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this is the most imbalanced patch by far that we've had since PoF release


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> @"Interpretor.3091" said:

> > @"everyman.4375" said:

> > > @"Interpretor.3091" said:

> > > People are still bringing Mirages in PvP and tournament play because of their mobility, utility and portals;amongst other things as well.

> > > Mirage ability to 1v1 gets nerfed and actually loses matchups 1v1 now and Mirage mains explode.

> > > Mirage is incredibly useful and brought in monthly ATs for a reason. It’s versatile and good Mesmer players will figure out how to utilize Mirage in a way that they can find advantages from, just like they have done in every meta (which idk if you have noticed, but Mesmer/Mirage/Chrono has been meta in sPvP since the game has been released).

> > > Just because you can’t push far and win every matchup to carry games anymore doesn’t mean that it’s not worth playing. Find another way to utilize your class.

> >

> > Mirage mobility is a blink that you shouldn't use out of combat and a portal that is unusable because of the duration.

> > If you're planning on making a meta comp taking mirage is a mistake.


> Oh, you’re a top player and already know the meta so close to the balance patch?


> My bad.


> Pretty sure though the top teams are still bringing Mirages and even Chronomancers to ATs.


> Also, unlike any other 1v1 class in the game, Mesmers have superior mobility both rotational and during 1v1s. Mirages can blink up the clocktower and if they are in trouble or need to rotate faster and can blink to safe spots on side nodes when 1v1ing on certain maps. What other 1v1 side noder can do that? Spellbreaker? No. Soulbeast? No. Scapper? No. Weaver? No. Holosmith? No.


> Also, portal plays were used in base game, HoT and PoF metas, who is to say that it wont come back? Especially now that Mirage isn’t taking 1v1s that often.


Chrono is busted, i'm talking about mirage.

What you're saying about mobility during rotations is just wrong so i won't even bother and unless they buff portal it won't make a come back because once you put it on a node by the time you make it to the next one you have a bit more than 10 seconds to use it wich is just not enough.

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> how can you be sure in something that simply isn't correct? there wasn't **a single mirage** out of 8 teams in the monthly AT

> (Incisor being an EU player, I assume he's talking about the EU MaT)


> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> There was at least one mirage in the mAT finals (EU) for the last seven months. I stopped checking any further.


Can we get a fact check here or something, not that the MaT comps are an exact list of which specs are useful in the entirety of PvP, but I'm curious. Cause' one of you are wrong.

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> @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > how can you be sure in something that simply isn't correct? there wasn't **a single mirage** out of 8 teams in the monthly AT

> > (Incisor being an EU player, I assume he's talking about the EU MaT)


> > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > There was at least one mirage in the mAT finals (EU) for the last seven months. I stopped checking any further.


> Can we get a fact check here or something, not that the MaT comps are an exact list of which specs are useful in the entirety of PvP, but I'm curious. Cause' one of you are wrong.


September: Flandre / "yt"/watch?v=AULXc41A2kE


October: Mes Ritu / "yt"/watch?v=6p6RRGvGG30


November: Flandre / "yt"/watch?v=ZEJm6CoANhk


December: Flandre / "yt"/watch?v=snu99SAz4GM


January: Misthelia (Flandre switched to boonbeast) / "yt"/watch?v=wRJzOQJqT9k


February: Frostball & Kaazers Le Maudit / "yt"/watch?v=AjusY0I-1Zk


March: Dammit, I failed. I checked last year. Here is no condi mirage indeed. / "yt"/watch?v=Qo2TGmMFUgo

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> @"TrollingDemigod.3041" said:

> > @"apharma.3741" said:

> > I think the bigger issue is the sweeping cross game mode high magnitude changes that were made to Mesmer exclusively (some that have obliterated any possible condi core/chrono build) while power creeping Tempest and Scrapper when neither were bad just not competitive within the meta. They also didn't actually address the real problems so it's a time bomb ticking away for the next ill thought out moronic "buff this because idiots keep using a kitten study to advocate buffs over nerfs" change that will shatter (deliberate pun alert) the balance and make them "OP" again.

> >

> > I'm all for nerfs, bring them on I can't wait but they need to make them more uni-formally across the PoF specs at the same time. Rev damage is still off the charts in solo and mAT, Holo still has crazy sustain/damage for it's traiting, Firebrand conceptually is a huge problem and add so much baseline and scourge, the support spec, is in a weird state where it's default better damage.

> >

> > I'm looking at the next patch, a single buff and I'm probably done with the game, we need nerfs, pure simple uniform nerfs across the board.


> I don't think mesmer was deleted from game with these changes, it's still far from being in "balanced" state (still visual clutter and spammability present after all).

> About the rest, I do agree, my mistake to not mention it.

> I don't really get why they even touched Tempest and Scrapper in the first place, they were simply overshadowed by other broken specs like FB that threw boons, heals etc on left and right for free. I do think that remaking gyros into wells was a good move to some degree (in theory), though they powercreeped it a bit too much, Tempest or rather the Elementalist was touched in a wrong way, it has a different problems after all.

> I'm fully aware that people will ask for buffs (I've already seen posts here and there about "buff this", "it's time to buff x", "my class unplayable, buff it") and honestly I don't understand, it's like they can't see that they're asking literally: "add more fuel to the house that is burning already quite fast".


> IMO, they shouldn't really buff anything currently(even the most "underpowered" spec, since in reality it's overshadowed by other specs) and focus on nerfing everything until it's in "balanced state" (it is doable, though by making such spaghetti over the years it may be difficult but not impossible).


Well I mean a lot of people use terms of phrase that at best are over-exaggerations and at worst flat out lies like the 2 guys that proclaim guard to be dead and rev to be high skill bro and a few of the mAT winners.


Almost nothing gets deleted as a build so saying something is deleted certainly is wrong. Saying it's knocked out of the current meta is more accurate however objectively the meta is in a massively power creeped spot so is it really too weak? Not likely.


Here's one of the weird things, people complain about the visual clutter/spam and it's a **very valid complaint** however how many have looked at it from the other side of the coin? Where clones get killed as if they were nothing or any thought and phantasms killed before they managed to do their attacks.


As I keep saying the power creep is warping everything about the game, too much damage necessitates more clone production which creates more clutter and spam. It's all too much and as you say we really shouldn't see any more buffs for a while. People will complain and cry but most people I know don't play because the balance made the game not fun and massively lowered the skill floor.

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N> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > @"Chaith.8256" said:

> > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > how can you be sure in something that simply isn't correct? there wasn't **a single mirage** out of 8 teams in the monthly AT

> > > (Incisor being an EU player, I assume he's talking about the EU MaT)

> >

> > > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > There was at least one mirage in the mAT finals (EU) for the last seven months. I stopped checking any further.

> >

> > Can we get a fact check here or something, not that the MaT comps are an exact list of which specs are useful in the entirety of PvP, but I'm curious. Cause' one of you are wrong.


> September: Flandre / "yt"/watch?v=AULXc41A2kE


> October: Mes Ritu / "yt"/watch?v=6p6RRGvGG30


> November: Flandre / "yt"/watch?v=ZEJm6CoANhk


> December: Flandre / "yt"/watch?v=snu99SAz4GM


> January: Misthelia (Flandre switched to boonbeast) / "yt"/watch?v=wRJzOQJqT9k


> February: Frostball & Kaazers Le Maudit / "yt"/watch?v=AjusY0I-1Zk


> March: kitten, I failed. I checked last year. Here is no condi mirage indeed. / "yt"/watch?v=Qo2TGmMFUgo


NA monthly had plenty of Mirages MY TEAM made it to Quarterfinals and we had a Mirage. There were others too: Karh (Quarter finals) Pink Shorts (Quarter Finals), Barradin (Semi-Finals), Zeromis (Finalist and Winner of MaT in March).



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> @"JayAction.9056" said:

> > @"coro.3176" said:

> > I'm not a fan of the current balance strategy that seems to be something like:

> >

> > "Buff everything up to the highest level of powercreep introduced with HoT/PoF"

> >

> > I'd prefer the opposite: **nerf everything down to ~2015 levels of power**. If you took the strongest 2015 build and put it against any current meta build, it'd get destroyed.

> >

> > The current buff-to-powercreep strategy is how we've ended up at such extremes over the past few years. If every build is OP, then .. every build is OP. It's not balance.

> >

> > What happened to condi mirage was a step in the right direction. It needs to keep happening to other classes, and hopefully on a more frequent basis.


> 2015 **MESMER / TEMPEST / DH / REV / SCRAPPER / DRUID / DAREDEVIL / CONDI THIEF / REAPER** were all stronger than they are now.


> Mesmer and tempest were stronger than every bunker in game currently even current bunker Mesmer by quite a large margin while also having very high damage. Every spec of Mesmer was stupid OP HOT release. Season 1 was the immortal meta due to Mesmer and Tempest. Even quickness stomps were not enough to secure downs over those two classes.


> REV auto attacks hit as hard as sword 4/5 that people cry about now. Rev had more teleports, more dodges, and 100% stronger heals.


> DH instant kill on traps was a thing.


> If a reaper got chill on you it meant you were dead unless Mesmer/Tempest/Druid saved you.


> Scrapper was about as bunker as it is now with higher damage.


> Condi thief and daredevil could go minutes without an opening to attack them while doing insane damage.


> You must not have actually played in 2015 or were not good enough to see this happen.


Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is the first expansion pack for Guild Wars 2. It was released on October 23, 2015.




HoT was only around for the last 10 weeks of 2015. Generally if someone means HoT release they specifically state HoT release and yeah the power creep from HoT was really really dumb, a lot of people seem to have forgotten it just like how they forgot how face roll and dominant scourges were on PoF release. Maybe it's some form of repression?



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> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> Here are some Facts:


> Warrior And Engi Are Meta at the moment.


> What counters Warrior? Condi Mirage Does. What Version Of Condi mirage kitten on Warrior Now after the Axe Nerf? Scepter and Torch with Staff kitten On Warrior At the moment and Can Possibly Beat Prot Holo(skill match up imo). Issue is Condi Mirage Loses Node to Warrior and Prot holo because They Need to be in range and Not sit on node other wise you'll be dead in seconds.


> Scrapper kitten On Condi and Power mirage. Warrior Either Core Or Spell Breaker can Beat or Stall against Scrapper depending on what the scrapper running. Issue with Scrapper they CANT kill Warrior or Push them off Node at all.....


> Prot Holo Loses to Warrior in general. It's just a bad match up To much CC and Boon Removal due to dagger. However Prot holo Can out Bunker a Scrapper with no issues at all and eventually win the node.


> Bunker Chrono has also been a thing for a while and it's been played in the Monthly tournament by Na and Eu players(Mainly Eu players).


> The meta ATM IMO is a rock, paper, scissor type match up.


> People are so quick to complain and cry about every little thing but condi Mirage is still pretty strong the only issue is ALOT of the kids on the forum are just calling it "useless" or "weak" because Axe was gutted. However Scepter 5x More op then axe was because of the insane Low cool-downs on Scepter 2 and the Burst on Scepter 3 being op.


> Learn to Adapt. Play Different spec, Duel Different Classes with said Spec/Build and Learn to play around it. Improve yourself as a player and most of these useless post wont be made on a daily.


Best comment in this post. Literally these people stick to their build no matter what and when they lose they cry. Except that they should go some where else or change builds. Even in plat. There r Condi mirages that refuse to leave point. I am warrior I go to kill scrapper. Literally told me to GTFO. M like dude there's. O way you as a Condi mirage will ever kill a scrapper. Nope. Does not listen proceeds to sit there with scrapper for 5 minutes with him. I d go + and kill the scrap but just out of shear spite I didn't cos unranked. I can't wait till ranked when ppl like this who refuse to change builds or go else where just drop to lower ranks so I never see them again.

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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> There was at least one mirage in the mAT finals (EU) for the last seven months. I stopped checking any further.


> "Least played" my kitten.


in which dimension?


last mAT was like a week ago and in the top 8 there wasn't a single mirage, there were chronos but not mirages


there was a mirage in winning mAT team once in the last half year but i don't even need to write this cus anet's staff can see it if they wanted to

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > There was at least one mirage in the mAT finals (EU) for the last seven months. I stopped checking any further.

> >

> > "Least played" my kitten.


> in which dimension?


> last mAT was like a week ago and in the top 8 there wasn't a single mirage, there were chronos but not mirages


> there was a mirage in winning mAT team once in the last half year but i don't even need to write this cus anet's staff can see it if they wanted to


I don't like self-quoting, so I will just leave it to you to reread the thread and find my proof and even the addition of NA...

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> @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > @"Ario.8964" said:

> > > @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > > > @"Ario.8964" said:

> > > > > @"gateless gate.8406" said:

> > > > > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > > > > Everyone crying about condi mirage when it was already the least played class in high elo https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/63990/mesmer-is-trash-and-it-needs-buffs#latest

> > > > > >

> > > > > > In this current season there are two revenants in top 10 and 0 mirages,

> > > > > > in top 50 there are five + revenants and **one single mirage player** (in fact, the 2nd highest mirage is all over #70 so you have only 1 player making it in top 70 as a mirage out of what is it? Millions of active gw2 players?)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > How does anet justify nerfing a class that has been underperforming for months even further while a class like revenant that's broken beyond reason that's dominating the game and that does dmg beyond any reason in pvp with the best ganking tools in the game is still allowed to be in here?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I'm not even here to post my opinion but merely to state facts and the facts are that CONDI MIRAGE remains the least played class on high elo along with elementalist (sometimes less played, sometimes more played). You can literally play any other mesmer spec (power or core or chrono or whatever) and you'll be better off than playing condi mirage because the class was completely nuked out of orbit due to what? Peer pressure and forum propaganda? REALLY? It's also the least played class for AT finalists (except ele, again) for the last half year

> > > > > >

> > > > > > so how are patch notes made? is it based on forum whining ? because if someone was actually checking the state of the game we would have the complete opposite patch

> > > > >

> > > > > Balancing for the top 250 players will eventually reduce your playerbase to 250 players.

> > > >

> > > > Well that's just straight up not true. Balancing a game to the top 250 will allow it to be based on skill, timing, prediction, etc. (all of the things that we complain don't matter due to powercreep, passives, etc.). The reason the game has lost so much of it's playerbase is due to balancing to the casuals. Casual players couldn't properly combo damage and cc together so anet added more cc and damage so they could play better. They kept dying quickly so anet gave them passive lifesavers, passive counter cc, more healing/evasion/invuln so they could live longer. All this has done is made the trash tier players marginally stronger (they can get lucky with occasionally killing something if they have 10k hits to spam or they can sometimes actually survive more than 2 seconds if they can spam invuln and healing) and make higher level players god tier (they know how to time and stagger cds so they always have some sort of near 1 shot combo ready, they also always leave themselves with tons of sustain, disengage tools, etc). Balancing to the performance of a high level player will be better for the game's health in the long run, will attract more players (new game modes would help a ton too but I digress) and gives the bad players something to strive for.

> > > >

> > > > TLDR: Why should anyone be rewarded for being bad? Ever? They shouldn't be, so don't balance that way.

> > >

> > > Balancing for the top 250 players will eventually reduce your playerbase to 250 players.

> >

> > Balancing to everyone below that will eventually reduce your playerbase to 0.


> Nope.


> Listen, I'll throw you a bone and explain why you need to balance for more than the top 1%.


> Mirage. It's not highly represented at the top. However, it is fundamentally obnoxious to play against; most competitive games (that want to have a long lifespan) are VERY careful when handing out abilities that generate clones, stealth, or evasion-while-attacking. Mirage has all three. Beyond being obnoxious, those three elements are difficult for new players to deal with. It is a "noob stomper" spec. When game designers leave noob stomper specs/classes/heroes to run rampant simply because "well, they're not good at high-level play, so that means they're balanced," you will lose players in your "intake funnel" - the new players who are popping their heads into your game to see if it's fun. That's bad for the longevity of your game. There are several examples of this happening in videogame history.


> The key is the specific attributes that make Mirage a noob stomper: clones, stealth, evasion-while-attacking. Obviously there are classes with better sustain + damage. There are classes with better teamfight capabilities. There are more well-rounded classes. That is not the issue; you have the look at the specific "noob stomper" elements.


> And, looking at this issue from another angle, clearly Mirage's clones + stealth + evasion is NOT actually helping it at high level play. It has those things, but it's still not favored. So if those things are causing issues at low and mid level play, while not even securing it a healthy role in high level play, then why not change it?


> Stop bothering me now.




You realize that the top 1% not only made the builds that made mirage as cancerous as it was, they also were the ones talking about how ridiculously strong it was. Helio even made a thread to talk about how broken mirage was. Just because it isn't the top performing class and isn't the #1 pick for tourney teams doesn't mean it "isn't represented at high levels". The reason it wasn't used is because it's sole ability was in 1v1 which could be stalled out or occasionally beaten by other specs that also could provide team support. Being the best 1v1 build made it a strong instrument for solo players but it lacked team play abilities after portal got destroyed, hence why it wasn't a top tier tourney pick (despite being picked regardless for many teams in monthly tournaments). It wasn't a "noob stomper" spec, it was an actual busted spec that even top players complained about. Your logic is all wrong, broken mechanics are broken mechanics and those mechanics are introduced because bad players wanted the game to be easier for them. All of the powercreep currently in the game is a direct result of either anet's stupidity or balancing to people who can't even press the dodge button.


Don't tell me to "stop bothering you" when you started the discussion, not my fault your information was wrong. Good day.

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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > There was at least one mirage in the mAT finals (EU) for the last seven months. I stopped checking any further.

> > >

> > > "Least played" my kitten.

> >

> > in which dimension?

> >

> > last mAT was like a week ago and in the top 8 there wasn't a single mirage, there were chronos but not mirages

> >

> > there was a mirage in winning mAT team once in the last half year but i don't even need to write this cus anet's staff can see it if they wanted to


> I don't like self-quoting, so I will just leave it to you to reread the thread and find my proof and even the addition of NA...


I am not sure what you are arguing about. Since the 3/6/19 patch there has been a clear drop in mirage presentation everywhere. Who cares about 3 month ago. It is not relevant.


As we stand right now, Condi Mirage is not remotely competitive.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > > There was at least one mirage in the mAT finals (EU) for the last seven months. I stopped checking any further.

> > > >

> > > > "Least played" my kitten.

> > >

> > > in which dimension?

> > >

> > > last mAT was like a week ago and in the top 8 there wasn't a single mirage, there were chronos but not mirages

> > >

> > > there was a mirage in winning mAT team once in the last half year but i don't even need to write this cus anet's staff can see it if they wanted to

> >

> > I don't like self-quoting, so I will just leave it to you to reread the thread and find my proof and even the addition of NA...


> I am not sure what you are arguing about. Since the 3/6/19 patch there has been a clear drop in mirage presentation everywhere. Who cares about 3 month ago. It is not relevant.


> As we stand right now, Condi Mirage is not remotely competitive.

I'm pretty sure once scepter getting well deserved nerf (actually knowing anet class might get more nerfs instead of a scepter) we will never see mesmer again in ATs (except for the only one tryhard team?)

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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > There was at least one mirage in the mAT finals (EU) for the last seven months. I stopped checking any further.

> > >

> > > "Least played" my kitten.

> >

> > in which dimension?

> >

> > last mAT was like a week ago and in the top 8 there wasn't a single mirage, there were chronos but not mirages

> >

> > there was a mirage in winning mAT team once in the last half year but i don't even need to write this cus anet's staff can see it if they wanted to


> I don't like self-quoting, so I will just leave it to you to reread the thread and find my proof and even the addition of NA...


you showed a bunch of random games, are you actually kidding me ? literally anyone that's looked at the pvp scene and mAts and soloq knows that you're lying your teeth off,. lmao


there's literally statues of the winners sitting in hotm for AN ENTIRE MONTH


the only mirage in winning team was flandre once and she went to play other classes afterwards and that's going up for the last HALF YEAR, 2 major nerf patches for mirage have happened since


it's actually sad how much people are willing to lie and bend the truth instead of just learning how to play, cus mirage wasn't even remotely the most obnoxious class to play against since the class offered counters, unlike certain other classes

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> The only thing wrong with the patch is it overbuffed scrapper to the point where it shifted the entire meta since any team comp must now have a way to cope with it or else be considered a bad comp.


> Complaining about Mesmer nerfs is just silly. The class received the single biggest buff ( Phantasm rework ) since the history of all Guild Wars buffs ( Yes, including GW1 ). This buff occurred at a time when Mirage was already considered a top meta build. Literally every good player I know has been saying the class is broken for over a year now. Here is the truth: The rework made it so Mesmer is now a class of which its core design is to basically spam defenses while AI does the work for it. This is a low risk, high reward, non-interactive, lazy playstyle. There are some good and interactive mesmer builds, like Chronoburst as being played by shorts deserves respect. But most mesmer builds since the rework are just flat out braindead.


> Mesmer still has a meta build to play. Chronobunk scepter is still very much an S+-tier build. There are some classes out there that barely have an A-tier build. People need to learn to stop being so entitled when it comes to their class and look around. You will find that almost every class in the game has a spec or two that is considered trash. Renegade has been trash tier since release. Berserker has been demoted to PvE farming spec for how long? Core ele LMAO. Core engie LMAO. DH ? Farm. Staff DD? Farm.


Except what you call the biggest buff in gw history is more of a nerf.

Some phantasm skills became trash (staff, focus), some have now one of the biggest windups in game (torch), some can be avoided by a single sidestep (sword), and to add to that, shatters and burst became much slower since you have to wait for the phantasm conversion.


The only thing you can consider a buff is the visual clutter, which no mesmer gives a rat's ass about because finding the real mesmer isn't an issue since 2012.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > > There was at least one mirage in the mAT finals (EU) for the last seven months. I stopped checking any further.

> > > >

> > > > "Least played" my kitten.

> > >

> > > in which dimension?

> > >

> > > last mAT was like a week ago and in the top 8 there wasn't a single mirage, there were chronos but not mirages

> > >

> > > there was a mirage in winning mAT team once in the last half year but i don't even need to write this cus anet's staff can see it if they wanted to

> >

> > I don't like self-quoting, so I will just leave it to you to reread the thread and find my proof and even the addition of NA...


> I am not sure what you are arguing about. Since the 3/6/19 patch there has been a clear drop in mirage presentation everywhere. Who cares about 3 month ago. It is not relevant.


> As we stand right now, Condi Mirage is not remotely competitive.


I wanted to point out that the assumption of "few mirages in high ranked play" was false. I do agree however that the nerfs were harsh and the situation has changed, but **before** that, there were mirages in literally every mAT final in EU for the last 6 months at least, just because I didn't look any further.


> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> (...)

> you showed a bunch of random games, are you actually kidding me ? literally anyone that's looked at the pvp scene and mAts and soloq knows that you're lying your teeth off,. lmao

> (...)


I showed the mAT finals of EU for the last seven months. Dude, I can't believe how delusional you are, but the proof was **not** for you - it was for all the other players out there who still want to see truth.


You are as bad as a flat earther...


> @"Odik.4587" said:

> (...)

> I'm pretty sure once scepter getting well deserved nerf (actually knowing anet class might get more nerfs instead of a scepter) we will never see mesmer again in ATs (except for the only one tryhard team?)


I also wish they had changed a lot of different things than they changed... but well, I am still an ele main, so I will welcome anyone joining us at the bottom of the balance ocean.


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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > > There was at least one mirage in the mAT finals (EU) for the last seven months. I stopped checking any further.

> > > >

> > > > "Least played" my kitten.

> > >

> > > in which dimension?

> > >

> > > last mAT was like a week ago and in the top 8 there wasn't a single mirage, there were chronos but not mirages

> > >

> > > there was a mirage in winning mAT team once in the last half year but i don't even need to write this cus anet's staff can see it if they wanted to

> >

> > I don't like self-quoting, so I will just leave it to you to reread the thread and find my proof and even the addition of NA...


> you showed a bunch of random games, are you actually kidding me ? literally anyone that's looked at the pvp scene and mAts and soloq knows that you're lying your teeth off,. lmao


> there's literally statues of the winners sitting in hotm for AN ENTIRE MONTH


> the only mirage in winning team was flandre once and she went to play other classes afterwards and that's going up for the last HALF YEAR, 2 major nerf patches for mirage have happened since


> it's actually sad how much people are willing to lie and bend the truth instead of just learning how to play, cus mirage wasn't even remotely the most obnoxious class to play against since the class offered counters, unlike certain other classes


You're the only person who wants to see condi mirage buffed to its previous levels. Level-headed players want old nerfs re-worked, but for the class to stay competitive, which it is now.


Zoopop said it right when he said there truly is a powerful condi mirage build out there, and that it does counter another meta class.


To be honest: You got used to a very over-tuned spec, and now you're currently using the favored tactic of a familiar politician (say something false repeatedly and perhaps it will become true) to try to battle for insane condi mirage buffs.


Anet came out and said that condi mirage was way over-represented in its statistics. Players have found and shown them winning at the highest levels. Majority-levels of players came out and said "this isn't fun to play against." You're ignoring all of this because you had fun while it was over-tuned. I am sorry that it's so frustrating for you, truly, but perhaps open up to the plain facts available for consumption.

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> @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > > > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > > > There was at least one mirage in the mAT finals (EU) for the last seven months. I stopped checking any further.

> > > > >

> > > > > "Least played" my kitten.

> > > >

> > > > in which dimension?

> > > >

> > > > last mAT was like a week ago and in the top 8 there wasn't a single mirage, there were chronos but not mirages

> > > >

> > > > there was a mirage in winning mAT team once in the last half year but i don't even need to write this cus anet's staff can see it if they wanted to

> > >

> > > I don't like self-quoting, so I will just leave it to you to reread the thread and find my proof and even the addition of NA...

> >

> > you showed a bunch of random games, are you actually kidding me ? literally anyone that's looked at the pvp scene and mAts and soloq knows that you're lying your teeth off,. lmao

> >

> > there's literally statues of the winners sitting in hotm for AN ENTIRE MONTH

> >

> > the only mirage in winning team was flandre once and she went to play other classes afterwards and that's going up for the last HALF YEAR, 2 major nerf patches for mirage have happened since

> >

> > it's actually sad how much people are willing to lie and bend the truth instead of just learning how to play, cus mirage wasn't even remotely the most obnoxious class to play against since the class offered counters, unlike certain other classes


> You're the only person who wants to see condi mirage buffed to its previous levels. Level-headed players want old nerfs re-worked, but for the class to stay competitive, which it is now.


> Zoopop said it right when he said there truly is a powerful condi mirage build out there, and that it does counter another meta class.


> To be honest: You got used to a very over-tuned spec, and now you're currently using the favored tactic of a familiar politician (say something false repeatedly and perhaps it will become true) to try to battle for insane condi mirage buffs.


> Anet came out and said that condi mirage was way over-represented in its statistics. Players have found and shown them winning at the highest levels. Majority-levels of players came out and said "this isn't fun to play against." You're ignoring all of this because you had fun while it was over-tuned. I am sorry that it's so frustrating for you, truly, but perhaps open up to the plain facts available for consumption.


well said, Like most of us said months ago. Once that over power spec got gutted a lot of players were gonna fall due to not getting carried hard by that exact same spec now.


Scepter is still pretty OP just a bit clunky. Na has seen a few Mirages both Condi and Power. Not sure why hes concern about what everyone running in EU when Condi Mirage can shit on a lot of the current meta spec in Eu besides scrapper.

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> @"zoopop.5630" said:

> > @"Mbelch.9028" said:

> > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > > > @"incisorr.9502" said:

> > > > > > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > > > > There was at least one mirage in the mAT finals (EU) for the last seven months. I stopped checking any further.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > "Least played" my kitten.

> > > > >

> > > > > in which dimension?

> > > > >

> > > > > last mAT was like a week ago and in the top 8 there wasn't a single mirage, there were chronos but not mirages

> > > > >

> > > > > there was a mirage in winning mAT team once in the last half year but i don't even need to write this cus anet's staff can see it if they wanted to

> > > >

> > > > I don't like self-quoting, so I will just leave it to you to reread the thread and find my proof and even the addition of NA...

> > >

> > > you showed a bunch of random games, are you actually kidding me ? literally anyone that's looked at the pvp scene and mAts and soloq knows that you're lying your teeth off,. lmao

> > >

> > > there's literally statues of the winners sitting in hotm for AN ENTIRE MONTH

> > >

> > > the only mirage in winning team was flandre once and she went to play other classes afterwards and that's going up for the last HALF YEAR, 2 major nerf patches for mirage have happened since

> > >

> > > it's actually sad how much people are willing to lie and bend the truth instead of just learning how to play, cus mirage wasn't even remotely the most obnoxious class to play against since the class offered counters, unlike certain other classes

> >

> > You're the only person who wants to see condi mirage buffed to its previous levels. Level-headed players want old nerfs re-worked, but for the class to stay competitive, which it is now.

> >

> > Zoopop said it right when he said there truly is a powerful condi mirage build out there, and that it does counter another meta class.

> >

> > To be honest: You got used to a very over-tuned spec, and now you're currently using the favored tactic of a familiar politician (say something false repeatedly and perhaps it will become true) to try to battle for insane condi mirage buffs.

> >

> > Anet came out and said that condi mirage was way over-represented in its statistics. Players have found and shown them winning at the highest levels. Majority-levels of players came out and said "this isn't fun to play against." You're ignoring all of this because you had fun while it was over-tuned. I am sorry that it's so frustrating for you, truly, but perhaps open up to the plain facts available for consumption.


> well said, Like most of us said months ago. Once that over power spec got gutted a lot of players were gonna fall due to not getting carried hard by that exact same spec now.


> Scepter is still pretty OP just a bit clunky. Na has seen a few Mirages both Condi and Power. Not sure why hes concern about what everyone running in EU when Condi Mirage can kitten on a lot of the current meta spec in Eu besides scrapper.


If you're truly good, you're going to make any class work, even if that means you need to swap the build up a bit to stay viable. I agree with you mate.

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