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Make more money Anet

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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > @"Blude.6812" said:

> > > ZZZ- BAD idea--it the OP is that concerned purchase 4000 gems every week with real money. I would really like to say what this idea ( and many others like subscription etc,) but I would cross the respect rules. So it's just a bad idea and you do not represent the community.

> >

> > you dont rep it either obviously because i am part of it


> With a personal agenda that is in the minority-- look at every other thread that suggests similar ideas and they are dismissed by most. As I said if you really cared you would buy gems every week instead of promoting a socialist idea of spreading your pain to those that want NO part of it. I am sure Anet will file this in the big round bucket like they have with similar misguided ideas.





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> @"PaxTheGreatOne.9472" said:

> This thread is mostly pointless...




> The PC community is getting smaller, as is the PC gaming community, PC users are ageing, The PC is very 1983, and has less appeal in 2019.

> People who are young now have a mobile phone and are less interested in a Gaming Rig or Gaming Laptop, the need to have both is becoming less important

> People buy 700-1200 euro mobile, a 500 euro console and 400 euro laptop instead of 2000 euro PC's and 100 euro phones

> The budget the previous generation used for gaming is going toward phonecosts and bundles for all kinds of services.

> Real high end gaming gear is rediculously expensive with 1200 euro GPU's and 500 euro CPU's for mainstream (lol) high end gaming.




You are incorrect in this statement, all you need to do is check Steam accounts to see that PC gaming is still growing, from 7 million in 2013 to 19 million in 2019(and that doesn't count those that don't even use Steam).



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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> Suggestions

> * Introduce a new premium currency that can only be obtained with real world money, keep the old one for certain items, but upgrade items to premium status as well

> * Charge for living story content

> * make mini expansions for lower prices and release faster

> * offer an optional subscription club with little xp and gold chance bonuses and maybe toss in 500 gems (not unlike ESO)

> * lower the price of HoT permanently, otherwise there are those who will go to other places where they can get the game much cheaper (shouldn't that money go in your pocket?)

> * crank out more skins for weapons, gliders, helmets, boots, and gloves (armor)


> While it is all good and well, and we can all play once we have bought the game, the special cosmetics and cash shop items should not be free, or earned simply by farming gold. We already have content to "earn". Please, you are generous enough. It is time to start making more money so you can make more content.




Okay two things. 1. I can't believe I have to repeat this but, The layoffs had Nothing to do with the company losing or not making money!! It was a waste of resources at Anet at the time. That is what the Layoffs were about. Read up on it!

2. I have sat here for almost an hour after reading this, furiously raking my brain as to when Guild Wars 1 has ever even had anything close to Living Stories and such to keep it going, and look! it survived to get a Part 2!!!


If you sit there thinking seriously that the Layoffs had to do with Money issues, you are sadly mistaken. Read the Facebook Posts, Read Twitter Pages, some of the Forum Posts (This forum and others). At 30 to 60 times a day you'll read "Hey I just bought GW2 and I was wondering about........" People are still buying the game, so I wouldn't panic. Even if they buy the game and don't play all the time, the point is They Still Bought The Game!


You do realize if I bought GW2 off of say Amazon, Anet still gets money. People can buy the game any which way they want, Anet will still get money, That is how business works. Lowering the price of HoT is still a decent idea. As for Charging for the LS, it is a bad idea. That would be a HUGE turn off to players. You have to remember the age range here. In my guild of 150 people, we range from ages 15 to 42. I know myself and several older members make a decent living, so we would be able to afford it, but what of the kids in High school, or Vets who don't make a lot of money, It wouldn't be fair to them when a release comes up and they can't afford it so everyone who can is well a head of them, and that is just my guild members, not even the entire population. Also you have to Purchase HoT and PoF for the LS stories to even advance.


I am however in favor of new skins, especially armor but unless they are GS only skins, I don't see how this would help them make money.

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> @"Dimi Gravedancer.1463" said:

> As for Charging for the LS, it is a bad idea. That would be a HUGE turn off to players. You have to remember the age range here. In my guild of 150 people, we range from ages 15 to 42. I know myself and several older members make a decent living, so we would be able to afford it, but what of the kids in High school, or Vets who don't make a lot of money, It wouldn't be fair to them when a release comes up and they can't afford it so everyone who can is well a head of them, and that is just my guild members, not even the entire population


They could leave LS at their current gem price. Ain't it 200 gems for each episode? Any regular player should be able to save up enough gold to convert and buy that.


However, ANet's strategy seems to have the LS free on release, which causes players to return to the game (or they'll miss it) and then hope to get their attention with the inevitable gem store releases that accompany every LS.


In other words, ANet's strategy isn't for "retaining" current players as much as it's for getting players back into the game.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> Suggestions

> * Introduce a new premium currency that can only be obtained with real world money, keep the old one for certain items, but upgrade items to premium status as well

> * Charge for living story content

> * make mini expansions for lower prices and release faster

> * offer an optional subscription club with little xp and gold chance bonuses and maybe toss in 500 gems (not unlike ESO)

> * lower the price of HoT permanently, otherwise there are those who will go to other places where they can get the game much cheaper (shouldn't that money go in your pocket?)

> * crank out more skins for weapons, gliders, helmets, boots, and gloves (armor)


> While it is all good and well, and we can all play once we have bought the game, the special cosmetics and cash shop items should not be free, or earned simply by farming gold. We already have content to "earn". Please, you are generous enough. It is time to start making more money so you can make more content.




While your intention is noble, your method isn't. As a player, I wouldn't want to pay for content after purchasing expansion packs which are marketed as "upgrade your game to the full version." Once I have the full version, what will keep me playing is new content, better networking opportunities and the game's exposure.


There are other ways to make money. These could be from selling figurines, conducting eSports tournaments and other value-add stuff instead of charging players for new content.


Your comment was about creating an elite class of players who would pay for premium currency, subscription club, etc., that is different from other full-account members - which is not really good for building a community.


I think the focus should be on bringing people together, not separating them - that's how Anet can make money. Having said that, I don't really think Anet is struggling to stay afloat. It's a company that's in business to make money after all. I'm sure they are doing it well already.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > let's go over them one by one

> > * no

> > * no

> > * no

> > * no

> > * you're argument is terrible but they probably should still consider a way to sell older xpacs cheaper

> > * would be nice but probably not

> >

> > i'd give it a 1/6, it overall would just be pointless since anet is making enough money to support development and more money doesn't mean more good content (if it even would make them more money given that it would antagonize parts of their playerbase)


> players like you, who want everything free, are in large, part of the reason those layoff happened not to long ago. not all content will meet your standards of good, but more content is better than less content.


> with no expansion on the horizon any time soon, how do you expect they will keep the lights on? how will they keep the wheel turning? magic?


> the freeloader player base can be antagonized all day, they are not what keeps the game going.


> EDIT: seriously, dude. what are your awesome suggestions that they can do right now and make more money. old content won't keep your game alive, especially when it's free to play. you slapped them all down like you have some kind of high ground, but what idea did you put forth? NONE.


No, the reason the layoffs happened is because Anet speculated on future games instead of focusing on this game.

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Why do you assume Arenanet needs to make more money on GW2. I know about the recent layoffs, but it seems this has little to do with GW2. The sales figures for GW2 are not bad at all. They have been going down steadily, but that is to be expected, the game is no longer brand new, it is however still strong and good.


The layoffs have nothing to do with GW2 not making enough money, but with Arenanet not making enough money. The current market is depending heavily on mobile games. Arenanet has been working on this platform, but this project failed. A lot of money was wasted there and this is the reason of the mass lay-offs (and very likely also some inside issues with the organisation and the way teams work together).


The revenue system for GW2 is the most succesfull system Arenanet has ever had. The second best was for GW1 that used mostly the same system. Why change it to an outdated system that has failed with almost all games in the genre??

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> Suggestions

> * Introduce a new premium currency that can only be obtained with real world money, keep the old one for certain items, but upgrade items to premium status as well

> * Charge for living story content

> * make mini expansions for lower prices and release faster

> * offer an optional subscription club with little xp and gold chance bonuses and maybe toss in 500 gems (not unlike ESO)

> * lower the price of HoT permanently, otherwise there are those who will go to other places where they can get the game much cheaper (shouldn't that money go in your pocket?)

> * crank out more skins for weapons, gliders, helmets, boots, and gloves (armor)


> While it is all good and well, and we can all play once we have bought the game, the special cosmetics and cash shop items should not be free, or earned simply by farming gold. We already have content to "earn". Please, you are generous enough. It is time to start making more money so you can make more content.




I have had the game for 4 weeks.


I have already shelled out £51.00 (expansions and LS2) and will need to shell out more for LS3 and the locked parts of LS4 within a month or so if i want to follow story... making this currently more expensive than wow for me.


I dont want a sub on top of that


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> @"trev.1045" said:


> I have already shelled out £51.00 (expansions and LS2) and will need to shell out more for LS3 and the locked parts of LS4 within a month or so if i want to follow story... making this currently more expensive than wow for me.


Only in that you seem to be wanting or needing to pay all of this up front. If you pace yourself through the content, then you ought to be able to spread this out which, for you, would pretty much emulate a monthly sub fee like WoW? At some point, when you get caught up, you would then have the ability to open LS content for free and no longer be constrained to paying gems for it.


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"trev.1045" said:


> > I have already shelled out £51.00 (expansions and LS2) and will need to shell out more for LS3 and the locked parts of LS4 within a month or so if i want to follow story... making this currently more expensive than wow for me.


> Only in that you seem to be wanting or needing to pay all of this up front. If you pace yourself through the content, then you ought to be able to spread this out which, for you, would pretty much emulate a monthly sub fee like WoW? At some point, when you get caught up, you would then have the ability to open LS content for free and no longer be constrained to paying gems for it.



Yeh i understand where your coming from, i was astonished how quickly i hit 80 to be honest (3 weeks of casual play) - and you are right i could pace myself through the content (i want to do stuff in order though so cant do POF content before LS3 for example)

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> @"PaxTheGreatOne.9472" said:

> The PC community is getting smaller, as is the PC gaming community, PC users are ageing, The PC is very 1983, and has less appeal in 2019.

> People who are young now have a mobile phone and are less interested in a Gaming Rig or Gaming Laptop, the need to have both is becoming less important

> People buy 700-1200 euro mobile, a 500 euro console and 400 euro laptop instead of 2000 euro PC's and 100 euro phones

> The budget the previous generation used for gaming is going toward phonecosts and bundles for all kinds of services.

> Real high end gaming gear is rediculously expensive with 1200 euro GPU's and 500 euro CPU's for mainstream (lol) high end gaming.


I think there is a mistake in this analysis. People (in general) moving to buy a more costy phone and console instead of gaming rig is not what happens. What happens is an influx of people who are doing so to gaming market. I.e. the number of people who are buying gaming PCs and play games more or less seriously stays the same, even grows (as PCs become more and more affordable and certain regions of the Earth become more and more developed). But it's "watered down" by influx of people who wouldn't care about gaming that much before, and still don't care about it that much, but would like to include some casual gaming activity to their everyday life. Those people will have a costy phone already usually, so they are satisfied with some trash mobile games they can use it to play. Or buy a console, to casually press some X to win :D


In other words, the absolute number of people willing to buy gaming PC and play mmorpgs doesn't change, but its percentage changes, as the total number of people who are interested in games (even if it's a little bit) grows.


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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > Suggestions

> > > * offer an optional subscription club with little xp and gold chance bonuses and maybe toss in 500 gems (not unlike ESO)

> > I think they could pull off an ESO style optional monthly sub with gems and some account perks. Just need to make sure its not perks that grant a player a competitive advantage.

> You mean like unlimited crafting material storage?


Something along the lines of storage expansion, else some other boost to crafting. I say crafting since in general crafting impacts players making their own gear but there is so much out there it's not as much a farmable thing. Question comes down to what architexture they have on hand they could employ, in GW2 terms it might just be more bank tabs vs unlimited like ESO.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > > Suggestions

> > > > * offer an optional subscription club with little xp and gold chance bonuses and maybe toss in 500 gems (not unlike ESO)

> > > I think they could pull off an ESO style optional monthly sub with gems and some account perks. Just need to make sure its not perks that grant a player a competitive advantage.

> > You mean like unlimited crafting material storage?


> Something along the lines of storage expansion, else some other boost to crafting. I say crafting since in general crafting impacts players making their own gear but there is so much out there it's not as much a farmable thing. Question comes down to what architexture they have on hand they could employ, in GW2 terms it might just be more bank tabs vs unlimited like ESO.

I actually find ESO's "double bank space and (unlimited) material storage" as part of their optional subscription a pretty bad example of such a system, as it is only really optional if you don't want to craft. Personally I have a bank built up to 180 slots as well as several alts with 120+ bag slots in ESO dedicated solely for storing crafting materials (since I don't play that game often enough to feel like paying for ESO+, I'd rather invest the money into other entertainment), and whenever I do play ESO, I spend considerable time moving crafting materials around, without room to store other stuff in my bank. I'd really hate to see GW2 go the same way and make an integral part of the game a real nuissance just to push people towards taking up an "optional" subscription.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > > > Suggestions

> > > > > * offer an optional subscription club with little xp and gold chance bonuses and maybe toss in 500 gems (not unlike ESO)

> > > > I think they could pull off an ESO style optional monthly sub with gems and some account perks. Just need to make sure its not perks that grant a player a competitive advantage.

> > > You mean like unlimited crafting material storage?

> >

> > Something along the lines of storage expansion, else some other boost to crafting. I say crafting since in general crafting impacts players making their own gear but there is so much out there it's not as much a farmable thing. Question comes down to what architexture they have on hand they could employ, in GW2 terms it might just be more bank tabs vs unlimited like ESO.

> I actually find ESO's "double bank space and (unlimited) material storage" as part of their optional subscription a pretty bad example of such a system, as it is only really optional if you don't want to craft. Personally I have a bank built up to 180 slots as well as several alts with 120+ bag slots in ESO dedicated solely for storing crafting materials (since I don't play that game often enough to feel like paying for ESO+, I'd rather invest the money into other entertainment), and whenever I do play ESO, I spend considerable time moving crafting materials around, without room to store other stuff in my bank. I'd really hate to see GW2 go the same way and make an integral part of the game a real nuissance just to push people towards taking up an "optional" subscription.


The main point of the perk would be to trade cash for gems which players could do now directly. So the advantage to a sub would need to be another slight perk above the gems since Anet could predict these gem sales for the sake of budgeting whereas today all they have is some directional indicators which are terrible for budgeting long term unfunded projects. ESOs also comes with the free DLCs which we already have here if you login while the living story is up so that's a wash. Key is you have to have something of player values but that is still acquirable in game so that its not pay to win advantageous. Maybe that's BLTC keys or increased magic find/coin loot drop (those are already low anyway). Something a player playing normally can get to themselves with enough time.

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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > > > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > > > > Suggestions

> > > > > > * offer an optional subscription club with little xp and gold chance bonuses and maybe toss in 500 gems (not unlike ESO)

> > > > > I think they could pull off an ESO style optional monthly sub with gems and some account perks. Just need to make sure its not perks that grant a player a competitive advantage.

> > > > You mean like unlimited crafting material storage?

> > >

> > > Something along the lines of storage expansion, else some other boost to crafting. I say crafting since in general crafting impacts players making their own gear but there is so much out there it's not as much a farmable thing. Question comes down to what architexture they have on hand they could employ, in GW2 terms it might just be more bank tabs vs unlimited like ESO.

> > I actually find ESO's "double bank space and (unlimited) material storage" as part of their optional subscription a pretty bad example of such a system, as it is only really optional if you don't want to craft. Personally I have a bank built up to 180 slots as well as several alts with 120+ bag slots in ESO dedicated solely for storing crafting materials (since I don't play that game often enough to feel like paying for ESO+, I'd rather invest the money into other entertainment), and whenever I do play ESO, I spend considerable time moving crafting materials around, without room to store other stuff in my bank. I'd really hate to see GW2 go the same way and make an integral part of the game a real nuissance just to push people towards taking up an "optional" subscription.


> The main point of the perk would be to trade cash for gems which players could do now directly. So the advantage to a sub would need to be another slight perk above the gems since Anet could predict these gem sales for the sake of budgeting whereas today all they have is some directional indicators which are terrible for budgeting long term unfunded projects. ESOs also comes with the free DLCs which we already have here if you login while the living story is up so that's a wash. Key is you have to have something of player values but that is still acquirable in game so that its not pay to win advantageous. Maybe that's BLTC keys or increased magic find/coin loot drop (those are already low anyway). Something a player playing normally can get to themselves with enough time.


The DLC are free if you subscribe in ESO

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No to everything. Why do you ask? The vast majority of players playing gw do not go on forums and are here for the way the game is now. Changing that can hurt anet more. Its not like they were broke, just more of fat trimming when it came to the layoffs. My suggestion it to make things look better and to add original infusions to the gem store.

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> @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > > > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > > > > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > > > > > Suggestions

> > > > > > > * offer an optional subscription club with little xp and gold chance bonuses and maybe toss in 500 gems (not unlike ESO)

> > > > > > I think they could pull off an ESO style optional monthly sub with gems and some account perks. Just need to make sure its not perks that grant a player a competitive advantage.

> > > > > You mean like unlimited crafting material storage?

> > > >

> > > > Something along the lines of storage expansion, else some other boost to crafting. I say crafting since in general crafting impacts players making their own gear but there is so much out there it's not as much a farmable thing. Question comes down to what architexture they have on hand they could employ, in GW2 terms it might just be more bank tabs vs unlimited like ESO.

> > > I actually find ESO's "double bank space and (unlimited) material storage" as part of their optional subscription a pretty bad example of such a system, as it is only really optional if you don't want to craft. Personally I have a bank built up to 180 slots as well as several alts with 120+ bag slots in ESO dedicated solely for storing crafting materials (since I don't play that game often enough to feel like paying for ESO+, I'd rather invest the money into other entertainment), and whenever I do play ESO, I spend considerable time moving crafting materials around, without room to store other stuff in my bank. I'd really hate to see GW2 go the same way and make an integral part of the game a real nuissance just to push people towards taking up an "optional" subscription.

> >

> > The main point of the perk would be to trade cash for gems which players could do now directly. So the advantage to a sub would need to be another slight perk above the gems since Anet could predict these gem sales for the sake of budgeting whereas today all they have is some directional indicators which are terrible for budgeting long term unfunded projects. ESOs also comes with the free DLCs which we already have here if you login while the living story is up so that's a wash. Key is you have to have something of player values but that is still acquirable in game so that its not pay to win advantageous. Maybe that's BLTC keys or increased magic find/coin loot drop (those are already low anyway). Something a player playing normally can get to themselves with enough time.


> The DLC are free if you subscribe in ESO


Yes, sorry probably short handed that "ESOs also comes with free DLCs", was an implied ESO's subscription comes with the DLCs there.


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> @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > > > > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > > > > > @"TheGrimm.5624" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Crab Fear.1624" said:

> > > > > > > > Suggestions

> > > > > > > > * offer an optional subscription club with little xp and gold chance bonuses and maybe toss in 500 gems (not unlike ESO)

> > > > > > > I think they could pull off an ESO style optional monthly sub with gems and some account perks. Just need to make sure its not perks that grant a player a competitive advantage.

> > > > > > You mean like unlimited crafting material storage?

> > > > >

> > > > > Something along the lines of storage expansion, else some other boost to crafting. I say crafting since in general crafting impacts players making their own gear but there is so much out there it's not as much a farmable thing. Question comes down to what architexture they have on hand they could employ, in GW2 terms it might just be more bank tabs vs unlimited like ESO.

> > > > I actually find ESO's "double bank space and (unlimited) material storage" as part of their optional subscription a pretty bad example of such a system, as it is only really optional if you don't want to craft. Personally I have a bank built up to 180 slots as well as several alts with 120+ bag slots in ESO dedicated solely for storing crafting materials (since I don't play that game often enough to feel like paying for ESO+, I'd rather invest the money into other entertainment), and whenever I do play ESO, I spend considerable time moving crafting materials around, without room to store other stuff in my bank. I'd really hate to see GW2 go the same way and make an integral part of the game a real nuissance just to push people towards taking up an "optional" subscription.

> > >

> > > The main point of the perk would be to trade cash for gems which players could do now directly. So the advantage to a sub would need to be another slight perk above the gems since Anet could predict these gem sales for the sake of budgeting whereas today all they have is some directional indicators which are terrible for budgeting long term unfunded projects. ESOs also comes with the free DLCs which we already have here if you login while the living story is up so that's a wash. Key is you have to have something of player values but that is still acquirable in game so that its not pay to win advantageous. Maybe that's BLTC keys or increased magic find/coin loot drop (those are already low anyway). Something a player playing normally can get to themselves with enough time.

> >

> > The DLC are free if you subscribe in ESO


> Yes, sorry probably short handed that "ESOs also comes with free DLCs", was an implied ESO's subscription comes with the DLCs there.



sorry my bad, carry on

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Look, we have been over this countless times in countless other threads.

No. Majority don't want anything you just listed.

and if YOU want to give them money, just buy $10 gems every month to support them and if you wanna pay them for every LW just buy $20 gems.

and not only do they get money but you also get to buy something on Gemstore, so it's a win-win. And, like I said in other thread, if you are not interested in what's on Gemstore, you can absolutely buy gems to pay Anet and buy ME keys instead. I love keys.

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