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Make an SAB Pass!

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As it stands:

* There are already people who never set foot in SAB.

* There are people who do the annual chieves and never return.

* There are people who ~~break their monitors, keyboards, and/or mice~~ quit in frustration attempting tribulation mode.

* And of course, people who love it so much that they _think_ they'd want it year round.


The last group is very small and among them are people who would play SAB 100-150 days/month or more and even more who wouldn't.


So it's better as a festival.


Or as Moto would never say:

> No SAB 11-months/year makes the heart grow fonder.

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> @"Orion Templar.4589" said:

> > @"PlagueParade.7942" said:

> > So we can enjoy the nostalgia of SAB year round!


> Are you referring to a pass to get into SAB year round, or a VIP lounge pass with merchants, bank, etc. that is SAB-themed?


Oh... that seems more plausible. I can imagine it being popular, too.


The main problem is that ... a lot of mechanics don't work in 8-bit mode. I don't know how hard it would be for them to make something that looks & feels like SAB and make sure that all the other stuff works.

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We have enough passes. No need for more imo.

I wouldn't be against monetizing SAB assets in more ways, especially if it meant being able to get Worlds 3 and 4 because of that, but honestly, I'm tired of lounge passes. Without some means to make getting multiple passes cheaper and/or less space-consuming, I don't think we need more than we have.

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I think it would be nice as a pass. Pay 15-20$ and we can work on it at our own pace. With the annual achieved though this is unlikely.


However. I don't see why they couldn't throw it in as a monthly rotation for one week out of the month. Wow does this with the darkmoon faire and it was great to have one week out of the month or so.

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I'd like to see some kind of pass to have access to the active content that is locked behind seasonal events. SAB, the Snowman Raid, Mad King fight, Queens Gauntlet, Dragon Ball, are all good examples of fun challenging content that are not available for people to play except for short time spans throughout the year. Obviously they would need to keep the dailies not available outside of the seasons to keep them special but selling a pass to this content would definitely sell. SAB for example could have access to the vendors and the only thing outside of season you could farm is the green, yellow, and blue skins. People would still play during the season to get the Crimson and Kaiser skins. They'd likely have to look at the loot drops for any of the modes they allowed with the pass to not make the seasonal content irrelevant. All of these are fun challenging content that shouldn't be locked out for the majority of the year. I know a lot of people would buy something like that to have access to that content throughout the year. It would also give those people that don't have a lot of time during those times of the year access to the content they otherwise don't get to play.

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