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What useful things can I take from Sab?

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Hey guys :) I am a very goal oriented player who usually aims for something nifty. Typically it's legendaries. What could I gain from doing Sab which is really worth having / fun to have? Sadly I never cared for achievements but gold aids with getting more ledgies etc...

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Thanks lots for all the answers ?? though to be honest, it doesn't really seem worth one's while like some other events ? If there was nothing that I wanted to have myself I couldn't even sell it as everything I spotted on the vedors inventory was account bound..

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> @"Leethe.3514" said:

> Thanks lots for all the answers ?? though to be honest, it doesn't really seem worth one's while like some other events ? If there was nothing that I wanted to have myself I couldn't even sell it as everything I spotted on the vedors inventory was account bound..


It's less a festival, more a self contained game with its own unlocks and a few skins which can be worn outside in the main World.

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> @"Leethe.3514" said:

> Thanks lots for all the answers ?? though to be honest, it doesn't really seem worth one's while like some other events ? If there was nothing that I wanted to have myself I couldn't even sell it as everything I spotted on the vedors inventory was account bound..


Its not a gold farm festival, like wintersday or hallowen. I dont like skins from SAB, but its fun event, it definetly worth to try for lols

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Only awesome graphics...

at the end of the festival you are more like the kid from the ads shouting "stOp tHe GraphIcs!!"


SAB, doesn't offer anything apart the skins/decos. As other stated it's more about fun, but at least you can "earn" the very shiny bauble infusion. (Maybe a ton of others things aren't added YET, I wait for the 28th if more decos/tonics or anything else is added.)

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If you want to set a goal for yourself you can get 2 unique aura infusions and 2 ascended weapons from doing tribulation mode by unlocking all the king toad and storm wizard skins. I dont recommend trying to get them unless you really like challenging jumping puzzles, you can expect to die hundreds or thousands of times learning the different zones.

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