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How much do we earn on average in an hour of active WvW?


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Considering I don't invest anything and getting an average of 70 lootbags every time I *do* play I probably earn a couple of gold just from those materials alone, not counting any possible gear + salvage drops and the flat gold reward from leveling and potential profit from Skirmish Chests and reward tracks.


It's not as bad as everybody believes. Lot of the "reward" simply comes from 'invisible' loot and flat rewards that you can't really cash in, thus making them far less noticable.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> Just wondering...but has anyone ever gotten a precursor drop in WvW?


One time my friend dropped not one, but TWO precursors in one hour. We were engaging in what can only be described as "German bashing" and their lootbags were quite exquisite and filled with riches on top of that.


Meanwhile there is me. 4000 hours and not a single one. My salt has become very bitter.

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Comparing anything to PvE farming will find it blown out of the water when you're comparing an activity to the likes of silverwastes farm. PvE casual doesn't compare to PvE farming. That said, PvE casual is in the same leagues as WvW. Though WvW gains are super hard to calculate even when tracked due to the 1. even bigger RNG factor with drops, and 2, even more so, due to the fact you can spend hours in wvw just running around maxing the siege cap everywhere- not always is there opportunities to get constant sources of loot, hense why the idea of bag farming exists.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > Just wondering...but has anyone ever gotten a precursor drop in WvW?


> Of course players have, what does it have to do with the topic though? Have you even bothered to run your own tests yet? If so, what are your findings?




Ah my dear Swagger, forever so stern with my comments.

What would I do without you? =D

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> Just wondering...but has anyone ever gotten a precursor drop in WvW?


I did get 2 in my "life time" both from wvw, but i guess that is because I spend most of my time in wvw unless i am hunting some pve legendary, and I also think that is because i am one of the lucky people to get precursor drops even.


And for me wvw gives me more gold than pve, i mean in pve if you want to get gold, you have to do specific things forever, in wvw you just play, the higher rank you are the more rewards you will get.


As for how much we get, that is totally random, since everything is random for us, but it is definitely good amount of gold, I mean back then we used to play wvw without making gold, just losing gold, now we are actually getting more and more, most of the gold that i have is from wvw =)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > How much do we earn on average in an hour of active WvW?

> > I've heard many people say that WvW is a poor place compared to PvE.

> > If we include all the reward tracks and pip chests and loot bags and WvW badges and leveling ups and everything that can imaginably be earned in an hour of active WvW, how much do we earn on average?


> The question **cannot** be answered as phrased, not in any accurate or meaningful way.


> First, hardly anyone has any idea how much they 'earn' in any game mode. Humans are generally bad at keeping mental records and hardly anyone has patience to keep other records. There are some tools out there that attempt to measure, but they require some extra effort and hardly anyone uses any of them.


> Second, while some people think they have some idea of how much they earn from specific farms (see above for why they are probably inaccurate estimates), those form only a narrow element of PvE. Not everyone farms and those who do have very different techniques, even at the same farm. At one point, for a Silverwastes/RIBA estimate, I saw people (who were each trying to pay careful attention) estimate values that were off by a factor of two, just by using different strategies.


> Third, like PvE, there are all sorts of ways to play WvW and different people will earn differently.


> So before I'd trust anyone's answer on the topic, I'd want to see their actual numbers using a farming tracker tool, using different strategies, over a variety of trial periods. And even then, at best, the answer we'd get would be "how much does @"EremiteAngel.9765" earn from active WvW versus from typical PvE or from PvE farming."


> tl;dr there are too many variables and too little high-quality data to answer the question meaningfully


> ****

> Tools for tracking your farming:

> * [GW2 Efficiency's Farming Tracker](https://gw2efficiency.com/account/farming-tracker)

> * @"Silveress.5197"'s [Transaction Tracker](https://gw2.silveress.ie/login)


> Both these have their own issues at estimating value, due to the sorts of assumptions and approximations required to assign value to things like currency. Still, these are better than nothing.


> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > > Just wondering...but has anyone ever gotten a precursor drop in WvW?

> >

> > Of course players have, what does it have to do with the topic though? Have you even bothered to run your own tests yet? If so, what are your findings?

> >

> >


> Ah my dear Swagger, forever so stern with my comments.

> What would I do without you? =D



You asked a question and were provide a well thought-out answer, which included links to help you find some basic numbers to the question of the topic YOU started... However, you ignore all that...


So why ask a question, then waste any poster’s time trying to help by avoiding the advice?



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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > > How much do we earn on average in an hour of active WvW?

> > > I've heard many people say that WvW is a poor place compared to PvE.

> > > If we include all the reward tracks and pip chests and loot bags and WvW badges and leveling ups and everything that can imaginably be earned in an hour of active WvW, how much do we earn on average?

> >

> > The question **cannot** be answered as phrased, not in any accurate or meaningful way.

> >

> > First, hardly anyone has any idea how much they 'earn' in any game mode. Humans are generally bad at keeping mental records and hardly anyone has patience to keep other records. There are some tools out there that attempt to measure, but they require some extra effort and hardly anyone uses any of them.

> >

> > Second, while some people think they have some idea of how much they earn from specific farms (see above for why they are probably inaccurate estimates), those form only a narrow element of PvE. Not everyone farms and those who do have very different techniques, even at the same farm. At one point, for a Silverwastes/RIBA estimate, I saw people (who were each trying to pay careful attention) estimate values that were off by a factor of two, just by using different strategies.

> >

> > Third, like PvE, there are all sorts of ways to play WvW and different people will earn differently.

> >

> > So before I'd trust anyone's answer on the topic, I'd want to see their actual numbers using a farming tracker tool, using different strategies, over a variety of trial periods. And even then, at best, the answer we'd get would be "how much does @"EremiteAngel.9765" earn from active WvW versus from typical PvE or from PvE farming."

> >

> > tl;dr there are too many variables and too little high-quality data to answer the question meaningfully

> >

> > ****

> > Tools for tracking your farming:

> > * [GW2 Efficiency's Farming Tracker](https://gw2efficiency.com/account/farming-tracker)

> > * @"Silveress.5197"'s [Transaction Tracker](https://gw2.silveress.ie/login)

> >

> > Both these have their own issues at estimating value, due to the sorts of assumptions and approximations required to assign value to things like currency. Still, these are better than nothing.


> > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > > @"Swagger.1459" said:

> > > > @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> > > > Just wondering...but has anyone ever gotten a precursor drop in WvW?

> > >

> > > Of course players have, what does it have to do with the topic though? Have you even bothered to run your own tests yet? If so, what are your findings?

> > >

> > >

> >

> > Ah my dear Swagger, forever so stern with my comments.

> > What would I do without you? =D



> You asked a question and were provide a well thought-out answer, which included links to help you find some basic numbers to the question of the topic YOU started... However, you ignore all that...


> So why ask a question, then waste any poster’s time trying to help by avoiding the advice?




Ah yes my bad my bad.

I should thank everyone who replied individually in replies instead of giving all of them a helpful upvote.

Hey I'll improve =D

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I made more gold in 20 minutes of an escort in a raid than 4 hours of a reset run with my guild. Balanced.


You probably make roughly 5g/hr in WvW and that's mostly because the loot hasn't really been updated in any way and the materials you get from reward tracks go for near vendor prices. Most of them go for half a silver on the TP.


PvE for gold, WvW for fun.

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Who's making 5g an hour in WvW?!

I'm lucky to get that much in an entire evening guild raid!


But yeah, if WvW gave similar amount of gold that PvE does, more PvE players would come over.

But that means all maps queued all day and night like they were with the Warclaw.

Anet would have to rent more servers.

And we've seen how bad the Amazon servers are, and more players would cause even more lag.

Not that the Warclaw itself hasnt introduced more lag already!

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  • 6 months later...

I make maybe 1-2 gold per night in WvW (night= about 4 hours) including selling mats and drops to the TP. I think right now I am doing the Hero Weapon track on repeat (other tracks might vary). The above is for solo-roam type play: flipping camps/sentries/paper towers/merc camps, some 1vX, soloing group creatures (Overgrown Grub, Champion Nature Spirit, etc.), and "occasionally" following (not typically joining) smaller groups. Don't really zerg. Buying food/utility/traps/siege cuts into the above.


I did some PvE during the Champion Rush thing, and was frankly shocked at how much gold I made compared to WvW: I went from maybe 25 gold total (yeah, I am poor) to almost 200 gold without any real effort. Then I spent all of it on increasing tailor skill, so back to like 5 gold. That doesn't count the value of stuff I kept or could not sell (banners, boosters, etc., that I won). PvE is easily 10x as lucrative as WvW without any increase in effort.



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> @"Nerah.8235" said:

> I make maybe 1-2 gold per night in WvW (night= about 4 hours) including selling mats and drops to the TP. I think right now I am doing the Hero Weapon track on repeat (other tracks might vary). The above is for solo-roam type play: flipping camps/sentries/paper towers/merc camps, some 1vX, soloing group creatures (Overgrown Grub, Champion Nature Spirit, etc.), and "occasionally" following (not typically joining) smaller groups. Don't really zerg. Buying food/utility/traps/siege cuts into the above.


> I did some PvE during the Champion Rush thing, and was frankly shocked at how much gold I made compared to WvW: I went from maybe 25 gold total (yeah, I am poor) to almost 200 gold without any real effort. Then I spent all of it on increasing tailor skill, so back to like 5 gold. That doesn't count the value of stuff I kept or could not sell (banners, boosters, etc., that I won). PvE is easily 10x as lucrative as WvW without any increase in effort.



If you complete the WvW dailies, that increases it 2 gold automatically.


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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> earn? you make it sound like were getting payed.


Oh good I thought it was just me, I read the title and went to a Yoda voice, "Earn in WvW, these words you mean not, hmph! Playing leads to killing, killing leads to looting, looting leads to the darkside it does. Loot you do, earn not though, avoid the darkside you will!"

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:


> Tools for tracking your farming:

> * [GW2 Efficiency's Farming Tracker](https://gw2efficiency.com/account/farming-tracker)

> * @"Silveress.5197"'s [Transaction Tracker](https://gw2.silveress.ie/login)


> Both these have their own issues at estimating value, due to the sorts of assumptions and approximations required to assign value to things like currency. Still, these are better than nothing.


Have you tried their time machine feature? Been meaning to give it a shot for things like this.


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Well let's get this farming tracker a try.

![](https://i.imgur.com/tMthhts.png "")


This was done on queued EB map on pug Firebrand (so bags are low, may want to try this on another class) on a weekend afternoon so this is pretty soft competition with low downtime. It's also nice that it subtracts the price of consumables. Numbers are bloated because of 2 exotics that dropped so probably subtract 1.3g. Though note I opened all the bags right away and didn't open the pouches on a lower level character.


Reward track was Draconic Mons. There were like 5 skirmish chests I didn't open. That's probably another 50s.


Also participation started at level 6, so you may want to consider how long it takes to reach that. And note it'd be somewhat less if you drop siege.


I only gather cloth and leather nodes. The other ones are too cheap to bother with unless you're like broke or something.


Will compare against pve in a bit.

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Don't expect good rewards in wvw. It does generate a small amount of gold and better results at the weekends with bigger fights (or fights at all!) but it will take a very long time to get a return on investment if you crafted a new ascended set and ascended rings etc in order to be effective in wvw.


Make sure you're running with a zerg and bring the best tagging class along. Or if you want to enjoy wvw, forget about how much or little gold you make from it and contribute to the server by playing the game and not worrying about how little how make if you're busy scouting/flipping camps/etc.

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