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What are some of the things you believe GW2 DIDN'T do right/well?

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-The LS4 map have POI lock behind a time gated event that last over 10 minute. Pretty sure that is to prevent key farmer running Alt up there

- Most of the event on LS4 that slightly harder than just follow NPC and kill mobs doesn't tell what to do and the reward are not existed so people dont do them .

- Its pretty much that once you ran out of farm content in old map. You have no reason to go back at all.

- No options preset yet I haven't set foot back into PVP or WvW because I can't set all those effect off or keybind preset for one game mode with a few click

- Game need a lot of plenty of emote . especially a duo emote

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A LOT of the things from above, especially season 1


1. Removal of Personality system with charm, dignity, ferocity instead of rework, because those choices on character on character creation/dialogues are still there. for me it looks awful, and new players confused.

2. Bugs in Core Tyria open world dynamic events like NPC(s) not moving anymore in the middle of the way during escort.

3. Personal story annoying minor bugs like chess skins: still see one in ''One Good Drink Deserves Another'' on Eir at the start ( Norn story). Or during Charr story '' Thicker than Water'' had to release and escort the invisible NPC. reported in-game long ago including the 2. and seems its not fixed.

4. Each LW episode, a new map. They could at least sometimes revisit old maps

5. Thoughness and vitality needs to be reworked. tired of using the same popular stats outside of openworld like berserker.

6. Claw island should be available in open world. really ''hurts'' me that we cometwice only for personal story, then no more

7. Dungeon story mode requires people. even with my real life friend (in duo), we dont make it. I can understand in exploration mode, but story.... We do not need 3 or 4 more ''commanders'' to go through this.

8. allied NPCs get killed too fast on personal story instances, not obvious for new players.


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1. Legendary stats (weapons/Armor)

2. Trading Post cleanup

3. Loot

4. Empty maps




1. legendary stats need to be a bit better then ascended.. period.

Excuses like.. *well they will be mandatory or required for raid groups by raid leaders / groups so people with exotic of ascended can't raid* nonsense, you can raid in exotic find another group or make your own.

Golden rule in GW2, everything is playable with Exotic!

2. Trading post needs a CLEANUP, 1 or 2 MILLION wood/ore types and counting.. everything you gather/craft has less and less value.. I like to gather wood & ore , but last few months I wonder if it is still worth it.

So I am suggesting just remove 90% of abundance from the TP, so for example a 250 soft wood is WORTH something again like 1-2 years ago.. now it's worthless.

3. I see Arena-net working on loot system, lets see what that brings.. just a short suggestion.. less is more. (rather have 1 drop from 10 mobs worth something/useful then every mob dropping trophy's and junk).

4. Some maps are not played a lot or at least not that popular like DS & AB (Kourna, Sandswept Isles, Ember bay, Draconis Mons) .. maybe some (big/meta) events in those area's are needed.

5. GW is still the best MMO (former WOW, AION, TERA, ARCHAGE, BDO player) good job ARENANET good job ;) thanks.


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> @"Dhemize.8649" said:

> WvW in general.


> Whether it's population imbalance, coverage, rewards, broken classes, map design, gimmicky implementations, zerg vs roam, mounts running in circles waiting for an easy pounce, loss of server/guild identity, burn out, the community itself, or the overall objective. It has always felt incomplete and there's honestly no way to fix it now.


> 10/10 scrap it and start over.



> People need more of a functional reason to enter guild halls, too. A giant map for a few nodes and a merch. RIP


Pretty much this. Everything else that this game offers lacks originality and is or has been done in other games much better. WvW was the only thing that was original and best on the market. Unfortunately they royally screwed it up and after years of neglect and half or more players left it they finally started to do some things, but it was too little and too late and it will never recover.


If there were awards for screw ups and missing opportunities in gaming world, then this would definetly be a runner up if not the winner.


There is no fixing it now no matter what, it is too late and the only thing that can be done is do better in GW3, if there is going to be a GW3.


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> @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

> 2. Trading post needs a CLEANUP, 1 or 2 MILLION wood/ore types and counting.. everything you gather/craft has less and less value.. I like to gather wood & ore , but last few months I wonder if it is still worth it.

> So I am suggesting just remove 90% of abundance from the TP, so for example a 250 soft wood is WORTH something again like 1-2 years ago.. now it's worthless.


Where do you suggest that stuff goes? Those are currently sell orders - Anet could just cancel them all, and then people would just list them again. Or I suppose Anet could basically buy them all, but now that is creating a false subsidy (effectively same as increasing the sell to vendor price)

The fact is, this is a supply & demand issue. If it was really worthless, no one would gather it and price would go up. The problem is that there is massive supply and limited demand. Or perhaps more precisely, the demand is distorted to lower tier materials.

One would think that higher tier materials should generally be worth than lower tier, but that is not true. Mithril ore is cheaper than iron and platinum ore. So the limiting factor on making deldrimor steel ingots isn't supply of mithril, but supply of iron, darksteel, and steel.

This also results in the odd behavior or opening certain types of equipment on lower level characters because you get more valuable items. So that is really 2 things that have been done wrong.



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The only core goof I think they made was hard-baking in the three weight rigging system. It made sense in their initial game development all those years ago but has held back a lot of creativity in a game with heavy cosmetic flexibility. A secondary, fixable goof was the otherwise stellar rollout of the Wardrobe system that included completely wrecking mix and match town clothes in favor of really ugly clothes combo 15 minute tonics you couldn't dye, followed by making those tonics into outfits you *could* dye (with terrible channel choices) but still couldn't mix in better pants and shoes than the jodhpurs and riding boots.


There are other things I'm not so happy with (shallow story treatment for a long time, with major missing story beats, and not having a keybind for slottable consumables) but I don't know enough about design and software limitations to say how they could do it any differently and I don't generally get miffed about them. My lost hoodie and slacks combo though, I still mourn that.

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> @"Solvar.7953" said:

> Where do you suggest that stuff goes? Those are currently sell orders - Anet could just cancel them all, and then people would just list them again. Or I suppose Anet could basically buy them all, but now that is creating a false subsidy (effectively same as increasing the sell to vendor price)

> The fact is, this is a supply & demand issue. If it was really worthless, no one would gather it and price would go up. The problem is that there is massive supply and limited demand. Or perhaps more precisely, the demand is distorted to lower tier materials.

> One would think that higher tier materials should generally be worth than lower tier, but that is not true. Mithril ore is cheaper than iron and platinum ore. So the limiting factor on making deldrimor steel ingots isn't supply of mithril, but supply of iron, darksteel, and steel.

> This also results in the odd behavior or opening certain types of equipment on lower level characters because you get more valuable items. So that is really 2 things that have been done wrong.


Good question, I don't know , there is for example 1,5Million soft wood and 2,5Million hard wood available..is it all owned by players ? i'm not an economist, but I do know things need to be done.

Balance materials out needed for crafting for example.. put lower tier stuff in. There are so many things that are worthless, gold ore, copper ore and many more.

Mithril and Elder Wood is needed for Legy's (25K+ if I am correct) you would expect these materials to be highly valuable but they are not.


Look at these crazy amounts on the TP.. and this is why I feel gathering isn't worth it anymore.. I don't care about supply and demand, this is a game .. not the New York stock exchange.

Two years ago I got like 6gold for 250 watchwork sprockets (1.2Million on TP).. now worth 30 silver.. c'mon something needs to be done really.


Silver Ore : 17 Million !!!

Mithril Ore: 3.5 Million

Gold Ore : 2.6 Million

Platinum Ore : 2.3 Million

Orichalcum Ore: 1.8 Million

Iron Ore: 1.6 Million


Leathers :

Thick Leather section: 3.4M - and the rest of square's, straps and sections are much better balanced.. because it's better utilized in Deldrimor ingots or Spiritwood planks for example.


So why would we still go gather (mine/lumber) ??.. you see 10 bucks Gems to Gold is like 2-3-4 weeks mining worth.. why waste time on that and unlimited gather items + glyphs?.

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Hmmm... Of course a matter of opinion. Personally, the point that disturbs me the most currently, up to being a real bother at times - for which I believe that Anet did not give a long enough thinking - is when one (or more) item(s) needed for a basic collection/achievement is impossible to obtain, because in a location closed behind a group event that cannot be soloed and that nobody is doing anymore. There are many such cases unfortunately.


I find that OK when the item is needed for something of a "superior" level like legendaries, because then it makes sense to be hard to get. But for a "normal" treasure hunt bringing 1 AP upon completion and no big reward, to have an item impossible to get because the location is not reachable due to a group event that nobody is doing anymore, that's not adapted for me.

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> @"Smeerlap.2698" said:

> > @"Solvar.7953" said:

> > Where do you suggest that stuff goes? Those are currently sell orders - Anet could just cancel them all, and then people would just list them again. Or I suppose Anet could basically buy them all, but now that is creating a false subsidy (effectively same as increasing the sell to vendor price)

> > The fact is, this is a supply & demand issue. If it was really worthless, no one would gather it and price would go up. The problem is that there is massive supply and limited demand. Or perhaps more precisely, the demand is distorted to lower tier materials.

> > One would think that higher tier materials should generally be worth than lower tier, but that is not true. Mithril ore is cheaper than iron and platinum ore. So the limiting factor on making deldrimor steel ingots isn't supply of mithril, but supply of iron, darksteel, and steel.

> > This also results in the odd behavior or opening certain types of equipment on lower level characters because you get more valuable items. So that is really 2 things that have been done wrong.

> >

> Good question, I don't know , there is for example 1,5Million soft wood and 2,5Million hard wood available..is it all owned by players ? i'm not an economist, but I do know things need to be done.

> Balance materials out needed for crafting for example.. put lower tier stuff in. There are so many things that are worthless, gold ore, copper ore and many more.

> Mithril and Elder Wood is needed for Legy's (25K+ if I am correct) you would expect these materials to be highly valuable but they are not.


> Look at these crazy amounts on the TP.. and this is why I feel gathering isn't worth it anymore.. I don't care about supply and demand, this is a game .. not the New York stock exchange.

> Two years ago I got like 6gold for 250 watchwork sprockets (1.2Million on TP).. now worth 30 silver.. c'mon something needs to be done really.


> Silver Ore : 17 Million !!!

> Mithril Ore: 3.5 Million

> Gold Ore : 2.6 Million

> Platinum Ore : 2.3 Million

> Orichalcum Ore: 1.8 Million

> Iron Ore: 1.6 Million


> Leathers :

> Thick Leather section: 3.4M - and the rest of square's, straps and sections are much better balanced.. because it's better utilized in Deldrimor ingots or Spiritwood planks for example.


> So why would we still go gather (mine/lumber) ??.. you see 10 bucks Gems to Gold is like 2-3-4 weeks mining worth.. why waste time on that and unlimited gather items + glyphs?.


It is all owned by players who leave it there to sell for a slightly higher price. I suspect most sell as an indtant “sell now” sale via the tp meaning much more trades via the tp from gatherers and salvagers.


Why do ppl gather? Not everyone uses the tp, gathering is easy and painless and the materials also come from salvaging. It all balances out extremely well.

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* **WvW** - The most unique game mode and arguably the one with the most potential has been neglected since launch and the dev team seem completely out of touch.

* **Loot** - Most everything is pre-determined, but placed inside bags to give the illusion of chance. Worthless currencies that we have to farm (ironically, to avoid so-called farming) in order to buy things from a shop or the TP. It's bland.

* **Crafting** - Speaking of bland -- The current trend of time-gated/account-bound materials. I can't sit down and make heaps of progress when I'm feeling particularly motivated or have a lot of free time to kill because I'm limited in the amount of things I can do per day. This especially makes little sense when they're both account-bound and time-gated. If I can't flood the market with these items, what harm is there in getting as many as I want?

* **Achievements** - Ruin in-game immersion because your actions are influenced by your shopping list of mundane tasks to do for listed reward.

* **Traits** - The current system hampers build diversity and used to be a lot more in-depth and interesting.

* **Mounts** - Felt unnecessary to me in a game with hundreds of waypoints dotted conveniently across the map. The Warclaw is particularly egregious in its current implementation.

* **Guilds** - For a game with this as its namesake, it took an exceptionally long time for guilds to actually serve a purpose, and even now, that purpose is dubious at best.

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Two things others have mentioned

1: The initial story line was meh.

2: The post processing effects are way over the top.

And one I don't thing anyone included

3: You can't actually fail missions. Sure, there are missions you can't complete if you go in naked and with no skills. But there is no fail condition. I really missed this from GW1 where you might do something or fail to do something that caused the mission to actually fail. I gave a sense of challenge to the mission rather than die - res - run back in until mission is done. The missions in GW 2 are just boring.

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They didn't future proof their engine at its foundation.

Part of its code was outdated at release, and bugs and design flaw in the core will most likely never see fixes.


A different issue i struggle with, even with a very powerful pc, i have to keep model limits en quality low during meta events, which results in invisible bosses.

Bosses only become visible when you target them, and targeting is the bane of every warrior

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1) Failing to introduce a progression system

2) Making the first two stories boring

3) Making WvW about towers and ignoring feedback about WvW

4) Using Necklaces for PvP

5) Ignoring feedback for a progression system

6) Ignoring everything every player has suggested that is actually good for the game, and having forum moderators that will flag you for hurting people's feelings.

7) Making everything except for raiding too easy

8) Not giving enough lore about the raids

9) Not tying lore of expansion to raids

10) Not releasing concept armor skins

11) Not creating more cultural armor sets


The one thing they did right besides the combat, is they didn't cater to all the pervert men wanting to go naked with their female toon into battle.

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1. Lack of armor skins that sport a sleek, functional and professional look. It is very hard to dress female characters in a way that doesn't involve e.g. ribbons, fluffy skirts or lace. Too many outfits are either too cute or "girlie" or they are outrageous, exaggerated or just plain silly looking.

2. The amount of items with specific uses or items that are part of unfinished collections (e.g. journals) you have to come back and sift and sort through after an extended break...

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Group content.


I like grouping in my MMORPG's. I didn't enjoy a single dungeon when the game released. The aesthetics were great but the way the classes/professions interacted with each other turned me off. I was just never a fan of "every man for himself dps spam wars". The cross profession combos weren't enough in my opinion. I know this has changed a lot in some regards since, but it took too long and most of my gaming buddies left.

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How failproof single player content is. Story is fine (considering the writing limitations inherent to the genre)but the game having pretty much 0 penalty for dying during living world instances makes the gameplay feel shallow. Its more a semi-interactive movie than a game. This is valid for the open world content in general as well.


Also the social aspect of the game is very under-developped for an MMO.

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1. Lack of build templates. I'm still a bit baffled why this isn't a thing now that we have 2 different elite spec options per class + the base class. I'd like to play around with both and change up the playstyle of the class occasionally but it's a royal pain in the butt to switch builds most of the time, so I don't bother.

2. Makes crappy meta events. There are so many maps with meta events that basically nobody does because the rewards are crap. They then get upset that people find a map to farm and nerf it, but people would probably be more willing to spend time in other maps or modes if it was rewarding to do so for more than a few achievements or skins.


And...those are the only real big complaints I can think of at the moment. There are other things that are annoying but not bad enough for me to list. Most things I have a problem with or think needs a change they end up changing. Some of the stuff I see others complaining about really...isn't that bad compared to other games. Granted, the only other MMO I've played a lot of is FFXIV though, so that's what I'm going to compare it to. But really? Gear grinding and visual clutter? Compared to other MMOs that make your gear obsolete after about 2 weeks or that have super flashy class skills that make the screen just as bad of a visual eyesore? GW2 isn't that bad. At least I haven't disconnected from GW2 because 5000 people heard that Ixion spawned and swarmed the map.

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Crafting. Even overlooking how GW2's system was copy-pasted from other MMOs, very little thought seems to have been put into it. People will level crafting just to fill progress bars and GW2 fails in the same way as other games, where the progression becomes the end goal rather than the production of items. Once again we have an "economy" of crafters who are often forced to take a loss on their items just so they can reach the next level. And here too we have uneven pacing where some tiers have nothing worthwhile to craft while others are overloaded with profitable items that soon become ignored because you only need a fraction of them to level. Then there was the abortive introduction of ascended gear through daily currency which forever undermined Jeweler. Crafting continues to be used as an arbitrary gating element to access endgame items and skins, even though the leveling itself is a small, almost meaningless portion of the cost for producing things like crafted legendaries.


Remember that part in the personal story where you assemble the finest crafters in Tyria for the Pact? Well, what was the point of that? I can make better stuff than any of them can, as can any of the other thousands of commanders. It would have been more impactful to require visits to these artisans to have the best gear made. And to be able to do so even if you had never stitched a leg panel in your life because your actual role in the game is to be a soldier and not a seamstress.


GW1 had it right. You want something good made, you bring the materials and pay an artisan who dedicated his life to the craft to make the good things for you. For the really fancy stuff, it was necessary to find the artisans in exotic locations so that even people who bought the materials with gold still had to venture out of town to earn their new look. Player crafting should be limited to common items that an ordinary person would feasibly make, like food and utility items.

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> @"Paralux.6714" said:

> Making the game free to play (I know it’s restricted but still).

> Neglecting dungeons.

> Changing the fractal system.

> The focus on adding new outfits instead of armor sets.

> The addition of raids.


Making the core game f2p in my opinion brings paying customers in. It was why i ended up here instead of ESO (and i have since then payed for both expansions and a bunch of living season stuff)

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> @"Paralux.6714" said:

> Making the game free to play (I know it’s restricted but still).

> Neglecting dungeons.

> Changing the fractal system.

> The focus on adding new outfits instead of armor sets.

> The addition of raids.


What is it about the F2P aspect that bothers you? It brings in new players who then may very well become customers. And it's implemented in a way that doesn't interfere with the established economy.

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