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Will Gen 2 GS also feature a combine ala Eternity, thoughts?

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I guess the GS will be dragon themed almost like an gw2 logo gives u dragon aura on crit.


That would be a way to end legendaries for this expansion even so I feel those legendaries came with crazy delay 3 years ago I bought the xpact who told me about them

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Im just not a fan of big fat paddle like swords esp if they have a lot of flash on them. I think they are ugly honestly . I love this sword from another game, ingame it has a golden light effect that dances up and down the blade.


![](https://scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/d0f038ee0270700344e4a5998adf8f48/5D4E5106/t51.2885-15/e35/23967185_198267474077491_5847920456828452864_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-lga3-1.cdninstagram.com&se=8&ig_cache_key=MTY1NDQ4NDY5ODg1NDc5OTY0OQ%3D%3D.2 "")


Thats the cosplay version.



![](https://wow.zamimg.com/uploads/screenshots/normal/395462-twinblade-of-the-phoenix.jpg "")




This one can be glowing red, glowing green, and glowing blue, i also like the design.



![]( https://i.imgur.com/sX15v.png "")




![](https://i.imgur.com/NtX1x.png "")




![](https://i.imgur.com/etCzS.png "")



I like sleek swords that have sharp pointy parts lol






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I think it will be Sohothin, but in this flame-y, much more shiny form that we hold in the final chapters of Path of Fire, also Rytlock's side story (All or Nothing: Requiem) indicates a bit, that Rytlock may give his sword to us and leave the battlefield, returning to his family and waiting for the end of the world in Black Citadel.


But well, I'm just getting my hopes too high now. :D


P.S. Rytlock noticed that Sohothin interacts with the Commander much more, and we could wield magic Rytlock never could. So whoever deserves taking over Rytlock's mantle, is the Commander. But it's just a pure speculation at this point.

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> Im just not a fan of big fat paddle like swords esp if they have a lot of flash on them. I think they are ugly honestly . I love this sword from another game, ingame it has a golden light effect that dances up and down the blade.


Same here, although admittedly I'm in the process of crafting Sunrise as it and Twilight are the only legendary weapons I both like and have characters who would use.


That said, this remains my favorite GS skin in the game, and was my first ascended weapon for my Guard for that reason: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Mistforged_Hero%27s_Greatsword.jpg


I love the ornate hilt, pommel and guard. The filigree running up the 1-sided blade is also very nice, and when unsheathed you get a simple buy nice particle glow (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Mistforged_Hero%27s_Greatsword_wielded.jpg).


Even in the middle of crafting a legendary sword for my Guard, I'm still conflicted over replacing this awesome blade.


EDIT: I was also the first on my server to get Aesir's Edge from Heroic 10M XT on my Ret Paladin, right after they revamped the stats on it. I got whisper after whisper for weeks about it, as the one that dropped in in 25man was Hunter stat stick.


EDIT 2: My fav WoW GS was Lionheart Executioner - I even transmogged my Ashbringer with that skin through the whole of Legion lol


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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > Im just not a fan of big fat paddle like swords esp if they have a lot of flash on them. I think they are ugly honestly . I love this sword from another game, ingame it has a golden light effect that dances up and down the blade.

> >

> Same here, although admittedly I'm in the process of crafting Sunrise as it and Twilight are the only legendary weapons I both like and have characters who would use.


> That said, this remains my favorite GS skin in the game, and was my first ascended weapon for my Guard for that reason: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Mistforged_Hero%27s_Greatsword.jpg


> I love the ornate hilt, pommel and guard. The filigree running up the 1-sided blade is also very nice, and when unsheathed you get a simple buy nice particle glow (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/File:Mistforged_Hero%27s_Greatsword_wielded.jpg).


> Even in the middle of crafting a legendary sword for my Guard, I'm still conflicted over replacing this awesome blade.


> EDIT: I was also the first on my server to get Aesir's Edge from Heroic 10M XT on my Ret Paladin, right after they revamped the stats on it. I got whisper after whisper for weeks about it, as the one that dropped in in 25man was Hunter stat stick.


> EDIT 2: My fav WoW GS was Lionheart Executioner - I even transmogged my Ashbringer with that skin through the whole of Legion lol



See i loved Aesirs edge , i had it on my pally and warrior. But wow had a tremendous amount of detailed swords, another favorite was the green and black glass sword from AQ, as well as Maladath blade of the black flight with its dragon head pommel and guard. I would love to see more intricate swords in this game, hunting down nice collections of armor and weapons to add to the wardrobe was a favorite pastime in wow. But there isnt a lot of variety here and definitely not a lot of stuff a player can acquire through ingame hunting or farming. This game needs more drops with more variety, i have always said that part of what makes a game great is the ability to get more through the game than a cash shop. And that is part of content to play. Im not one to sit at my pc and shop as my game content, thats not what playing a game is about.



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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> I would love to see more intricate swords in this game, hunting down nice collections of armor and weapons to add to the wardrobe was a favorite pastime in wow..But there isnt a lot of variety here and definitely not a lot of stuff a player can acquire through ingame hunting or farming. This game needs more drops with more variety, i have always said that part of what makes a game great is the ability to get more through the game than a cash shop. And that is part of content to play. Im not one to sit at my pc and shop as my game content, thats not what playing a game is about.



And if GW2 was a subscription based game like WoW we would have just that, but the gem store is how ANET pays the bills, so while they do introduce new skins into the game via LS like the Requiem Armor and Dragonsblood weapons (neither of which did I care for), they release far more skins for sale either on the gem store or via BL Chests / BL claim tickets. But since we can buy gems with gold, all it takes is some in game farming or TP flipping to give a player the means to acquire those skins. Frankly I prefer that over RNG fests like WoW where after x-number of years of trying, some people still don't have certain mounts / skins they have been farming.


My WoW account has been inactive for over a year, but it still doesn't have Ashes of Alar or Reigns of the Raven Lord unlocked :wink:


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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > I would love to see more intricate swords in this game, hunting down nice collections of armor and weapons to add to the wardrobe was a favorite pastime in wow..But there isnt a lot of variety here and definitely not a lot of stuff a player can acquire through ingame hunting or farming. This game needs more drops with more variety, i have always said that part of what makes a game great is the ability to get more through the game than a cash shop. And that is part of content to play. Im not one to sit at my pc and shop as my game content, thats not what playing a game is about.

> >

> >

> And if GW2 was a subscription based game like WoW we would have just that, but the gem store is how ANET pays the bills, so while they do introduce new skins into the game via LS like the Requiem Armor and Dragonsblood weapons (neither of which did I care for), they release far more skins for sale either on the gem store or via BL Chests / BL claim tickets. But since we can buy gems with gold, all it takes is some in game farming or TP flipping to give a player the means to acquire those skins. Frankly I prefer that over RNG fests like WoW where after x-number of years of trying, some people still don't have certain mounts / skins they have been farming.


> My WoW account has been inactive for over a year, but it still doesn't have Ashes of Alar or Reigns of the Raven Lord unlocked :wink:



You say that but then what happens when all content is behind a paywall? If you have no content ingame for people to do to have a reason to go out into the world and get things then what is the point? If all you do is buy stuff to make your character look good so you can what, stand around LA or DR and impress the newbs? Games need objectives to do that reward things we want in order for them to stay healthy. Like it or not the carrot on a stick is part of playing these types of games the effort vs reward = more content for players to do. Otherwise you have a game that rarely adds new things and just relies on frilly pay items to hook people.


I am still new so i havent run through all of GW2, but if there isnt anything in the game to drive my urge to battle and acquire and discover then it wont hold my attention long. Im not going to roll out the credit card to get a cosmetic fix for an issue that is lack of content and ingame items. We will see as i work my way through, but like i said one of the things that keeps me going is the drive to play through content and beat it or acquire things from it. Im not one to sit around for hours in a city like a statue while the peons admire my godlike gear i bought from the shop.


Dont get me wrong i do buy items off the gem store, but its not taking the place of ingame content, its strictly cosmetic or utility. Like mount skins glider skin and storage.

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > > I would love to see more intricate swords in this game, hunting down nice collections of armor and weapons to add to the wardrobe was a favorite pastime in wow..But there isnt a lot of variety here and definitely not a lot of stuff a player can acquire through ingame hunting or farming. This game needs more drops with more variety, i have always said that part of what makes a game great is the ability to get more through the game than a cash shop. And that is part of content to play. Im not one to sit at my pc and shop as my game content, thats not what playing a game is about.

> > >

> > >

> > And if GW2 was a subscription based game like WoW we would have just that, but the gem store is how ANET pays the bills, so while they do introduce new skins into the game via LS like the Requiem Armor and Dragonsblood weapons (neither of which did I care for), they release far more skins for sale either on the gem store or via BL Chests / BL claim tickets. But since we can buy gems with gold, all it takes is some in game farming or TP flipping to give a player the means to acquire those skins. Frankly I prefer that over RNG fests like WoW where after x-number of years of trying, some people still don't have certain mounts / skins they have been farming.

> >

> > My WoW account has been inactive for over a year, but it still doesn't have Ashes of Alar or Reigns of the Raven Lord unlocked :wink:

> >


> You say that but then what happens when all content is behind a paywall? If you have no content ingame for people to do to have a reason to go out into the world and get things then what is the point? If all you do is buy stuff to make your character look good so you can what, stand around LA or DR and impress the newbs? Games need objectives to do that reward things we want in order for them to stay healthy. Like it or not the carrot on a stick is part of playing these types of games the effort vs reward = more content for players to do. Otherwise you have a game that rarely adds new things and just relies on frilly pay items to hook people.


> I am still new so i havent run through all of GW2, but if there isnt anything in the game to drive my urge to battle and acquire and discover then it wont hold my attention long. Im not going to roll out the credit card to get a cosmetic fix for an issue that is lack of content and ingame items. We will see as i work my way through, but like i said one of the things that keeps me going is the drive to play through content and beat it or acquire things from it. Im not one to sit around for hours in a city like a statue while the peons admire my godlike gear i bought from the shop.


> Dont get me wrong i do buy items off the gem store, but its not taking the place of ingame content, its strictly cosmetic or utility. Like mount skins glider skin and storage.


You must have misread my post. ANET does introduce new skins attainable in game, usually through Living World chapters. Last chapter they introduced the Dragonsblood weapons (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragonsblood_weapons), the episode before that was the Requiem Armor (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Requiem_armor), and the one before that introduced a new mount (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Roller_Beetle). Just a few weeks back they introduced a new mount for WvW players, but that can also be used in PvE (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warclaw).


They also tend to release new Legendary Weapons with these releases; weapons with painfully long grinds but have the same stats as ascended gear, only with flashier effects and the ability to change stats for free.


Last episode they released Pharus: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pharus

Before that was: Xiuquatl https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Xiuquatl and Verdarach https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Verdarach


But as I said, they still need to pay the bills, so on the gem store they will release mount skins, armor skins, outfits, weapon skins, etc.


Some of the recent weapon skin releases:





Overall I think it strikes a nice balance, so long as you avoid the trap of thinking you must collect everything in the game.

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > > I would love to see more intricate swords in this game, hunting down nice collections of armor and weapons to add to the wardrobe was a favorite pastime in wow..But there isnt a lot of variety here and definitely not a lot of stuff a player can acquire through ingame hunting or farming. This game needs more drops with more variety, i have always said that part of what makes a game great is the ability to get more through the game than a cash shop. And that is part of content to play. Im not one to sit at my pc and shop as my game content, thats not what playing a game is about.

> > >

> > >

> > And if GW2 was a subscription based game like WoW we would have just that, but the gem store is how ANET pays the bills, so while they do introduce new skins into the game via LS like the Requiem Armor and Dragonsblood weapons (neither of which did I care for), they release far more skins for sale either on the gem store or via BL Chests / BL claim tickets. But since we can buy gems with gold, all it takes is some in game farming or TP flipping to give a player the means to acquire those skins. Frankly I prefer that over RNG fests like WoW where after x-number of years of trying, some people still don't have certain mounts / skins they have been farming.

> >

> > My WoW account has been inactive for over a year, but it still doesn't have Ashes of Alar or Reigns of the Raven Lord unlocked :wink:

> >


> You say that but then what happens when all content is behind a paywall? If you have no content ingame for people to do to have a reason to go out into the world and get things then what is the point? If all you do is buy stuff to make your character look good so you can what, stand around LA or DR and impress the newbs? Games need objectives to do that reward things we want in order for them to stay healthy. Like it or not the carrot on a stick is part of playing these types of games the effort vs reward = more content for players to do. Otherwise you have a game that rarely adds new things and just relies on frilly pay items to hook people.


> I am still new so i havent run through all of GW2, but if there isnt anything in the game to drive my urge to battle and acquire and discover then it wont hold my attention long. Im not going to roll out the credit card to get a cosmetic fix for an issue that is lack of content and ingame items. We will see as i work my way through, but like i said one of the things that keeps me going is the drive to play through content and beat it or acquire things from it. Im not one to sit around for hours in a city like a statue while the peons admire my godlike gear i bought from the shop.


> Dont get me wrong i do buy items off the gem store, but its not taking the place of ingame content, its strictly cosmetic or utility. Like mount skins glider skin and storage.


What content is locked behind paywall for you? :o Besides ofc LWs and Expansions that are paid content

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > > @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > > > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > > > I would love to see more intricate swords in this game, hunting down nice collections of armor and weapons to add to the wardrobe was a favorite pastime in wow..But there isnt a lot of variety here and definitely not a lot of stuff a player can acquire through ingame hunting or farming. This game needs more drops with more variety, i have always said that part of what makes a game great is the ability to get more through the game than a cash shop. And that is part of content to play. Im not one to sit at my pc and shop as my game content, thats not what playing a game is about.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > And if GW2 was a subscription based game like WoW we would have just that, but the gem store is how ANET pays the bills, so while they do introduce new skins into the game via LS like the Requiem Armor and Dragonsblood weapons (neither of which did I care for), they release far more skins for sale either on the gem store or via BL Chests / BL claim tickets. But since we can buy gems with gold, all it takes is some in game farming or TP flipping to give a player the means to acquire those skins. Frankly I prefer that over RNG fests like WoW where after x-number of years of trying, some people still don't have certain mounts / skins they have been farming.

> > >

> > > My WoW account has been inactive for over a year, but it still doesn't have Ashes of Alar or Reigns of the Raven Lord unlocked :wink:

> > >

> >

> > You say that but then what happens when all content is behind a paywall? If you have no content ingame for people to do to have a reason to go out into the world and get things then what is the point? If all you do is buy stuff to make your character look good so you can what, stand around LA or DR and impress the newbs? Games need objectives to do that reward things we want in order for them to stay healthy. Like it or not the carrot on a stick is part of playing these types of games the effort vs reward = more content for players to do. Otherwise you have a game that rarely adds new things and just relies on frilly pay items to hook people.

> >

> > I am still new so i havent run through all of GW2, but if there isnt anything in the game to drive my urge to battle and acquire and discover then it wont hold my attention long. Im not going to roll out the credit card to get a cosmetic fix for an issue that is lack of content and ingame items. We will see as i work my way through, but like i said one of the things that keeps me going is the drive to play through content and beat it or acquire things from it. Im not one to sit around for hours in a city like a statue while the peons admire my godlike gear i bought from the shop.

> >

> > Dont get me wrong i do buy items off the gem store, but its not taking the place of ingame content, its strictly cosmetic or utility. Like mount skins glider skin and storage.


> What content is locked behind paywall for you? :o Besides ofc LWs and Expansions that are paid content


Why is it that the seasons are locked? and not all of them just ones that give you something like roller beetle or gear. I find it disingenuous that i had all the story unlocked except the chapter long live the lich that i had to buy, because of the roller beetle. The chapter before it and the ones after in the same story were unlocked. Story should be part of the game you already paid for, thats where we get into paywalls. And from what i understand there is a whole set of ascended gear locked behind season 3. Correct me if wrong but thats what i was told you have to buy season 3 to get that stuff. And my main point was about content in game, does having cosmetics you buy keep people interested in a game if there is no new content added ingame. I bought both expansions, bought a story, bought mount skins glider skin and storage and character slots, but that dont take the place of ingame content.

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