fix. I haven't experienced it myself yet post-patch.

> > >

> > > Yeah, it was me. I can't 100% confirm it unless it starts to occur quite often, it was the first time since patch, so I am still frustrated. I didn't die right away so I should at least have had the invulnerability up, but I didn't, and if I was fully rez'd, there should be an immunity frame (and there wasn't), but all I can say is I saw the skill on cooldown and my HP going up in downed state before I died. Also my guardian didn't confirm using their MI, so... guess will give it more time.

> >

> > Lunarriel? :open_mouth: hello, my friend.


> Broski <3


Better love story than Twilight

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> @"Dahir.4158" said:

> I can't roam with this bug :bawling: not with all these conditions everywhere. I need my Fire Aura/Invigorating Torrents/Elemental Shielding back!


Who would've though that changing Fire Shield's name to Fire Aura would turn things into a mess?


No downed state week is almost there, cheers! \o/

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